The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 06, 1896, Image 15

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    $0 by alors in tone lems n n
y Eid, Twsttie unrated or
| TOBACCO and HOARE arr a Lo Li La Pat
« | The fries! rn Pattonat Wholesale. Wi ou IOTS.
| ; nes, Liquors,
Joc AHO, 0 sons. C.J. FITZPATRICK'S |gine Old Whiskies and Im:
MoOan Reade, $500. Goal | Rroatanmant 0 Mane avenue, near; Seti ; I r. Et Cc.
Hartman et vir to, Gal: uk { ported Liquors. Ee
ing & Loan smociation, | MEALS AT aL HOS Phoenik i Co.'s Beer. |
Flasks, Corky, Jugs, Ele.,
[CENT RAL - H oTEL, | 147 Clinton & 609 Main Sts.
Aocoramodations the best. First-class
| Bar in connection. Joh nstown. Pa.
RATES $1. 25 PER DAY. sors |
California Wines and Brandies
2 shusniasae E85 Aas:
x SR “lf
a Sd a
Telephone 175 Jowgsduie (Wayne,
| Nubatiey, Clearfield Co., Pa . Bottless and Proprietors of | oF . PATTON, mow wes
nod Wines at the Ee Stabiini Br taner Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. |
| Thomas Byrne eo | : Hi : 3 a. Wilburn Phils
- osauebnans, $50. | | GEORGE Po OLD CABI NET, | CAPITAL PAID UP, $30,000.00. EER te Je Eel
ode , Spangler and Carrolitown, a fi pes ps hi ee oLD F V( ORITE | mp RPL, S950. tadsvin PHI try ui agyiva
Daniel | a ; : . or tu monet Pay reverts) apon he moet Ssvome Pittalia A a
Joseph N. Crawford et ux. to Al ANI Fre TK setont ith ate and ponsereative | with en wy 1
Lo 1 k
Keenan, Spangler, $4,000. : Rr RI'P ANS Delong. | Penneybieanin railroad:
: jh He, th Pelets for sale for all tisg | Penney mnie and Nort
(Chest Creek Land and Improvement ; : cox EY 'S COMMON: | | omahip Sekets aie rll thal a! nn 5 ny
company to W. F. Patton, Patton, - Lefties of the Ob Work EL
y : i Ad cormepnnitenee a5 Baye aet prompt and
The modern stand- ; WEAL prisons attentio ".
; i Frirersmt paid on Joan doped. Hy di 2X fai
ard Family M Medi- : Pur e Ry o Ww h ski jes, LB Parrox, Wa H. SANDFORD, BR & P Time Table.
| cine : : Lures the | =u red i Cashiur. | Tn Short Line etwas Ping 1¥,
: pray! = 5 Ge ae ie ; Bi after « Sov. i», rs ET ~
4 NL rs Vi : 3 rf AR Te annie Al nn
ills of f humanity. WW 1 Jougo x rout Sunder
iv Waldner ard
William F. Patton to W. C. Lingle,
Patton, $150. ag
. (hest Creek Land and Improvement
| sompany to F. (0. Patton, Patton, $125,
Frank G. Patton ¢t ox. to W. F. Pat
gon. Patton, $215,
, when two years of: William F. Patten to W. C. Lin
ken very ill with bloody Patton, $350,
‘advised to ase Chamber-
Ruation, dally, ex
: hie
ag TA i ENE CRF nad
rr War
Hor) we Mt,
a . Fedwatt Hirad fond, and
5 4 { a Ronin et vir to Adam Gar- pir ss ~ ga , pee on
mn vain ar ve, Kane, arven,
iy, and hackily procured part of pl : ey ; a (prs at rte es Reatard Joh
Ee i : ; we ry Sa oe SANT mom phi reibeh are fa
1 carefully read the Aree. A / . i ; ; -¥ re bane. Ridewsy, Heoekwarville, and ten
; : \ : | : : : : a pratt s setinns, fw Dubos amd Puss
: = : Se ey Shia ; j : Auth 2 \ = Ki oantmodation. For Pa Bode, Ny k-
y 7 Wn . eR : ; : for ; ; finished hoe. Ch Been aed Pansginwnes,
e. gradually recovered, # \ A : Ey w—" ——— . i Bir verve doy , ; : : 2d - gw edges. a Cari
; ev dh: ded : ¥ Eo x a os : sein vor, Brow way vise fant
Eo H J sy, 2 2 a N Gi F Ci Hiasway, Johbeopberg, M1 Jeweti
Rs moms Bie huey
by i feos Walston
Gy bey Her Froum
Hastie shied trediate Ae eg
1 pedro nie from Xs is wees
Fiprad Goan Ponsetiawney: oe al
feo hatte and Boshiester, en,
C & M Division.
Non Etre 1 1 i» IN ; dem on ; oo I= - : a n 2 2 3 ob - ; Re Ly > I uv -— AEE iv
: Sigg sl > - kK ! Fults Creek
is 15 1s Boks
guys 2
ng Ne cami
PE 9
£5 4s we?
2 kia
_ MIRKIN & KUSNE! R, Patton, Pa.
we le A I
and s233. :
ying Lose A INE pa wm Ww i nr AOS pM
“y : : “ing. tims, ancept Midday.
Tous No. Tl eorndets gt Te oks for
0 th and clot! toed to 10 bi Enea, Brudok, Buf 4
r cloth RIN to 1 Fre Ley Saat vr} TEs dG * La gy o AN 8 Beste
11 ; A] Ci HE > BR ia i . 1 Toutn J Nios 2% sisrnets sf Tha Bods for Hadid,
» 3 HE £15k 39 be AAT DH OY vast, Sean Re Lhe atdadlingg a Slaton,
Tepre LE nt Ko the Soh ut pai 1 f< x > Sil i YEH i Ns a Su iid ig A marield ro. gE
S518 ds ie “as Jet 1 oean fast Put tires Lines Sire Tar wedi Creek mibeond for Phillipabg 4] f
Basts as vr i 1 C3 s * i 2 ? Hawes, Jeasey Shope, WHH sug, a as
ami New York,
HIGH QUALITY, | pn imamate eels 4 en uals pe Wile
LOW PRICES, Rwart ap chestoto KX.
Hd Pasenators sre rested th porchinee Hel
SAT 1S FACTION GUARANTEED, AY eho tiara I ours A exe Changs
J Carbs Tron are paid on teaiEe, from all sations
The Leading 5% SL ? 4 the Reprel odo our LHUPES, wrt i Heket offtee bs mai atiied, .
«want you to jndge for vourselt, and myite you to ex-:
: Undertaker, Amine our Samples rs he Spring and Summer. Ready- Pennsylvania Railroad Time
4 : Patton Pa. Embaivirgg a Sreouaty. Made yi EAN 26.5 =. LB i alii Nake witli 3 Om Table
mies remedy that produces ’ ~ i ty RAPS . :
ult C. W. H os, : 21
haa ; : : ; ; i : May 20, 1885
Same of the Laveest Fire losin CW nob Arg We purchase, the infornation of what people ae Wwiariog will be " Ts
ance Companies of the World (of valine to you. aT ; Lisa vis Crisis ward,
are repre ented Examine onr offerings as shown by our sales agent, an Shere Expos, veoel diy
A ; » IT LA Hons Avrnbamods tion, week Ay
1 . X S M H : it didn Bxpeees, daitv
of ; : * 1 “En rations Aatty
pre, shelly ie
oa Cy ;
at the PALMER » HOUSE, FRIDAY, Pilatus Kxpres duit
A | o Toave —-——- pee]
SEPTEMBER 4. 1596. Tod A ook da
Protect Ye or > : : ly
IW 12
ERS inc
Johastiswn Aes, Boek BREE Low
cambria and Clearfield.
eC hee nn Good Building ontiraspd.
Lover is Naty 101 al | Fank. X 2 Ei haan Simao fo Shed Shamim Sinn FL Mara bg ret for Pation ad Cheson inate
¥ t or i . x Mahafivy nt Sh Ba Latome SOS a
> ' Kr NY - a g Wp he Hor Hath a:
. #3 a x »¥ § 7 i en "~ 5 ; Kn 3 h § 5 ¥ Fe Coy tor Tid N
COW HER, Lol SEE uh x i 13 be #: rio aK, CAfternons Bi ae Ee
Er oo an : go Eset ven Mabie at © wi; §
Ff Wimsownr SC Gare Sho H ) RE;
amit: 30T; Pakd
gs ornate Jriennting wi Ss avior A00, arrive
fei at Cowen gt Bh
| | : ’ a Karts,
| Eu I Neth tind we Crests for Mahatle
4 i DIXON. 4 Cg) act gently but promptly | upon fhe Yidneys, liver, stomurh and | = agi dee Tunetion 1A,
i | =a] intestines ; cleanse the system effectually ; dispel colils, bead- igs Hatin te = Hatuuy fr Hastings! ie
aches and fevers; cure ‘habitual constipation, making encmas Hix 108 Westover Util Eadose et arvivisig
: J HME MAHON " unnecessary. Are acceptable to the stomach and truly bene- al Mubaty ot Bo _Aferpeon rath fi
Good Buil Ing. BCE MUN, 1] ficial in effects. A single TasuLe taken after the evening meal, BF Soi bal Hadi Junction 308 Putin rs
| lj} or just before retiring, or, better still, at the moment when the [§l fins “sak carway or Mahnfy! Tok Wests
SL a Coptraciors and Builders. i first indication is noted of =. approaching cold, y Bead che, y any Wg rer om Lajose 747, arriving at Mabatfey
: ; ; ances : | #2 symptom of indigestion or depression © spirits, will remove off : : ;
‘Reuel merville, Plans furnished on apbli-| 1 a the whole difficulty in an hour Bo Sumquehania Extension.
Att catLaw A appi-i i a without the patient being con: UR |: Enntua,
Horneyal-1aw, cation. Good work guaran-| 1] SSSR scious of any other than a slightly’ [Ill 0ruios, BE Side Wi Careolliown
ty a ’ . warming effect, and that the ex-
k | Office in the Good Building.
1 ” py i ; Hous 2 ¥ hE and SRB ~ Ath train or Uromsain
$ 2 . ; tow Junetion #
teed. i : ie, F pected Yineis Suiled tail materials yA erin Hin loaves { i ¢ roe at 20
2 4 ize or Das disappear wiednsn, 235 Npaigler
PEE INT » abl } Blend, BG 1 sonneets with fis or Crensoh
ph wie DIXON & McMAHON. | Ee, Disease commonly comes on tdier Junation ith
R. 1. GEORGE, oR 1 — BY with slight symptoms, which when.
; tl : Ff neglected increase in extent and
at Bediey Janation at 38
ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, TT TH 7 y gradually grow dangerous.
GALLITZIN, PA. if AA |_etts i Ny from hyspepsia TAKE RIPANS TABULES
Morning raln haves Bradley Junction fer
Solicitor for German National B& Ws
|: wl
Serr yine at Melix Carmi own. Bond,
Mpsmcior, Meite Hartshorn, Hes arriving at
i erry ee 11 fam
A fhiepasisn train haves Headley Junction fae
cal Ford bei at - erage Bosal: ®17;
te Angler, & Frat, arriving st
rom cm in, Conriputd or Hive =3 Rens tree
: . 1% 1 » Disordered Liver TAKE RIPANS TABULES 38 sein ns Kiensbuy Bmaeh irsins leave
i iii wis wi will sell you wall paper, [I= lL Joesistnng Tor Cresson st Tm, and 290 pn
NV. H. SECHLER, window blinds, (extra size, K your Complesion bs Saflaw, or you yoKH RIPANS TABULES in Loaves Crvesny fr Einthaburd, and inet
made to order}, room mould Foe Offensive Bres Tr: he, API. tr Theiet aed
3 , 3 (fiw of : LX % L
Se - at ps 0 a Har 4 #4 ve Breath and - Dlaordars TAKE RIPANS T ABL JLES of Fates; bp, ec. AY een
y pa Eas
ir aldo Thos, PAW. DIR
_ EBENSBURG, your wall paper at a Ad
Jn sven tar.
Cambria County, Pa. -— 0 ;
Reasonable Price.
Rigans os Regulate the Svstem and Preserve the Health. . 8 hack Sy a Ss,
Second Store room from} eR
Corner Drug Store, Magee | Whig = emi oi ae _ a “Tipaos Tubuios care bad bre.
may BX OBTAINED BY apraoamon
‘ Ee