TON FUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. 1 Paiton on Wednewisy. 1 AY, JULY 9, 1806. | PJ. Little, Esq. registured at the From Printers Ink. | Patton was crowdéd with people all Money's chose, { day during the 4th of July. Mavs the grocer, Pos | pany’s store. 2081 . When at & t Advertise... § . dinner in Patton on Tuesday. i R. Redifer, of Bigler, was a goest at | the Central hotel on Satarday. ; Twi ooroe oloser, Fhe Pred pms aay 9 ho sud ertises WH sin fhe richest business prizes. 11 vost heave anyiling to sell Atvertise and do it welt Be coriginal and np to date, Reopens with follow sry as fate. 1 ad? pry goods in the springtime, Auth § Spd” gv goods fn the fad, Aud jn the golden sammortisne Pad” thea poet of all. Thies wil the changing seas, W Eile the chars shine in the altios, 1 outieell my competitors Beenie badvortise Crushed fruits with soda at Patton Pharmacy. All the races were ‘‘handicaped’ by rain on the 4th. J. A. Goon, of Kerrmoor, Pa, was in town on Thursday. Edward Wade, of Hawk Run, spent the past week in town. Notice the change in the ad of A. M. Thomas in another colamn. D. BE. Holland, of Mountaindale, is! stopping in town this week. Cocoa Cola, the finest drink oat, st Hodgkins’ Patton Pharmacy. Chas. Rhody, of Coslport, registered at the Patton hotel on Tuesday. O. B. Straw and John Mitchell drove over to Mariposa Park on Sunday. Notice: the change of Geo. O. Brady's new ad in another eolumn this week. Kalsomine in’ all colors at the Cam- bria Hardware company’s store. 20tf Have you tried crushed fruits with soda and cream at Patton Pharmacy. Dr. W. J. Cramer, of Chest Springs, | .Mopped at the Patton hotel on y. When you are thirsty try Hodgkins’ soda wiiter. It is just what you want. E A Sturgis of Pittsburg, was a a7 ig at the Commercial hotel on July & 1. W. Weakiand, of Cumberland, : Md had business in Patton on Tues day. Far) Tozer, and sisters Alice visited frjends in urday. D. W. Shupe, of Greensburg, stopped at the Commercial hotel one day last Maggie Patton on Nat Miss Elia Larkin, of Lock Haven FB visiting her sister, Mm LL & Bell, on Fifth sivenue. Patton is the only town in four counties that afforded a special train on the 4th of July. The elay works closed down for a few divs last week owing to same of the machinery breaking. John Bender, of Altoona, and A. E. Bender, of Ebensharg, were welcome visitors to our town on the 4th, Miss Katie Wilson has jost received a new Stormer bicycle, She can now enjoy the pleasurers of the wheel. L.A. Craver, proprietor of the Blair Hous: at Ebensbug, and son Willie stopped at the Central hotel on Friday. HIGH In Watch, Clock anc Jewelry Repairing. If you are looking for a perfect JOB on your Watch these few facts will interest you. We know how to repair a Watch, a Clock, or any piece of Jewelry, because we have made it our study for the past 17 years, We do not experiment. We do not make mistaxes. We very best materials in our re- pairs. We work. We give you guarantees with our work. : use nothing but the are practical in our We will be glad to have yon to try us and we feel certain you will be one of our perma- nent customers. We carry a full line o Jewel ry. Etc. Ask us to show you Ladies Gold Filled Watches at $12.00. They are beauties, and an absolute guarantee as’ to time-Keeping given with each Watch. Give us a Call. Ike Wartelsky, PATTON Re liable Jeweler, 95 Next to Hodgkins’ Drug Store 3 ‘registured a Ti pie £55 0 commended in the manner in Our ] & Co. of Johnstown, wh iy and D. J. Thompson, of Cresson, took Alex Smith, of Hountadale, stopped | at the Palmer house on Friday. Peter Maloy and Joseph Mcintosh, of Altoona, spent Sanday in Patton. Try crushed froite with cream snd | socda at Hodgkins’ Patton Pharmacy’. J. 1 Berger and Miss Mand Milley uf Comlport, spent Satarday in Patton. Mite Gussie Cramer is the guest o the Misses Mellons at the Patton hotel Hon. A. A. Barker, of Ebenshnirg, was imong us during the 4th of July. goes! at the Palmer house on ¥ - Partin. JN. McCormick, of Hantingdon, at the Palmer house on Tuesday. The CorRIER is indebted to Her Von Litz for a beaotifal photograph of his trained dogs. Jak Watkins, of Brisbin, visited his son J. N. Watkins on Lang avinoe over Sunday. The next base ball game between Ebensburg and Patton will be played at Ebensburg. H. A. Eastman, of Big Run, was the west of his Brother-in-law, John yy oe, on Saturday. W. B. Douglass, of Chest Springs, was a pleasant caller at the COURIER office on Wednesday, FD Lodwig and lady drove over from Progality and spent Sunday in x you take a trip 0 Ehensburg used all right. Accommodations oellent and rates moderate. 46-11, © Mr John M. Click, who, we believe, has become a permanent resident of Cambria connty, was in Philipsburg for the Fourth. Philipsburg Ledger. Miss Irene Freeman, of Grampian, Clearfield connty, who has been spend. ing the pam three monthe in Patton, refiirned to her home on Tossday. fambert B George, Miss Minnie Ivory, Morgan Campbell and Miss Mary Conrod, all of Lilly, Pa wire guste at the Patton hotel on Friday. Ike Wartelsky, the Fifth avenoe jeweler, is visitng his parents at sohester. N.Y, this week His store has been left in charge of Ed. Hunter. BE. O. Hartshorn is having the ground &x- Mis Minnie Sponsky, of Altoons, J) oxcavated on his lot on Beech avenne visiting her parents on Palmer avenue. fo... Fill C. Negley, of Pittsburg, was a. ork. repatory to erecting his new dwelling fT. Robinson = doing the work. A large number of people from Ma- naffey, LaJose and Westover wpenit theif 4th of July in Patton. Over 200 same in on one train frota that di rection. Frank Lingle, formerly of No. 2 mine of Philipsburg, is now stopping in Patton. Mr Lingle was st ane time a typo and has not quite forgotten that art yel 0 GG. A Barker, som of County Treasurer A. V. Barker, of Ebensburg, wag among the many visitors from that town who attended the ball game here on Friday. If the people of this part of Cambria and the adjscent counties wish to have a good time on the 4th of July they come to Patton. Théy are sure to have it here WwW. H. Pruner, Misses Hattie, May and Emma Pruner, Geo., Andrew, and Michael Little, all of Loretta, and 8 and Wm Burd, of Cresson, spent ihe Hurvey MeNamari and sister Lotise, sth in Patton. of Ebensbarg, rode to Patton on tandem wheel on Friday. J.D. Townsend and wife, of LaJose, | Pa, were among the many people who | spent the 4th in Patton. Johostown was tyisited by a $12.- 000.00 fre on July 4th. The heavy jopser was A. Danges & Co. Misses Orie and Vinnie Smith, '6 Blair county, were the guests of J. Edwin Parneil on July #th Harry M. Kester, of the National Military band of Osceola, stopped over Sunday at the Uentral hotel Bott, Monteith, Jan. Wilson, Wm. J. Fisher, Wm. Martin spent their $n of July at Hontadaie and Brisbin, + Misses Morey and Anna Moors, of Cedora, Md. are visiting their fitber, WH Moore, at tha Palroer hots, Fl Lingle, of Patton, and W. P. Dus- carl, of Philipsburg, tarried in Span ger a short time Wednesday Sentinel, As usual the committee which did the majority of work on the 4th was pwared by a few “oritical judges.” lumiie Larimer nnd Prank Shar igh, Fag, of Ebensborg, cae down to Patton so see the game on Friday. Ir. 4. €. Hertz, of Easton, Pa, was the guest of his brother, Dr. Chas b Hertz, over the 4th of Jaly and San cay. The firermén's danee and fistival held in their hail on the alernocm and evening of July 4th was a grand suc COR. BE McClintock, of Tyrone, and RB N. Hill of Pittsburg, two lively trav- sling salesmen, spent their 4h in Paton. sister of Mrs. J. A, yh Maury May, Whoieslagle, and Mis Mons, of Kyler town, enjoyed the 4th of July in Piston. ‘The pedble who rame to Patton on the th were not disappointed in the wity of finding amosements lo en. gage in, The glorious 4t has “eome and went” otice more leaving the peual amount of swelled heads’ to monm te de plirture. 3A this thie will RUFVIvOre be held The reunion of Bucktail regiment year at Emporium, September 221 te the 24th. Fred Kinkead, who haa been attend. ing the industrial school at Ne otiand, Franklin county, Pa, is home on a C Vikeation, The business men of Patton are ta be which they bad their places decorated on the 41h of July. He staffed the cannon, for bee nwant to) scare his little brother, be never knew which way he went, and helil never see another, Blair Corry, the good natared ad obliging baggageman of the Peni wylvania railroad, spent bis 4th of July in our lively town, Judin Waolesiagie, father of 4d. A Wolesiagle, of Patton, lying very Low with typhoid fever at hix home pear Curwensville. Mrs. Joseph Bloom, of Iie nus, and son Howsed Jett on Tomsday fiir a visit among friends at Carwens. _yille and Grampian, Pa Ir. W. B. Diefenderfer and wife and Edward OF Brian and wife, sil Of Cres. son were among the many guests in Patton on the 4th of July. f Mrs. Dr. 8 W. Worrell and daughter Wamaine, who have been visiting rela fives at Clearfield the past month, re rarned home on Wednesday datton not only had all they adver ised for the 4th, but several other al- Fractions, including the Belford circus, which gave amusement to ail, Jasper A. Smith and wife, of New Cumberland, spent the 4th in Patton and while here were the guests of F 'E. McElfresh on Fifth avenne, | C. C. McKelvy, the tailor, has rented the Cordell house on M | Avenge. Yalner | His family arrived from New Cumber- land, W. Va., one day last week. Abe Mirkin, of the firm of Mirkin & Kusner, the Magee avenue clothiers, Jeft on Monday for & visit to Baffalo, Niagam : absent about ten days. Jas. T. Young, representin liquor Fisher, also of Joh town were visitors to Patton on Thure- day and while here stopped at the Commercial hotel. Falls and Canada. He will be Fisher The aim of the Hon A.V. Barker and wife, of Eb ansburg, accompanied by their son and two daughters, Fred and Hellen and Lovell, spent a portion of the #th of July in Patton, Mr and Mrs Garland and Mis Faas Tippery, of Randy Ridge, Miss Etta Tippery, of Clearfield, and George ard Berths Tippery, of Scotland, Pa, spent the 4th in Patton Mr and Mm WH. fedcharies ac sompanied by their JitLie daughter (race. visited their two sons Harry arid RB. H. Geodeharies at the Palmer bons daring the past few days. Qtpeet Commissioner Alex. Huntef pecently added to the appearance of his pestcdenes on Fifth avenoe by érect. frig a very handsome plas, Moers. Ihxon and MoMahon did the work. Pass the good word along the tne Piles can be quickly sured without an Qperation bey simpy applying Prelate ’s Witeh Hagel Salve CW Hoddgloins, Patton Pharmacy Mrs Mary Bpottewood snd daaghter sarah, of Carlisle, Pa. are visiting in Patton this week, They are the af Mise Minnie Spettawood, Pennsylvania Ballroad fe sriesla if the den rad Mr and Mrs 3 ingen, Fa, visited heir seh, Brown, off Palmer avenues daring the ith of July and Sunday : reteirmed Bowie on Monday and his wife will pesnain Here for a few days Alfred Anderson, of the With a sera oes On amy o omprried pocket a posket-book containing Sow or more, which disappeared by some means not yet fullvlexplained - Mpang. ler Sentinel. (iment credit in doe Father Martens ard XB Jones for the active pars they took in the two liberty wagnns o% the 4th of Joly, which were both eom- pemed of Bitle girls appro priate y dresdlied Lo represent the 3 erent slates in the anon The sack race on the 4th of Juiy afforded the people much amusement, The contestants were larry Culling ad DH CC. Warren, aad afler oon siderable splashing of mud the winner, Mr Culling, reached the sorateh, win ning frst money, which was £50 The second prize was $2.55. Hon A A. Barker, of Ebemsburg was the guest of IT W. Gules are fam ity on Senday He attended the San. day sohool convention in Beaver Yalley last week and remained in tows anti Monday, Mr Barker gave gute an interesting talk about Daniel in the I” RB church on Sunday evening. {Contport Standard, Ome special feature about the serhee bration of the #th of July in Pulton this year notwithstanding the immense craved which was here, was lhe extra ordinary good order that prevailed, which can be credited to the abla police foriw R , aasistex] Chisf Polive: John Boyes Befter order win preserved on this day than any piher previous holiday sine the history of our town The pea th pang ur ana Rarnembarn are kicking agaist the props wed ercteron of the Beech Creek raitroadd to that place and Carrolitown. They claim thal the copnpany is break - ing faith with them by not provicing the best han! possible, which would be down the river. In the meantime the people of Patton are rejoicing as thes hope the move will boom the town. Cresson Record, What is known as the Cambria County Commissioners’ cise, ix which the amoant of compensation to which a commissioner is entitled to in this county is the boone of contention and which has been passed upon by our Cambria coanty court and affirmed by the superior court, has been Ap pealsd to the supreme court by Commissioner Lloyd After the supreme court wrestles with the case we will know for certain the amount of a commis sioner’'s pay. Cambria Freeman, Two of the teachers of Mt. Aloysius Barrvasora, ped iss LF 5 CURL aR 4 11 Them EMI Wines 3 C83 1 LRA Blair hotse and you will be : Dampheils sister. Mra. C. A. Repsher, | one day Academy, Loretto, sailed tor Europe last w on the Friesland steamer, of the Red Star line. They will visit all nts of interest in England. Ireland, | um. France, and Germany. the systeras of object of the tour is an inspection of | all the famous institu- i tions of jearuing in the Old World. | most approved m instruction in art, rousic, im £ we, pry collegiate course. faculty is to secure the | ern methods of y this week, 3 FouND At the plenie in Anna's grove on Saturday, Joiy 4th, 5 gal ring. Owner can hive seme by callin; at thin offior. proving property an paying for this notice -1t The Oovmize, of Patten, says the Beach {reek railroad will be extended from Patton scrows the summit north of Cafrolitown, and will make connec. tions with the Csmbrin & Ulearfield roi] south of Spangler This will give the Seid abit Spangler a mare dire north and east than they have had and w dod thing for Patton. B Mountaineer : Kavior Post, 833, Grand Army Be poblic, will hold an open peeling on next Satnrday afternoon. All com. rades are reqnested So attend this meeting and bring their wives, danghters and sons. In fhe evening 1% ERG 8 ating te the thie Woman's Relist Corps will be org. r’ nized AL wives and duugiders of soldiers are invited to attend thin meeting without fail. The wit close with a good old-fashioned camp fire whale Forno Tes L000 Ome of the cleanest and best cirriomes that has ever pitched a tent in this ssction for many years visited Patton on Thursday, July 20, and renmined here until the evening of Joly 4th. The performers were ail good anal the prov prietor and manager, (eo W. Belford, was fonnd to be a gentleman in every respect. He is 2 firm heliever in #X- pitating just what is adverts and the public appreciate this good trast of his very much. The prios of admission was but 25 cents apd therefore being seminal nearly sveryone gmbraced the apportunity to attend Mr Belford jeft Patton for lilly Pa, where ahawed to large andienses, The show iw al A the manngernent gare Lo meet With succes uy ard he igrht an i Editor Married Editar Joka 1. Seehier, of the =sonth Fork Record and Miss Flsie Baker, of Sounth Fork were anited in marriage at the hame of the brides parents on td i The cer MOONY Was ed Bev. A J Beale, of Jott attendants worn John Thampaon of henshurg and Miss Mand Murray, of Holidays bare The hapoy Soups ware thas cipients of wan) beautiful and contly Yui Aris rm lay anther refarn Panta keen a #igms Es § ark eer E Fier Corser. Bro Sah yo pes SRR Pristitatos, Hon alate {ambos Facap ow J J Thorsus aud men ter oar of agriculture; ea stir the Lam. sa K ropienaoheer, rebiresy : wand cmb FEE ARTI represen Tae ® pl aii Pasha sil wi fEsiras wow nity aittiee Af nsbihietom week. il $rastitates of wan Oeedded PRANS PL YH ERTS WAR Aim detihen sey bushido fry bh BOUL tH skilen totes Plies mt Memkiags Jai tastings was when Sivas pend bi A stare sad dwells bnskatne dimen | { herisd er HET EET Eis fpnaGEing wou ~ Wore ea wi Bi wv oth SRG TAnOE a oROpeReRl $id rig he Dasestpent of Mr Fuskagkas' store LRLIGINR, i dirert ori in GLERGNT This was a 3 5 a evading of the Bh for our have wriginaled yan “ 33 al Le ski] Lown uri Yaimar bese 3s Goad € The pew C0LY isnot by the Herald oo mwpany, of this will bead Prep profession sheers, as iT Will gwbiopy moon To Hr Vie a mnowt Dpeelish Henk Be mers hires men, and only contain the name and addres of ough individual in the city, in fhe connDy ax well and will consegnentiy be 2 niet eet hack of reference. Johnstown Daily Re § uk a At i A Tetbaprnie, June 35 nn oy 139 Lut List of Enelaionmt Letitia {ie The fSllowing eter remun m oeste oe at Patton for week aid ing Saturday, July th, L Trick flowing Geo NO Jackson, Lies Kruis, (5 A. Kyle, Samuel Harry, bd Livingston 2, Thon. long, Frank WK. Myory, £3 Patlerson of Panoery: A.M ARI Hug for the above letters her are lvertsed ta Napanee PB Our Motto Onderbuy. Cash. 51 ¥ Clee. Jos 3 Hndersell, Our Agreement. Ladies silver plated belt pros Leal pencil with rubber Bova knife 1 hacks Bove knife 2 brigade Fans decorated : Best bone collar tuttons per dos First quality double bil axe Eight day clock 2 feet high onl {TAN y » “ (rood stove griddle lifter Mons dress straw bats worth 70 Rest nickel alarm cloak Ladies fast black hose A good broom worth 25 at 4 qt. granite coffee pot Mens 3 piv linen bosom white shirt - - We invite vou to call and examine our goods and prices. THE BAZAAR, Geo. O. Brady, $14 Patton, Pa. thi fore : Plows, c uy inne of Bhoes 3 ge en E Fay sat | « ASOT 33 Xora 3 [a tan Ask mn them - a be please there heen such a ji NF wm wR PSY Feary CRLRIR i Ere dy £ FERN Risk OS 3 E32 tl LS + (RW Ey % Fla din chad RATE FATE gre THAN BITES & eT Sell. YY LN % nave ar CATG-—CAan 1 are on prices x OULD » dal any time sim desire anything from the : for you at exactly the same price you pt phigh in Winamader’ » stare yistreelf sri need that | am selling the so will nd in darge vith Rina wast anid ive it lo them ot the east possible price. and wnrprbss With the elegance and variety of Bal we gn ane at les Fats hewn Rept as Dusy as bess car nspection amd and the result in aud a donate the Anest line of hats ever $4. and $a window full Pr eves ER For the past week our snlirs Joes sf pikes range bee, t £ 3.5 i ak » sakay place Twila in ey aban fir the maney chal that caght to bring 85, af them wond a hundred or more inside for $1.75 v 3 ; i 4 $5.6 i be oh i Nona Dalvie auch Bate wlhowiy fs wy ite Inne 11 of which were §16, $13 and $15, are Xai T mnrked to 85 8 and 87 GEE DBDs jisite nik REA, Chibdeonts Bata, Deantifully eptpansd. 980, F125, $1.0 and on up price you may Ww AN Wa pay boil hens Chr ine ‘et walkie is immense The prices are exceedingly low Don't detay delays wre CRogUrius Ww Ber sah Jiri previal, - JESSEL, Flhaventlh Avesae, Aloond, Pa soe " as 4 at oar Store. A full and Harlware and “94 kinds of ag ae . . FN ¥ x GEHL Sal Asi Farming Implements —Such as— Harrows, Etc, I line of BUILDERS MA. nd Kee us first hefore buy- and a TERIAL kept constantly on ’ 1 p x INE ing pay you. genera ha It will TINNING AND PLUMBING A Specialty : THE CAMBRIA HARDWARE CO. . - Patton, Pa. Magee Ave.
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