Sa ang ini Rl sd a AR FANG A a. £5 by 0 protein whet in town! : ~Cmkiand Edbont pity how GUNPOWOER is MADE. nat Bach of the Thies In ts In the Esplosive Plays. | p has: wseadily developed ot weapons in which to use it, wn. wail today § it hag reached a perkssti od Yarions i bat sas) br ebateont are ingredients of the fan {nls | that? He weonld get to the bottom of | the idea, and, if 8 good rosson was ads Mo- why did you play that card?” The game | HOW THE FAMOUS ACTOR TRAINED | fis Fondness Fir “Tod@ohesd Wile.’ | son an Meter give his own ecnception of ng | a part, but when this was done be de- manded A reason for everything. | or a counter or a guard, and Mr. Mayo | would say: ‘Step, now. Why db you do | that? And when he was teaching mo | 8] fencing he would make a thrust or a » {ing Something bad to be cut cut, but - | needs ontting down, but I can’t do it. <1 It in alroost sas much to mo as one of de] my children. I have gove over line aft. | ed] er line and ssid: ‘1 can’t cot this ont, | ily | tng to Mr. Mayo, and a Satred Th | tion behing hisdaughter'schair. Final {iy she would make a play which ber | © | would insist u T HE MEMBERS OF HIS COMPANY. we Ambitions Attempts ax 8 Manuger Which Failed - His Pesctting Penchant For Ar gutng Waa His Worst Fault, “The Inte Frank Mavo, whose sudden | geath on on train near Omaka wae such | s painful shock to the whole Sramatis profession, was one of the rol svore] arid at the same tie ost ja nt nian agers that it hus ever kein my pleasure to act nhder,’’ said licory Davenport, sey of KE. La Davenpors, the tragedian, | and ono of the managers of the Girard Avenue theator of this city. “He knew how a part should be played and in sisted on the sector playing it in that way if ft took 50 rehearsals to perfect the role according to Mr. Mayo's ideas.” Mr. Davenport created the role of | Judge Driscoll in *‘Pudd’nhead Wil-| som,” Mayo's Inst success, and played it during the New York run of the pro duction. ‘Daring the rehearsals previ ons to the first production of ‘Podd’n- *| head Wilson,’ continned Mr. Daven- b | port, ‘Mr. Mayo acted every role in the + | play for the purpose of showing the members of the company how he wantid it played. He took infinite pains to see that every line was perfectly read, every accent properly placed and every bit of business brought ont clearly, of | fectively and natorally, 1 would not have 5 is understood that in this matter | Mr. Mayo was 8 martinet or one who assumed to know it all. No one admired { pope more than he. Ho liked to his was ono of his peoaliar traits It a member of the company mado a gesture of 8 pane or emphasized a word in a pow or original manner, Mr. Mayo would say, ‘Now, why do you do vanced for it it found ready acoeplance | Ho was this way in everything. Ire | mesnber that he taught me fencing rac 15. 1 would make a lead perry and ‘then stop to say, ‘Now, you see, 1 do this because,” ete. “Put to come back to ‘Pudd’'nhead | Wilson.’ Mr. Mayo Joved that play ax 1 timo before the play was prodoced he tosame convinced that it needed pron. ho hadn't thé heart to do it So he went to my Notherdn-law and said: ‘Hers 18 this play of mioe, 1 know it nor shisgnor this I own’t eat anything J out Bol want some disinterested per sn toto it forme. And when the play priduiced, though he alone was re- ponte for BE be gave | Twain in an address he rade before the curtain the first night. That was bis tature. : %lts great sncces) was very He wasted several fortunes in the effort of the classical drama, which they would not Forty’ as os ot the best promos of Bl I Thevelnt nm. wand of language sud Soles. Mr. Mayo | # of his estate a little 11's game of whist. Mr. Mayo would { enter the room slowly and take a posi- father didn’t think was good, and be would break in with, ‘Now, Nellis, would end soon after that, for Mr. Mayo pon arguibg the point | ith Nellie aud kill the interest in the poe wi thought came to him In another secotnd the pilot was plowing through a | Ad} when I was & mere toy, and in retorn| NLT samen® mis what 1 Joe about box ing. 1 neually boxed aboat one mingte | boil the stfbide which an: very fine. he Joved hischildren. I remember sone | | mow in perfect condition in ull respects, the erodit for the suocess to Mark | to give the io first class io gi publ prodac- recive Mayc's famous | for ber Bank of Englasio. change ge gompleted, the old wom | in# up one of the provincia mo. rescl aloud the promise engraved 1 ompem it to pay the hearer In oath. vi or 1 ran to the door and call ous, "Bank's broke." ”’ plese, ma'am, she had sister Jennies or am very sorry, Mr. Poorchap, but [ have wontatal Arete et tow ex teds, The beds are each » gigantic abe St Louis Republic, . | Risadees fhruily—in fact, he rathex shuns the river now below the second | an | inseparable from tourist tratie fe He ave He tare Sha wuihorof “Talenof an r near pays x tribute to the memory of ¢ m0 of bis awn oraft who stock to bys sogite, Roowing that jus death o.oo contd Jessen the danger of Dwse wn Bis charge, The train had crosiod a bridge and was approsciing a toed, whith, betoy oft the shadow side of the hill, ba cod Fike i groat hole in the night. Nearer the engine the énginver saw on number of dark objects scattered about. In an other secomnl he discerned what these | were and realized an awful dager, Ad he reversed the engine and applied the airbrakes be shouted to the firoaan | ie jam. He might have jonped bim- | f. for be saw the danger first, but no | berd of enttie asloep on the track. Hf they had ail been stunding. be would have opened the throttle and sent then flying into the river with Jess risk to his train But they wero lying down, and as they rolled ander the wheels Sey lifted the great engine from the mils and] threw hor down the domp ati the very edge of the river. But so well bad the faithful engineer performed his work that the frsin was flopped withont wrecking = car Many of the pssengers were not swnkened The tralumen came forums and found the engineer. He wai abtile to speak to them. He knew that be had but 8 few minutos to live and left & lov- | ing message for nim wife, Thies, as if he | had nothing mond to say or do, he closed his oyes, folded his hands over his brave : | heart and withou!! a murmur, spparestly | withont pain, i a a 1% People Were Allowed to Look, The kate Loni Bath was coe of the } first territorial magnates in the south of | England to throw open his conntry seat to the pablic. Visitors hum been for | many years pat free fo wulk whore they please about Longleat pivk—whic h is extrengely beantiful and 16 modes in cirenmfiropco—innd So inspett the gar. denn and grounds, while bouts are pro- | 8 vidod for them on the large like, which is & notable feature in the domain. The interesting homes, with its piotares, li brary and art troasares of eviry deserip- tion, hast also been open to tensands of visitors Every year. Loogitat was built during the reign of Elisabeth, sod the house has never bets noooh altered in appurance, al though whl kinds of dmprovecients have beat onrtied out. The late Lord Bath Ong prominent feature io th park is wooded hill which, from the magnificent profpect which it commands, is known a& Heaven's gate. The Bath estates in Somwrsetehire and Wiltshize were in very bad order when the late orner sie. | oooded his father in 1837, but they sre and there is pot » singlo vacant farm. — London World. x Shrew } Market Woman. The shirewdnoem and Joguaiity of mar kit womens craft numbiring more members in the old world thas in the new-—are probetrbial, and thi following anoodots in Mr. Doran's bool on * “Table Traits’’ bears witness to the justice of their reputation A man ber off she sisterhiod in Bris tol, England, hel a £10 pouid Bank of sgtiand pote sind wished G0 exchange | it for gold, wiih was thei at a high promdmn. Asciadingly she entered @ bank acid made known her request, to be weit with instant refusal The quick witted wo 42 2 withon exhibiting any disappoinithent, ther upon waked the cashier to let ber have ten of the bank's £1 notes |b exchange The ex taki "Very pound,” said she, with a choo kilo, “mow gi’ me goold for your note, Ther wis 5p resisting this appeal and tho market woman depurted in tri wn ph. an A Reneon Yor Not Masrying Pretty Teacher (seversly)—iRd yom BE write this exons? Boy —%4n ma. Frotty Teacher — Homph! It looks | very mach like one of your werawls Bad Boy —Mamaus wrote ig; but, | one arm crying with a bumped bead and brother Willie on the ctBer with s cut finger, and a lot of sewing on he lap, and she waa rocking the eradle with her kneel, and she had to wiite with Fredy Teachir (in the wweningjp—I changed my mind. I shall never marry. | ~Fearson's Weekly. Jatter 40 feet in length, the whale form ing thy Words “Glasgow News" The total length of the line is 133 fost; ures covered by the letters, 14,545 feet. The advertisement bs situated on the side of a hull, sod, baihg of bright colored flow. or, ca be resdhrom » distance of 4 | esa 1 ve is Lauponeible, “Do 1 understand you to say that this mal never made » statement that waa not tree!’ “That was what I sai’ The questioner Laughed long and loud. “Impossible.'’ be said =“ Alwand! Preposperous! Why, be's'a government weather prophet, rebellion Tit Bita nh Grwuntilc Ditsg OWA The croeodile is not as rameroas i the Nile as he was in the days of the cataract, ob account of the Mnoyanoes Th hoe toe fo : jored Jinies now ol ; ail that time.” A Bes pnd wie Sg Ah eh pry pe ation of in La ae = seca be saved, | The met) 1 whieh 3+ fi Dr. Reclon wos o rr described bee it ix claimed, 8 fore the Freud £1 ross of surgry and | is thos explany “Whatover tie extent or gravity of | i the Jestony, be (Dy, Reslus) uever, us der any cirepnseinodsy, snmtstes the tnjured limb, but porcly wipe 18 dp antiseptic saletoraos Ly a + de em baiming process, Jeaving 1 arate the ded froen the thsenes This method of troaroient possdsecs the doable sdvantagy of boing mach less fa tal than surgical cxwresis and of pre serving for the use of the patient, if net the ontire limb, at any rate 8 moch jarger part than wimld be left after am- putation. He advocates this wiry con servative freatment on account of the! excellent offects of hot water, which be uses freely. After the skin has been shaved and cleansed from all fatty mb stances by ether, eto, in the asunl way, a jet of hot water 60 to 62 degrees C, {140 to 144 degrees), but not higher, in made to irrigate all the injured mirfaces] and to penetrate into all the hollowy and under all the detached parts of the wound, without exception. This is the | only way of removing all clots and to wash sway all forvign boxdies, togethey with the miero-organisms they may oon tain. The advantages of hot water sh this high temperature are throefodd—(1) hot water st this temperatures is anth septic: boat greatly increases the poten Ley of antiseptic sebstances| (I) it in} | he mostatie St in, stanches the flow : of Bless): for the ois Nd heat resulting from the 8) it helps to cospensaby bleeding, avid especially fromm the tran. matic sheek. Alwer the ambalming proccss sual the dead tissoe lias beets separated fron thn Hving the ERPROON has nothing todo i to divide the bose #1 & suitable spot Beelns, the remits obtained are remark: able. "=~ Hospital OR A HD IN A SE SE PAR PATIENT TRAINING. bv wc wid Bai He Krew Row to Trein Elephunta, But a Bey Was Too Much For iim, “Hor long has it taken you ro train these elephauts? * ankied the reporter, “Pea had ‘em threve years, replied the keeper. Been training "ein steady “Po you have to be sevire with them?" got the npver hargl of you jut ono, "re on gomer. 1 you try to boss hing snd Be finds you're afraid of bigs he'll] watch hig chance ang kill you An el hans ain't ruled by love 7 “But you reward him when he has Jearnod Dis lesson all right, don’t you?" | “Oh, yx Heo knows if he goes thremgh his performance trenk he'll gee a fidbie of —r kind, snd if be doesn’t he'R get the pitch. fork. And sometimes we havi to give him the pitchfork anyhow. © “Potsn’'s it reguire a great deal of patience to train nn elephant?” “Now you're talking, young man. Jt takes mums patients than soything ele in this world. An elephant is mighty smart snireal, but he's tricky. When yon think you've got him all right, be'ld take a Wrong shoot, and you have fo do it all ower ain. Pitiencs? You den't { know what the word means unless you've trained an elephant.” “Is this your boy beye?” ¥en trminer of hiv?" 11 sand to think I would, bat I've Af np “What's the matter with hp?’ "Well, he's too hard to mmsage. | haven't the paticnes, I guess.’ —Chi- | ogo Tribune, i BI Jungion of Guinn. The vegetation of the Guistas is devouriigg mass of green, which steadily | epcromclus, and iv kept down only by the consoles warfare of ope plant spon another, A tree springs up and finds ite way to the top by its energy. Is inno sooner watabliched than a parasite beging to climb its trunk and Ince itself sroand the tree, until finally the grip of the parasite kills the tree, and botiy fall os ruin and decay, loavieg a spaos, which i» lmmaodiately oocupivd by new forms. To pemetrate such » jangle is ipo ax. To keep a path open requires con animal, it falls perhaps not mors than B00 feet nway, but it may require s ball boar or an bour t3 reach it, and unless you can shoot from a cance and can drop the band into the water av a rule you eaunot find your game after it is killed Wonds cannot describe the vegetation, dificully of conquering sech a wilder pess unless one has setually grappled with it —W. Nephew King in Century. The Crab Caaght Om M. Patenotre, the Fresch vmbassa- dor, went crabbing with a purty one day 4 at Cape May. He soon cxught a eral, asl, not being familar with the sharactsr of the creature, he grasped it with bis left band Then the crab promptly caught vies, and the unbassa. dor was evidently both pained and sur. prised. Hs instinctively grasped it with his right hand, azul the crab, not to be outdone, seized Lin right hand. At this point the captain of the yacht exme to the resene of M. Patenotre, who re marked: “28 tepseity of ze emiature in #0 very mach Amerimine. Nw York Tribune. When the sewing machine wad in- vented, the prediction was wee that is wonld lighten the labor of women. Asa fact, it tpereased the purber of frills iar Bt od SIR EAI AGH Ae of patents aid oy papers in manu- seript or Typoweriten is 19 Sens per 100 words Pel 1 $i pros, says that every country has its jatz pay from the street hawkers the | tle charcoal fornase, something like | Actording ty | Joss than small whesten cakes mized with chopped green leaves of various | = Always If ever you let an olephang without on Arn Jou #ving > make an slephant fron’ all a Dekin, an dng kilor raives ble witlcint the use of & machete anf stant entting. If you shoot a bind or ss beauty of this muss of green, vigorous wor enn Boe comprebend the | making ber own bed, and always takes a hand in the family washing When | per the good lady will trust the task of © in my zalling; I'm not au sathor, but a think that, Hurace *** The fee to © pu for certified copies | will retorn it tonight when he comes | for his guitar. ' "w-Duttuit Fae Press. I 4 (rma bineey wht Aas groan vais of drnemghy hadi kiils Pr si ovadl walting birth of fears be Can p The tie ria ail toseet HE within the land | si dass oF tie waves npon the ined, A sorpiealie wir. {Tear the BITE Che paras ok thireting for the pilin: afer, Law peas Car te hovisiny [ne coe tar Brose, omely util ~ May Bateuimn in Teniple Bar Ta sre a st WHAT THEY EAT IN EGYPT, CA bg rn Kabob and Oren Calis Foror an Eph curenn Meal For Vive Cents. Margherita Arlina Hamm, a clever writer on the New Work Mail and Ex- own little delioncies, nnd the British soldiers who pour into Egypt anaoubt- | cakes, and pomilily the kabobs, | which the land of the Nile is fa The kabob is broiled mest, but is broiled in so ridiculits a fashion as 4 | be really funny, The paddler wees o lit | those in use by our plumbers. In it be keeps op & small bat bot fire. Attached | to the wide of the fumace is a lot of | iron skewers Whine a onstomer sp ches, the hawker takes s sual piece | of meat, mutton or goat, the latter being ‘the most popular, cuts it with a sharp | knife into along ribbon, winds it around the skewer and places. it over the char coal fire. Some of the drippings are col- jected, and, with » little salt cr malt and spice, makes a pleasant savon for the kaboh when it is dopo. The cooking in very rapid. What with the boat of the fire and the thinpess of the wea, it is thoroughly done in two or three aninutes, | The green cakes ion nothing more or | kinds salted and baked in a slow oven. They are pale yellow, yellow gray and surfaces. They are sid to be very nour ishing, and they are ocortainly very ap- the oven. Almost any kind of green leaf which is aed as human fond serves for making & green cake. The bumble cab | bage and the arisbesntic petit pols vert, | the watermelon wad and the oslery top, the string beans snd even the sspar- agus tip have been saad for thi purpose Ie addieion to the putritions loaf there is nearly always a flavoring leaf. The Inuvel. Ther green cake of the market varies from 2 to 4 inches in width, but ivrarely more than a quarter of an fish thick. About one-half aro made by hakers and one-half by the women of the working lasso. abn. Restor Birthday. In tha northers part of Georgia 1 came upon a negro enbin, and, as 1 ap proached, it beemme evident that somo | extraordinary commotion walk going on within. In fact, shoste and yells of ter. vor sncceedsd ope msther ey rapidly that 1 hastened to see What cid be the trouble, As 1 drew min befor the door Balt a dopen ragped pickaninnies ran cot All but one of thesa wero Horeaming and erying at the tops of thuir voices, | while the odd one, as merry as the oth. ers wera al, begaii tambling oars wheels and standing en his head. At} this moment a pan, ovidently the head of the hoaschold, appesred 1a the door- gave me the following explation of thy mystery: “Yer see, sah, din 1s aatus’ birt. wu brownish gray, with regular splashes | of green on both the spper dnd Jower | petizing and palatabis when fresh from |- commonest i parsley, snd after this | 35 comes found, fenugreek, sorril, bay and | : way, snd in snewer to my inquiries | vibe nd wey Jane id IG. oA eid sono de ps pix J | cep Baitay, Wh orto: FAAINS DRPARY. be Fonxsdiew ney. : p48. Falls Ureek, Puss ERGDWneY, Clow Tutu: whet > ih : ER # ERE ¥ r ER Fain reek. TRAINS ARRIVE i Ju sary uy and Big Run, 1 WW * Brwdibrd sud Ridgesy. Ho CrareensViie ain Clie ried. ae ou Farle Phi. » pat » Pro svmaary ui : ¥ wi Siraseviue su i ae # ‘ Then stil TH etiokete yw Tor pasnge : wu abv ue ut Jonni’ por : : Lickin ine tatu iormauon onli on ot. Er : : Fe te La Gen Fa : he gion Besoh Crees Railroad. ow. T 0. & Nn. 5 ». Nn So Len—" LT CONDENSED TINETA & wl Beauly i oo» 3 down a a dw EG 5 ¥ 588s NON Nik. nd RL ‘ ru po 5 Ar PS BINS 34. AHS Ba . ¥ i ea ry 13 Bly. sie RATION... - ¥ 5 i 7} Bis a KAY. nr mand i IS a 4 Sessa he SENENS B | SHIRSE = spn = BEER Pe g Sv ag nid ea wi : Ni 1evaermnn “a EESANBEEESER X * Arruda ah EEE E - | . ion Y Pa a RAILROAD. IN EFFECT JU JUNE i, ams, abe nd Ratiroad pl iinkia aid 2% uns we _—y day,” indicating the ane whoss joyful | oy antics I bave just mientionml — : 1 Tze powerfal hacd up jes’ st presen’ an didn’t hab no money ter celebrate in | : de usual way. An it jo’ bral me all ap a tex sow de res’ habiin jis’ as snoch fop on 'Rastos’ birfday ns 'Rastus was | de cnly way I could see was ter gib der *Rastus up ober du adders. * A quarter flung to "Hastos dried the tears of thé others in an in. _- Happier children than these same iien an I rade sway, » moroent . it would be hard to find Youth's Compan on. Lauty Kroger, Mra. Kruger, the wife of President Kruger of the Transenal, whi iv an exe tremely homely woman, does nearly all her own hoosework cooking meals ber husband has “state guests’ to din- waiting on the table to no owe, spl donning » white apron, she perfrms the office of butler. Fler hashed has & private fortune of $23,000,000, but it's on their “coffer money’ —a perquisite of $2,000 a year allowed them by the government. Miata orb ab oo | 4 Bis Proper Sphere, Antbor—Mary, I've made & mistake | f { bore chemist, Author's Wife— Whit mney you | Deconyes a drug in the market wi “Yes, mother. Paal Duvis a) mandolin in mistake for his iter. He | habin himself So, times bein so hard, | “Aunty” Kruger's bonst that they Hve | 7 re SEEBEsRSERES had priors Drdligors oad nd ps | FRALN 19 = SIGH I. - a, arriving at | ame . loaves Clermont at 10:48. =m, ar Ewa = and IPeWAY AND CLEARFIELD B. 8 DAILY EXCEPTSUNDAY. . BEBEBEBrecevwwmip SENEGEETEEY EN, Es gg Pm. | “How ia thin, Flossaoe? Ee SER are guitar in place of yoar | alin