Transfers sf Real Butate. ir 1. GEORGE, : George W. Kavior to Joseph A. Sean- : L : iam, Allegheny: consideration, $1000. ATTORNEY + AT - GALLITZIN, PA. : ESALL iervine, The Home Tenm is Defeated by Ebagoioog 8 2 Ey ~Won Two From Altoona. Attorney-at- Law, fl The Patton Base Dolo tonne Ope LAW, | Froneser Willinens #1 ax to Ww Ham BL Jones, Cambria, $1 : i every night, on account o pensation in the throat, may overcome OUR TONeULAR SERVICE. ““Thé consular service is the practical | and business side of our foreign inter course,” writes ex-President Harrison | in July Ladies’ Home Journal. in the consular service of the United | States. These are located in the im. portant commercial cities and towns of the world, and are desc aibed gon. erally as Oonsals General, Consuls, commercial agents, interpreters, mir shales and clerks © Qouncil are various and multifarions He is the proprietor and guardian of American commeres; provides for destitute American sailors and sends them home; he takes charge of the effects of American citizens dying in _ his jurisdiction, having no legal re | presenative, he receives the declara.’ tions or protests of our citizens in any matter affecting their rights; he kedpa a record of the arrival and departure of American ships and of their cargoes, and looks after vessels wrecked; he re- “There _ are more than twelve hundred persons | The duties of a | their new grounds at the east do ‘town on day Joly Ae, wil | second game of the series bets, i home team and Khenshurg: ATG AR fone of the worst gomes fay ton it resulted in favor of “Ebensburg ‘hy 22 to 12. In justice to the home team as bi playing, Ary excenee oun be given tor them. They had basin working bibs ip thelr new gr Ean (ge for 10 dave fixing Ha ‘and had not bets any practioe for the gan hey showed 1 vast improvement | Katurday in their 2 games with 3 vitie Bhises, and we are certain that © four next meeting Eb nsbirg, our team will not allow the game ane sided affair as the fine Orie Now boys brace up and patrons krow that the game on (was only a Hoke on account O ‘not being in condition. Show that vou are still able to play bali, and also fet the jwople know that we have a ball team second to none in the Leonnty. Following is the score: PA THON, HB ., 3 ; Armsirng, god Pdones, rf SEE, ® frie Ww. . M sates Tay iis ri Foo har apt Heit ports any new inventions or improve. ments in manafactaring processes that he may olwerve, and all useful in- formation relating to manufactures, ‘population, scientific discoveries, or Tontnls FHENSHL His progress in the useful arts, and all Aus events or facts that may affect the trade of the United States, and sathenti- cates invoices and statements of the Jor market valae of merchandise to be. pp to the United States. Every Consulate is 8 commercial outpost; and it the service could be given per. manence of tenure, and a corps of men of competent equipment, it would | become a powerful agency in extend. Ing our cornmerce.’’ When we consider that inks are ahout five the body, we can realize the intense Le perienced when nflsmed. DeWitt's Cale once and completely removes the Jif- flenlty,. UL W Hodgkins, Pharmacy. WHAT “FREE MLVER" HAS COST THE GOVERNMENT. Yrom the recent revised edition of “Money in Politics,’ by J. K. Upton, p24, quoted the following parse graph which is a timely contribution to present discussions: “Under the operations of the two ; pets’? the intes- times ss long as they bee | & 3 Cholera Cure subdnes inflammation at | Kinkendt, i Higlr, 1? Tanvis of Tein eh 1254587 GO INBRREGE SEHD ARST Patiom CF hwenstai rg Faroe Huns Pati on Ts Hite favs, & Fh wr Fe wtp shed Pham Je i a ey a KY 2 Twa Base Ein CoM Raa Kroe Sacrifice Hi £ +4 ey woh Herts A Spar sIporg 3 } Nrroeek Lait By fern T Passed Paw ity Eyeors Fi PEP sdb Taecier is aie and Ww AB (hark Paton Fog Following are the scares inHin gs of the two anes plaved Fits Mgt prea, July 4th, between Patton and Milivifie Blnes of Altoona: Forencem fam. LP fren Mitivit Yh big oll While REREg om ey Kf nionen £560 {the Bland and Sherman Acts silver has been purchased as follows: | Under the Act 1978 {| Bland}, 201,272 018 fine ounces, at a cost of $308,279.06] ; under thal of 1800 (Sherman |, 165.674, O82 otinces at nn cost have a coinage value of about $5 . 000,000. It would sell to-day with silver at 87 cents an ounce for only about §I2%.000,000, or 136,000,606 Jess than paid for it by the Govern ment, and this latter amount is the “oost to the Government from yielding even partly to the demands for free silver, and going into banking opirs- tions aa a compromise.’ And yet the lachrymose Teller ind his associntes have now most regret. fully withdrawn from the old purty ~ which they can no longer vietimize. Persons 3 who have a coug hing spell a tickling jt at once .by a dose of One Minute . Qough Cure. (. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. NATIONAL BANK CIRCULATION, National bank cirenlution ontatind. ing at the close of the fiscal year vnd- ing with June amounted to $225,012, 060, which represents an increase of §712,- | 812 for the month and of $14,318,262 The © pleted the list of county and local fairs : for the year ending therewith. | portion of the circulation based on the deposit of bonds amounted to $205,138, - 999, an increase of $323,000 for the month and of $19,476,831 for the eur ending therewith. The portion of the circulation based on the deposit of money amounted to $20,374,081, an in- crease of $389,522 for the month, but a decrease of $5,184,560 for the year The bonds on deposit to secure circu. lation as abeve amounted to $228,015, 980, of which $151,850, 450 consisted of 4 per cents of the funded loan of 1907. 1 would be hard to convince A man from bilious colic that his agony is due to a microbe with an un- Eg name, But one doew of Witt's Colic & convince him of its : instant relief. It kills pain. C. ~ Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. To Advertisers, Cholera Cure will wer to alford Hereafter all patrons who wish a _ advertisement in the PATTON , or who wish to change their aa Bow nn mob hand their an wa Sada evening | week. ng? a in than y evening it will have to at nn Stand the next week. | 68 Patron Pus. Co. is breaking Pr y y ped cow with a white spot on sholder and White spot on bully, 10 yur old, left my premises on y, July 6th.-1¢t Josern Dm=pow, Patton, Fa. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures ng cough. _ It of $155,651 1008 | The sliver bullion purchased would Leh wife tet Rage Op June 38 the convention nominated The Arnokd for eonfreas, P.O Joseph Alexander for assembly, Fred (0 Dyer for treasurer, AH Wonka. ridge and W. 8 Davis fir commis cgioners anid OR Stpng and JH ‘Martin for auditors Mr. Aroodd se jected (0 F. Patton, T. I. Snyder and Hugh Meolallongh us his conderrees and on Wednesday July 8 the He publican oonferences of the Twenty. eight congressional district mat al DuBois and renominated Wo CO Arnold by aseclsmation. Mr Reeder of Centre county withdrew and pre sented Arnold's name. SEER Em Flee put bliean connly Hon, Wf Harris and Fire at Gaititein, The coke and coal plant of the Tay. lorMolloy company at Gallitzin, this county, which is owned by Baltimore capitalists, was wrecked by a con: flagration Haturday afternoon. The engine house, store house, valuable destroyed. Had the #0 cmployers ‘heen working in the mine the ws of life would have beet very large, aa “air woul have been shut off, The financial Joss is estimated at $20 000, [The fire wis of unknown origin Cionly and Loail Fairs Harrisburg, June 22 Oliver Schock, | chief clerk of the partment fenitare at Harrisbarg has cons ta be held this year. The state will be held at Johnstown, 7-12; Grangers’ Intenitate exposition at Willams Grove, Awgast 84.08: My Gretna Farmers’ Encampioent and In. dustrial exposition, Mt. ret tna, Atgust 17-2; Patrons of Husbandry exhibition at Centre Hall, September 4.19. : fair Hecpten ber Muliniey's Grapd March, The CoURIER has just reewived a copy of “McKinley's Grand March” pomposed By M. R. Rishell. This cele "brated march is now being played by all prominent bands in all parts of the country, The title page contains a Leorrect picture of McKinley C40 cents per copy. All readers of the Cormier will receive a copy at ane half price by mending 20 centa in silver or postage stamps to The Union Mu- tual Masi Co, 285 Bixth avenue, New York. Ww. Pr. Hertz Divas Saddon yy. As the COURIER goes Lo prose word is received of the sudden death of Dir Chas, D. Hertz, of Patton, who was at - {tending the Pennsylvania State Dental | Bociety which is in session nt Bellefonte this week. Heart trouble is said to ‘have caused his death. Purther par. tioulars oonld not be learned at this onr Last summer one of our grand child- ‘ren was sick with a severe bowel trouble. Our doctor's remedies had failed, then we tried Chamberlain's Oalie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, hich fave a gr oedy relier. We medicine ever put ope market for bowel complaints. — Mrs. EG G , Frederickstown, Mo. Thin certain y is the best med. icine ever put on the market for dysen- tery, summer complaint, colic cholera infantum in fu iid . Bye prom Pe n me i directions are followed. have expressed their sincere for the furs it has effected bopisis printed printed by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharaney, Rest, : Ne machinery and several mine tars were : pile im only : vied i pie Kis of ¥ Ley pti Prive and idren. It never pt relief when used titude d hepapsia or sae pil sate pi k, best pill. C. W. Hodg) offer PEATE fist a. in Lak Lotkpon mat 153, $f Flares ,, Jinn ac inail, Freon, : Henry S81 5iied Co Meet, hiner Falward t¥ Donne Joffoyaon : hid Kerth Forr, Cambria braved Reyn dav He Jeforann 4k Fes FV Se fo paring: fhe wy wh we M Monigal Pray, Mittin ee A Bitoney, Witham es bh ME Pia 1 EY x 3 Sl OMELET Furies Pravia fndigrial unetion, Westin Indreimn Thoma Panssntawney, Jofte PRON T Wii Nv {Yew ens Johnstown; J Altiwiria Fabhn Mol deren, (okeviliey Westmare tard Jomnthan Pe ty, Roohester Mi Pesdiana; Martin Hineman, Bo Westinoreland: Dan’l Morey Knights, Westmorland: David SN Wakefield Qeswant, Westmoreland: George Rape, Karthine Clearfield Abid B Brown, irewristiarg. Rentwg = Lins, Won rey, Jeera: Cooevepes Wo Anthony, Ur sion, Jefferson: Thomas Hamilton, Ma Laffey. (Clearfield (eorpe M. (hariey, Rig finn, Jeflerson Crrifninal widows ete ney [Bots Cearfield, Marion Centre: Tudhang; North Summit, Todiana Cibo. Ureeiside, Indians Renewal anid ners tan West Pairfinid srr, ihr mand leek .. FAW Matilda Wi it Apres Wor Forming t! Barbara Rammed Fel. Westmoreland: CL Mkchned Fry, Ligonier, West morsiand Pravid Overdorf, Supplemental Tlhusrrine Plows Trust Valley, Indians; Johnstown Aehfitional Christopher Schrecen Clarksburg, Indiana, Met Bheedle Noah, of this place, was taker in the night with cramping pains wrsl the pext any chigrrions Red in Ey Jou half a bottle of Shack harry. coradiad her {Thamiberiain’s Trarshoss Hemedy ritiened] her. Anot bears hod beer sick ard howd trieed ¢ din Frist rid Pry of iy for Trt Ad (351 chit Be in ax 354 gl mn eh ¥ a § Tosi dieses v0 it hime He says be tos wonder 1} Ribjey, Hloney, Ww Hodgkins Ki Bis pe) Mrs, YW Ferien § 5 Notes of Nps kp poly raktous thot wena badd in the Pireman’ Borivaph Ere Brae js for the saan Of thee af Palen OTR Frere eh % IWS £% imi HAE rs ots ¢ RtOTE Tir Bf 3 % 7 ing Debt, 171 Ww Third. The spbunt sod peroentage of the propased increase of dels 2 HAE AS. or On CE She on of the land PAE H ing ams wnedd valigation of ta taxatde property Pigarth The i yi? JU jem) of Lhe pre posal inerense Gf detd ww the pies 7 of thee existing floading indeblediimes and the ffmning. $x te BGT AKL rear ing af streets ALEX MawraTa, Preside ant of ounce. WJ Doxssisy, Burs. Attest: i June 17, Ei Hill, Lumber o $Y. Fa. Yi hive hewn suffering from Plies fo twenty-five years and thought my cam inenrable DeWiUa Witeh Hagel Salve was recotioended to nie 88 A gure, sa 1 boaght 6 bax and nerformed & permanent cure! Thi one of thousanets of airmdar Berens, sores and akin diseases when it aes. {0 OW, Hodyrkins, Fatton Pharnaacy Wii Gree, Clerk 189 Write, TAMER, bs Togal Natio, Notice is hereby given by the ander. Kigned viewers appointed 10 assess Lhe dampens and levy contributions change of grade on Fifth Patton borough, that they hao ha day Sled their report darikges and no benefits to John Yah ner. Bo Sassapes aiid ne benefit to D. A. Buck: ne damiges aul ti bend John = or : irvages and be tat BH OY CAgEr and, ink be fled thereto or an therofrora within tha! of fin +8. Yhae said pepeirt will be confirmed Absointely doHN H. SOMERVILLE Warren tb. VE ARAN Givin. FITEra RICK, fosr the AREER i AMSEERITLE wo of 4 ¥ beirie fi LITE pda I Bi lagen F dave from the date mid June 1, 184, et A Hitie thie world and can think of antler or wile AY La do it commend, ng i te Ursa o "Ir ak A Fire ventive predmonia, con wim pion and r serious lang troubles that follow neglected coulda, CW. Hedphins, Patton Pharmacy 2 Pes + : u We are ani i ponnd sn Pid aE Fix AE LEAD DY : 2x ba Ht Fuge Ra Assigns s Willies hie undersigned hereby gives notice that the Eureka Hardware company G. W. Bpeire, Manager and George W Speles and Mattie, his wife, of Barnes. bora, Pa, have made an assignment 10 him in trust for the benefit of their respective creditors. All persons wha are indebted to the said Company, or to said George W Speice, are requested to make settlement with the assignee, and those having claire against the ssignor to present them for payment without delay. TaoMAR BROWS, Assignee, J. F. MCKENRICK, ; 318 Attorney for Assignee. Barnesboro, Pa. July, 1806. Small in sine, but DeWitt's Little Early | {hue Mioranghiy an t in result. isers act gently | curing indigestion, constipation. Small Joss. Ourabiis, $250 Mary File a REE se Owen Bolnng ef ox 4 William BR Francis Huber of ux. to Peter Waje- punas, Hastings, $5 David L Hosen | fing ot Frans Fhe Fst Riv Togrs horse. Fart bei $25, Vincent 5X Blandiarg. $5 Tey fy Triner ar EAR" fs; 810 ¥ 14 iE £12 a wid Sarria ry F. pand Todd Walant Ron Mri Noss company tey John 1 uA nlinty bo A Bi John fx Fi Havas Le Henry A Addieman et ux et al rr Ww Rank Patton, 81.100 Mi chavs J Poff to (porge B yi aomettes #1 of an A Hig ghey : Foxe SF Fen 5 * FEY to { Senex Meo. A fet Ferva conn ®131 PF FL fittie, A a: 1 * {Carry Hears, Kun: MK Piper, of Piper, of Wank Lamadne to Larmaddne, BE. Ta William HH. fps 2%. $4 Sonny 1o x. reasieer of Cambria Br nok, White, #4 bir: Bro PE A Monntsin. ¥ Beads, Hit nie 84 Troasurer I. Drenspge ( win boroagk, 88 Tressnrer iF Lxmbra county 1. Genres had ash irton, $4 of A. H. Burkey tox ' trie Patton, $50 1X $04, K 6H LES Cambais sonrty oo R to RB. Aspnes tl SROEMANCE NO. 28 Efe Pennie of Howls in tha Foraugth of Patton, Peisting To Bee 12 eviactent amd omixined by the Eirias ai Town {npn or ha # oof Patton sand IE is hereby the Rothority HY the IR gE Town Conndl yi i Snappy PEM Sheer tery Ter Iai ye benches ris o property of the pnir a. £3 Ea ari tras sboeiaal EP % ES rate Hf Yi CRIER ot fr fyed Banned Malle Wik peu gol Mppeaia | Flow, buy given fry the Bargeds since of the Borough of ion whi he Hail ia Patten Ay of Angad. oh taining ithe of f the Borough increase of the Bor wits forth ag iW Shed SYA FAL elk a Bae Hf thie Last aa property Eran gonf taxabie ’ Pra RD Tho! mmonnt of the existing | Braid Debt £5 oa ie Plosts Wh Tokai, 38. 171.90 : hae irpount woh purresniage é tx projposl inerease of debt is 2 A B53, or on eT cent, t. of the amonnt 3 ¥ at She ae! s, 3k Tareas eit ing dara WS ta vkhie JRE rity : bs of the pri a A in the payment pxitivgy Boating indebladness opening extending and repalr- { atrewdn AEF ae oo 3 i. By oi fhe ng of ALEX. MontrRiTHL President of Cnanetl W. I IeiNNELLY, Burgess Attend BoWoa fabhieeneg © JR 5 HrE 4m a SACak A ¥ + ih OE gi i Lan Loot Off at Our Fountain We ose acthing but the juices of swund, ripe frust, sugar and pure waitin, The most severe “reamer 7 could take so myury from any of the drinks we serve. ; CORNER DRUG STORE, Patton, Pa. i & 3 i L | combines the qualities which produce » Fm $3499999099499004944994099909 Solicitor for German National B. & | PATTON, PA. ausociation. i« fics in the Good Building. you win {extra FOX Vor hot {Sa all paper at Reasonable Price. Stree Same of the Largest Fire Insur- ince (lompanies of the World Are represented in the TONG aid] ’ 13 i 3 3 sel] Protect v our PROPERTY. Wee Office in Good Building Lever 1st National Bank. PARNELL & COWHER, Agents. Spring Clothing (nr * represen ted: 3 i 3 in An fr % Nand F WwW. from | TOGYn Store, Magee cioth and ¢ lothing.are guaranteed to to be precisely as the d ailars paid for it last, because the clothing long as cloth can Put three things together QUALITY, LOW PRICES, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, ¢ the secret of our success, nt yon onirself, amp! es mg from $is Coy tO ith I not searing to prirchase the information of what people sre wearing will be of value to you, Examine onr offerings as shown by our sedes agent, ALEX. SMITH, the PALMER HOUSE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1806. wa \ AMAKER & BROWN. a Yi on iast, ants as HIGH Yoon PY to jndye for y and invite you to ex- and Summer. Ready- Tailor-Made Suits from = io dit YT Loin gD Re a Sfx at ROYAL IN THEIR RICHNESS OF BEAUTY 2 Nu Fond igement and Ne ale ir New Spring Dress Goods Pe 3 £% 30 § L235 W AISLES, .. a oy 3 , y we By ake Fei a Lr ger % 5 IP halies evs uk Cy, ak inels Row Sag 13 Y ERR Is { saving 1s true of bread only where | of First-Class Flour. Our White Satin Flour good bread. Every sack guaranfved. can sell you everything in the of Flour don’t forget that we elsewhere | quality "ERY line as cheap as you can buy akin GRO While » {GENERAL considered : We sell the genuine Wisconsin Driving Shon Hale made by A. A. Cutter, and a | full line of fine Footwear for Men, ‘Women When in need of anything in our line call and see a PATTON SUPPLY CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers