HE’ JUST STANDS STILL. That Ix His Business, and He Makes Fup ¥or the Crowd, Any man can have lots of fun mm thiy world of he ¢ for it. No hard work is necessary. Thi) ig proved by the fast that the man whi J% iv fare ishes more fan for himsel] and other folks than any single individ, and on or off the stage doesn’t do a sine gle thing but stand still ] : bakly every man, woman and chil ages bed big boxiness honse at the corner uf Clark ard Madison streets a tall, well built colored man, wearing a bottle Tos green concaman’s livers, white helmet | and white gloves. His name is Alphonen Cestollo. He was forperly a member of Jd has beets a pre | the city police force i vate deteotive and a constable. Hisdoty now is really only to attract attention to the honse where he ix employed and | to aot #s usher to patrons who come in| carriages Some men wonld and kmesorae with pothing to do stand in front of a big store all day, ait he doesn't Whenever time bangs heavi. ly on his hams recreation, he cirikes a statnesque post tion and five Bis aya on the adverts! ment of 8 eure death to coekroachos Rigy BOTAN The attitude never falls to attract the attention of poesershy ’ get mighty tired LS Feit Yiws steel As wren as Oo person slope ti satisty Wirapelf whether | 3 " a bo Ive may Uo x ody Ex ggtt few wiatae or a ronl fon begins Si adi xiy Oo Ie stops fo tos. Ths pom no impression an the ign stand fore it Tien the mores inquisitive that ciocin't har the gentler sex--] poking with porascls or ther if rhe thing will move’ Breath sigh Ble pean the trick mw AAT and ~ fing tohes hin Fea Eid other ore be 20 fires ug odaw, £0 ix asiaes 10a) sat nf The grey Laer tO his eat pdwrin Ingide sat Bios A TRUE HERD knows hon £0 start oa ! 4 soon standing in front of | and he feels she need (41 barrel of delicious Or gents of the sroned mak a Bed a ark ane WITH A BARREL OF OYSTERS Freodam From hexfdom, Om of the Bost known banking most American visitors to Russia carry fetters of oro supine & Sons the foander of whi own his Bheration from serio, years before the decree of smanicrpateon, | ton barred of oysters : was ser! belonging to Cont pepnetie® oni of theswealthiest nob Rusia He bad frequently oils the count to grant him biz Hocdon, of foring him ax pioeh as F400, 000 for the been. But rooney was nd object to the it hes a 1 FE that one of the leading bankers of the empire was one of his serfs, noable to marry sither his sons or his Annghtors § as aorf, the banker was liable moment by the count, since evrything that belonged toa serf, inofuding his wife, children and property, belonged ipso facto to his master, i Cie day Shalounine, who hd juss that very morning returned to the capt | tal from Oxlessn, called at the Sher metieff palace for the purpose of ropart FH» had bropght with bim a sean aysters for prosonianon mn the count, bat loft them | in his carving at the pa face door until | he should have obtained his masters fritiptinn that his gift was aod prable Osi entering the presen of the count Litho banker fromd Bing sor party of guests aml snzaind in berating his chief tmtier for n pro vide evsters for the breakfast to wai Wer, ¥& Forney i sivas Go they wore shout to sip down Lowas cps Tung LURES FE Cr hE 4 thst beoaint fir loen o spht of the wird TO Lis pea sob pn the § @ PC atician xi $ * J Sein @ Biri Though a Complete Physical Wesel, a £100 i eas Man Lives For Others Soi YAGER hrvsiend Wiser k RK) wire nh of the ba with 6 bealn ns brig ne pany of the mos saa, deseribes the ool 3 Cwwith the princess: 30 as from, and ?. x a J VE BIG ha raed ia ane wi afer wimlow, He 13a lawyer ad a pond paving bustness, Sith hire vou wondd wonder how ood held a pen. He is the editor paper calied The Cripples’ Friends a society for the relief of the needy. sepecially cripples, by raising fands . ¢ ther and getting smitable employnient and places of usefulness suited 1G Arma ense. He is also attorney for some »ii- aty that seeks the enforcement of and the protection of nicent p fromm troposition, and he is resdy to ay sist the churches in their work and do god in all directions. ¥ This roan 18 an example of what a Christian ean do ander diffionltins by the grace of God. Many wonld say {hag they could do uothiog, bat depend on others to be fod and cared for as babes, But not so with this man. He not (nly midntaius himself, but makes himself a blessing ll sromnd. With po hope of ever rising from his cot, except ns lifted by other Lande, be patiently works and waite for the roming of his Lent How many there are who, with string, healthy bodies, nee thelr powers (nly Lo drown their woul in destristion aud perdition Christian Instrootor The Motionless Tiger, Now mpd then a soldier found kneeling car the battfeld abate to take sim ob the ese stone dead. A bullet ha the Drain eotsvertad him 1800 a stator of bins Captain Forsyih, in his Ha! Central India, tells of a simi oiler prodoced by an oxplisive shell Gn tiger. The captain, walle io the howidih of his trained elephant bunting » tier, saw the beast croscifipg under a bosh on the bank of & ravine. He got a steady shot and fred a tires ounces shell wi the tiger's broad foreiond To his snrprise. for the distasos was but 40 yards, there was no result. Not a motion of the ger acknowledged the whet He rods round a quarter of the eimle, put still the tiger remained motionless, But Jooking intently in the sanae dine tion Girosnibg mere and oor aml, the captaia rode nearer, With an fell mio. bu See tiger aiid Then be dnused tio wioplnail 1 beast. The tiger fell over. He wad tose dad The stedi bad sock hime full in the copter of the forehead, burst in his brain sid killed hun fostautly. 22 WE Rigs tiho HERE ane, Lice tie Servants YWhe Will Not Take Tip The saryvauls i a well ordered Jaa ve the pst defervutiad cry time they bring yon sy to renue u dish at they will kneel rr Yopehoads Load ts Lhe i any of thew HAE A sight, as we alt the Japanese gontieman a taking dinner, one of his sdrvall dthted nx thr ath fhe grevosds to the gute, Whers Gor CHET Wis wating I attempted tt give Bion smalls 5 When | offered dt, he clasped his bu ols together and ni “ very iw b peeping his Lead down untii the started pags Rid el. FTL Boiss si ROLY till ard ali Hy Fast, Lie I Jringe Na Heavy: 1 For the Unmarried An nrg od man or wianan off mar- viggeabdy age something that is rarely septs in the Fob islands. The reason of thix is not £00 to seek. The nutives be lieve that if © person dies whily in an ammarrivd = ate his or her shul as doomed to wader about thr meh ends jess uges of « vruity in an trtermediate region betweon heaven and hades. At the end of cach moon they are allowed ta Jook iuto heaven, but ure never per- mitted ty enter. —St. Louis Repabilic. SY Bron 4 Yo forehead the Kt sp awe Tony Bey Bs WO DinER Jud £3 he Foil Late {iy Bois Carvin at the lewsy, 1 BE ] BA “3 i i Wo i § z : ; LWDIETT beth the banket and his fursily from is bright and cheers. He is the head) f] but | Bate apd pot Riene wi But stav. Iw wg. Cant me 9) last apd thou shall t den!’ YS prs Gy Raion Ca be wall Barrel of oysters whih his fast? idl it at the foot of had Bon cpwane {and AR pans ax the bared tthe comint called far a a ¥ pot Xie fe Lseprite cmt dee laratain Yas feerfiorm, ad then bow in: fda the man who bat Pha Been his slave pow, may dear Mr i yom give us tiv joi | pany at bovakiast Ivins, £ICNORY OF SRALE A Great Power ficorratitig Fiation hie Covers bat Lith €ordanmt. Probably no plants afford tetror ii L tandenicy LO i the moeieriy sd k : ataticRIs in fareo eto yg White KA area Bas closely approach the sash mit in vntoe, and in which, therefor economic considerations have du the putting of 45 pourrait ing age pATStnS Into as Jittle snus A Dring ingennity would permit, with gard to satisfactory perform In sore of those station yortioal ongines and Boilers in large noite have been snstatliad to the entare ixelanien of hor zontal deslgve, and in others, agian, saving in ground space thas garnered has beens still further sagmented hy sitting engines and boilers in tiers, ons aban the othr, giving a ratio of horses per square foot of ground area ®lich decade ago would have bon thon goite beyond the Hirnitn of possi ZF. In probably no station in the word G koa i Tales AN Baal ‘3 Ea tho even, ss in that of the Edison Electr Dominating company in Duane street, in the city of Now York, The ground powered by thn pemenrie 200 by T4 feet, and within this area provigon has been made for naw 3 hrspotrwer #n- pines, own of 1.050 Mrosepower « arh and theo Hil horsepoer, giving a tent of win forse power, with a bestier plant, of nly a dit hire paar Seti £3 * ef £358 TEL ER RTL PA any so eek Cries BRAND fagrowing alr, ster wie BacKing. face are often rw RTL ie the re you. Ask any bah 4 the same thing vid ht they 3 ia & a Liairs un at's Eine i i Rr SS ASA Bally wargw d pletely begins HE in Recoml Waking a Shah. An sanding ory is tod late shah 1nd have bern the elie! gu Inn Persia they believe that BOR was to be done? to the shah 's restin instructions to the wis suocesafui Faith is letting down oar nets the tramsparent deeps, at the rake, ~—Fuler. along somehow or other on an ann anl allowance of £35,000. How a Great Fusstan Banker Bongot Hi | Berea of 8t Petersburg and the one to which | + 4 that of Messen Shal- 3 § $athor of the present peal of he firm, i i ind Cd shalonnine | with a sort of hnmorons silver spoon in | pis month Uninterrapted good fortune ated { i Hf, | a®art of his own. He somehow aoquires | ah early reputation for saying or doing cont. and it gratified hix pride to foal | gr : fanny th withont his master's const. Moreover, i to have i his money mized and eonfisated any | Miller, bat no literary scholar be fioves | that he originated nil the jests in his ing his arrival, as in duoty bound to his Land they were Pombo Wak | those which exhilited any br ad, tian | prehenrive + Fie ws nn | Bora open ) Pihings that it was ever smd that B raid, mt ot wav them all 1g | {ege and excited great caran % {tracted wit i i of a pew play fo be produced by hia Daan Sate ty Gen of they Por | meantime to infor hind! of the kis has this ooneaestun been carried ont i : to greater degre, or ti aR prest a one io pid; 1 dort have anvibiog bat ans ple sIV Ques | command, pot knowing what we shail | wnat his property tesla ¢ ior RAS “ tithe oF The Duchess of Tock 1s expected to get | ! STETSOY ONE OF THE MOST INTERESTING MEN | EVER IN THE SHOW BUBINE SE. An Igoerancs Whose Depth and Breadth Made It Highly Fitertalning Stetson Was 8 Sonree of Fan Outside of The | atrient Circles as Will as Within Thew. : Them {9 a man Horn pow and then ad a himorist smiles on him thyoagh and that, tw. with po seimng ings, which, once gained, noth fi ean take away. All the jokes in his line of Bis generation, and often some | of earlier and ister gendrations, ar | evodited te him, and nobody cares to dispugs the honor. Collectors of jolovs are ready to accept Jon Miller as Joe ana A allegedt book. Anybody can think for himself of two or thoes simi lar exampios in the present half century, amd, even | so, it is not likely that John Stetern | ever realiv said all or half the amusing : things that wore at ated 0 They wore good stories, some of them, i told of Stetson, just as wis & 5 tri #32180 Sw 2 1 phe story of fiddling while Rome burtied wax told of Nera, not beoase Eh x Ave trae, but tn show what Wasnt of © WR it was thought pis iid gterics which proper to fix upon John Sete We meni pletaresgue IRTOTABON fanorant man tio donb ah, perhaps, © say ali the that be did wre chasioes arg Hur the stores for that, Years veEdions Tymnnus® nts of Hoary Her the Lhe A ott Rees Reghioe b#) > taveil by the stalk at the coat ET ESET CE miuie af wh he chord that bu Arid by RE lennting h Bepineles for the writing fi ing sods This story dongs 10 thay mune CR | sepia hint nao elaborate de t pier SOR pRIRRERR (LY of 8 ew Aiserwareed in the Jobby af dnl pet mest his arist Take that pietums down,’ be ir ATE “But, Mr. pone baodly ro reenstratid, “that pictur was painted hy Michael Angin” “Mipehanl wha? said Hietson. “3ichae]l Angele cAfell, take it down,’ sald Stetson, | “and discharge Angelo I won't hate | any of thess foreign soens painters sroand my theater; I'm gang 0 em- ploy Americans This so amused those who heard it that they at once told the incident to friends of Stetson and themselves, and | among them was Jack Haverly, the fataiins negro minstrel manager. Hay erly did net laugh when he heard it, | bat pimply locked pazelod He thought | for a fow moments, and then a faint smile came inte his face, and he said, : “Oh, yes, I see; there aint po such pers | Rebar, © § ¥ ¥ t {] £ $51 aon as Michel Angeiol This answer was thought good encagh | toy fake back £0 Stetaon eh ROW Re i sumed, must have taken pains in the tory of art sufficiontly to nnderstan ig in frictid. "Wo have told Jack Haverly | what you suid abent Michael wget, | and he said, "Oh, I soe: thers aint BO sch person as Michael Angelo!’ Sretaor: onked blank i his torn fir i rhe peesived his own Little at the humor of Wie, the ignorant odd fond,” vad ermyss he ought to have said, “ihere isn’t apy such person as Michael Angela’ i vt Es his wid thie { i vow Bi Bs 15 7 again rooalls another with | a sitniiar towch Init The conversation | snow turned on A clever pasiages in W J Florence's old play, “The Mighty Oellar.® in which Bardwell powits his lgnoranes by pif a Kackioan when Be bad aucountered In Nanton ‘yew Cl anid BRrotaon, plover: of course they don't hav i273 mich aw p =iust 8% pigs fo oF 5h Es Prlint 8 Sacks | in Venwe; wi Ha : Pia fable font 3 ALY 3 Sr ents fat print ag tow five Mr. rut “What do you think of Ne-ands 2 a food caning of the setors of Bis company. He wn tn axk what kis friend thought of way the setor was playiwe the part in which he was then epgaged, bat the fiat ho meant fri fie thei Seater askoont of SHE s 3 3a HL RG eed { ai ¥ r periat of pic wns avs id Xa EE “H 1 To STR Weld pa k ty ize x :: Naw barn ta pick Spare, 1 Wax a uit PD saa cl Ca svar if vf wae vipa fr pa Opeth wi Bid padd a goad v for then Hewes t Park on the Boat night 10 sa ¥ 2 isd rd Be Alter tun firms aol fas Rohn gina aR alae Re rau ont “Te lay ee phe edit ab snpetoily ens tart Magen rai TLmpsiciiers? Gane dolla! ~=New York Trl | press was kept giing all day supply | the demand from the army satiers Ca few Winks that the publisher in Oto Broa ht faeay My. Albert Roberts, avi ar and trasned jars i Fe was { porn de plome of Pat white importance and dae [alos paper shdrtiy after : tia Pn the Pin oasat on bE Bol rest radia Po Chatian = 5h ¥ ix Lap still greater of that year, Fog that inner ns £ Was IT he 1" {per the months fled, {tie Irate adit P per cold not o § Watterson thoy reaiged that i 4 tal 8 3 fis Cmmedeoa LWrath inom by LparLiy oon | aby Lanar | most sought ufter are those who do ROS | ppay their della | i Wanderings of The jibe] In Three States, an Wad Editor In Chet | wt General Drage How | Henry Watts: His Meeting Vv the Fryers laos Was Closest. Eri R ia wander. The story Tih Hehe ioin AVERTED rnin de ane of intedeet ings Burvivirs ¢f 11 Aim of Tennes Hees ¥ PY TEI ahompl 10 pects found tnEpired ti bo hope for the gee they deemed right. Like 1 Jed ang 3 “Dixie. The Tele] fired the simthern heart hy iti very tie The Rebal first uw the | {R82 in Chattanioga It wax a foor eclumn folin, published by France M Paul Thanuanis of copies were sent 10 Brage's army at Tullahoma, Tenn, snd aften the sapply was madequatd to the Artand, owing to the fact that the pob lisher's press, a dynam cylinder, pin ji pot print them fast enough {Nien the tha Way fo The gage ATER FEyers fis eve, x faht Aut tL, SR 8a popular did The Rebel bevome in ber, 1862 enguped the young hint very | tile and rising jeurnaitst, Henry Wat | torson. to edit the paper. Mr Paul to the asvistanos of Mr. Watter. weinY Writ Nashville the | glint of Baspaions writer, ‘John Hanoy, A and Roberrs kept The Rew Boat, and NrEwW a BATLR Wattere the bug FE Juste ¥ ine pane 8 AY CL Nou Suggest i Poser fA the world Cather, but that C dard ago a repreacatative of The Exam: | | sevire paper and a lend pencil, made bier. ANB A LOWS AWLIF KAO ING A NOTE. thu Jiden, mand the Rong I Written White You Wait. Salarisd Poets Are In Attepdnnce to Farnish the Words ae Yaar Name Goes on the Sheet. Le know as A come It in the oaxiest thing In you want to vf panaie? You may not know! one pede Grom an. mntieT. hewn" inor went tovisit a looal masicinm of re pate. Before the musician stord a a | perdi young woman. She was whistling Her ripe, red Dips had on (hem a most wempting pucker Bhe whintiead a few notes and stopped. Then the pusician, who was arvied watly a shoot of musi oglyphics on the lines and spaces on that whwit, This was repeated several times SThere endd the girl, ‘that is all” A sardonic smile glittepsd fir an iu stant on the muoshdian’s face and was gone. He stepped to a plans and played hing, at ths same time im provising an accompaniment, SOWIE antd the girl interrogatively, A few ? TV EG RE pleas gE aor ves ot dR ert trode DEBI ue plod ax BX ows THAIS DEPART. Ho CRrwensYine anno lee rfield piwntord, Batialo and Rochester, Hiotverin and Ponssalawney, Vi koa tie Pow, Fle lwitin sind POD XSURWHES | Lines Then wig Wim paeport. Higdg way sud Fradiong, Punixsutawress aud Helsing, mr fied wins Pulls, Faille Crvek TRAINS ARRIVE. Ch, Fonasulew ies ang Hig Ban, "” Fils § revk. trudford aud Ridgway, wi CRrwensy ion ant Ulvertield, ip. py Clmrbeda & Fin a ER Pon laiawiiey apd Helvetis, % 4 LL Rechester wnd Bulla, i Fanssttaw ue asa Big Kan ids Cnirwensviiie and Cienrtield, Fon emnd walis eels goo tof pass etween all tations ml Joell ped indie ror (leks, rime tatdes and mil information oii OF OF ®Gurdes, M. Lundergan, Ageot, DuBots. ¥.oAU lapey, Gen’ Pass. Ag ¥ 15 Pow » is the melody as it hkl been whistled tol B= as ops She had not the Ldntest den of har meny or oounterpoing, Ska conld pot MUR “1 must mnsician, 0h, yer, I oxpertad that, osmid sha 1 furnish the musical ides and yom do the ; change it seme, ead the back work. goes Myors Pre Wan glimmer of fir in the maxeian’s eyes He reqoost. the pablus bogriaty Lows thes writer mbar wei f ¥ Tv Sp gk Whi ¥. JE RRA x A spear En Dee HIN * opiy heh! Lhe faatis td RF TiYE BET REE Prager Bop Bile retro CERI aif Hs ar wily WN Lon (oneral Swgieri ont IN Fhe AES §Ek Rye ! The Reals) Li A iN bie Ths & ATELY i thers ti sh HENNY BrTIY ¥ 3 ) BRIRINEY deine In th Paw priee fant pis were Po Fp mex of Anstl Hattanoogea for 1h Li frig bts omnaiar thon i pret tak att ees a ” ivy paper Was PerieTIag Moser, Watterson after the plant bad been shipped. The shelling of Chattanooga in that month goon convinead rhe mlitors that thes, ton, muant go if they would BY id zap: turs hy the Fedral Army, and To lef ¢4 Join tha paper. Editor In Chief Wate tirkons had heen sharply eriticimng Gren. eral Braga whils tho paper was in Chat. Lisnooga (me syening he visited a gens tleman’ys house in that town, and it happened that (ieneral Bragg was also a Waiter. The too gentlemen had never wet, and while waiting for the bost to appear, after leing ushered into the parlor by a aervant, Watterson and | Bragg began a sisal conversation which soon turned upon the war. Although lie know ha was 17) the presence of an offl- eer of Bigh rank, Watterson little sus pected it was thie commander in ching of the army. He indulged in some crit- jetsms of General Bragg as ie had bustin | doing fa The Rebel The ganoral listens Lad for awhile 1h almost spemh lose won dey. but contrdiled himself til his tory i oririe had abnsid him for cane minotes, i when he arose, pred addressing Mr Was |W kat do you think, Staten?’ said his terscn dsked 5 “Da you kpiw whol am, fox: Tha eeiitor tonhed that be bad pot that honor “My pams is Braga, wir now fally aroked commander. Of sons Watterson wa soawewhat taken aback, lint in his most courtiy and chivaliony manner assured General Bragg that he liad not meant 0 be of- fensive. but that his orificiims were made fn good fiith and from motives of anil the | ginoers desire 15 promote the welfare of the Crofederaiy. Bot apologies wera i not asked or given. General Brugge, however, never forgot i poy forgave hid critic. After the battle of Chickamanys, while the paper was Cat Maretta, Watters sedi titites) Rin nt | tacks on Giendienl Bragg, who informed The Roehel that unliss | the publisher of dr were discharged the a Mr Bist th dictated shige ito his Hanes he eho frivnds, for he Was y toreirsct a wir mir ba J ¥ oy “ Sig of As Caio RE 2 Seigef SE ha wonhd write ihespite any # x oie springen te Le Se, * var fpnnornd 1 # 2 Xaf OR $8 Aid SEE Ws Bea Yt feat nal 3% bi EYlseii wal 3 5 1 tM the armiey ! They thea tinew | plyer aud buy ; | Bnd — Bosto Society in very queer. The people oS Pod the givl 10 call again 33 A for dayk ” i for I pean again yO cln i haw yon Hike in Pb Yem will sen hive thoy go pears morning onthe trian free £ inn {HAH 1 % * Fan DRLer Wake $ HRY aoshIng pastind ering | Marietta, | Robart | staging ib Chatlanocen fir a few dnys | board vannie, ereditod Bo sm, 1 gy Bi Stee Ri the paid bi i oayere SY OER) dam poets Write he, Vand when Foo 1 will have wire for it, re {ihe sinirl together, veapfeees MEET PEO aR las peecn (Creek Hailroad. H.7. 0. & H. BK RK R Co. Loses. CONDENRED TIME TABLE cond rend Lown Exp No.m No.» AM PB vie 18 8 3a Me ERE es GG GR ty se KET E -_ : HEE LE a AE ROE TE wi bss ANE SAIS iin amins ht WB #1 connie A BRMEPOTY. ion WB BAT DT le Cnn IRR Lo sc snes OR Bul ad Ml cies x ® 0B LE LY Cheats SRR ARI ERY sid, vans Gein wn ERED oar kk ak Llemprfieid = wa ax ib Ape Ere a nee Be FE ERs ad el as jo oom Sa ds ou MorTisdaie Mines. HEE He MT ea be fol any remnants } 1 S5Esy HBT RE & 2a — Ra ARE EW : EBM ES BNC" YUE Pe EE aid 1 aa WEYL Phan psbnrg i vA AT SLE a SR HOWE 13 LE $18 ¥ An. Bis» an foian Woy 04 i Lye : % 3 any LE RewOHE, Winter Kemi Le AER SLUR Mb Bewdds Creek Muli Hall. voi har BARE is Mh Yosingdade (Wave; r Leln E x i % Weng Wali spade wy £ i By Hey rahe Pa in painfaliv Bia hvtiaed Ar wither pers soveah piste Bey She wi a Dwiilowy nw ! ar which I attr as prrfoct. Barnw is Iga 3 Trip FRIAR grad Fler shir Worn cal ad arietoeneatnn ery that ahi had atom. pod olin toowhistie, Was a hitla Evidently sho bal not previ. oasly atxinl the words of ssi The Meplustophelin suggestion of the musician Wis tempting. Fis baat was litggary As wail ax mmsioal distinc. Flan, Sis took it ull, museal and Liter ary. bait, hook sud line, with a jithle gasp It has been said that iE im jot as well to be hong for u shiep as for a lamb,’ and sho adopted that view with Httio hesitation. When the music shpat oomes out, with a sentinwmtal title, this rosy brunette will be heralded as both mnsician and poctons This ix not an GNEGMEGon GCOnrrehes fn San Francisco soit was sid by those who ought to know. A local musio pub. lisher put out a list of shout G00 Han Franc ison componitions last year, and, socording to the hed of the firm, very fow appearsd as they were originally conceived What appeared to be odd ahont the episocds frst mentioned was the perfection of tha facilities furnished for taking dow a husical composition The musician wyot on has giosie score | paper with the speed mul certainty of a | ntenographer. Ds fact, be wean for the | pipe a musieal smaouensis When the girl had lofe him, he bicama the poor somposer in fat Crorge WW Hots i contact with many people who have moseal ideas without musical knowledge. He Hterslly takos notes ax they reveal their dean Being a composer, he is yorsed in the knowledge necessary to make these ideas practicable. He is compelled to anst the tune for the range of voles for witboh i ie best adapted. People whistle, (wing, play® the banjo und thawp the | piano at him. Then he tums the dea | into a musteal composition. Hugo ¥ | Sehlam of the musical publishing firm lof Broder & Seblum furished some | amusing facts Mr Schlain says that only popular songs, which am in the ange of arlinary singers, and dave tapes are ocmposed on the plan here io dicated. It Is notii@lcoiv for any pers Lawirh ao maasdeal iden to pet wsang, words Who thee tion is rely for publication i tha ddan oF fhe je Erg ind a STEARNS LE EI TRON Haws Little sesembianes 50 Very hkoly the omg 1a story that tp’ intia beopepul Win OF i nator has Te tase wit 113 Fis Or fhe WER i v§ Rian yiikiis pict Band ing §ACHTIT HOLE, i. iw | soma oma om UNE gd Was IHIVOY wi by PE ayismert Sgr opit a EER bigs le grade and diva anos for sim thoLE THe | Rania i TE RL aN OUT ERY phate of such phenome is nnbiiadnal very ahieauy #i fas 108 15 ronly abot 821 Piw vo if thy career of io nhan pine coy aut from Au rin Pluss Handlv more than a down songs © POPRIAT SU00oss masienily mnlboas, who oan, | SPOKE LITs Inn I In fast vin This need wot ob I i § | | i £0 Ta Raporn i wR § Feaetd, 3 with glesving black i [aw pb oo NER i - go nr . Sideiwey whore Junot... W Ji ymary minis NN Dabs WL Lana pon. An zg oR CHE ERMAN & (ATR i $2 PER ee gma BEupaiay HH am Fx iU Bw i Hesading La ui | ng¥ si a“ w Ail Wer Kans, ELGG AM suelaye, i wi aw trwveidon Via Pola SSA dptule ons 100 1, wilinimnge LT Sard at ves CAMEOS AE WHTTIRID POTT with Ph phim wud Messing Haliromd, AL J with te Fadl Kf. at Mi Hal with Crain limes of Pennsylvania, At PRID ipstia)g with Peuiis Ko Kad Altoons and Philips Comte iiug BK AL iLL le Mu Baic, Rovbester atid PiOsbang matle way AL Mabey and Fallot with Cambris and Ciearfiea division of the Penoeyivenis stiroedt AT Maladie with the Penpsyivenis £3008 1 543 cud Roriliweslerd reli wl FEHERRIMAN, AGPAILMER, Gen’ A part alendent. Pil plain, SENNEYLVANIA RAILROAD, IN BFFECT JUNE (1 88 fhiiadalptits and Frise Hallresd Divisios Cine Tabiv. Traits ienve Driltwood EARTWARD. » 2:04 A M.~Train % dxily except Sunday, foF Mun eury, Harrishuly apd in a tive, arriving at Fhlladeiphin, 63 p. Sy Now York, » B mt. Baitimore, $18 : JYanhington, 45 p. mm. Palisa rio Vr Hm port wl from Kane Wo El aang, jd 1 MowTrain & diily except Sunday, for Muarristinrg and fntermedisie stations, arty fg wh Phillsdelphin at £ Oa m., New tw. 0b. Palinen Keepiog cars from Bi Aavnrg Ww Philadelphia and New Pra adel 1a prmseng ers and iptany ani ise. mw. Ou ASEM. -Tinine, daily for Supbury & Her rire Rad TDEETINAO Linde WER IOLA, Bi ning at Philindeiphits, Sd 8. 0. New York 235s. ime woul drys and 5 sm, 06 Susdeys; dinore, 8 5. m, Washin or T4608. mm, Piihman oars and Koti Prone. Kite nnd Willis port te PLE adel plite Pan sng [6 sieeper for Haltimore and Washes agin will be mue‘erred intG Wonahing oo shiwper at Harrbabady, Passwtigs . Nowe 0 fron Rote to Phlladeiplis = William w= pir? to Bastiaans WERTW ARS till A M.—-Train I, dally except sooo ¥ for Ridgway, DuBois Clermont and in'or wediaie “ations, Lesvos Ridgway at § 15 wm. for 0:50 A. Ml ~TThis by wary Wl Brie mua 8ver medinte j oiuis. : 3 P.M. Train 11, dsiiy except Sunoay, Kr Kane sna intermediate stations. FHAROUGH TRAINS FOR DRIFTWOOD YhoM THE EAST AND SOUTH. TRALE 31 eaves Fhilngatptin Lo Washingion 7:50 a.m. Beilimote &(0 8. Wm, Wiikewbarre, [15 uni datly except Su an ving al Driftwood st <3 p.m, wilh 19 PAriOr oar Pniindeiphis Willismsport. : SMALN 3 leaves Now York st #0 p.m. Phib adei phils, 113 p.m. Washington, pn. Baltimore, [150 p.m. dally arriving at ih woodl at #3 wm. Pullman at fram Philadel phiato Ede aud from Waab- mgton and Beithmore fo William ed through igeroomc hes irom Hndelph Ww Evie, Ae Umare to Willismeport, CRAIN 1 lsuves Renovo st 820 & m., 3 soepl Bundey, ammiving Driftwood 75 am JOHNRONRBURG RAILROAD. (Daily exept Sanday. desires Yigr¥ Da ARENIDER fa Tlieere | THAIN 19 saves Ridgway al 2a, mW. JO Ue BOGE Bt BES a. I, RITIVIDG at Urmmont ot SS mL CPRAIN 30 eaves Clermont wt (Gd a. mm, 85 Aving at Jobhusonburg st elo» mW wl Hit gus vy wl DRI sosn Joan AY ASDUCLEARFIELD BB : BAILY EXCEPT SIINDAY gio AE SN Rp a TTUNORTHWAR Ss NP ~ ne - os * 87 " boo wT ATI NN. * HIRE WARY Ininud Kan Mit Haven § suyiagid Mignris Mills Hips Rock Vigessnt Run Carrier : Wig Hrovkh way ville p22 MeMinn 25 Harveys Run Fie tUiieer i2 "8 vabois id 1} THAINH LEAVE RIDUWAY. Eastward Wasi ward Thang IMs x Train , 8p 0 Train & Td pS J. R. WOOD, tren’ Pass. Agh Li BiH Lo | % hy ia HE F is snrnmit i 19 i op $d J pn pon aw 3 i al M. PREVOST, ps MRBa Fine Job Work ex= ecuted at this office. *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers