The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 23, 1896, Image 5

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Carmiise. Fusher Maroelitas, ovr
Don’t tell what yon don’t know,
: ‘sods water, It is just what you want
man, of Dubois, spent Sunday in
last week. :
_ pillaat the speci election on Satur
other column of the COURIER.
water you will have a sure extinguisher
Apples are getting ripe.
"| Vote to increase the debt on August
THURSDAY, JuLy » 1908, . Root beer at Patton Pnarmary,
“srs Ww. Hodgkins.
M. C. Masser came over from Barnes.
bare on Sunday.
H. D. Soyster, of Altoona, was in
piher Sanday al Band 0d. me. None
Gay Hihoo) nt 2 p. mi. and vespersatdp.oon.
groper Ermscoprar—Hey (1 W. Wasson,
tor, Bervices at 105) a.m and 70 p.m. town one day last week.
anday school at 2p. m. Epworth Lesgoe
600 PM
are pom, Prayer meeting Wednes. BF. Wise and W. C. Habbard were
Gay evening at ie at Johnstown on business Saturday.
IXDERRN DENT ORDER OF ODT FELLOWS Pat M. Fitzharris, of Johnstown, was a
ton Lodge No. J, Hunaty every Thumday | guest at the Patton hotel on Tuesday,
ovenin TRY At | > 5
tobn, nl) Wm Cramer. N. CA Gill, of Bt. Lawrence, was a
unler, Ree | gest at the Central hotel on Monday
PATRIITIC ODEN Boxe oF AMERICA Wash : at the Central inte) © Monday.
ington camp No. Boa Fig rv every Mopday A. (. Haldeman, of Philadelphia,
oye pie: wet’ Fall ] i Pad
tii Ca MH Untfman. Pris. Stopped at the Palmer house on Mon
CO Edmiston Rec, See's. day.
Fier Siovar Carronite Usion of Patton, Ee
Na 118, ects “yiery Jims Sanday stternoon | A, BE. Woolridge, of Clearfield, was a
¢ ®E Folio i Ls :
ath mont : re Shika, Pres | pleasant caller at this office on Batur
Joh Fornadiey, Ser yy. dad
Grand Army of the Repubile oo Lisntomiant * :
Kaine Pest, No, EL poets every sein and W. MR Lytle, of Altoona,
t Th rhe wy oa bod 5
Goats ba di 2 A eric SR "tered at the Commercial hotel
Ww. H. H. Bell, Adjutant. day.
ImpnaveEn Groee oF Herrasosms--Patton | : :
i tomes irs meand and] Frank Wand, of Toronto, 0. =
yk of ae :
Goexts Hall. ROW, Eddy, Sonor. wtered at the Contral hotel on Thurs
BOWIE Greene, Sen, day.
reas -Diviston No. J mt Saen. iam. som Jom. G. Seidle, of Pittsborg, stopped
wets SY ery — ¥ afi HOON |
yor gab month iy ager hy | at the Commercial hotel one day last
Philip Cuilanan, Ber, i week
Local Time Table. | Don’t get in a hurry Johnstown our
The honrs of arrival and departure clab will no dont weed yom ba fe a thas
of trains nt the Patton Station ard as. season ends
follows: :
Train No. Mai? Comes. | Mins Anna Seyler, of DuBois, was the
n. w ABA % | guest of Miss Sannie Dale on Magee
iF Px ‘avenue this week.
Peter Campbell, one of Carrolitown’s
public spirited citizens, had business in
are | Dn on Friday.
: ge numbers marked “N
northbound and ps southbound.
To Advertisers. iting his son, John Scheid,
Hereafter all patrons who wish a avenue this week.
display advertisement in the Patron J H. Dizon purchased a fine
OOURIER, or who wish to change their Land ealf of Paul Fry, of near Lovell,
“ud now running, must hand their | one day this week
copy in not later than Monday evening | Liricoln, Nebraska. the Democratic
of eich week. If handed in later than | ,andidate, Wm. J. Bryan's home,
: Monday evening it will have to be held | | sitaated on Salt Creek.
over "till the next week. Try to get
eopy in carly. Parron Pre. Co. WwW, W. Wallice, a traveling skies
man of Cleveland, O., was
the Commercial hotel on Monday
| Miss Kate Empfleid, of Greenvilie,
| Pa., has been elected principal of the
‘ Hastings schools, Cambria county.
Revel Somerville, Esq. J (1 Patrick,
RB Tower and Edward Moore rode to
Loretto on thelr on Sunday
Jacob Laseh, Jr., of Pittsburg, had
| business in town on n Taesd ay and while
hers was a guest at the Palmer Bote,
Cucumbers, Cramps and then the Oi Manday i A lod vi
doctor. Leeived a new Col tanibis Bley
Never judge a person by the make of beant, being the first
wheel he rides. bia in town.
Mrs. B. Kusner visited ber par: The COURIER ix headquarters for Ad
ents in Altoona this week. kinds of mine printing
Cocoa Cola, the finest drink out, at ments a specinity Write
Hocigking' Patton Pharmacy. And sam pies.
Dr. Whittier, of Clearfield, was in
cnr town on business Tuesday.
5 iw af
An Annex
Taras Cod gave msn heart amd bende,
pilin rth Fife ti bless:
1} nisde wn poeketiook
Men ai Pe with dict ress,
Anither Verse don,
LHe ated Beside the boted bed
He'd paid feo duiines for and sa 4
sits horrible ti tue fo sheep
Upon a i staffed with chomp
soedstor ©
AW. Busletin,
From 1.
Oh, dat watermelon.
ifm ree
i made Lalani
Mine state
In another eolnrnn will be found the
report of the oot Vira
and National Bank of Patton at the close
of business July 14, 1596,
Talk about good roads some parts Mr. Robert A. Hunter desires 10
thank the many friends who so kindly
of (lambria county truly need them.
rendered assistance during the fines
Wm. Stratiff moved into his new
roti s on Baech AVEnoe of Tue wl y and after the death of Yuin wit
fitian of Loe
above all don't teach it to children.
Me i : When you take a trip to Etetisburg
Hox at 4 J Pu th Land Comber mtete stop at the Blair house and you will be
: y ased add night Aveomaocainns ex.
When you are thirsty try Hodgkin®' ohent and rates moderate. 6
If we believe what they say -and of
A large number of wheelmen of dif course we do=the ntimber of women
fot towns visited Patton on fun who have attained their majority wan
day. ‘the minority. 1. A. W. Bulletin.
Popular airs are like measles; the) (10 Mirkin and ike Warteisky, who
ary catching but ‘nobody likes them. were spending the past ten days io
Hx ‘New York state and Canadas, returned
#W. H. Rumberger and A. J. Way: home the letter part of last week
(. Willis Snyder, representing {he
' News Publising company of Williarns-
Jdobn H. Douglass, of Altoona, reg- port, spent Saturday in Patton and
istered at the Patton hotel one dai while here called ai the COURIER office.
Mm J. H Dixon, of Beech avenoe,
8. J. Rockwell and wife, of Mans- accompanied by her little son Watson,
fleid, Pa, stopped at the Patton hotel returned home Satarday after 3 week's
on Saturday. visit with her sister Mra. CH. Perry,
Clem Carden, of Clearfield, and Mr. of Chest Springs.
Kime, of Cherrytree, had busivess ba Wm. F. Gable, EE. H. k and Frank
Putton on Monday. MeGlain, all of en “Dr. Pick, of
Every voter should turn out to the Philadelphia, and Jis. A. MeClain, a
Spangler, were among the many Visi
urday August 1, 1596. tors to Patton last week
al attention is directed to the LE. Dillon, of Hastings, one of Lhe
ad of Wolf & Thompson in ai rch members of the boant of
county commisioners, announoes that
he is a candidate for reelevting,
The Beech creek railroad shops have
ject to Democratic ries.
resumed the 10 hour-a-day system, #0
witys the Jersey Shore Herald.
A McKinley and Hobert club his
been organized in Patton. Will we
have a Bryan and Sewell club ?
Frank A. Gunnison, a commercial
man of Huntingdon, stopped at the
Central hotel one day last week.
Isadore Weil, W. Lyon, L. Bend.
beim and L. Stern, of Altoona, rode fo
Patton on their bicycles on Banday.
Park on Safurday, August
Patton base ball club Bogoing Ww
two games there that day with’
“Happy Bills’ of Altoona
W. EB. Probert, accompuiied by his
mother, both of Patton, visited wre
Saturday and Sunday, calling on their
Mr Bonner and family.
Lioydsville (Cor. to Ebensburg Herald.
8. C. Lerch and wife started Monday
Geo. 8. Good and son Harry, of Lock morning on their wheels for a brief
Hav and Hon. James Kerr, of
a visitors to our town ‘sojourn among friends in and near
J Summerville, Pa, taking their little
on Monday.
‘son Ralph with them. Mahaffey Val-
It is said that by wading one ies . ley Wave.
spoonful of eregline fan't it queer as general rule a mem -
ber who sleeps during a sermon in his
Te tix 10 ut an ad inthe ' home church never slumbers when he
o time ‘ sees a chance to ‘‘vrowd”’ a debtor who
COURIER; it will make you busines. could pay his creditor if he would only
Never walt en comes. ‘but wait a few days longer. The
after it and you will get ‘would-be christian lays awake at nights
| Harry Sweeney, undertaker and planning a scheme to get his clutches
\ ® eae rn H Pa, on the poor honest man’s last hope
in Patton, the guest: of | when he should be down on his tender
knees making up for lost time.
ehing 83
regis. & ob ff
| Charles Scheid, of Pitteburg, is vis |
on Fifth
T. 6 Orover. the . honing dr
companied by his estimable wife, were
visitors to Patton on Toesday, While
here Mr Cronover gave the Commies
a pleasant eall
George Prindible, formerly of Wah,
Wah, Okishoms: Ulysses, Potter Co
and Anderson Creek Gulch, Clearfield
county, hat now of no where in partie:
iar, in visiting his nomerons friends
ir Pattony this week
The literary and wocial departineais
of the Epworth Leagos
entertainment ana a i the
gave fi Roeteh
Aw Bory
Episconad ehpved bast Prides
It wan a conyplete spied
wan greatly appreciated br the
arge andience present
Parton has earned the reputation of
being quite x stoppin ® piace for trav.
desriian Runday. The
attraction i» our modern and
well kept hotelw Several prefer this
| place to some of the summer ports
| Dear Os.
The residence of HI. Goud, fore
man of the Express and Clintos Re
publican eamposing rooms. was strock
by lightning during the storm Tamed
Weodneaduy forencon snd hik Siyear
daughter Millie was wertersdy
shocked by electricity. Lock Haven
Harry F. and Miss Louis MoNamars,
of Fhenshurg, accompanied by Mrs
FE. Nenstadt, Miss Neustadt and Master
Robert Nenstadt, of Quincy, I, and
H 8 McKinley, of Pittsburg, drove
down from Ebensburg
and while here were 1h graests
of Miss Bome Wolfe
The Frewman says that
Barker Brothers Ftensharg,
wild & new bloek
fortheast corner of the diaosopd dor
the sammer This will necessitate
the removal of the poston, Valle
Lattringer's t Fee's barber
in shop mii
shop to other guarters
Wot ee A mpreaial ¥lieritas
Notiop is hereliy (ven By fhe By
and Town Counell of
Patton that a
hold in the Firem
ET gems
ina Boavoungh of
at i wiki he
Borough on the 1st day
faa fiir Then Tp of oblgit oe th
consent of the elertors of the Warcaioh
of Patton to an increase of the Bor
ough Debt, which notice sete forth as
The smoaat of ihe (het
hp : §
ER Lo i la
Fhe a
PI FY wh
ing wd
of the
$2LA06 85 or one por cent. of She
of the [ast preceding assem Vii
igs E b
Fer lee
of jee fale ponperty
posed incense of de
of the
wa Ga x il
§ ius Tae od {he
eximting fSosbing
gE ui streets
Arex. MoNrEd
Preddent of oaneil
usw pty, Burgess
Tranafiors of Bex! Fatile
Joseph Lilly #1 ux Wo
OF Neill, Manster: consideration, $600.
Francw (PPeisl ta Peter 13 Nell
Munster $1.19
M.D Kittell of ux. to WW
bry, Crallitein tosmship, 81.011
John €. Sharp to James She
Cilna, Munster, $7
redissirer of Cambria county to W
i. Balbridge, Clearfield, 0.
Anthony Leibold to W. 1
Barr, F650
A. B We
et al. Barr, $1
Joh in Senith ot nx.
al, Barr and Susqu
Jobin Bmith og
Barr and So sels
A mise
qr ot ux £5 Ww Ww Hedin
Tis Ww Is Big
Walnat Han aal
na, $1.-
Wr et
Francis Peters, 4 to Wil
Bigler, Haire, £24 7
harine Circe to William
ter, B Arr. ans
Sam D
€ sre
Exorntor of John
Poroowin, $40
Bradley, Allegheny, $200
AF Patton, trustee WO
Hig, Patton, $8
Michael H Nagle ot ux
MeMullny, Flier, £30
Williapas H. Piper et ux.
Mary McCann, Washington, $1
A. J Darragh et ux. to Pittsburg
Leather company, Cambria, $10,000.
Joke J Diethrich ot nx te Clara
Hohr, Fider, $106.
Mary Manning #t vir 1o James
ton, Carroll, $425
Jacob Faller to James Mellon, Pat-
tan, $100,
V. S| Barker et al to
Coffey, Ebensburg, §1.500.
1 1 Bender et ux to David D. Lewis,
Barneshoro, $8600.
Trastee of Christopher Cariheim to
Sebastisn P Sibert, Clearfield, $1,300
Gallitsin Building & Loan associa-
tion to Catharine C. Gantz, Gallitsin
borough, $300.
A OC. Bucket ux to M
al, Carrolitown, §100.
A.W. Buck et ux. to M. J. Buck, |
x Mel.
Mary Kerr
Carrolltown $1.
to Patton on
wild | 3
en the best
J. Buck et
| enn Cp BH dar bbe oni BEN hi
Amigaees Nodes,
manufacturer of Lancaster, Pa, sac. The undersigned hereby gives not:
that the Eareka Hardware company,
G. W. Speice, Manager and George W
Speioe and Mattie, his wife, of Barnes |
boro, Pa, have made an assignment; to |
him in trast for the benefit of their
respective creditors. All persons who
are indebted to the said Company, or
to said George W. Speice, are reqhested
16 make settlement with the assigree,
and those having claims against the
assdgnor to present them for payment
without delay.
THOMAS Brows, Assignee
318 Atiorney four Assignes.
Barnesbora, Pa, July, 18
EPORY ad he tend) ET
Frame ay orang
Lamas % and Fine SIAR
rd Po mer and
Boats An
Bria eet
Evol bet Beny,
Satin! Aw
& Sxinre
Deas Rvs,
nking Hose, Rirmitare
i Fr Este Bankes
Pervert wr previa reser CREVIER
chy | Fee prin,
atin] Ranks
Srey, Blakes
wiry and ®
b FUT gE
¥orweiiores paper
3 i Oni SWE WS
Bi on vs phen fired with 1 Trove
Nr, Lh peer oetyl of oe iintion
fal Riel jan ied 54]
ww furul,
hand Pro Whe, leas
fas x vw smi
Nailin Harik mitew ongtetandding.
Tree ton ther Nutionn! Ranks
rae fa State Hanke nro hanloers
cA iw ekg pr mite ap telat nT Yow i
Deapiarnt cor iBon tes of / Ka mse
Thine svriithouton of Aegumit
5, 2
Trtnt & TUR AAS
(yb of :
¥ sand ford | Choaivier of Che (bane
§ 0 sobeIt Ey eww r That The
8 st atemee kw rae reel Lay the
of Shey Koo ieige amd Te het
Ww HH Sasson Cmhier
FE were 0 Seale ep thie Se
§ Be Ppl
aba Nogary Patil
bE ees
Pine Wy,
faves Kegan,
#1 La peetinrs
Contractors and Builders.
ww thes paynsent
indebtidness |
ard the opening, extending sind repaiv- |
Cold Wave
Boy's $200
We use only very coud fce an
wel water so that we
attractions 10 offer 20 the BOS
gry. 5 cents to ail alike.
Patton, Pa.
- Our
kh ave
Ondersell. (ash.
Our Rgreement.
Ladies silver plated Dell pins 2d
Least ons " ‘with rubber . . Ay
Boys 1 blade : . 83
Bos # nite 2 Hlade Bs
Fans decorated . vy
Best bone collar buttons per dos 5
First quality double bt axe - 3
Eight day clock ¢ feet high oak
Good oo stove griddle lifter : « 0
Mens dress straw hats worth 75
at : - : . « - 38
Best nickel alarm chook . 5
Ladies fast black home ar
A good broom worth 25 - 15
4 qn graiite coffe ot - #0
Mens 3 pdy linen bosom white
aliirt : . a8
We invite vou to call and
examine our goods and prices.
Geo. O. Brady,
| ate Patton, Pa
Good Building;
That he cannot fer
CANNOT SEE in values
wool Men's Suits which
at 85.50.
Every suit of them
in the hest retail st
at different prices
i the difference even though be
of the Excellent, Stylish, All
we and t about giving away
» $8.00 © 810.00
AN large number of suits
5 £ +3 . -
wrt You want na 34: winds Cif
Ladies’ Fine Shoes
Styles that are stylish; prices that
are prices, not high prices,
Stop ane let us show yon a
iw st ¥ jen
* »
4 1
After almost 3 year's experience in Patton we i
#1 ‘ Fi ons ia Ba
that enouga for us to
a y % x 3
FFU TL PRR ae & > syed, fh ge
LEAL 11¢ ha the ow 18 200 do
x :
oar hy i ao eh i lo eR aw
OWI D SHEOesSS. Fach CAL & ANE Alraost donbled
iE JA a ; bi
Previous ¥e ATS Tract and ners ate
1 . x
Cnn cp TL pan or wm fs
Coins oF gs hun lon or 3 ppv fg ‘ y 1
+H Ldakl i LIK WE CRIT Za3E% LK amount
oe 4% oN I po y ph
patronage « weston] noon
pin v
Loadat i
Siawt saul dP
» hear i the
oy yy] ” " .
OYE WE are goil
Arr re i
10 GHG GUariers,
dae fy Nw an 3 ory 4 PE nS aan ws
faLT LG ONT a8 % sei % aH RAPES +0 Ci0RIT ad
which AEE
evervininge yo i aie EWR SREY sntt she *
ce ATTN LER 33000 ama Ant MOVE seis Tae £0.
Here are Some Prices:
Remember all snr goods marked
SIO as
Men’ % $e A idl Spite Allawant, BEYW nw i Ladies’ Dress
. Shoen that wire $4 1
8 i” = : ik 3 1
1 Hit
16 00
132 00 : #35
=u 5
Alb wool Suits now $1 85
1 oly
2 9
$ Ol
$35 Men's Dress
Misses’ and Children’s Shoes cut the
pot in stock, bat in price
2 NM)
3 a
§ 00
5 00
A ————— A.
Thu vx Hi Sy
Pants. aii stress,
waist down to
S00 pow 40. inn
a We iY EET ria
ing yy ELE x R 8
a . oh ¥
Men's and Hoy's SOIC J
Fanoy Saft Shirts
a3 i i
» Rtarokesd 54 i
sy i oC IO
s is . ; Tay i
$i 2
ler : 3 ¥ i 3
Dow at
Prices ont ax above an all |
Wenr Sansome, Bie
ee ———————————
Al cheap pants reduced accordingly
Men's Dress
Shows Has wire $i 00
er : vw STRAW HATS.
Man'n al
od $1 5
——————————— A A Ae
Working Dhow pus 20 DoW
Bay's I renin Mest s Fine Dress
Sisoes that w weirs $2 00 gw B20 Straw Hats
is i My ; i i
oopam a “ : i
Cheap shoes 850 3c and $1 00.
were $1 8 sow She
oh xv ie
Remember each tem named rst
EF A! 3 a
price than others can sell
you Call
above 18
Ct ut off the
wages by buying now i
you, reductic
save day's you don't
goods at present buy a stock ahead while we are selling you
good fresh stock at Bargaios.
This SALE? will commence to-day and continue 'til Sep-
tember 1st. y
We have 1a hig stock and can please al
wait but come at once.