The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 23, 1896, Image 4

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One copy. ane your, in advance, $i.
pin averustng rates made Known Spon gp
SN0 papers isecst in
ages are paid, Unless at
- putiliahers,
Entered af the PodoMog gt Patton sx seco
class mat] matter.
. JULY 23, 1996 oe
reed until all arrenn
the option of the
Rubseribers who da
: eiior or the aontemry are considered as wish.
Cinig to renee thd sateen pions
3 it subseribors Order he Alessia
of thelr preriodienis, the
publishes HRY in
tintie Ww send Wher until all arsiEnges arm
“It snbmertbors negieet OF refiise 10 ake
: Atle periodicals frcirer the pestoflios In
wre direetod, they are ros wont tiie
they lave Neltied their bits and artered ther
; au 11 satweribees prose to offer plage with.
7 oti nlanntor the pubiishers, and the prpers
: hi Jo the former sibdross. thoy are Faeid |
J Phe Courts bave decided that re frasisg
dee periodionis fron the offioe ir Ferny ing
£0 Jair pec then nneatied for, 48 prima fae
© pidenoe of inten thanal frand.
If subscribies pay in sdsanee Pha wre
: Jounde give, Bethe at the ond of the Hee i
: A6 not wish to eontinge taking i ober
: a the publishers ia surthoriieed x seni) i
: 2 the wh berber will bw peapstiaihie HRY an
with Sm ent of ®il arrose
E in sent to the publis
to Monday of March, list Monday of Rept.
¥ of Trine |
et Monday of The
: abe Ceniirt is hell betworn the above
Mek SL iy pig 65
rsdn: nage. ‘Hen, A.V. Harker
J bd pase Prive,
jor FH Jones
arid W. Comtiter.
Kherift ~ Filmer 2 bavi
ot ATIOTIEY wephiy.
id F. Sion x
Googe M. Werty,
Dommissionery ork Jedi ©. Cintes.
: ty Superintendent. J. WW. Lesxity.
-Burveyor-#. 6. Fatteriaan.
aime rs fein J. Jom,
Apsibiorn Woskland
{ ro Dr. os « Livingston,
Thos T.
Woinah 81.
! Gorm Dh 38 James Morperyilie
Jones nhl James Moore.
eo Wo 3 Dennis
Cane x Montieth, president; M.
a Wee PF Youug, Ralph betsehy
’ SN ie 2 | Hs, Iarl P. Jones Joi IX xon,
2 “ul 4. X. Brewer,
3 : aculp dX. Eih Crawl preadents tz
H uma rear a H SNindrd, trons
tHe rae Je Jess | re Jig ¥ es Harton, RE
ol axtine Posed oo Jone FL Tami
. Me ton,
: ror W, HH Sandford
Crk EW WI Giver
Pollster des Medion
SL Rmeeison-od de HE Richer.
CA ard 3 ner Sods. HO i
% Soa,
Hh other - WOW Keseiig,
i fT. fond, Abert Tok HAE
{ns Hap Suniel E: : diigues
: i ht Crnstabie il From
{ nr Pei ved ihn $iees wie,
3 Commie. Kiley Ho
© In regard to the effects of the
adoption of "Free Rilver” the Phila
iphin Record | Democratic) says:
Phe total number of names borne or
the pension Hats ia about 956,000, and
the pension appropriation still amounts
o nearly £140,000,000; but the surn will
bo heavily reduced as death shall th ag
the ranks of the veterans ~~ Whily
nearly two-thirds of the pensioners an
omen and children, who can exerci
no direct influence upon the ballot. they
have all an interest that the pension
Hand shall not be shriveled up by a de:
biased and depreciated currency. Every
pensioner who shall vote for the Free
Bitver Presidential candidate will vote
only against himself, but to de.
[the widows and children of his
“No intelligent veteran has need of
_aBy more experience concerning ther
effect of depreciated legal-tender cur
rency. When gold rose to a premiurs
during the war, and the greenback foil
#0 less than 50 cents on the dollar, the
soldier's pay of $11 a month lost more
han half of its porchasing power
The soldiers and their families were
apelied 10 By cans Shaan Susien oo tion without 4 dissenting voice, and go
dd when the greenback was ut par
Bills have frequently been
in Congress to compensate
eterans for their heavy losses in a
} inted currency; but there would
¢ no ‘such bills, and no justification
sw them, if their pensions should.
to half their present worth un
the inevitable operation of free
coinage. The veterans who .
I vote for this policy of Repudis-
I} walk into the trap wi.a their
will be no excuse for the
er to be deceived by the pro-
hat the free coinage of this
sliver dollar means Bimetallism, |
. Witeh Harel Bualve.
ny with his principles, therv
d be no need to wait for the enact.
ment of a Free Silver bill in order to
its consequences. No sooner
Id the result be announced on the
morning after the November election
than the crash would fall upon the
The depreciation of the
currency was gradual, and
therefore mitigated in a great de-
but the financial ruin threatened
Populist policy would be sudden
Free coinage would |
i fails to give prompt relief when used
in personable tinie and the plain printed
Many mothers
have expressed their sincere gratitude |
effected. For sale
d by an abrupt drop to
: silver standard. The
: {pei ctligation would
Rut TNR express
(Cure ax a preventive pneumonia,
Lon tie hlankel ballot
| culation as if the earth had swallowed |
it, and could be enticed from its hiding
| places only by the offers of large
| premiums in depreciated silver. Prices
of all the necessaries of living would |
(rise with the depreciation in the car-
rency tut there would be no rise in
‘the value of the soldier's pension. The
| worth of the pension certificate wonld
| fall with the fall in the silver currency.
With the pensioners the greatest
‘sufferers from the policy of deprecia-
tion would be the masses of citizens
whe have small savings in banks or in
i mecnurities, or who are dependent upon
their wages nnd salaries. But the
| Bilverite demagogues boast that they
Lintend to carry the war into Wall
[treet and thas to avenge the people :
upon their oppressors. Wall stree
speculators enrich themselves in the
operations of the money market, and
a depreciated silver currency would
give them opportunities such as they
have never had, even in the days of
greenback depreciation. The cosmo.
politan bankers who place the loans of |
nations would tranfer their gold and
“their investments from United States
bonds, payable in depreciated silver
‘dollars, to the securities of Chile, Ar-
'gentina, Russia or any other nation
promising to redeem its obligations,
| principal and interest, in sound money
that is to say, In the money in which
ita debts were contracted. Bryan and
i Atgeld and Tillman, the new race of
statesmen and financiers, intend to
show the country a way of paying old
as well as new debts, public and pri- ©
| vate, with cheap silver dollars. But
there is reason to predict with confi
dence that before the November days
the folly, the fanaticism and the danger
of the Silverite plans will have been wo
thoroughly exposed to the manafac-
turers, merchants, workingmen and
Pfarmers of the land as to make their
exertion atterly impossible
We are anxions to do a little good In
this world and can think of no pleas:
ar better way to do it thas ty
(ine Minute Congh
sumption amd other wmerious lung
Ctroubiles that fallow neglected eolds.
CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
Woimi's Frdnt Bryan's Name
Renator John Baines, aathor of the
present blanket ballot jaw of New
York, said in Albany Wednesday tht
if the regeitinr Democratic organization
of the state Gils to certify to Bryan
Land Rewall as the regular nominees of
‘the Democratic party, their names can
net sppear under the Democratic star
in the state, and
uniess some Independent party that
has cast 5 vole of 10,000 at the last
election indorses Bryan and Sewall, ¢
1,000 people cortify as to these candi
dates being their choice, thelr names
Leannot appear even ss candidates of
an independent faction
Saal ino osize, bat in result
DeWitt’ Little Early Risers act gently
but thoroughly, curing indigestion,
dyspepsia and constipation. Small
pill, safe pill, best pill. C. W. Hodg-
kinm, Patton Pharmacy.
Speaker Rood for Congress Again.
A dispatch from Portland, Me, says:
Speaker Reed has formally announced
hi intention of manning for Congress
will be named in the district conven.
tind vigor.
Persons who have a coughing spell |
every night, on account of a tickling
sensation in the throat, may overcome
tat once hy a dose of One Miniite
Cough Cure. WW. Hodgkins, Patton
Everyhoady Nuys
‘That the wines and brandy
Speer N. J. Wine Co, Passaic, N. J,
‘are leading all others in public favor.
Their braudies are unexcelled for deli
cacy in favor, and are prononneed by
the most capable judges to be the vary
best in the market, while their fine (id
Port and anfermented Grape Joioe are
superior to all others for the sink ropm
Cand commianion table. For pure grape
brandy their Old CHimax, vintage 1N8,
is admitted the best to be had. Vine
ol yard and cellars at Passade, NJ.
Pass the good word along the line
‘ Piles can be quickly cured without an
operation by simply applying DeWitt's
(. W. Hodgkins
Patton Pharmacy.
Last suramer one of our grand child-
‘ren was sick with a severe bowel
| trouble,
failed, then we tried Chamberlain's
Colic. Cholers and Diarrhoea Remedy,
which gave very speedy relier. We
regard it as the best medicine ever put
on the markt for bowel complaints. —
Mm. E.G. Gregory, Frederickstown,
(Mo. This certainly is the best med:
icine ever put on the market for dysen-
tery, summer complaint, colic and
cholera infantom in children. It never
| directions are followed.
for the cures it has
by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
The announcement was made “5
in the Advertiser Monday night. He
into the campaign with all his old
of the
Our doctor's remedies had -
Protect Your
Ww Ofhice in Good Buil
over 1st Nationual Bank
ly convinced that the Ladies of Patton appreciate
dere mand that he is up to date. What part of their
mast particular about? Why their Shoes of
why 1 have put in the elegant line of Shoes
Siti oh r the very latest out. Such as the 20th
Cut. Large Button: also same thing mn lace;
- assortment of Oxfords in both tan and black,
w them you. |
The Leading
Patten, Pa.
Embalming a Specialty. 1s
Ite history of Patton has there been such a
dent stock of
as are on my shelves, I haven't nearly enough room to dis-
play them, consequently there are many pretty things sn my
stock which | know have never seen. Just think, beauty
il wash Silks at 20c. pet yard-—can't be beat mm Phila. You
tl find my clerks only too to have the pleasure of
showing these goods to yon.
and magnific
——MNow on at——
In order to close up the business the above firm
quickly as possible we have decided to make hig reductions
all through the line of Shoes, most of which have not been
in stock over 60 days.
It 1s a but
well established fact that nothing the very
To get bargains in Shoes.
this ; 15 no fake sale, but a
and below cost. Come ea
which 1 aim to sell at the very lowest
scarcely an article in use
Like to state: that 17 a any the you desire anything from the
A411 ohwerfally get it for yon at exactly the same price you
womid pay if vou wore right in Wannmaker's store yourself,
Kindly give me a call md be ponvibesd that | am seliing the
hewt goods fir as little money ax you will find in large cities
And af
Men’ hesivy working Shoes niow reduond to 1.06, 100 and $1.25
ting a hold of at the price, seul Dress Shoes. now selling an low ss 115
take a look at them All the $2.00 Rossia Calf reduced to 81856, and
Ane worth met
xd £1 5
the 325
cand $350 kind to 5.75
The 5.00 Patent Leather now 3.75 snsd $4.06.
A jot of Men's Velvel Shippers 4a go at Be
The Touchstone of Success
In Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes Be sure nnd get pair. of Tan Ox
fords now selling at 1.00 and $1.25.
4 i i § x 5 § i
% to know what the peopbs want and give it to them at the least possible price.
Beat we go a step beyond that and surprises with the elegance and variety of
ar sty fans,
Then the Ladies’ nice fire Shdew for 9c, 1.00 and §1.25
For the past week one antire foros of millinems has been kept as busy as been
hate for your inspection and purchase, and the result iu
fn in beyond a doonht the finest line of hats ever
abown for the money hats that ongld to bring $1 #4, and $a window full
af thems, and a hundred or more inside for 81.75
Never In
HEN aes i a
net beaatital
we fodiy slsew before von wiht
Aes such Rats shown for so Hite money.
7 4
Al of cur handsomw pattern hats, which were $10, $13 and $15, are
te BG $B and §
ns hats, beantifelly
YiAY Roa
Childe prams, SS. $1.25 BLM and on up fo any
prio FORE BURY WORE hin Fok
wivie shite B00 and 10
Foe £3
of shirt
Lai iw’
Omar line waste 1 immense. The prices are excewdingly low.
delavi wre dangerous when suck prios prevail
Alina, Pa
Don’t delay
Is more the result of
of money.
taste than mere lavish
{mr New Stick of
Eleventh Avene,
Spring Dress Goods
in Lawns, Percals, Din
Cicelian Cloths, Moire,
of Lace and Embrad
eres 1 15 4d
price than vou can get
goods an 1c bogs CHING SHC
1d recomn
arming Implements
Such as—
Plows, Harrows,
| line of BUILDERS
See us first before b
This saying 1s truce of bread only where it
is made of First-Class Flour.
Our White Satin Flour
good hread
kept constar
8 4
A Specialty.
a genera
tly em hand.
Ad 24
x ¥
: Xiry £
§: Wlii
contbines the qualities which produce
sack guaranteed.
13% oY wom
A fay *
While speaking of Flour don't forget that we can sell you everything in the
GENERAL GROCERY line as cheap as you can buy elsewhere | quality
red |
We sell the genuine Wisconsin Driving Shoe, made by A A. Cutter, and a
full line of fine nili for Men, Women and Children,
When in need of anything in our line call and wee us
yee Ave. Patton. Pa.