1 pean Copan 5 vn i Sordi SWEEY JASMINE. t Flower Became the Symbol of Marriage. | Long before orange hlossoms became associated with weddings the fragrant jasmine was gommon ly used for the decoration of a bride. A very pretty Jeg end of ancient Tuscany tells how fbi little blossom became the symbol of Jove. A traveler, returning from ihe warm countries of Asia, brought home with him a rare tropical plant—-the jas- ine—swhich was unknown in Tascany. Ho gave 8 small slip to a certain duke, who set it among his most greasiined plants, where it roctedd and thrived up der the ears of the gardener and toon grew to be a good sized pliant The duke was so proud of his rare pes Edn that he gave strict orders to his garden- er to goard the plant carefully and on no account to give even a slip—not a flower—t0 Any person. The gardener was a god young oun, and he wonld have been faithfal to his charge had be not happened to fall in Jove with the sweetest peasant maid in all Tuscany. The maid was poor and her lover was not much richer, #0 they were unable to marry. On the birthday of the peasant the gardener, having nothing else to give the maid of his cheios, praseuted her with a boognet of flowers, and among the other clippings in the bunch there was me from the dukes cherished jasmine bush, Nothing eculd be too good for the gurdémpr’s © maiden, sO in this cae instance be ro faxed his care of the shrob The girth admiring the fresh buds of the wprig, wished to preserve it, apd so placed it in the gronnd, where it rooted and re mained fresh and green all winter, thins symbolizing her Yee for the prardener, and in the following spring it grew and was ooversd with blossoms. The httls hnsh flourished and the flowers muiti plied so ander the maidens care that she was able to sell many of the sprigs for a sonsiderable sam, thus ster adi re the aukucwn ower abroad, and 10» shirt titer, with & spray of the precions Jove token om her breast sho Was wr) ded to; the happy gardener. for thin day the Tovwean girls preserve the remembrance of the gardendr's g if to his swietheart by wearing a fosegay of sweet jasmine on their wedding day, and they buve a proverb which saps B young gir] wearing such a sprig is rich enough ti make the fortune af a poor husband. — Philadelphia Press | Blow This Cardinal Megpofanti's Memory. Cardinal Mezzofanti had a memory little short of mirsculons. Dr. Rowell, his biographer, says that the earding’ spoke with the greatest case 80 lan gasges; that he spoke fairly well ¥. that he need occasionally, bot not with any fluvney, Hl more; tbat he spoke in perfectly Band that he eomld read 11 more. Taking inaddition the unm bar of dislects he used, some so diverse from the mother tongne as fo svmsiiints a different langnege, Dr. Russell says that the cardinal was master of no less than 111 different languages and dia- © His German was &0 excellént that he wis taken for a native of Germany. while his French und English wer equally pure fr. Tholook heard him ponverse: in (yerman, Arabic, Bpanish, Flemish, Euglish, Latin, Cirenk, Swe dish and Portuguese, at one of the, pope's receptions, and afterward Mews: fants. gave him a poem in Persian and Joft hi to take » Jesson in Cornish. He knew seversi of the American bdian Janganges anid pearly sll the dialects of Fudia, In spite of all these attainments, how ever, ho was a very dull man, awd hi self maid that be had 20 words Tor une idea. He was remarkable only for the puipber of languages he knew, bot was pot distinguished as a grammanan, 4 lesbeographer, & plitlomaplher, a pihis boaden gist or ethpalogist, aud added nothing te any department of th study of language wt. Lonis Globe Democrat, As Imperfect Gold Coin. Superintendent Beach of the stroed cleaning department sume ties sie found a #5 gobl coin ma ei batons, spd it proved to bea cunonty, worth ae munch as two ordinary gh vin secount af ita having Jes struck thal is fF had not been 13 pquarely in the dis, and the milling ane mde Was Eee distances frum mig, aehile om the other side therd Was pape. On wentioning the fact to an ex ployed in thas Nan Frapeiseo miut be was to) that the coin was a counterfeit, and that it was practically frm possi bie that a coin so disfigured could have been issued from any government mint When the cen wax produced, the mint employee, after potting it to all sorte of tests, Lad to admit that it was a genu- jue coin, struck at the Philadelphia mint, where every coin pastes LHR the hands of four persuls Who examine it for defects, and he said be wonid pot have belioved it possible for such a coin to escape them had he not seen it Portland Oregonian. aries ty 3. Yi Declining Our Pronouns. In a collection of the possessiOns of the late Robert Louis Stevenson there ia a letter showing the difficulties whic h evan such a master of English as he ex- joneed in writing our lauguage “When I invent a language,’ he writes, sthere shall be a direct and indirect pronoun differently declined, and then writing will be some fun.” This idea he illustrates as follows: Direct—He, bin. his. Indirect—Th, tom, tus He adds in exempiification, “He seized tum by tus throat, but tu at the sanie moment canght him by bis hair. ie A fellow would write hurricanes with an inflection like that — Boston Herald At the Restaurant. Guest—Why don't you smash those dishes? Waitress— They dishes bere. Giuest—Well, if I ran the place, I'd ine you for not smashing them. —De- troit Free Press, fine us for smashing Le Interesting News Items . BRIEF PITHY PARAGRAPHS From All Over the Warid Four insurgent leaders i the Saga ii, sabe have bien sentenced to dent h A special train left New York carrying thé Tananany delegation to Chong The noggertiadic pr Albans Frarce have hoon briken off 0Y Spain The Ligges! gos well in he wort was repr sLPHIE BS Hla wo WW. Ya Aria 15 wns oat FRR veiw or with hin fry WARE del TEM NEY s pove Natinna! MAY Pi INET v Si rest eh pen Rtn. foyer hia PRY Week Bertha Molean of Mot Haven neystorn disappiared in New York, and teal t= fanned, rs Horlsirt Young of Dopeliton, His, 3, crenhtert hate piny ¥ : mail her gaughiey Guvirnor Bushnell spoke To 8 We ar the Bourh of setehrariom For pen iad, C1 1: ta Felieved in Pars traaty of alliarior has beng Wears and Buses Preuntiefaerion with Balfour» lendiershin frerensis te England, ana a Shane fhe Hevedd fo tmpend tras 8 wes ay RoR Lil spree 4p at pha Linttedd feral ids wetanter wit Haven, td A yee d RARE A 5 Fa drow peas Th FolavEre A Bip Bratwea Major, An amnsisg incident oeenrted while a company of a certain battsbonh #a tioned in one of our gATTISON HANDE Were gratg through ther masketry trarning fing u iyiet F Phe piphr, the harliets out Left of tho target. An was in cliarge at the ranges, tainn Over to the color sergeant and insjnired the eanse of the bad shooting {nm belug tnld that thers was too meh wind plowing from the tight, causing tha chicas to fail wide, he astomistesd the sergeant by asking. CWealdn't it bea growl iden if the targeiz Were rated taore to the eft? The coli sergeant barely restrained a smile we Lamdon Tit Sita. HORT TOR warns Ful Hoye “3 ee, SIH tind x 3 CRbgtEs ETH 8 y i Da of the bem Kiwi Jeunes are represen The slogan shaw a rwnrd gett graceful: Eid 8 3 i 3 wkirte, Bait even mg shwaiaiv HOY elie 0d faint style of the Laustratvl sera atipthing i this line G0 Le 9 tha cOUNIYY. This APIA ET to the fever pen and ink sketobes BY tere and a host of other pated] Fronds boar CLEA $3 IGT 3 3 ¥ TR Fane wk PoE TARR ie i go Sewn Lay EAI irnaginanie in Yhewtpinl WIDOWER, of stained g white robwud at pong vet graceful con Tri Frias ol Gied bowls Ot hpompe hits! sleprarice and good taste Php RYT § HEY the fast ol Yoga Not, & t Ven eras ar Ey TAN Ea by Note fs hereby ppainted Lid damages and levy contribiien change ol Fiftn Patton borough, that they filead signed VIEWere a wat § dn Lx TRG Hay Shen bs BL LT to Jobn Yah vay heir 1 damages and no benefits per: no damages and no henefite to DL reper 1 A. Back: no damages and to Jahn Soloroan; Bu damages and Bi! benelits to BB. E. Yeager, ami, Unies adi thirty | exoepiions he Sled therein therefrom if g 5 5s bode CaplRraeHG Bis Gate Fann Ho SoMUBRVILELE Watter J. WEARLAND, Gro. FITeraTrits, ania June 1 1096 fio bearefite : Agr Viewers, ‘Excursions to the Seashore, Ne other summer outing appeals so ; strongly to the people of Western Penrsvivania as the Pen neyivania Rail- | dereov, rod (ompany 8 woEEeriir oe 16H the seacont of New For tears shan hoes bapa wilpid hoand iy mE the toliiny gvents A poe summer, and every damon has seen Liem FrOW more if which they ’are hidel ix easy LG rip £2 ar PEARY the srreal frorprils favor in Fo pate of R10 for the round whamcpenatly low, cotpdde ring Aintiinee need the high character of the aorvied: the limit of twelve days just Kita th Hite set apart fon thi: average Bho tiates aE the eXO0r herd is also the w leat By * i Atignt {ity nv of the pod al Ren fee rel are the chodnest of the Xthantie const roseria ann ZINN fh 1 Shai may he Visited pny fhe Hr ran menia The dates of the excurdon are July 2, @ and the pation will te and 23, Angust 8 and am follows: Pittsburg, 3300 Jobmtown, 8805; Com byt, B80 AL - Panna Bh £3 iH thse pans Porone, 37.6 Liesrne wh proportionate (ow riaton I > H HL a pa dee gh 5 r pe § 2 fost saimtnnr one FORE DTA Fail rien was sick With i wetyere Payal tronible (riser dostant’s pirrdiion Fad the We £ Benen an La boaRye NETS Wm {phe ser Lis On five paariked for Gy warner oonpaing, pHelers intantam ined fo fs give paparnid Fad aay ais og Fg £ 3 PE Ee ELT aetna TY BYE BR pans - Le ng iD # ation '1Bank tton. Cambria Co, Pa hn i i i £3 F EAM AY { ‘amie. RIPANS cn i « bo | o ” » * X 4 = 1 [ he medern rand Lit “ . (GIVES RE iy “ + i ON sad free Handbook write to mn BuvabwAY, Siw Yoax. Bl patents | gearion. taken ons by us is brought helire Buice grea free of charge in the spe 1 3 1 vo By et nL i ie nie | 7 Wholesale. ine (hd £41" ported Lagu +g XY eh pa TI AV THOS Hy 4 Ee 3 17 Cihnton #3 W hiskies and £iTN Johnstown Bottlews and Pro ~~ v 3} OLD CABINET, COXEY'S COMMON: OLD FAVORITE Hil AND WEAL Rye Wh INI - ITIL OTS Ripans Tahjtles cunt torpid liver. Ripand Tahules carn Aatubanie. Ripans Tahules cars dy spmpdia CLiVINE Yat Given Up — i — ARTHENEAD Cured. ¥ The formals thi {atarrh 1, WRULL'S FLERRATED LE : :: g ik IT SAVED ¥ Wedd AE VE VA HIM, Bogs CELERATE rarRit HEMEL ENTREE 3 Bsr fan FO Small mm i Saal in Price A023 Delle which eel eT ARE RE pa ie cal {Sepsis gl ak i FB ei oR Sp {my ri s 3 i #8 eee .# $4 x wh Ade $47 GH QUALITY, LOW PRICES SATISFA Ais BREE Fp Fh ALEX EA CTION G & Ng Clothing. Wg WANAMAKER & BROWN. EF Ea i ah A VA A Sth aS R( IN THEIR RICHXESS OF BEAUTY nat oN EA A PR SO a aa Ht you suffer from Headnch pr lodigestion, . . If yaa are Bilious, Canstipatad a Disordered Liver, i yom Complexion is Salto ssifter Distress after Espo, Sue tfensive Hrenth and afl a i grrzsx sey N H THe of the Stomach, ¥ pans Regucil 4 ONE GIVES RELI o———— 8 CM —- Snips ws WH u MW M | EF | Dyspensia r Baye Disorders ® 2 w Ife EASY rissa a SS HB NOT SA RIPANS TABULE oN a Sh —— | A] ——a SSS SH 2 Se a Fick kA A had hw TAKE. Ul ICK TO ACT. Many > 3 A DOU TOR» Bik Ronn Ra OX SEO a EE 3B as AR Bo 5 £2 LAY a delle 8d AP EAFOF UE Ee TARTS DAVGPRT, ma Tremp | 3 ror Bre eam ers 33 8 hm ome Sot Beech Creek Railroad. N YO &H RR Co Lease, Condensed Time Tablp $1 in at Mahailes oi yuh 1008 UARANTEED, | f Ine FALLS CHEEX aN CLEARFIELD 3 3 Wy Tae I Who can think WANTED -AN IDEA; Collinge thing to patent? Protect your ideas © they ma brig you wealth. Write JOHN WEDD RI HUN & CO, Patent Attorneys, Was (3, O., fur their $1,900 prize offer, Lipias Tanuies enna add breath, ipaas Ts