ny br odd HT kan tip and left aan prin # poor. Tits oan gontrast th the nsusi pl touching « slopt ba bed onnl i prepared for the slope, yo ir the of Beaitil tio 14 perhaps sy elias differen The vhildren Heit spaaior red wrenohed ding is pirheps nes month, are ait HG ae Beniiny fal as [rede who Shep in tan id : Sey Achimmian whol aooy (uy se pii ile FWONEE AX 0 strong wd riiy Jers the © Mo hoan man | whe upon doteny pillows | no exenal wine evils sie propery dhe. and a thowstds @ quently, if not daily. It matter of stat viel therm ahte rs od ally in (iis fed bone the Dr euloatmd by ir pect hers Raich its that mre should te wired severn al as roth LION fir the iy mice rh Roos to be aby wes, trate should be rrerle placed 1b thar haunts, time thy willl Ficciln be (Ig a Bolt tes 2 lowe fiiTing trunk Blak: o thin gyfiet storing Tn : loth LI8R vir, tpgnk edn wsoally be pur a onal] som. and will its cost vine year in the safety euntents Ls Tmantown T legraph : PIN Hi STORY. kb ee The Uwitnl Articles Were Known In Early 5 | Tien te Egprptisom Pll Peg mr sx thie RETENg es, as aid HA the hills, in some form or another t Bave leon in existance veer Sine first parents clothed them : Jeaven, w hich row yd in of Eden. Asa matter avery hich an Suit. the ‘ being fhe natieral thar, whi ; Yt Faiedin Rwy hd fais and animals ers of Eeurogs have pins and rove hrooohes, pins foros thee peonrinen? of which ure hiphly oman very leantifol. A few copper jes pin Lave also heen BR atid that 10,000 pins hess Yeeted at ihe Incustrine station of Swit gerland alone, A fow of those have don bie whee and were probably used as hairpins There have beam found at Pesclijers pink which sre exactly the sane in form as the safety pins of the preset tinue Ampmy thw ging stern pins are many ingenious Aovices for preventing the spike from passing en tiraly theoagh the aloth or other wma terigd 32 C5 vod for fastening together. Magy of thon sre so formed that thoy are thicker ba seen places than in othe ers A large Sar, both od bone and Lronve, had the hood formed of a rose ring passed throogh an eyo in the pin. A fine of them have the appearsoce of the sarfpin now in use In Egypt pins with geld heads have been discovered, while in ancient Rome bronze pios and bom hairpins with cmamental beads have boeini discovered among relics of Pouapeii. — — Philadelphia Proes. He Enjoyed It. O18 Johnson was very ranch givin to Seippling, ' not wise Jy but to well, tind would pend all his spare time at his favorite pub, says Spare Moments {& house sae #0 itaabid that it was peressATY fir him to go throogh the ghurchyard to reach it. One night, be “ing a bit fuller than asaal, he managed to full int a newly made grave. He fell witlont Larting himself, and being tired wont off to sleep When ie awoke the EL ad marning be couldn't make out ¥ Were Le got to, bu ly a struggle Hm Aw mach the ton of the grave awd Took aroend A broad prin spread over his face as he roaticrdd to binscit: Hear, it's pw wold T'm up 1 rreciion day, Where Cirenlatton Ls FPesbleel, Tips and fant whol sovyanl ¥3 ay K peoyme distended, A ‘dust in tho mir outers Lliwikions then at seid, } BORD RU tho divi poi of off pil HNO omit SEANY it?’ BH None at all bets cn the weather. woather predictions '—Chicas ns Fat is gris £7 It is an obeeure lahy # h into which God leads man, that he may be experienced in life, that be may n Fesnemites his faults and abjure thism, that be may appreciate t the calm which virtue gives ~fichefler. i sd A A SA. 3 HISAND WIVES. | & Cry on Vanoonser Tatavd IW here YY onan Are nt 8 Premium, Ther i= a 217 In the weste corn of P44 rho Wo wd wash und iro iris amd wane tek Rail 4 The ME ever very Md A ert pT IRE TD t an wilkan 100 aad] wonder the HAWES, Tivre #8 Ho stats of wee od Hr make Bornes aod win ; Jud dorwrn for Liv 1 naid to them to Ia He Tiow in an Bogs sep Dinrter of int 6Y tery he any PR Bea state thd yer Roavindines 16 ried] od Away ba 553 3 HF Baxter of Seotiand wro lowes in 31 British Botaniond “1As it pur te considerd wegitabile jlosology that all J have a te nAiel v during the of their seals fo develop tn wo $. ricilly opps ite dirontions, the rod Gi the stem, the question arose, Might pot. thi direction be in fAnenond OF comin. ter soted by submitting the genininat pends to a current of electricity? Acco ey : ingly, o series of experiments Were un- ! dertaken which were carried ont with i elaboration of detail After months of | patient experimenting I for) justified in! anpoancing that no definite conclasions | j aw wire drawn from them as to the rela | fe 10 tive effect of the electricity, the pal cath series of oxXpiTiIments Wis varied and multiphad. © "PE Lomi Republic | The Suwa Canad. A Jeter, recently Bliahed, from Bonaparte to hia friend Paul I the en: peror of Rusia, shows that bat for the assamsination of the latter in is0l the Stes canal might have Dien out many years befor 1560. Napoleon wrote © the British threatemnsi 0 {rive atid that thelr pride and insaes abound be dual He added Sipe canal, whien terrancan seed the Ioed vied. It is a work whi ished within a short 4 wonid prove to be of incake ®t ter Masia oon ting to Nad powerntative of ting Was Yerdis ChAT halt ¥Msopens TINS copay iL ower Bn lonne slyringr heads | gre wa 5.5 i adle Bs, . Be ewer UA Mom ¥ Ll oe Re Foren or Five gree ny Fy ve MAR PR bd wind 2 oh ofl their oF yu REGIE a ET SNS 35 ip Wis fallow on ee Eda LX] CEs, BE IGOITY as thm began ons NS NB A NE, Rh ne FS Khitied Watehnakers gel Wat Wark by Asperivsn Me thaws A Yery OL Man Tdia of Naonething Tmt Awakened Tosder Mak arien CRI, SRIVILE was giv : tatoos Sanday niemls | wt eng And k chink that § wis ne Sof thn nies Gelian And GRE Want pnt ee Nd BARRE wads SUEY Th Ded A IPT IDES OA 4k sgl iy sp ws } WUE AR REE eet wa TL oS Meme koe Ear ral, raven Tire Male Fraw SL RE TE el ART A SE AI ON