Gleaned Here and T here by the “Courier” | SA JRDAY / ELECTION. person who buys {ongh Reporter. he Vote on Toning . Torough Bonds snd | - the Gus and Water Tux Carried, In pe to a call by the Bor. | grim and the Borough Con- | {stable & special election was held in the Firemen’s hall on Satarday, Ang- PATION ws 1 FROY esevsmme Two Gamer Whh Sttomra, The above clubs played the third | game of the series of seven grames ar- ranged oni the grounds of the Intter on | - Tharsday, July 30, 1508, and restited Cin a vletory for the Patton ys after | the tust game that has been played by | either team for a long time The features of an exciting and well- | played gnme were the batting of Arm- | strong, Smith, the home ron drive of | . M. Reilly, the magnificent one haaded eateh by MoNerney of a long drivein. 3 3 i ut 1, 1898, for the purpose of voting also for = pus and water tax. jeft field, the pitching of Hunter and | Sperieln, and the fielding of D. Dude, A ine: in the score: PATTON, APA IA Se SARE SI YH The election was quite an interesting j Poe at y > which resulted as follows: Debt may be increased, 118 votes. No increase of debt, #4 votes. For gas and water tax, 105 votes. Against a gas and water tax, 53 Senith, The majority of votes cast for the bond issue was 75, while the majority of votes bast for gas and water was 5% The amount of the last assessed saluation of taxable property in the was $260,965, | one and a large number of voles were Hite, Ge © Areas momp or HN oy JF 8 soa oh ww TA BE | Hans ie, p Umer an hid nl OK i Ge ee ee wer Teauls Eas Tate ERIE ia er ed Sor Bhaenter i ui wpe The amount of the existing debt is: DT : : Bonded Debt, $5,000.00, Fioutiog Debt. $1,171.95; Total, $6,171.98. © he amount and percentage of the inerense of debt in $2,800.65, or one per | pent. of the amount of the last pre coding amnenned valuation of fs tax. t purpose 1 was the payment of the existing flost- {ing fndebtedness and the opening, DoD : and repairing of streets. The purpose of the election to vole on gas and water tax was fo empower placing extrs hydrants in outlaying gradually in- ol oressing in number, "908, all school children of the State _Cowpnisery Vaoeinwtion. In accordance with the provision of the Act of Assembly of June IS, 1994, ‘section 11, Pennsylvania laws, page must be vaccinated, provided they have not previously had smallpox. : , or other persons in charge of hoon. are required to refuse the war dn ined on of any child to the sehoods i more than $100, or imprisonment in the os L under a cerfificate signed by a physician, setting forth that the child | has heen successfully vaccinated, or that it has previously bad senadipox. The violation of this lnw is sulject to a | penalty of not less than $5.00, nor connty jail for a period pot exeseding 60 days. : 80 wot Deca: oi Rapabnd Godd, The Johpstown | be “a special dispatcl:” frotn Cresson, {saying that during the retresd of the (and that but one priest was for the Gold Standard. A prominent Catholic priest who attended the retreat re. =o quests the Tribune to say that no ach Lwote wax taken, sid that, therefore, neither the Democrat's infifmant hor any one else has any means of know. ing how the clergy of the Plittabury | Digese stand on the money gestion. ~Johnstown Tribune, Satins Farkas Bloek, i PP Young, the Fifth avenue meat | merchant, has parchased the lot next goffice ou Magee svenne and 1 bas already broken arocnd fir & Dew bosiness block, which will be 30x38 ation | Tet, Ew stories high, and will be used strocture will be encased with and Is expected to be complated in" : for a meat market and store room on the first floor and for tenement pur. brick sear Bone. poses cn the abont six weeks Mate man Assipsaont. On Tuesday morning Mr. CA, of the incresse of debt Seer 2 | Sterk Out By Hunter : en ~Heitly BB. Wild The | the Borough Council to lay a gas and water tax to cover the expense of ; POCTEL Monday : mar; yraing published wha! pirported to 0 clergy ob loretio lust weed, 5 om . vote was taken on the money question, CE Wo ef iki, of; Cima Totabe wp wk gag pil aT RD AERA E Sn Frennbaie co ERE Ge Wehgon NHR Sarna Roan -§% | Pain Hin Airs 4 Reitis RB. Arseisdag. othe BE Me Nemes Toone flow Reilly Bl Me Nerney, Rely = R.. Shae | mck an, Kaew Donbde Flay Ne and Hae on Halle per in 1 Ruoter Prietior- Dale W.. Clue, Sperioin 5 Mperiin A Pasnd wire} Printer, Reilly | Als. Umaphos CPREOn Riis hey Jai LH mel Palpsy va. Happy Pity of Allooms. The shove clubs played two games of bam ball at Mariposs Park, Ber wiosdale on Satardny, Aagost 1, 1508, iy Hl shoemmker; ; ch winning one. of keeping op more at ignite, which are Th te first game with ths score at 13 ta 1 in Patton's favor at fhe first Kaif of ithe BRD inning, the game was given to Patton by the score of § to 0, the | Altoona mien making a kick on a de z ‘A WARNING IS | At Regular Meeting Last Wednesday Night. EL as Yo Thome Fuduiging n Fabliv fog anid Curd Playing io the Borosgth The Patton Borough Connell met free coinage at the ratio of 18 fo 3 1 A Wtraw Vile Which Was Takin GIVEN Tuesday on | Pittsbu. Wednesday evening, July 28, in regu. ar session with the following mesribens present: President Alex. Msutieth, ‘8. M. Wilson. Ralph Leisch, 8. M. Comeling, J. T. Culp. D. P. Jones, + Joel Dixon. The minates of the meetings held "| Wednesday evening, July 2d, J0th and s | 15th, were read and approved. On motion it was resolved that the following notice he passed by Cotineil ? and published in the PaTroN (CdiniER 7 three weeks: “Notion is hereby given by the Burgess ¥ and Town Council of Patton Borough that there shall be no more bear drink- ing, whiskey drinking, or the drinking of any other intoxicant in the streets, i lanes, alleys or other public places in said Borough, other than in the hotels. Crowds are aaationed pot fo oongre § Bua 4 Twa 4! gate on the streets, lanes or alleys for ; the purpose of watehing quoit pitehe “ing or other public open ir ghee Loafing on the Fifth avenue bridge soross Little Chest creek is hereafter strictly prohibited and all persons found violating the laws relative to the above will be severely doalt with and the Chief of Police is requeited to arvest all violator of the same. On motion it was carried that the A. sreot committee be instracted 10 look | after the road which connects North . Fifth avenue with the township road leading to Thomas’ Mill, J. T. Culp, a member of the street pommittee, reported that ba had or dered tw stringers in the bridge across decision and refusing to play, the umpins gave the game Lo Patton stated above. he sovond game had edvanced to the first half of the sixth inning, Pat fork being at bat with two inen oul, and | with the score then 8 to 4 in favor of Happy Bille when a fight soured sasiongy (he spectators, which delayed this game, and after several attempts ty resin: play it becanuy impossible, as the spectators got all over the ground, couming the gan bo be called, jt being late, and ther being oo, chance of finishing it. The sore Little Chest creek near Donnelly’s mill, | ‘as the same hud been disabled. On motion it was carried that the report be socepled. On motion 1t was oarrind that the report of Chief of Police John Boye from June 18, 1998, to July 20, (996, be accepted ax read. } Borough Buginer E theretiore goes back to 8 to 3 in favor of Altoona, which wis the state of the game at the end of the fAfth inning. Redaied Rates wr Kae Ag NE Pre For the accomodation of persons de being: to attend this interesting picnic snd exhibition at Willian’ Grove the Pennsylvania Railroad company will sll excursion tokets on Logumt 220, 2 Ca a 7 and 3X good for return antit Angust 31, inclusive, al rate of one: faire tor round trip, from the principal siations between East Liberty and Bryw Mawr, on the Northern Central The clerk wus instrocted to notify . Brown to se tablish grade of side walk Hn east side of Fifth avenue from the Palmer house property to Lang avenue and give the same 00 properly owWnors along that Tine On motion it was carried thst a larnp and lamp post Iw placed at or near the east end of iron beidge aeroms Chest orenk on Magee avenuoe. A petition of the majority of the Property ownams on a pertain portion +f Beech and Fifth avenues was pre sented to Council praying: for a sewer pn certain portions of asid streets Ba way north of and Dreluding Luth- evifle. amid ou the Philadelphia asd Eeie Railroad diviion. For informa ton in regard traitk. service and specific rates applieatim should be padi to ticket agents 34 Lirthelay Sarpriee. A grand birthviay surgaise pity was given in honor of Benjamin Beaver's 94th anniversary at bid home at the pest endl of town on Thursday night About 35 people were prosent and the ewaning was spent in games, danciag, Lipusio and refreshment. The follow. ing from cut of town ‘were present: Strs, Mary Eckart and danghter, and Mi Marks, of Alodpa, asd John Singrer and wife, of St. Liwrenoe. Kitiodd by tie Cues, On Monday a valuable milch cow be lomging to John Fedora, of Fifth ave nue was ran over by the cars and | right. Hastings T Tribune. 0 "or. the forniturd dealer, who has: injured to such an extent that it had to "stores in this place, Carrolitown and | pe jrilled immediately ufterwards by a Barnesboro, made an assignment for gan shot. The animal's left front leg, | the benefit of his creditors. His assets oq completely severed, besides being are probably four times the aggregate | ‘injured in several other places. The | amount of his liabflities, and there is accident occurred a abort distance No doubt that he will come ont alt: above the Pennaylvanii station. | AMention Republicans and Sound Money Donn oats! There will be a special meeting of | the McKinley club of Patton in the : List of Unelnimed Letters. The following letters remain in the | wtoffice at Patton for the Week eng: rday , Aogust 1, 1 Egle A Connell, Miss 1 , W. T. Robinson (5), W. 8 mumt of new members ind attending : to other business of grent importance. for the shove letters Four attendance is devirfa REVEL HOMERVILLE, © President. On motion it was carcied that a special meeting be held on Wednaday night | wEanLy snoreen " 3 ONE. Pximirwion Train to Nigpers Tulle, Another exoumion train straw vote | Feld hina been taken. This time It is one; which the Chicago-Platfim pipe will | Hardly care to mention. The vote wah taken on the Niagars [alls exourdon the Buffal), Rochester & rg railroad, and of 183 votes fhe money of the silver mine owners | 1. A great many of these who voted | were workmen from the shops it Ak us Pr In North Cambrie—List of the Successful Ones. MORE ARE 101 #: Peer Drink. 170 were for sound money and 18 for | Patron Applica TYRE he amie - Carrofitown on August 1 Through the kindness of County Superintendent of Schools T. Lo Gib wm, the Courier below publishes & toons. Several of thum were quite lint of names of those applicants in the ; free to discuss the seas, avd it ap north portion of county who have res peared that they have madd up thelr wived omrtificates. The whole nomber - minds that what {hey want iw not i ecamined in the eoanty so fur is 388 ; new and theoretical selma, buts 200d | gad the number of certificates granted chance to earn good money. One of the oldest of the company said he hard worked in shops fir fwenty FORrS and voted for everything new that he cond. He generally found it most convenient to do so. but this’ year be i going to vite mplinit the fron sifver candidates apd for money which will put 100 cents in bis pocket when he sans iL Arsiy Worms on the Poor Fara, Poor Director Janus Moone came dows from Ebensburg Thondey even ing, and brought along a bunels of out stallen from a field on fhe OILY poor | farm that had been invaded by the army worm. The stalls are Heipped as clean of their heads and blades as if the jobs had been done by huts bands. © The field is one of elven JOT, from which Steward Hughes expioted to harosst from 50 to T) bushels to the | acre, bat it ls doubtful now if tihe whole | feild will yield 100 bushels. Whence the worms came {rom or whe they went is pot known, bot tht they did 1 their work of destrmiction in shost | A order is evident from the bot that a week ago this fleld of oats wan one of | the finest in the north of the cooanty. There sre a few of the worms pow on the corn, bat they do list appesr to be © making much headway. --Jolinstown | Tribune, He Buried $kix Momiy The Mountaineer says that John Poust. of Nicktown, Cambris county, while on a visit to his sister at Homer City, Indiana county, ecaine suddenly insane and was placsd in the Dixmont insane asym. After the departure ol the brother, the sister looked through his satchel. She found a pleoe of paper which told of a sum of money which Foust claimed ti have Hidden in ber cellar. It was known that le alwayy gartied considerable money sbouk hile person, so A couple of owen were called in, who dug diligently in the floor af the cellar, and at Inst anearthed Gwe money of the manige. In the ibe: wore $1,360 in gold S133 in silver and $888 In greenback, br §LIE 2 in ail The money was taken to Dndians and put in the Fost National bank, pend to take action sn said petition, and the plerk be inetensted to notity terested property Wns cording to law, On motion it was carried that the following bills be accepted tnd orders drawn for the same: John Bayce, $825, for police services for month of July and a men! to a prisoner; FE Will Greene, 85 82 for clerk salary for month of July and tax collector's book and postage; Patton Publishing Co., $30.00, fur advertising as per bill rendored | BE “dated July 29, 1898; Rene! Somerville, ‘ $2.00, auditing school account; aconunt of JC Myers, $8.00, for special police serviee on July 4th, 1598; James Decker, 82.00, for special police service on July 4 said atrpets Aad $ih: 8 1 Jones, £1.00, for special police service on July 4th; Daniel Holes, $3.00, for special police service on July 4th; FH. QO. Winslow, Chest | Creek Land and Improvement Co. $1.50, for sand and stone per bill ren. dered June 20, 1804 Connell thes adjourned to meet at special meeting on Wiinesdy night, August 5th, aod at regular mesting ‘night, August 12, 1996. Basket Plenie The Baptist Sunday school will hold’ a basket picnic on Donpelly’s hill Wed- nesday, August 12th. Everybody ia invited to attend. Buse , Bali. The COURIER is rixuested to an-| pounce that there will be two groves of | hase ball at Patton on Saturday, Ang ust Sth, between the famous Patton club and Morrisdale Mines. These two games will settle the champion-| | Firemen’s hall on Friday evening, ship of Cambria and Clearfield counties. | ala August Tth, for the purpose of enroll- | | andl sci theta. R SOMERVILLE, Hipena Fabialce: of drmepms. rugs Rigans Teltules urs indiguuion. y i | ing legal court. disposition af it by the Masai Gowns Farinnts® Baeiahpai al. From August 17 to 24, inlusive, the Pennsylvania Rallrond company will well, for the above sciasion, round-trip tickets to Mount Gretna and return at pate of one fue for the round np from principal stations Detween East Liberty and Bryn Mawr, off the Naorth- ern Central Railway north of and in- cluding Latherville, and on the Phila- ‘delphia and Brie Railmal dividon. These tickets will be valid for retin passage until August 21, indusive. For | information in regard bo train service and specific rates application shonld be made to ticket Agunts.- Stes Denti Arrives Dr. 1. Van Wiban, of Tyrone, li 278. making the number who filed 108: : Aloe Weakiand, Eva Arthur, Jeanie M. Gln, Nona Nupp, Martha Martin, TX. Grifith, HS. Roberts, Mand EB Wray, Bertin Mock, Inn Nupp, BR Williams, Will Randal, Jos. N. Hoston, John Flscker, Charlotte Rosenkrans, Zon 8 Howe, Myrtle Templeton, Bert Farabaugh, W. J. Little, W. A. Par rish, R. 12. Templeton, Francis Craver, John H. Hogan, Lawrence Williams Nettie Muloehill, 8 B. Sides, D. A. Me- Anulte, James Widowson, Reed Lote, Annette Plummer, Mary Brown, Stella Wathine, Frank Ryan, Vincent Muloe- With, Will Griffith, Emily Williams, Margaret Callan, Alice Driskel, Alice Db. MeGue Katie R. Lilly, Harriet Donahoe, Mary Hagan, Vietoris Conrad, Hattle McKemie, J. 8. Springer, Annie Me- ‘Combie, Thomas H. Parrish, J P. Orner, Thos Conrad, Harry Wallace, Nettie Snyder, Sadie E. Lydick, Stelle Asking, Leona Patterson, Jacob Shar Baugh, John BE. Brown, Augustine Leib, H. Sharbangh, Mm. Mary C. Clowes, lw, A. Brawley. Eva Evans. Celis ¥. | Duninegn, Maggie McOngnell, Clare IML Smith, Katherine Ivory, a Ivors Janta Neff, Ida Nupp, Sadie Me- Turdlell, Maggie Reilly, Mary Cramer, Ben Disrbin, 1. 1 Prelster, Hayy A ‘Leiden, P. V. Able, E M. Yahmer, Lo- vets Cramer, O. O. Nupp, Edythe Herthlpin, Thos J. Foley, Wm. A Libliy, James Dillon, J. L Myers, Joome Woods, Kate Campbell, : Follpwing are the dates and places of axamiastions yet to be held in this end of Carpbria: August 6 at Cresson, for Cresson township; August T, at Ebeasburg, for Cansbigia township snd Ehensbung; Aujrit §, at Loretto, for Allegheny and Loretio; August 11, at Fiske, for White; August 12, at Glasgow for Resale; Augst 13, at Bi Lawrenos, for Chest township: August 14, Su Aage asting, for Clearfield and Chest Springs; August 15, st Fairview, for Jackson: | August 18, at Carrolitown, for Carvoll township, Patton sad Carvelltown; August 19, at Ashville, for Ashisad, | Ashville and Dean; August 20, at Noel, for Munster; September 1, spacial exe amination at Ebensburg. Ertrny Nitheo, There came to my promises io Hider township on or aboot July SK 1508, a dirk bay horse-mube with a saadl lamp on the right bind pester and is sbout sight or ten years old. Any owner of sald apimzl i» reapigstedt to vall sod pay damages snd fake said anbmsl away. HH. PuxNINGTaN, mas Patton, Pa July 31, 1596, Ripans Tabules: une gives relief. Ripans Tabules citre blonsness. CLOSING 3 £ f ha z : anew dentist, who is golag fo ocoapy the rooms formerly oetnpied by Dir. Swarts, ix in town aul iy busily en- gaged in fixing up his rooms. He is secompanied by his brother Robert, also of Tyrone, who is nssisting the dovtar. Wisrsiisg Notice is hereby given by the Burguss | anid Town Council of Patton Borough that there shall be no more beer drink- ing, whiskey drinking or the drinkiog | of any other intoxicant in the streets, lanes, alleys or other public places in “sald Borough other ly tlie hotels. Crowds are caationed not to congre- | gate on the streets, lanes or alleys fbr: she purpose of watching quoit pitch tng or other public open alr games. Loafing on the Fifth Avenue Bridge | : across Little Chest Creek is herveafler ‘ 0H Ladies’, Misses’ snd Children's SHOES ardless of cost, as I must make rootn for other goods. Ladies if vou want to reap & ‘golden Harvest’ and money on & fine pair of shoes stop in and see me. oun will always find a full sad vom plete line of Notions, Tinware, Glassware, Queensware and Light Hardware. Re Shae Ia {werictly prohibited and all persons found violating the lawn relative to the | | above will be severely dealt with, and the Chief Police in reqhiested to arrest all violaters of the: sam. CW. DoNNELLY, 3543 Tuy 3, on. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers