The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 06, 1896, Image 12
3 seal are shel frien a Pon , 1 Lm wl 4 ee 3 : y faa ina WAN i aw 1 i he liter 38 by wet i 8 Pope DF BA | A Te mere: be : Thon sins dhs oder the jamin. ] | ditt seal Ties Bio geacity sein the ane | Cer tus sre Jum PIRFUF, Yarns. ot 644 priest { I A easil ; To i THe Ei : ee : AOREOES NE Bg { And 8 me ie 8 Boge 6 the erent ail Sar. stiches gh ' 3 thie Ar! $e Buy or nt of Pumth. Ax opi Th stimlyl venue | siteioe the art : het a Ble fn the hy oi in} 0th | po some § knew that we'l spree _ Swen Polly Take The air. | bide away, A spill wo Bernd Rg mR Sai to Jipe | Benue due wooldn'y Sight. i: » $ | ashore to the vv 0 tem Hue fides bean’ Journal. | Of vighter wrong ghrvinter me And a the pant potty site aed brat bE ae — Te— Tu 1 eqried nites right . Tn Asinty } 1 Joon by i y 3 ok 4 % A UETECT wes FAPER Aral wen then uk Gnd slee Jnvis the beste | the hunter is draws Es Whew tight en Lark to trem ; ; Fler pretty Maite oat ple, sawed mgedhor voORery 8 NO if tox Some uf the Corton Horm md Adver. A vin 1th on Axel polly pond hen JOSEY pars | more pawn. The enrf about thes deep | Cameipente That It Contains, Foose he bo gh Jlrs hoe he doit, A $0 LY CATE i Sey A rns npeide Sows | gen lands ix very Rich snd love i The Apwricas Hawishew will gol ag Tiss the air ahs nae artes of the weal hunter. | down into literature catside of thee divs 21 mimad she wtied 2 povie dr : or there in il Taw hat hows the cane Es ea pinhiter Dole Roel. Toe fing 2 ey oe seal” ’ nereel and the Stheeties story, for be bas | ax ic ekpibor’s posit whom went wen ay tof fh bloodshed and desolation Af msawls are Rghy sari, | a sewspaper of Bi% OWD, saYS Gn eR} 3 FY VOLTS 00 NO¥ HARM PEOPLE. | and large qaantities are exported 10 chinge. This unique mddition to the li § But a jut tare my fen phy on, nat S00 gears Cepimiin Ne all the I res that have 18 HN the Amperage That Does the Deadly China. The Chinese mount thie Bairs | of clase papers is publishid gwisthly and | Bat sew hese thoughts: ones oo -— taken place in Enrope sino the dare of Damage. | with gold fir use as toothpicks nd cars i it is devotind tothe interests of detmtives Te bring thers cher, : 5 erseade may Te afteiinsed to 3 Newspaper reporters, oOpY readers | EPO. {hor arts of tha animals are amd plicemen : Be stay fur — i 3 1 and head writers am in need of a pri drind and shipped to China for nse by | ts pews columns ame given over tog ¥ : mary education in cleotricity. Every! fhe native doctors, who claim tat they | bulletin of wore than $15,000 in onsli | Fer though Pm hein 8 1 red a if $5 poremnt Great! Bow and again fhe Rewspapers recon | efoct marvelous cures with the medicine | powards, with a veritable rogoss’ gal | 2 SE, Pritats aril Rossin are the only two the death of somebody from the effect | made from these parts | Jory of prctures and descriptions of | 8 var. | countries where it huis never secored ang | of a given pombe of yoite, or tell of. The sea lions are rather cute in thily | “oronke wanted,” while the latest | su. hopx, ove Wii no thing # | fooehod another's wonderlul survival after re. | way, They enjey a geat deal off sea fowl | ewindling sohwmmes and methods of de. | foul wer, pais. Pertugal and Holland nave | ceiving the shock of many thomsand secnsionally, When the gullsre flying | testion am fully explained for iterimn | 7X Gen 18st does Tl allo bring Tad cars erased the volts Sirange eticagh, in the news averliead, a Hen will dive mod swim investigating raders. I iw interesting | | Up short slots scum day. ¢! paper afconnts robody ix ever killed | Some dlstanee ander water from the | ts read thist "tif yoo want tor suosoed af Per Jovelies folin By Manly cro nor has a aeraarkibie escape from mi! point where he disappearcd. He pe | wm fetection yoo should understand byp BK oynkt tee 0 cold, Muri : of electrigity been chronselerl, | provwches the surface surefolly, allowing | notion.” "N fulkn ain't bothi'tia tot Be Im 4 | years’ war it I in oa the wena PIS) mn often done by & cut | merely the tip of bis black poss to show **Do peer weed bracelets in your bus | 0° evuniey folios Shet'e id. reach of § form in Austria, aml, ag Boy ati rent, poy hae anybody ever seen a above the surfare. By pivingy bis beds | pose?’ ganries « dealer in patent nips CB when yo Fite & will thet's right. all in the kingdom of hatin’ figore in the matter. The anni | 8 rotary motion this nose tip tinkes oi | pore, handcuffs and garkt Janteros ah : hat a alah he | But it is 811] info enmack, in| ber of volts ina cerrent of electricity | cles on the ocvan, ard, to the ive of the | Mastache, whishorsedust the things} Mar aiwy in hen tnd ; Sweden, Ini Pysada and i ethér | ie ine sper or al The vuraber of fying gull, resembics a waterhag at! ft change Your apposed when shade | ~imaritt Pros Press { w of t ro , a8 arperes i its ‘olume Volts with. play. With a swish, the decoived gill owing, sunposts another sdvertiser, wm et ton | out amperes would be speed without yas deen frvm ft station bows Like | while “dieleton Beye 0 open 5,000 SELECTING A VOCATION. ™ pews 4 rig pied he of with give hoa OH RA mR Sa A dB AE teh heh Se BSE substances. | & bail from a gun. The lon sinks o {ow | diwke. drawers. tronks snd padlocks, sit | Puckisurety Wise Counsel to ny A Hght polecnle moving with a inches. and as the gull hs the water | of Kix," are cffeed to the profamion 1d i Mies Tu Choosing w Carer, | peed oF voltage wf 185.000 miles pi Wit tremunidngs Impetus the jaws close gi It ia rather grewsome to lesen thal | ~The yomng man who says ‘1 have : stat swoond trikes the eye without injury, mwemileasly on the wa fowl, and it is BIOL spt cnsh buys A por of tha | sieen my wt ti the Lond, and, there situr ight ressonably be cx. | but if the molecule bad a weight handled below the surince and devoored. | onghired English tilondbosisds, only 10 gi I as going to study for the minis petted to be roo we uh i ate and amperage of oo two thonsandth pa 3 o> BA ! i muitos eR sien already kven a coid] ay, Hilsnes the entire point,” ’ anys Dri from mich narrow medisval pregadices of & gain ft would have the sameeffect] PEOPLE WHO BUY ANCESTORS. pin] better than most old digs: best fi | porknurdt in an artisle on © " and donne as an omnes ball MOVIN 1,000 £00 BI fy Gene Demand by Thoms Who Have Not | 750 3 sheri® or spreinl offioct CAB { Cggoer,” in Laie’ Home Joatak precisely in the three countrine | second. Any nomber of ‘amperes’ wi. b- Tovented Them. minke. Ales, for 23 cents you cami <The is no “thereon” aboot it. : ind ruled br women—Eog- out voltage would be a dead cogine min “There is 8 regalar trade diss in old liars Bove to detect counterfeit nioney fg pettifo : am is 4 roundhouse, armor vd wonien The newt novel article is a brief es | sivaation, i. An article in is Now York paper was mL medinval dmval eomtune ih a Taree N oon “*paychology”” as applied oarinie | y a a a oe at wk a ‘headed, “Net Killed by 2,000 ir tthe writer, Ther are detection. “The departments of Folios | enc | IT o a bey whe, bad soe Joa | Becogne by parsons who have finde tiie | Piokings” and “Sere Servive Sup | Ain Rl As bs iS A +2, 000 voi want pore; Shots” contain suggestive items all the | ity had passe Shroagh Joe's ly with: | 4.0 . and 5 er wmy from the fact that the city coonnil | out Kill ; ee | aa aristocratic lineage. 4 Colfay, Wash, has decided ‘‘tomduce | { perage of he core ting Kom (| . ts polio force to coe man” fo the state- tor *f am frequently called npon to supe on | a ‘statoment means nothing. ARCKBEr try | .;y (hou fctitions ancestors, and I find | soent thus “New Yorkbas 04 policemen | 3, ; > pn 4.1 that the portrait of a gentieinan in ar- totem mile of ede mor—and armor is especially favo | (ip gurvice the detective writer dol “| such as was worn boat the time of Ed- | 5 0" ool voy; 1 arin Dave | vn ward V——will fetoh almost any price, no | matter vm = dione muatear detoctives more mikhief not what a waar does { 16 has the old time tone. HEBER OF 45, Bobi namahol service Christian ; i o putting his camer = ee) “Only the other woek 8 tann whos | haben ; ranger thin tio- under contribotics to the public weal ho *| manner spelled “fortuns from pork wu ton. Cl oF Sy instead of moTyEging it 10 his own | sage applied to me for s series of su | 08 SHE STC Sotectiven mr | proferent, dist makes his servios ; a . I bad three old portraitson |B °F private detectives re: | tan The iv 3 great Jot lot of small hand at the time and offered them to | Lo _ a” He ew. "If all | thinking sboot thei attend snd well hire, but he did not care about them be | © yr may meaning hmbevility that vorks da prim prides Could 1 nos the detectives and | singly all wand. My corrpondent supply this deficiency? I sid, ‘Vou States shobiet Jay off for & moth evry | furthermore widte (iat Ge bad ‘learaed ; : { and doubled the price of the pictures, | sitinen wvald hee 10 2%. 59 Jie hose | 1g disgrust the pw. Al the a RS mir a" ie i: Pi hd RE bh Rs v | svidi ty. Now he wants four more to | 3 ¥ .- We SiBIAE apes 5 thiag by va Hy © sation, | vores # HA By atts ay 1 All four vacant panels in the pleture | Ly ; / standing off an’ disrasting’ it, bat by : Pp t lim careful - a o eT Soe op oy he 12 gi ve ERAT to take | | Soy em and al} the i he Crp | veyor. i Toapy fy | Sil hin bt wom x young man | The End i : I Ea EX ri | vation y| Gomtury Mr. Foster says of the vis Hities of ancient armor are made every | § ! | o| um dass of * a ail hla Bie simply smatterof dying e pictures is fact, and I | gegth yoars 0 Jay an. | and rematw st dadying wiepntig ¢ © | ave known £600 to ba paid for a sit pestis fou Tours 300 0 arth) fon GF eof eick: be can eshaerye Wis EE fo fe Baud bewss anid the day before. Not : fo ed | £10 to make. "London Tit Bie ag, hewevse, the letter came back into Alnahal Ta Colt Wasther. the possession of the curio dealer, and & }° ne. firwt iestitation of packet services A scientist thos explains why it is so few due ago he sent his young scm | ale ant th North . spound to (eorge Gould's oflos with it, | ¥ dmiigerous to use aleohol in the polar Dastracting him to offer it for sale for sem probably dates back to very ancient | a depos cf fat. resid) is not si a the senior Gould had of- i 2 wn a turned into in the muscle sud nerve | sgn Gould was plimsed with ue} ater present when France wasapevidvis vells, but serves as 4 fool in the and a combustion | 25: worn and yellow letver. Ho read if ems pride wast ave made | organism i of fat. Alcohol is, therefops, dangurons and then laughingly ¥ said: itmelf irmmistibly felt: sod even after | in the extreme’ cold: Docanre 16 ming | 1 Soca habs Sunny: My father the Joss of Ciiduly the jong presence of L.1 : | the throwing off of beat ino great de | hah weve; he Yui oa his English troogs and English agente in ’ on | pein NS gree. The effect is as if amove ina ES $5 for it, wh or th | 4h Low Countries called for almost as examaization ends with rooms should be heated redhot and then diualer refused. erasitiant means of cusiniication with the | Fission. Beyond that step promotion all the doors and windows thrown open. After 43 years the letter is an plait 8 | piiland a | mast come though other ‘ the duor it was written. Bub the paper, | 1h, wrvics probably made a gress 8 full sted Jettor sheet, written on both stride in ther Jars of the protectorate; 10 4 er | dr , dg Fuiden, Ja orn a1. tin oifes The had: | 4 soretry Thurioe, who hung the step 2 big 1 And = indispensi of heat is best | Sieg plain 4 ing, with 8 di | quo ad Europe at the protector’s atiainod by lis : and heed | hragned by fate This expising the ia. | 230d fender #5 ourith. Two wards | _i,.5, could do so only by means of To 1p | stinetive choice of the food of men. In sre misspellod—barometrical and dam § orm erupted sorvospoaenos with his the tropics they eat little fat apd much BS ish wre. written “‘Dormotrial” | pois abredd, and, bung postmaster | trait, whils the polar . dweller requires But mage.’ | fil, consid regulate rr packets to | immense quantities of fat to keep up ¢ queerest of all ia th length Of | Cp by wishes Still the system Was S| the bodily combustion. — New York the epistle. Jay Gould was noted for |p (om the brwvity of his business letters. Thrve cittur dustry Cromwell's reign or that rms lines often mMced him, when hiswealth | suvemsor. The need for sock ex- How te Save Yourself Fram Deasn, | Wie peaciy 3100,000, 000, to transect ee becane pressing onle throngh Professor Dvommend tills in hig | Dostness inven iag millions But us w| o owth of our colonial “Tropical Africa’ thas on one oceasion pour marveyor he needed plenty of worbi- Mwcmilisa’s Magazine % | four of lis carriers ran awny. There Ago 80 got around the loan of & $30 | were thre of the same tride in the con- | dovel New York Letter. Moltke and His Pom. WE | pany, and, though the professor knew say One morning, ss Versailles, in Jou. { Dothing of their dialect, by deterntined, Syamd? Fhuaeary Sos. ary, INTL, the letters from home were | boing in danger of losing his hfe, to] He--I understand you have been at. looked through while Moltke was tench them » lesson. tending an ambulance class. Can 308 | prom of them was a Jong Beginning with a few general ro tell me what is the bist thiog to do fur ; hae | marks on the heathen, bo liriefly sketch. | broken heart? SAAREY | od the geology of Africa and then broke She—Oh, yes Bind up the broken van batter into an impassioned defense of the Brit. | Jertien with » gold band, bathe with | pg IbDSCS | Ly constitution. The thre tribesmen | OTANEY v blossoan water and spply platy | gy trembled like aspen leaves ‘Be coneiod- of or ioe, Guaranteed to be well in a ed his reprimand by solemnly enunciat-| month. —Boston Traveller. forty-seventh proposition of Far Worse and Worse. Mrs Brown—I have been so anooyed | at my husband. Ho has heen ut the club | o every night for a week 2 Mrs Jenes—Why, si has my bus band, and be said be hadn't seen auy- § thing of your husband for a week. = Brookiya Life Noah's Claim to Winlem. | yy Wh Baliew there is nashority for siaing that Teacher Was the wise man} il lh He waa the only mac whe |; | ¥new enocogh to come in when Wwnioe | od *-=Indianspolis Joureal. i