The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 06, 1896, Image 14

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    rE T——————
| offiaers and men together as nothing
| whe. enjoy it and if they belong
at] fat if they never have anything © oo
«i © We think it quite fine if Canadian
+ ne. wd not to mention that every native
potpelliod even hy “the stern conserip
Pathos, at all events, a oall for vidnh
sol tots wonld be srwersd by entire rogl
1 fo then metas jie. It ix nonsense oo
gallc of ‘mercenaries’ in an empire 100
| het pinjoaty’s Indian than on hor maj
| om ber polinlf.—London Spectator.
et. | ehaveh in words
defoots of equipment, which bind
[se Boos, ard which, above all, give
o fighting racos— @ dhs Pathans ano
iattas—an out ét for their inbor:
tary syirin There 8 no aduostion
widicrs Hike x well managed cope
we especially if thoy are mor
rnoes which fend to despondency ans
Australian reghments yolapteer to ful]
‘soldier is a volutes who enlists un
of hutiger,’’ among the Sikhs anc
welts spying tw the front. They lov
the excitement of campaigning. whict |
yoars oid. It in a8 much their intefiw |
hile the empire lsets that iv shonic
gogoced in war a8 §8 is ows, and, pro]
boeided thers is no consoription, wi ex}
no pcre moral objection to calling orf
Firitish or Irish subjects to figh
4 onvily vi foto bis ¢
What have gow done, dear” in
ol Sra. B. at she raised the 1d and
somie pieces of barb wim and
min the lawn, sprivkling]
ver them to hide thelr out |
won will get a Jolly pai
w F soined in his langhter.
Jost at that moment a frightfo
us ¢ pa aod howls eame frou
|. and in rashed isthe Jobe
the family pet dog.
1 . he orice, Pippo’:
iF | ¥ arms with a ook
wo cemtempt at. her logo lord
kod, "tof ull the fond scheans
§ of, this last ome of yous
takes the bins ribbon for onmitigated
her wept from the room
yr monn of toring ax
«nny is by inakiug and attend |
The Jewish race is forbid |
fire on the Sabbath day,
lly during the win
, known ss shobbos
| yeas the result of a Brighton, England,
stationer’s endeavor to make his store
ahosen at the diserstion
of the officiating minister. That ancient
that very sineere petition thomght it wo
extremely pod oie. 18 wag better by
had wholly forgotten tas terms io which
be wag fo utter fhe national prayed
4 Beciog named the sovereign, stond
a space To awlnl sileoos the congeigs
tion all gaping, tien in desperatics
burst forth, May she not be a wicked
wonu |’ :
Ther was a quite differvat kind of
queen, for whom in certain kirks tle
prayers worn ened omitted. The phic
waited (mn the ministers, and sud ha
all the ccmgregation desiped that tp
| arihappy person in question peight 1x
| prayed for. And indeed it is inooteet
able Ehut any cog who eonld poo (0
bor Buaband shondd have Bad a
eulty in praying for any human fas
whatever, “Oh, yes! replind the sin
fater: “11 pray for the queen, if yc
i wish fh" Accordingly, on the wl
Sanday, the cxpoctant flock Histenad 1
if thay Aid nos gaits join it the remark
gueon Fawdon her nnmerous and high
Iy swggravated Mana — Leng
Born Orimtasl
Bean ereminal no doubt thers ase ir
plenty, just as flere arm bars greengts |
core-thint 15 U0 say, en and wos
hic way io aes gS
he! whose shresmetanoos mad asec
bowen wane as to
tions oad 1
Eroen gross
{ stronger jee
the majority od 2
§ again oa) ROREDRIY
oertmiand Ay Pe for whetoor that
ural characteristic will Sia
exrioes oF nat 18 ¢
the matter of
question of eirctims
tain clvommstanicns, the wad Ww 3
1 por Is rather more oan Tod Rn
whose fear of the law 08 ¥ Laer ded,
whose instinct for boaosty §o EO
weaker, will fall Ino ovine hoax
| ctroumstanices, if be is foe te
ot DEAL sansed by poverty oF BE pe
strained by the inflaenoe of his fridnde]
the invention of envelopes la within the
of middle aged pe and
look sttraotive. He took » fancy for or
| namenting his store windows with: high
gest 10 the smallest size in ase. To leiog
his pyramid to a point be ent eardlosrd
into very minute squares Ladies tik
these carda to be small sized note pager,
and voted i6 “‘perfectly Jowely. | Se
great was the ud that the stat jone:
foand it desirable to out paper tin wis
20 much admired. But there wi ose
differ iy thn little notes were sevomnill
that when folded there wna no spi fo
addres ; so after some thoaght hi en
of an envelope pierced the statliner’s
plate, nod sem, #0 great Was tie do
mand. ho sonunisioned a dosen Hote
such sraall beginnings came this impor
sant branch of the stationery boos
Lard Rosalls Wit :
In his early cays, Loed Rammell of
Killen, chief jostics of England, bad
» good deal to put op with from oliier
phim and jedoes who theaght tu pret
down bls siuteratnon Gwe day. Ei
Digby Sermeme, (3 (5, kept Bp & flow
of seal] ball vv rassell Wes SRT
*y eish tea would te gust Say
gore," aatd Buell, with his Tian ac
si Mw nae La Nov msonr, Hf yon fib,
repliod the erned gontierast), with
sen §ourlal yon would sp more
andmky less” yas the mejolnde). ~San
Franciscn Argonaat
| Drentiste’ Fulding Chairs.
These nen folding chairs for dentists’
ose which can be taken down andl packed
in » box made for the purpose. When
ould] | ire are mands fay the use of dentists
days ago I noticed in the window of a
| who divide their time among different
points, more especially in regions wher
#8 in parts of Bouth Americas, snd for
. to points difienlt of acces —New York
Pusing along Kearney street a few
hing dealer a number of articles of-
{eyed for sale, wach having oa it the
legend, “Tailor mada" 1 inquired of
marked every article With a knowing
priest was wont to my, every Sanday |
“Lord have mercy on the queen. Ami
| mow that she has beoorse an old woman,
| minke her a now pan.’ may venture)
to say that the individual interested is
far than whos s bewildered yomth, whi
able words: lowd, have mercy on the)
or his family, be will remain a respect |
| able mesnber of society. In a word, wi}
| shall be inclinak to balieve, fill evidimes
the contrary is prodooed, that the}
¥ : sn Lite WEE Tes nine —=Ciond Words
Bel Mach has Deen wr Sen alemi a myers
| portions as the regular chair, capable of
adjustment and comfortable. Bosh
reized prop who was
g io the door, the reason he s&s}
deed, the safest thing to my
that ims origin is boss in the
antiquity. Representations of persons |
playing st 3 game resembling draughts |
is prayed for in} are frvquently found on ancient Egyp | the bargain pntaimgitiimind sbi
tian monuments at Jeast 8,000 years old | among his peopl. This sons ste of 81 with o ;
The Greeks had a similar game, from solemn ing nde Seater 11] meas ath ax ain (which ia a
whom possibly it passed to the Romans | the presenco of two or shme of steengils ab seb (irbich on one of he
At least the oid Roman game of hnron Trrows Gre Britain i Ce gs of
coli seems to have been a kind off pins i recited by both parties Being mice of the kings sihder Burope aed pot
game as now played iS very socient | esl insight into the manners and ons mont part of shelr ovospens, snd Decans
The game was popular win woll know! some of the Drascs, 1 readily comimnted the -1 ath of ‘both: Todtes see in pos
in France and Spain in the seventeentt | on this form of contrsnt, hoping thereby | cert put an anes igre great
century and wus probably played then | 6 Jesrn something m cre of thes moth. | nm Roary 1 OCIRTaRIL
and in England contari before that. | ade of procedure Abdi here fe oar fa tie
That it wis from France the game came Aosedingly the farmer brooght sires | —— BS ts sans
Juste psny of the other countries 8 ¢v6 Uef his neighbors to me, and the mms ogo Ymade by foroigners suder pe
Gent feos the fact that the Frouch| of oar contract having boon mide now | neutense of joitien or peokecticn to a
Rame-—JOa 08 da es—passed with it. | te thom ove of them took the right for the saben of pl i from tyranns
Dats or damme was ones the regular! jaed of each of ue and joined thems Hh | gud onion dl Pind Ab
Enghish nme for smo of the pieces. Ir} gethar, whils hut dictated t us what $0 Tas judgment oo the Traos-
Germany the gue in still called dame | gay after Bim. To my great aston iel ean etiiniuilyl RE stale that are
spiel, in Holland he board is dosberd | mont, the Drow whe was grasjing mir | bral of nasuraiimtion foward atran-
ard in Sect land sok wil be ren bev e | pind gave ne (he grip ed Master Must), get sre 6 forheany ips § : ne
by renters of $s i Razway san dirtew | § fmimediately returned 13, 63 Ris syed . “ote te 44 soph £ the aalaaial
: "i sees! mpc vives Tu the United] carprise. Hi nekod me how and whe oi retary : “ Wonderfol by ite oun of
States too Jess nal fume of ehequird, | 1 nal beareed thelr shores sips, and this Boldin in: civil Teusiess: Bhat fous!
speliod cheek 1 empliged Polish. b wet nyo on this teack of farther fndiieion ; Bol Asian. What i ik att this!
Spanish, alan od Tprkish dravhite] tho vomit of which has been to rendie] Beldnim.” 15 doth Suscinaie and Jind
di far Hanan REI Th what was before a very strong belief Gl papa md Lock: thoret - a abe if Wseth
rh 3 has several pecui | my part an abscinte sonviction. Jone wonder in paler Anb. Gne
iil 40 pemo—Chare | Prosmaso: and x one wins bi BI] eri the age fea which Dhags post
| sennthed ping Falty into the myst | weeds iw “11 tons fant de Dandace, en
IIL | tenets of the Druse, 1 oan weet thet | ame dio 1 Sodio, fn je An Vande.
Nitta Tho som faed Belvin | gy many pertiiiam, the estar tears: i Sid we rtticiam on thie died
an Phe i n : Suh YW phook ing of both aystems bs mons ae beam ded coin: Wn of os ol oomysittens
priler charg i a BEI SH slend. Erving tho nxiremn woestboy sul fo ki ee nr Es | hy pa
w ne VIF rears ok quickening His bet pxelnsiver ng we the Teenw haraetor ie for siping a, sell \
| Ruse nto MLvLy and teaining hil] jy most difficait to gain an insight p80] san lo aks an indiifasency by putting
wit wah #30] tak Bomb boy, dirnwted thely inmee $ites and Sonots and’ ie res i Shi that a3 Aron Sr oth id %
ag the best methods of work, Whink | gies mmiy years of intericuni willl _ Camphill M wine :
4 boon made exquisitely clear to Bigh } thet and the firs catabliabosent of 0-1 © as
Sragneed by leaps and boands Jota if jations of mutaal confidence amd frat tad bndulity sod Fiyte
oy aremns of the exactest of ml Dv pefies one ean be in a position fo Tosti Ind one sete Fundon wus perhaps
wen His viassiond and gimeril edi | pnyrhing coneerning then, — Bind | rghs Individuality is sorstivmes enlied
was likewise carefally attend] word's Magardon. style; and & Dan Ga seldom more sue
his father. He wa mutricuiat hm —— LT atid ies ily singing ix nates that thi
student in Glasgow at the aris | St. Peters Philadelphia Wopard in changing hie smote Tinton
o£ 233 Fears aR Nua than OE Off The third aldest church in Philadel | gy wis furione Rembrandt was emo
Elbo p | phin, excooded in point of yrs oniy by { gonad, Rubens was splondil, and theb
Was a Igems Fouts when bo went] Chyist alimreh. and old Swisles, is BEL atylar were bat the sxproasions of their
©, Peter's college, Cambridge, Nac Puter's, st Third aod Ploe stronte. The! (adividuaiition In tho swe sense Mi
+ age of 31 he pase as mcahc; old ehimes haven called many te work | ohnel: Angelo had style, though ©
der and was fines Smith's Pri | who now calmly repos within the} Wisnkelmans would hiss anced
Bat ero he bad won theme huoin | wards brick walls of its burial spec nim » barbarian; Tonbers Bad wiwle
4 already famons, for hie ecotri | Fars lio the enains of Georyre M. Dal | thoogh Loain XIV railed him a mag
ws a6 15 years of age 10 the Cam | jax, vice president of the Tnited States | got" and wiuhi pot tamerath bis ple
ei oo and Dublin Matbomuationl Jour | Canmedors | Stephen Doostur, whose | aren: Delaemiy had style, thongh the
nul attracted the sitention and 'X | monument ewpeaks bie ilhistrions and | lnsoists mud his pion res foaled a
the wonder of the ssiantifie world} heroic naval seblevements while iu bis! thon zh painted with a dranken broom
runes as well ao in Kogland 3} coemtry'smorvice during tho Revolution | Each, one of them exprosed bimbelf ix
boidness, originality and acrurn:7. | John R. Boots. Sowa; ccmsjasion ati ad-| bis own pemlinr way snd possessed
‘iat famous journsh and guhen| dgner of the Declaration of Didepnd- | Why, then, were they denouneth
ror: J him a brilliant saff of write! epee: Benjamin Carv, philanthropist] Why were Hogo Alfred do Mas
Fer was bis own papers which ohivfiy | ang distinguished professor of mesie, | Millet and Manet snottod as rebels!
aki bo reas
arcs the attention of scdenthith | who died in 1 and whose: monusent | Wht do we ‘. § tian vaetiits
When 29 yours of age. ve was appointed ohn. aden Fa . of £ do we Jody talk shout the Posty
#0 tie chair of natoral philosophy iB] olery Charles Wilson Foals, wii w | Claas Monet a8 Incking in style since
Glasgow, which he hus now oocugied| gables toll ne saw bors 1741 and ind} nome a reins that they SHOW Strong
for 30 yours and which will forever bel que, and 4 “he participated in the individualitios? Is it Hob because they
FHA BI a, Revoluticaeystraggioct tur indeptid fail in giving at other style whick
= : bjt F. Her She Battie of De. thie history re wv of this 00 i » Near im} and the : of he Sygrind mele
A Lify of Napo| je comradin whose valor ini thir Amys of | gests in that phrase, “to vender prop
lec," a iw Comtusy, takes up Shei 3776 established anvimberitunce for heir} ertye” Series +
Le i ney WY Seti Bupim, ir _oountry avi progeny. In peaweitnl ne ii i md
dewrpilatig the 4nd of tho grand MANY per aloo ret such. distinguished towns} Restrning In Doing Gasd.
afiey tbe bet oof Leiden, Professor | gop a the Willings, Craigs. Biditles, “4 groans desire to administer justice,
lowe wavy. Loe nlpaked he Th Wii Codernlladers, Donaidsons, Crrers, In| and even #0 aXents YARgeance, oppress
Apes Th Aisdesiseiis £4 He SF one of A gerecile, Keith, Wileoxes, Wikofix, os many pemons,” writes Mx Lymar
of ew inn BUT Fis te pepRration] Woods. and. other eminmt civilians AW in Ladies’ Home Joumal
few the relsonl, AUS HIRUNENECE MEI] gion names ars niest familiar to old “Play ean hardly keep their hands off
be met or 4 weet ken, Wien the Be | philaduiphin rosidents — Philadelphia} wine ther soc what appesrs to be
somaity sow. Boho Mak night 1) Rend, terinny; they long to pus the driver ir
spaperd Tock two wana bathe The} m——— ara tr place of thii shused hows, the large bes
Sabet of €iinal x aveeg coffee te pee} Watwe Cures. in pisces of the small “fag.” the olde
vont drow sibs ued indo attiedin of In is possibile ta prevent nam disiomes sister in the young’ s position and
pew daisows, nd Lie werp sk imine | and cure ethers by drinking Megs juan | an lo the end of tho chapter, Wien the
bod by bis bead of a Tonliey thee | ticiom of water. An eminent Freoch| seniptation beoots oo i and th
ated chien atiusenta fe bod had secure | physician says tn sypholil fever qin bel world bo ‘piske rights do usentere, they
for sss fas So frequent tepid tithe | washed wat of the system by water, Hol are! more likly to make things fa
> myiteri | gives hisgatients shat wonll anwant| worse tha to bupross them. Theirs &
ots malady wich nid best swadily in| wr slght or ten eng of stirilined ater. | Fettor stidtads toorard life than thai
ervasingg, but the mrden of watiinony| Experiments have been plaid with dis | of ne whi talks plossare in the exhib
fromm thw cunperor’s closes asmwrinten 381 spe nanmed by awtortn which difmon-! dan of mins evil pass Sans. Hapost
hiss Fie diukioutee that in the main bel strate the-ourativy value of watel. Io} tion we sei manifested when 8 quar
haat endoyed escriing health throng tout] ames of sholera, whese the gysten #0 arjees it tite street saul» crow Socks
thie second Saxon ssnpaign Them werd | crete a laos smoot of Suid, snormoaal ap anos to saosurage and enjay the spec
eertainly intervals of self incduljpore | quantitien of hot water aps of great Yrs t paile. Thi petribative foiling may
dt cif paesitacdes, af exeessivs siotios | efit andowill som many ease without] right, but we must nok put Wks serie
and depressing self sountsation, Which] other madicines. Ono doetor says that all ony right feelings. Restraint in do
sezoed to aire thi offset of a pliysic:| perfectly sweet, fresh oder, takin Wi ing good 1% Lmportant as well as re
al stimulus; bus, on the whale, natural | Largs quantition fas berm known tof smming frm evii. §suppows chilies
Po but po oesplimbic. | ours ows of bowel emupluint Thi have soffined quite ws much from the
sulliciemly account for the subseguunt) acid lili the bacteria, which are speed: | inkerfersam of friends who would mod:
dismtons, ily thrown cut of the system. Hot wa | ify a wo atrice dist and enlarge a tor
Atannadrite ter, in fowers, is of great nae, aul an litnited Hat of amuseinents ms they have
s pemular BRE pate sh edinary tomblorful of water as hat wil fen thelr parents’ restrictions a
i Pr es dha an ho ken anee an hour is obo of the esi og me
GASIY ETS = Te : Tea pry best pornedien The importa’ thing The Raynl Scots.
owes 12 nate BL A A js to ges into the system and out of i of The Rejral Sots, though not, as sony
of coincidences. On the duy of Whe COB | ypmpteny amount of water ta prow die writers would have ns believe, the old.
tng of age of the Esiprror Alesiaider off gupmmiation of pteanaities and toxius| sak or nesrly the oldest regiment in the
Russia the dcoyery Of 5 BOW VACOL | thin the body, —Cincixmati Enquirer. | wield, bas still much to be of. 12
| & mineral was made in the exserald i raatmicnts which took part fr
minesof the Catherine meonnsatus. Tha Child In It & Boy or » Girl? : the most rilliant actions of three such
x i ir Sa SRE { i i 4 Reais x y % cfs gl 3
| stops varied In onlor from emerald So 0 Lew or waheell” ina question ssptaits 5 Guostaras Adoigas, Conds
the darkess green, having often » red I oh 2 NE kta twas. Bono Hav
SATIRE OFEA A FC] maled in domestic elrela in. the west | and Turine, and to these s havy
dish tion Lon cepeial peculiarity b| country nondrods of tisies every dav | BEL Lh cag guished sevice. wus
ita color clianges entirely 20 n benntifal A “choel’ in, of comrsh, & girl Ma} Max iba gh gin ad Apr Lu
rel. As green and rod am the nitions] THEW, in ‘her “Peasant Spiech off 80 i oy as this? W oh
coloss of Fassia, and in sommenuieative Devon" (1592) thos ilieatrates the uw | Siow SSB 3 Bistny sath 8 greats
om of mt roa) ti ware: "Well, mus whot vr Ue doubt 3, and surely this is mfficicnt.
wos dscovered, the name aloxindrite mimds got these time, than? A bway without tracing an imaginary pedigres
wos given the miners] and the custom] °F 2.cheel (daughter)? ] &} the Seottish guards and. moving the
imangurated of submitting all the finer] This expression ia sometimes howd birthday ‘ovens of tha famons corps back:
A a apart, for Bis selee-| 10, She wuih of England Fir instance, | wand fon two ccnturies without the
9 befirs dealers ave allowed w pur: “Is it a boy or a child?’ Whe sskod slightest warrant from history. A reg
RE To OTe jlo un saplanation, fe siwerer Sa 1A | ment nest not disturb itself to tugs
: Ee boy is # boy; a girl isa ehild™ whether it covered the retyeat of Saul’s
Then She Took It Out. 4 It may be worthy of note that thi army af the action of Sten when ¥
Khe was 4 Rew nurse as the hospital , “a young person,’ hs _propecly San ant/ug F AROS SUCHE HA
and she badd been sold i use ry Phish employed, is almost inyurinbiy used of Lalpsic, Reset, Latin, Dankirk, Bles.
ab 100 degrees. a female —Notos and Queries | beim and aterion —Macmillan's Mag-
The doctor, watching, suw the patient | at! — gsi aint
wince “That water is too bot be | Sha WII Tull. (ure For Hypeshandrin.
anid. testing it 1 said 100 (degrees, | Lalo—~We girls are gUititg up un Ne A young lady of Cardiff, who fancied
not 115 degrees.” erat society of ourown. ,| abe was unwell, went to the surgery of
The nurse turned with dignified pro- Gloorge——Indeed! What's the obijeot?i gh aun ily doctor and commenced wd the
] tent. wy tana tant 54s walter we mii rrnihen Lala—I dom’s know yet, bug ru tll , with “Din wo vr, ’ I'm dying.’
| agin’? sho said. “1 pnt the thermometer you all about it after I'm initiated —1 igh, fucioed [oan recommend a very
Baud left it until it touches 103 de-| Semand Magazine.
grows New York Thues ss
li The “ers of Antioch’ was Soviet
The English language is spolen by| by Panodorns of Antioch, whe ved in} —
ouly sboni 138,000,000 persons, wile the fifth century. Ho swewmed thet the An Effective Ruse.
the Chine is spoken by over 400,000, world wan croated Sept. 1, B.C bai “What gave Mra Crossgrain the
360. comme Spt pe | rely x; jon she has in ber 0
we i ims ein Yonder be drives. Avoid that forions A : ae pr n Jan
Thi: first love and ths first shave are beast. If bhé may have his jest, be never} cop, told. hee that shies
fwo things that culy happen once in a| cares at whose expenss nox friend DOr | 1a em beanty than 1 * Wo
man's He time i i eo | patron spares —Hurgon. nan Boat Fron Press
ee — A ———— ; a - i m——