By bn ying your Clothing, Gents Furnishings, | line of Hardware, Stoves, Doors Sash, Paints, Fite. Black and Tan Shoes reduced in price from 80 cents and| - A Thing £1. 35 to 60 cents and $1.00. ; Of the Oh, by the way, have fo séen our CELEBRATED! J VBREAKABL ' BU UENSE HATS latest styles—| I am fully convinced that the Ladies of Patton appreciate and demand that which is up to date. What part of their attire are they most particular abeut? Why their Shoes of ‘course. That is why I have put in the elegant line of Shoes ‘which are positively the very latest out. Such as the 2oth Century. Low Cut. Large Button; aiso same thing in lace; also a large assortment of Oxfords in both tan and black, prices to suit all. Ask my clerks to show them to yon. I know you will be pleased. At no time in the history of Patton has there been such a large and Wagnifciont stock: of £ n Spent ihe ay th his parents, Mr., a nS a A ‘as are on my shelves. I haven't nearly enough room to dis- A 'm. Connell. : gi a » o 4 Mrs. gas play then, consequently there are many pretty things mm my ; iar, of . of te wad : rT ie stock which I know you have never seen. Just think, beants- o = 3 | Sly ful wash Silks at 20. per vard—ean’t be beat in Phila. You will find my clerks only too glad to have the pleasure of showing these goods to you, None better made. From 23.00 to $50.00 less $4. wi ithout | ‘che sicest thigh Shelf. CINDERELLA COOK STOVES from £5.00 to $15.00. Don’t buy a Stove to try. The Cinderella has been tried. Call and examine before] ? deciding. Lare on my shelves which 1 aim to scll at the very lowest | A complete line of Doors and Sash and Heavy and Shelf prices possible. ‘Hardware. | My stock is complete. There is scarcely an article in use that cannot be had 3 m ! my store. It is a well estalilished fact that nothing but the very “ Like 0 state that If at say time yon desire anything from the City | will chearfuily gut it for you at exactly the same price you woulil pay if you were right in Wanamaler's store yoursell Kindly give me 5 call snd be convinced that I am selling the Iss more the result of good judgement and best goods for ne little money ae you will find in large cities. laste than mere lavish of money. | Onur New Stock of | deanica of dysentery in different parts La _ | of the conntry in which Chamberlain's in Lawns, Percals, Dimities, Seersucker? Peques, Jackonets, Spri { Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy (*jcelian Cloths, Moire, Caneles, Shirt Waists, and full line’ ' NE te ‘of Lace and Embroideries is adapted to fill the wants of those | vere and dangerous as Asiatic cholera. ‘who having slender incomes still desire to make their appear- | Heretofore the best efforts of the most ance creditable. Our method of doing business is to buy : have failed to chek se] the best. and recommend our goods, charging a Tower bss price than you can get elsewhere. Call and examine our | goods and be convinced. oe Gas ’ nr of all desc ription can be procured at our Store. A full and contplete line of Heavy and Shelf Hardware and all kinds of "This saying is true of bread only where it is made of First-Class Flour. ite Satin Flour LYS, and a general Tine of BUILDERS MA- combines the qualities which produce good bread. Every TERIAL kept constantly on hand. See us first before buy- ck guaranteed. ing. It will | poy you. Moar don’t forget that we can sell you everything in the " line as cheap a you can buy elsewhere tqyualiny made A. A. Qutter, and CS rt d #® "THE CAMBRIA HARDWARE CO. Magee Ave, Patton, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers