: ; ee ns Sion re, a j wa Was nrgest industrial establishment in th be : not fin on secount of rain, which world. Before three years more shall ok shar Tow sore wants in have passed away the Altoona shops ay Wid $1041 | will bu the larout R of {16 sarth ufo That He cafinot fa.1 the difference even though he On Tucsdsy last the conteact for jor a n thatr dimensions | CANNOT SEE in values of the Excellent, Stylish, All building the Lake Rowena Boal and and in the number of men employed. ‘wool Men’s Suits which we are just about giving away .. Club Houte was let to Nelson Sipes for Recently the company prepared plans ‘at D. 50. ($300. The building will be large for large additions and the new build. 85.1 | : 8.00 D to ST A large number | enough nough se Feceive 30 boata ings will be erected at concn. Hereafter Every suit of them would cost you 4 ©. W. Colter, of this lace, ali locomotives for the Pennsylvania in the best retail stares in the cit attended (he funeral of his uncle, Pan! | railroad and the Pennsylvania lines ,¢ different prices to select from y: ' Mock, which took place from his late west of Pittsburg will be built at Al ’ | home at Claysburg. {toons and only repair work will be grt A What's the matter with Ebensbarg’s electric lights? Our streets am very the strangers, much annoyance when ' they are compelled to be out after H. H Myers has moved into his new office on Centre street, next to (pera House, Bira very neat appariesent. Miss Bertie Lohr, of Johnstown, wah the guest. of Miss Jennie Craver on Friday. and Mrs. I. Stincman and little non, of ‘South Fork, are the guests of Mrs. Stineman's parents, Mr. and Mn, Ed, IE Waraiaky, of New York, |] The guns of ball played here on | Thursday last between FEbensburg and [Patton was very exciiing and later. esting. Patton’s boys carried off ‘honors, the noore being 8 to 4 in favor. ) Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Craver sod Mr, | and Mra. F. J. King, of Ebenshury, Hoe Pan grt ih er nearly as well : —Ledger. ; day at Te lome of TL. ows the “time to pot an ad in the Hopple in Barr township. 2 Coca lt make you business, yoir Never wait till business comes. GO at the Blair house to-day. ir After it and you will get it A number of bums were brought to | When you take a trip to Ebensbury jail on Friday. top at the Blair house and you will bp’ Tom L. Edwards, of Veters, shipped tised all right. Accommodations ex- a car load of sheep to Philadelphia : jralient anid rates moderate. 48 £7. this afternoon. Jack Scheid, the Fifth avenue barber, My little oy, when two yumm of Yoast recently put in a new marble top age, was taken very ill with body oentre wash stand. Jt sa hennty and Aux. 1 was advised to use Chamber. adds much to the conveninnce of his ain’s Colic, Cholera and Disarhoea popular shop. Remedy, and luekily procured part of i Misses Eva and Jane Crain, dangh] a bottle Mors of M. M. Crain, of Beech avenue, tions and gave it accordingly. [le was Who have been visiting friends at Burn: very low, but slowly and surely bt be- side the past ten days, retorsed home gan to improve, gradually recoveped, {ome day lust week and is now a stout and strong ss over, ' re The whole system Is drained and I feel sum it iaved his life. [can never clay works ars running fol time undormiond by indolent ulcers and praise the rimedy Ball its worth. | open sores. DeWitt’s Witch Hangl am sorry every one in the world doses with soda at Patton Salve speedily heals them. It is the not know how good it is, axldo, Mm lems pre cure known. C. _ king, Patton Pharmacy. me | Besides making several important r at Patton Prarmacy, i improvements at the mill, W. J. Don- Fie State Fair. mili & Co, are digging & large well a The Pennsylvania State Fair will be few feet north of the engine room held this year at Johnstown, September ' where the supply of water will be pro- 7 t5 12 inclasive. All arrangements ‘parred as soon as fnished, instead of have heen made, and everything indi. getting it from the creek. cates one of the most successfil furs . Ome of the brightest and best printed the association has held in many years, { weekly newspapers in the south end of Cambria connty, the South Fork Record, edited by John L. Sechier, han ‘entered apon its third year and judg- {ing from its appearance it is in a pros perous condition, which is a good starter for ite next year. : 4 ro,” we fABEY won't : DU SRT county, Fa. For sale by C. W. Hodg- dor ¢ Ip! ali kins, Patton Pharmacy. ol the rage fo ts cash, with aumbers of special valuable prizes additional, whiie the speed ring comprizes $5,000 in purses, and sone of ‘the most noted turf celebrities of the ecuntry will bo mong ‘the contestants The committee on invitation annonces | the following distinguished visitors aad Kayo Station. It entered the The fair will be beld on the ground of and Mr. Prank Burgoon, the night enltgral asvoclation at Roxbury, a | train dispatcher bad trouble in Keeping y,pae of Johnstown, which has been from setting the building on fire. 1 000d and improved specially for The Tammany Tiger, after weeks of this oconsics. N. F. Thompson, the indecisive sniffling, has swallowed the secretary of the Johnstown Board of ket while turning up itanose Trade, has been selected an prueral platform. mated--twin cherries on | it was scarcely worth doced rates on all railroads and ample ers ‘while to ake two biteg of hotel acconamodations for all visitor i the Mm_very morvel. Philadelphia Kinece 1878 there have been nine epl- 1 ‘ demics of dysentery in differsnt parts i! Six weeks agu1 suffered with a very of the country in which Chamberjain’s severe cold: was almost unable to Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy | speak. My friends all advised me to yas used with perfect success. consult & physician. Noticing Cham- tery, when epidemic, is almost an se- er ; ' berlain’s Cough remedy advertised in vers ami dangerous as Asiatic cholera. ye the St. Paul Volka Zeitung I pro- Heretofore the best efforts of the most L of Williamsport, cured a bottle, and after taking it a skilled phyniciane have failed to check finns al botel on nort while wan entirely well. 1 now ite ravages this remedy, howuver, has most heartily recommend this inquiries should be addressed. Re = remedy cured the most malignant cases, both of Philadeiphis, | to anyone suffering with a cold. Wm. of children and adults, and ander the sial hotel on Keil, 678 Selby Ave., St. Paul, Mion. most trying; conditions, which proves it for sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton to bethe lest medicine in the warld | Pharmacy. for bowel complaint. For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, Transfers of Real Entute. = Notas: y Pion Bland = = $a fos 8. Seott, The (urrent number of L'Art de la’ y ye ar 2 Mode contains the second part of a series of practical lessons on drussmak- which are intended for the novice ‘and the very latest. These designs i rivdbgiiol mp dimen gl). dark and isnves the citisons, not to say W. W. Kesler, of Patton, registered I carefully read the direc W. Hodg- Lina 8 Hinton, Grabamsville, Marion The premions list aggregates $18,000 in lant Weduolny sight. She lightning who will be present; President Cleve. W. Jennings Yet the two manager of the fair, and to whom all Dywmen ‘Baris ing, ire AL to John aa well aa the mare experiencnd drees- » | dressmaking. All the styles that ap- 1g pails pear in I2iArt de la Mode ary criginal | | Belt pins, silver, gilt or black : | L7Ast de Is Mode may be chinind | come’ done at the other shops. If you have ever soen a little child in the agony of summer complaint, you You can get just what you want in all kinds of Loan realize the danger of the troubde ‘and appreciate the value of instaxt- aneous relief always afforded by De Witt’s Colic & Cholera Cure. For dysentery snd dinrrhoea it is reliable. | Qyoleg that are stylish; prices that are prices, not high prices. We could not afford to recommend this aa cline Ailes iE were & care; C. W. Stop ane let us show you a few styles, | Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Great Triumph, Instant mlief experienced and a | permanent enre by the most spendy and greatest remedy in the work W© Otto's Core for Lang and Throat (dls See eases. Why will you continue to irrl- tate your throat and lungs with that ‘terrible hacking cough when ©. W. Hodgkins, sole agent, will furnish you a | free sample bottle of this great gor | anteed romedy? Its micotss is simply ‘wonderful, ss your druggist will tell you. Owo's Care is now sold in every town and village on this continest Gind Thlbage. The grand specific for the prevailing maindy of the age, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Rbeumatism, Costivenees, General Debility, Ete, is Bacon's Cel ery King for the Nerves. This great barbal tonic stimulates the digestive After almost 3 year's experience in Patton we have be- organs, reguistes the liver and re ; stores the system to vigorous health came convinced that the town is good enough for us to do and energies. Sangin fren. Lorge business in with success. Fach year we have almost doubled OW Hodgkin. Sold only BY the previous vear's trade and now our present quarters are it 5 op i TisoronF sar Ray. be dissest carry, and the amount at length by physiciung, bot the euler of are want quick relief; and One Minote Cough Cure will give it to them. A safe cure for children. Iw the only harmless remedy that produces immediate meuita’t OW, Hodgkin, Patton Pharmacy. FN too small entirely for the hig stock pat Tonagao UAE Un, To that end we 1] » of our own after The followings pension certificates have heen belted winpve the date of Right in the heart of the bHhusiness centre of July 15th: Original Robert Ditmore, apposite T he First National Be £11 1). Puncsatawney; Willinm Coalter, Odes. sia, Clearfield county, Additional Before w to Ephrinm RB. Milligan, Harrison City, Westmoreland county; James Clark, Port Palmer, Westmoreland county. Original widows et Amaral MeOul loaph, Vetera, Cambria county EN a sry faery ny a handsome new ig Fomwe as foantist. town directly we move we are going to have A House Cleaning Sale Right here in our old quarters, Many & day's work ix lost by siek which are next door to our new new location. To clean up headache, cansed by indigestion and : ia te a : . it we are going to sel entire stomach fronbles. DoWitt’s Little : cals gong the tire Barty Risers are the most effitaal pitt. stoe k as near as possible, muon sweer. Here are Some: Priges W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Remember all our goods marked in plain figures. everything and save movitig Lavadry for Rent A first-class aandry with all modern machinery in Patton is for rent. For information regarding the same inguire of or write to Jas. Mellon, Patton, Men's § 500 Suits, All-wool, now $4 00; Liddies’ Divees "Pa. -35t1 6 00 500 Shoes that were #4 0) now ri i ; ; i“ - oi 8 “ 8 of | wh ik 300 * +280 Polson Ivy, inweet bites, bruises, Pe L " hog i “218 299 scald, eras are quickly cured by =~ 1000 ik i pe 208 DeWitt's Witch Hams Salve, the great ize - gid “ 200 170 pile cure. Misses’ and Children’s Shoes cut the not in stook, but in price. ———————————————— —————_ Pharmacy. so ————— $4 ah Lh] &% Le “x HN ee ¥* C. W. Hodgkisa, Patton Boy's #200 All-wool Fuits now #1 as 2 50 180 3 00 $ 25 Same way 4 0D 300 5 06 4 00 a 00 4H “ ¥ is Caution Notlee. All persons are cautioned not to mo- © lest or interfere with the personal property on the premises now ocon- pied by Jobe Stephens as 1 have pur chased the same and left them with him subiect to my pleasure and re moval, Avngnt YAHNRR Patton, Pa, July 16h, 1896. 3403 oo many I people do notisees poe vow GO ZBM tv MY AW ing until ite too late? Keep! Prices cut as above on all Under 300 4 345 good eyes open for bargains in these wear, Sweaters, Eto. fou times. ! Signe All cheap pants reduced accordingly. Men's all sizes, so-inch Dress Pants, ih waist down to jo ‘Men's and Boy's Fancy Soft Shirts 4 Ade pow We ih i 5 i The #5 00 ones now at 7 a2 100 . o of ches as follows: ai Starched 4 wh ah =e we $4 0 33 ¥ a as 3 we hh % +h x Men's Dress Shoes that were $5 00 now § 75 4 00 3% vad 3H 235 155 of bargaie Working Shoes | Men’h: at She, $1 00 and ny nh haart] STRAW HATS. All must go now. E The Dazaar is having daily arrivals that are very rare. ot ER iy aR a Ak Men's Fine Dirows Straw Hats were 81 00 pow 6c The “30 wo. w “» 0 ”» Below we quote a few of our Wiser Boy's Dress rices. What's the use of wasting X ; iar when you can save it: Shoes that wary: e = pow o ue 175 150 150 LM Cheap shoes 85¢ 110c and $1 00. Ah ih we w* [3] “tk ae LL] & * ih 2 gt.conl oil can - Good 28 in. hand SAW is “ Boy's A Remember each item named above is at first lower im 2 price than others can sell you. Cut off the reduction and 01 you can save day's wages by buying now If you don’t need We say especially to you who have, goods at present buy a stock ahead while we are selling you venti + your share of the good good fresh stock at Barguins. arrive. We are casising. . | This SALE? will commence to-day and continue 'til Sep | tember 1st. We have a big stock and can please all. Don’t ‘wait but come at once. +E ie oe id es wh LiLLLLE 10 gt. 10 qt. * LL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers