4 1 2) ih 1 i | time. When a timid messenger Was oe | Ek on, some fruenlent offenders were « | an findable hidden deep in stable yards | © | ceand ethers wore so fur away for iil I but noise that it seemed onrvasoas ie ! to reqquiive their removal. WS bo ny, entomology, astronomy for vou. Why send the boys si ink mistook 's Entomol ily work, ne om Seott's UCommueuta Whe yonr farm work = bee experimental. as potatoes. Ther re, whem adi fomily ons Ie so rpontigerd or errphasig fa that g tough dn pied fo nl brain poem for {feel that home he! was a large female, and Jod the buntor ite] The porcapine hgnters didn't kiow at | Moon te bo discovered. Tt stood where it te was encircled by streets and mews in «| fostod By organ grinders The nuisance | 1 was tneniferable and yet incurable, and 1 at the top of the hoass, where the sound +! from five or six instraments was hoard, | pew, from carly morning ni fate af night, was practically the caus of | { fomnd him leaning uw; 0 » stick, like an |} doomed man. Nothing will save mo ex: _popt As an invalid, and I will tell you, {iw hs precise sons, been fnspited by 4 Bot in its Inrgee bearings it could not | be dotibted. Heavily burdened and sore, fo! Canada, wherever the American por | at every opportunity because of the | H. Gerard writes to tho London Fielo of | with it, and Bit it The foolish dogs bli 1 nose. When the goiils had boen removed iy} from the foolish dogs’ now, te bon | : : | went bn. The next head of game sighted | “Pornbontas,'’ predated at Wallaok's, | 1 5t took to a burrow. Another pareupii | home, ariel it was 130 a me, and fhe | gainly mongrels, and the porcupine hunters wonld appreciate» harvest 6 an existe: Bar the house worse for Loech from his studio being all playing different tunes at the sane Sermrent. which went on thee, as it dos Lesch's death, When Mr. Holman Hunt returned to toven, after an absencv for a Be, Jon invalid. There was to maa of spirit and inflexibility, bat ke stood as if the foundations had been foomned “Yes he said, with grievous candor, *'I am a ine all sober and sclomn earnestness, what has killed me. It would be laughed naked truth, which you will underitand (althongh the man in parliament who | talk ao glibly sbont their delight at soo ing the poor amused in back streets | wonld not do sg), it has been the ince wretched instruments of torfore won, front different points, turning out their diuetrdant notes into my brain. This deoharation from his fips had, perhaps some recent armoy anon of a special kind, like the galled jade, Leech bad been driven to death. — Nineteenth Century. DOGGING PORCUPINES. A Chase by Moostight 1a South Afries SE crhing Like a Coon Hust. In the Adirondacks, in Maino or in eupine is fonnd, it is not sought by punters as a game beast, although hunters seldom fail 0 kill porcupines damage they do to digs. Om the otha ‘hand, from Boover Vie, near Weitlug- ton, Cape Colony, South Africa, Waltey to wil how he hunted the porcupine | with dogs after the fashion of coon Bbanters, by moonlight magistrate, 8 banker and wu landowner. The dogs trailéd un poroupine, came Wf She ciniila, but the smart ones sian the was a hoge pig, which was chased soti waa soon after sig This porenpin a regrolar coon chase before she died. he Lisiters were then seven miles fron then from shos leather W head cover ing. But afer awhile they got begave | mned sat down to af mess of Sivory seth American coons, tat the coon hnter ‘would enjoy a Booth African porcupine unt by moonlight with a pack of un coon kunt, A As SO OS CORI Cnt ig The ordinary method uuthrifn muuicipa is to throw ali their ad etoeterss, which are utibaed ty com panies, and the taxes mount up to “nobody looked abead with public spirt “WW Dont” ‘a horse to mop, is merely 8 variant and emphatic form of “ho, fcemeriy used in the same sense. This is ensily proved, : j or Was aetedd with the almyseter of the ‘at aa sbenrd by many, but it iy the) gant vexation of crgan grinding aud the need of doing my work while the : be: nocd doing my Work ’ {the artors moved abent the stage with The party inclaced & parson and a | yond redemption. | branches wore thick with dew lat “One evesing Mr Lester Wallaok | } triekiod down thelr perks and soaked 1 40 is anyhow? { of Miss Hodwon® (the truth was she had dl eloped with somwhodf), “the play wosid | be produced wishous ber, Mowe. Wal ¢ | manark if she wero prowent,’ ant they | would reply: “Lost jenong the losbens | yl | Pocahontas left out again, but Broagham The word “whoa, '’ need in oniling 08 : friend or a relative ga the world | telegraph lines, so that they will boid the weight of the lixds and DOORS | Sompeare’s Play Wes Never So Giron, Brsughans Story of the Absance of Po ealiontas and Fiow the Finy Was Put On. ft was Sir Walter Seotl who furnish. yi the pase for the proverbial expres pion, ~ ‘Hamlet’ with Hamlet left out” In the futroduction to bie “Paltimaan™ we wrote abent aC ‘plurball which 14 | suid to have announced the tragedy of “Heaaplet,’ the character (f the Prince of Denioark belag fe ark Asin He sign of rerst micdorn proverbs, the #h- hed product differs da) form from the enw material HE ~ fi no record thet Hamlet! on Prive of Depaark eft at, thouph the piny: has been acted in almost every othe er winy. Ia 188), in Loemion, the ver sion of the fost quarto, which was print od fn 1808, wus acted by amateurs. | Thay followed the custoins of the thee ter of Quven Boss’ time, using no sean ory or decorations, and the aotors wore | garled ss Raleigh and his friends wen. About. the sume tim too, Edwin Booth and his onmpary arrived at Hart ford minns their trhnks and gave tha | acts of the play in their traveling cos fumes, Probably, bower, the offnot wid pot vastly diffgent from Booth's | ordinary prodoction of the Eraaesly hen the Count Joanpes and Jase Owen O'Coner acted thie part of Ham- tot with two readers, msn and wons, to take the other parta) and Belvo Kyrie Bellows fathor—ipead the play at a disk m front of the pia ao nin, while ‘appropriate RoRtITOS sind oponed and shut their piomths and sid no Word. Put most nearly aporoiehing to Bootes onvitted Prince of Deminark must hive been the performineal Where Worms plaped Hamlet; Charlotte Cashuian, Mis Marrioit (who damds a famous prince), Adele Balgardy, Ama Dickiv- som, and a round dosen, of othies tried That if © Harslet” hay not been played | without the privea, ¢ther plays have | tan on oocaRion. Jo the last contury hers was 8 Han | nals Brand, a schoolteacher. She! themght she could write a play, COHE SR worked on dobn Kemble anti) be pro | Auied during the seas of 1791-3 hor fein aot tragedy ‘Huglsdes " based on | Hungarian history. | Kemble played Hluniades; Mise Brand played Agios. the heroine. The play failed | and the Hantsh Brand left ot Kemble's pant wad produced the reat of the play sd | ghar same 1 Agmanda As before, abe plage the hoviinn, wid ne tefomn whe Berl the play hissed and damned Ie John Brosgham, eowever, really) phiyed a play with angi of the priveipa i | ehiraoters loft out, thtugh, as be anys, eit wan a Frphtfuliy dageroas expert | mnt : The play was his {smons boriesgie | glue ons Broadway, ndonir Broome shred, | ih 1834. Brogghem played Powhatan, | Charles Walcot, Captodi Smith; Mis Hodson, Pocabonias: every, the Dutch in the public sstination. Let Brooghas: | tall of his fous: smme into the dresping rood wih Waleot and saysedf wire preparing fo the performaeies with, the anaonpee fant that Poeslwntas was miming and evnld not be fortd any bee in Beaty cumstances vio conldn's eoneeive, All| sorta of pla wore pstdected, bat pow wnadd work. AC last, in desperation, | maid to Woaloort, Sap poss we der 18 with | oot Pocahontas!’ Agreed’ sald (harley, who war always bright, quick #nd witty, “We'll Er, Wallack wont on the stags and simonnced that, ‘owing to the absences oot and Broogham dasving kindly con sented to fill ber parts’ “Por % moment dead stlenes redrned, Bist dipvetly the fun of the thing wis tadeans in, asl te peobe farrly sored We went on First Charley would sayy his ie what Miss Pocaboutas world Be would tik to Bimeell. Whem bi Pokey? he woold eyelaim, to which | of Broadway. But {f she were bony | know she seounid duewer you in tals) way, and then Troonild give hor speach. Ar the ond, whedi it beoams Dooes suey to joiu their brawls in patrimony, | wre didn't kivow exactly what todo, bof, ooking sround the sige, Law a hretin and, setaing it, I boldly advanced W the front, saying, ws 1 handed it Charley, “Take bes, my boy, and Ie happy.’ It brought the bose down, hut in was a frightfully dungeons expen gent.’ The audience the Ext night wakted wouldn't have i sc Humnlot may bee Jef out obow, on tips spur of the mo | psent, bot pot a second tine, and sey when the man whe makes the ghost | Walk has time to put even a gravedig- ger in the prince's place. The Lisiary of the stage secius Wi prove that Scots playtill was not actual, but like his guctaticus from “Cid Plays" nerdy peodbeed for the vacation from his won derfaul imagination. New York Sun ane Fi w A Gresl Kellel ivi Please, vin'am, [ haven't a Housekovper—- Will, I'm glad there's 50 GD Bo WOrTY over yon in fase you get hurt Here, Tigeri—Boston Trav: eller. Copper wires ars used for Mexican degrroes south of the equatos, be met a natives chief, whe told himof a village} ix weeks and was onlealating that ins but ooaid go no farther pan; and the play wirked ite way of | Shar was to be dime andor the ir | {dmr crowd thers ab fueht Was Able to Approsch, There died aboilt a sar ago » famons orehid bentor papied Postesman, Bu before he died he told of a wonderfy orchid which ho said existed in Beil, and whieh it had been the ambition of} fils life to secure, on Landing on thy coast of Bragil, » few of the demon lover” 16 the westwanl Farther qaestioning convinced him shist the “‘demen flowers” were orchids of} w board 1 hal not got these foot fram the thie cavent and most wonderful Kind, #0 be decided to find this village at any DORE, fie had travelod thromgh forests aboot fortnight mor bi woald be in the neigh berhood of the “village of the demos Bowers,’ when, one afternoon, three of his forward guads thew up their arms and, with a cry, fell senseless th the ground, Ho had noticed a pvtilinr, sickening oder pervading the heavy, heated air, and quickly gave the ender for the othe men to advanes with cagtion and drag haok the three Gillen ones from the spol where they iny, ! They dis so, and, returning, reported) that they had seen thymgh the forest little farther on the vast “village of the demon Sowers Accompanied only by his Portuguos fnterprotey, the orchid proler Marted forward, thalr mothe and nose male | ax a safegourd agsunt the awfel odor. They muunged to reach the spot wii the three men Lad beon stricken down, They could ww, 100 yards ahead of ther, & great mass of omlida Trova, atidargroseth and (verything were Toad od dows with then, They wore of bas pace brillant than bo bad over seen OF dreamed of sing Flut, jike i barrier, the wall of awful sickening, overposvering odor yoda Do toen Whean The mass of brilliant orchids might : np have Deen a mirmgs paisted oo the clonds so far ss reaching them ww sercwrned. The Ueillage” was perhap an sere in extent, and (he two mals sotnplote eironit of i, bat everywhien resis this awial odor. fa Phi odor wall simply the perfuns of thie vast wows of cechids 15 in a onriow fact that, thoogh pany orchids we al | sacl seentlies tie handsomest (ny bart a raves upboarable smell Say ¥ TAL aa { 5: sONE THIMBLUG A Uoliwction of Thou, Past and Premat Woalil Se Intervsling Even those people who Hike to joke ai} seritiment fall to lnugh at tie old gold tivinbles of thidy grandmothers- mtal worn ool in cotintloe places ani all stamped with the signs of vse. Now silver thimbles are possible for almost sone one, and gs oeliulold ales is ved} fur Csimblos the brass ones, which bronght so such suffering in the wax of wae fngens, sro rapidly passing ont af siinoe, In this day, when colleations ans He fad of the tins, it would soon that § aolioetion of thisables would be most interesting. Fashions have chapgi very little, tal the shapes are by misars identieal, and what am Kiowy a tailors’ thinabien and bave Bo Wi wists az one tise made of gold or silver | pet his par in the Jocks and was ready - Water was throw all over me, and my goarly prepared for him, but at the and did not steep until he had gone 1g atl oven stodded with jewsix Ting! ports on odd thimble ix a favearix fakbiion, sibeit a very perishable one, for sock Bnumil stones cnn easy be pel stifficientiy dosrp to minke thea qoite we cline. besides paris and thrgnaoies be poetie disonlored very quickly whan ob OEAEAE tan Peery thimbles have not been in fash in for many generations and thos which are por showin as beirioune wn epowdingly clomsy and do not look a though they otald hive been very com furtuble. Thurs ia one owe to whisk | thimbles have been put which is be generally known, and thar Ww anal tlhe ands of thus fingers taper, and in Gn wiern dayw of long ago Leuy a youn, gir! was forvad to sleep YSLD cach fhangpe: ascarely fixed in a tightly Stting this ble of silver or gdd The vamedy 18 sae Tr J a rosa Attar of Rowe. Pie pos, the goven of Sowers, tha Basi been aid to preserve ail the Tn grance of suooner when sangoer geome,’ yields fe Dragrant atlar ttc to the villagers of Turkey an the peasant proprietors of Crass § Cannes, Nios and the Valole in so ny gardiy quantity. Yet the roe asthe tow not antlaty thy nosdy of the tullet Pua attar of rosea is of extremes parity, a.¢ ig worth im weight in gold, the ». attr of commerce being largely teruted with srndal, or with astar © ow gerantom, which in jargely gro © the purpose i Frame aod Pare Li characteristic ros: feont 8 Rae J 0 Ports albiflora fragrass (am au. thes lovely mes scented obins ges of our gacders), the poet of Rhodion prakn {A Bpecien of eeddipn gYOWing oH dip rocks op the Bagh GHBDAIRE © aot band, [roland sud am the mirtn Englund, and on sa oldie) amd Oy oe rasp woesd 5 the Erasing talil tree ——boBatnbers Journ, Those Laser ends aps Sf don't think the kids vagy secs cos tewe dazd as much «8 hwy a when von and Iowere boys, suid ti pears with the bald spot of uvew anbe doesn’t espjoy i om meno as Tadd, sated thy man with the metndle whiskers. 1 was taught in my carly days that it was sinful "'—00 cionatt Engniver. Lisards Like Muse. Ligands, it is wall known, are attract} ed by the notes of music, and the we gross in the land of Madeira, whe] catching then for foud, accompany the} chose by whistling scans tune, whieh] © an’s character aml proviog ust thas invariably has the effect of drawing, wnat pales fweard them vied Galveston bay Haver one more fresh cialist 1 world bate the Book, and when that was fakes, we would goin He gave me the mullet, to wtart when I throws uy bait over boat before there: was a mighty splish, mullet was ten by a tarpon. 1 Was same tine prevented his getting tio moe Hue, and ihe roel sang the jee test Mind of song until he had gous about 50 feet, shat L ever beard Af Lisle distances he jumdd at least 10 fot ont of the water, and, finding I kad him safe, I eve him ne a slack whatever, Ho tirned impedistely’ ont the channel 10 win meaitint the tide and. eontinned hiv rapid gait, Jumping oledr of the water svery 100 feet or wo until fio hind jneaped rine tinea He kept up the pare antil he hed gone § miles gen and into very deep water, Li “1 had po control of him whibrer, and he hed taken on several COREY doring this ootwerd sin movement pearly wll ny line, ab least 530 Foot, After thin distance bw tarned to the Jef and wont ob Meet 3 quiles, until be got lute & or if feet of water Thon Ax F hid ruse my urmngomenti to | ‘poturn to Honsten st 2 o'wlock, Told fhe boatman that if he woold give me | andl carefully. As bo walked on sheslder, be thought be saw | bes of Tights, some moving others tionary. As they wero in the river he biew that they eoald not be Ta ie sad for some thine he was paaied, being of an inquisitive mind he wa dorwis to the water to fuvestignte. AN thes streams was a slow ranning, shall cmp he hud no difenlty in wads und soon eonvinged himself that lights were not onrried by mom | gwen sithor ignes fatal or from oases suknown, To settle the spp foisk careful aim and fimd. At the shisrge the lights dissppeated | bat, ne his eye on the spot whore § peer he walked juickly to 8 foand, to his suneeusient, & sight K pion whose breast glesnod the mystes ots light. Tho sporteman told me of ls titteet back geross the chaonel and this incident, and, while I had of wont on the opposite side of it, prolably 13 mile After Zig hours he went Back into water 35 or 4 feet dos, and I timed sone hope of geiting bam Hite water where’ I could gaff him. Bat, withont warning, be turned to ses si miles This fish tock us around ove the bay for Ii iy boars, and » distale of nok less'than 1 or 18 mile I found § had 10 comtyol over him, and I knew * hal Bim fost] ip some way, bacadke nc prowsure that | dared bring td best goood to torn bis head, and when | got him broadside townsend me asd ene degvored to held him §owonld draty him heard of the Hight on the herons Legs I newer before conld fod ny one w hud pereonaily withemed Ou phos nis: consequently © prapogaded ae ‘ons questions The cheervir saw Hight distinetly: fost, a8 8 distione at least 50 yards, or 150 fe pore theese Hahts upon each Linde wpe cach side between the lige & Gill and dos apon the breast. He tie lights of at least four iadiv and wan so interestd that lie obe hem all corvfully, snd as 5 their tingly stated to we that each light ‘the equivalent of two oandins, so | Lyehien Bo ahmed be ooald se the sight against is fevadatde toms and pot head formes, sehich told me T had Bo booked sone whem in the side a After T had worn ont Captain Frank Marsh, my bostmen and mysell and we hod on several ceopsions almost de: cdided to cut te Town and jet the fh go, we Bogan to fave a little sontrol over hing, and wosked hing tweasd shallow water, and at 15:35 1 pot him into wate y about 324 feet deep, and the eapts iat got into the water Rinse lf and worlked oy 80 thie fish odd gated bin, a be had §F gaff with a handle sbout 8 fist long After he got the gaff inti the tarpon id drew Him tentiind the bout, sod § killed. Ri with an oar” CURIOSITY FOR FLOWER LOVERS Eight Different Verities of Bowes Gram sins One ask San Fransisco has an impos row basls, which leeks Ble anon bouguet. Ab the op Gu ose side be Clusters of pire White roses da ie witddle st the top are rod yoses, hoo ing iv profosion. Piok roses hog 1 gay garlands st the op on the oth! wide. ALL ovr the bish are braunthes Plantier, ted cartetis of Hogoer resi the Paunbine Lotean, the Black Privo she Castilian nd the while Leansrqud tort variety aod attest by ther prolith Shoes to thee virile of the si shiek they ime grafted, Biye Franeisuw Cail The owner of this rows bowers ww dH L. Baker, wie in oospeeted Std tis wate buresn of mince sore 13 dieting varimivs of nse © fasli, but ve tea ross grafied ou proves hie, nag Sar Lae roses of other Hoos aed polis, The di bi fonte La Pres, the white Mus: CAs By whether the bird had contro | the Hight, bo believed that 16 did, ah saw the lights open snd shut seve inion sa Le crawled toward the tnd Bo stoped whea the Dpht a penred aud emept oft when in guin. Tie laht id vot wade k saftey the bind was shot, fading away sdinost inunetiately. In onder tho I wi white snd reminded his of ph , phoresent wood, Ane Horton of mndpoos binds hw pelated by siortemen oceRsiimal fo far an I Bnew, react facts al have never before fwen obtaived on Cte that be Fimoviig abet tight and beonme matiatlad i iske © ae npon the bremst of 8 | F Anotts Stead informed we that of oa eI ea bel god 0 Gres § Bory ud phe Be i Se coher moving a tipi the Sirda i fiat Heroes have a presiiag § Pliehr producing apparsits Cppeven Thess are cali powder d pitehion gad can be found bo tusning thie ong Beaten on the % % i} be fonnd $100 tad tat sERetann st feons in fhe fede Thin pevwder wo g £2 * hee ; debe Co 7 do They ¢ id hewes #8 nuly birds heal thaws oly ed o rove thera A RARE eet £1 Gtonnast, hed 8 Lage aus e ER tor Tes abort vied, ated only the Bandi Loa wide of the rovapo Tho bel varivtion bawe survived. Thare an snotcic Bow, dght, to make the host 5 cursosity. Nr. Barker's explanation bo that Be [hes fo cxperitoent with plant and this rosebusly 8 about 1 year old. Brsseh afer teauch bis Dive geaftsd cn. The calgiial Sook is Qa June or vabluge cose The vids si He top is not leis than 35 feet, and vu Boipht epealn the whith, There as manny soso ir rake spritiging frei thio PoOtA ars ae plentifucly spp to intensily Wie colar of the bhloswine Convernsiionn Shovenlitem, Ornvepsatitia also is often mated tn mors! slovesliness Not andy 1s then that Lind of talk staid with dr whiz some men shanelessdy sxinbin bet Laene am Eh st persat iv Bix wh i thu ism cOvEES Joowesoss, a detitdesve) © : Bh of ipeaning, hint of that wich spy [FY a GROMER ) Bhai 1 be sid with manly strogh firs | ose, which ane fn igs certian luiivy | ae far ss moral reetitudoe is oogesines There ia that ready toca led af 00 body's mindesds as of their faasbie) D00 relations, which people dispense, ide | HELICAL with glittesian meischad ns (ledy eves others with eoafiding densurely pe—""u Aveadful, yoa kaow only it happen that they do not know and ace only ro tarling » Lie which they have procuns from some dosler in thar nfasous ar ticle, hinting away a man’s ora woe have none of their own, wed p00 Worn nds J MO AH | Wr i a HMiteied FJonting, “It ail happened from a little joke tried tr got off,” the boeuised, bate ns and tattered hobo explained to the cid gens who plelted hin op SFist for fan, | you know, I perposed to the gang tis) wi organise i party for the adivocatis of the free smnagy of soap. | vewa dremp they'll take it seriems ”’ — Ii. dianspolis Jornal i A Va a SON BS, I is a safe ule Wo wet the winiets be. | fore drinking cold water if at all heat: | od. The effert is inimedinte and grato- | full sid danger of futal results is ward: | Holland, though small in sige, has have Dwi pains of putoRes, whe Ga he Cans three, while the coriogs boas | have sight, which, if av toms A | maine want Iixh tha bird 6 | amginicnons ook to way spectral, ang TO RT : J ¥ | soe vers apn u party of expe enteved on larae save on the ind Uihairicbon Fini Bad hitherts Len vd mrad Danese bie To deer Be they foand it dill with bis - darted abent in fe dard in wer 3 Ibe Ghia ony strurk tho esi OPers Sag wi Thoir passe Bel Bu Eo The soils, | bat dangerets ; : oy Sa pier Basil aie ARR, moprentdeni ed To Lahey contmn. sud 8 8 Ye i that “hew bits ar mis Tho peatder down Bae Ax os the ae © BS Caherd hak wn moooh iE RIEL fanaa CHEReY Rn fhe wid vaE A inotianies bo Roane, Se ite omar iF oneal 6 Dad oli wold ba plainly seen foraats © 0 distane: by varnome Kinde of pe word nadonbiedly approaci wi reach of the cagle ope amd shay U0 the Boren, and so fall wiciioos Ww 0 ‘ounosity. I whois te a Guessivieg od mystery it mone of 108 Bal vee able provisions of pate 5 There is bundly a groap of ents that does act inelude soe Light give of grout besaly; Hut IF i ol edna] know that sane of the Higher -nbeo prodyes Hight at vias Houting he mraraiist, whose suc is sd on vations of Paciguay ame wall Baows tells on noet peansrable more of Tis on perteans with the monkey LBoSn = Nretijitmthoous trivivigeius He | in complete darkness whens he chewed the phenmueunn, whith wax a phos phoresowit light ghannng rom thn eyes of the avimal; pot tae light whieh | pears in the eye of aol Dut shafts phosphossoent bigls whieh va : only diatinetly visi, bay hyects distin of Si% gies 3 1,070,000 womwn. vous and old. animal's eyes «Philadel Eaten
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers