The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 09, 1896, Image 2
CARRY TH EIR EGGS. oh LARGE BIRUS DIECOVERED BY EX : | PLORERS THAT CO THIS ith 3 The Nest of the Albatross and Some | ewe Is Where They Si Down An Ixend Tm the Arstarctie fReginns The Expe | rience of Audubon. Some time ago a auall party of ox- ors landed uit one of the apparently | a islands fast on the borders antarctic regions and found it inhabited by a remarkable colony ‘of binds that ranged Pinds to pengnins of all kinds and de greta The island was fairly covered with the feathered inhabitants, aml, as ; the boat ran on fo a rock that apparently afforded u landing, the birds, nstend of moving away, seemed determined fo : tthe intrasion and stood their nd, viciomsly attacking the men, thong h they knocked the bards with cinta and cars, made no ap eeiuble inroad apon their numbers The party then formed a compart and, armed with beathooks 10 push the shricking throng aside, moved up what appm wntly was a strixd i and there dotted with singular #onil- Jike objects about 8 foot in width, ger at the top. These were the nosts albatrows, and, as the men werd Iy desirous of obtaining a sot of gen they observed the nests very care fully, but in every instance the bird when approached shined clumsy away, and no cges were found, thane ho s birds wore supposed te be sirhiog apon them. Finally a nest w an egg. tut just as the men drew near bird alighted and took her place it, eying them with smspichon and ving a carious half hissing sowed : watched her for a few moments d then forced ber from the nest, wher, | their amazement, the ogg had disap od as completely as shongh it bad allowed op The nest was ox | closely and finally torn apart, LW men Cgtvin tof the Pend, from large Mother Carey like | i : | : i | i i i t | i i i ¥ i i § & i £ t i ! i as fonnd contationg | a THE BREECHLOADER, ¥mprovements Tn Goons That Conilney to Bapidity of Firing. Let us examing a brexd {wee what improvements have Lwhich may ona yhevags bai iy ¥ Bat Xr oH Co Sons : bpd ah ipnrews the hase thy ti bar wan fra fe wn Last or Xa 3 Lperoved, 4 § & iY arel then o Jaoustie, 10 Ba CWA el ae We fi bi ¥ Fe forrR The op ' Block fire is made fous of x ow #0 that (he reeh Block ite lf oy tried antwand withont peetion forward. In arti is evervihing, and any j the ganner’s hauls and grins was biG a pont gained, Ninw jet us Jock at the mechanism which the recoil or ack of the gun is checked at tl firing The gun slides nto Cand its ool] i connteract whieh work in i, faehion of fhe coil springs whith wi om doers. Irom spiral springs posh gin Back again it place. Another Go feppsting pices of gechanism i the tric machinery by which the gun ix firs When the redil has faken piace, wire, slong which rans the eleotrin om rv ix prshead cut of place, so that fx {en pewsible fo fins ihe jt hee dosed, patil 0 fixed aay its pr wom on Th Traly a peodern vamos machine, aad yet it toniy a de me it From the sort of Yron gas pigs fia : § out 1 4 3 HEY phan fale? or in Lh cond] meamethiiig x ¥ £ Ry ince hte x 5 was peed tn the modal af Hard by is a gon whit gre on at Sheabnryness guns are choir Fall or as Bre this Cone, their full strength. There 4 an gash ranning down the Outoy case ¢ Fons sain 1 Phare pire Ih *y $54 ox Ligesk thie Latter has broken and nearly Junged ont of its radia Nursery phrwsscoiogy thinking that possibly the ogy fons way, but without nocess. One of the party attempted to patch an albatross, and while he was follow ing the bird in a ludicrous chase over thé stubble un egg suddenly appeard, od by the runing bird, which bad ime been carrying it, not under . a8 she is supposed to do at sou uperstitions sailors, but in a peral dae pack in The albatross is famed for its power | flight, following vessels hundreds of | miles. Yot when nesting it apparentiy feiegets that it has wings, a8 it can Be 4 axel poshed abont in the nest, ; g no attempt to fly or wove un- ‘driven away by blows This may due to the fact that the ogg is held the curions sack and the bird in- inetively kuows that it cannot fiy off hit; so it resists s sly tird is called the mally And ite cousin, the great aiba- bas a similar habit, the ogg, is five inches in length, almost as that of a swan, being heid rfect incubating pouch. Marion island the explorers found eat king penguin—a bird which a8 high as a man, with its g directly upward instead of ther birds. As they landed onchied the singular creatures, bad teen standing about, they away slowly, but pot an OR be found, a set of which was the of the visit. : had a peculiar movement. of walking and moving one foot ‘the other, cr alternately, they close together and hopped. ited the laughter of the men, toppled a bird over, where . | out upon the sand. wnguin was also &n CRE pot only holding it while stand. ‘carrying the big egg abcmt RA Lp AAR je the skin provided by nator | | certainly cranes I Strongly in the fed he do with Woolwich infants. eC hamices’ Journal, X RAYS CAN BE SEEN. a Homan Eyes. rr. Brandes of the Dnivers Ht le has sacceeded in rendering visible the X rays dewoyered by fomser Roentgen, The cheeryation ma by Professor Salvionl, an Jalan physi chet. that lense are in on very sign? © gree pepetrable by Benton x 1 % ‘ 3 + SE bd ay. 2 | suggested to Dr. Brandes fhe iden tol the invisibility might be dus to cirrus stances connooted with thisfact Ho uo cordingly rescived to test the t Roentgen 's rays on lense loss eyes so 1 ey the Jenmes of their eyes removed as 4 1 be tried gpa ber, Prodosscr Drom, whom Dre Brande had interoetid in the investigation, sub jected the girl goite nie rays, aud, when the totally darkened, she declared possible that spark had leaps of STORK, but, when this had been rendered fmpos- sible. the girl eomtinued to declare that she xaw light. Om farther trying the experiment the two suvante saw the light too They then rontinnnd their investigations and pecertained that Roentgen's rayy really affect the retina If we place our head, sompletely inciosed in an entirely page vessel, near the sGuroe of the rays, we seo Light even with the closed it even when a large sluominicm plate, wing it in a wmch for the ing it in wit that are kept closely to- or. explained the curious higp- g motion of the birds, se they could nove their feet without dropping egg, but the e up th | it ran away, oaing th feet, like ordinary birds This remarkable habit does away with necessity of a nest, as the bird car ite egg with it ms it moves about, these instances the birds rarely trans wrt the egg 10 a great distance. If un: bed, they probably remain alot a ertain locality, but there are birds ~ which have ten known to tratwgor their Jiterally flying sway with them. When Apdubon first heard this story of the thawk, culled Chuck Will's widow, he thought it a story of the negyws Some {insisted that the bird carried the » ppg away under its wing: others that } £ tra moment one was foroed | ANA A SRA Aa A STE ape penn eggs from ope place to another, ard the evn other hand, rescits if a thick pane glass, which, as is well known, is ob in a very slight degres ponstrabie Berlin Cor, London Standasd eiding Poss posed sharp Inone-—1 mos you, Mr Meek that my ovdisent marrying with ny dag wang froan te under potest Mr. Mesk—Ehr Frotst: { Bhary Damiee-Yes, ar C3 § an comart EEE kx x 5 ® 1 famiy als mnihing, we fer or tale the Bos Tas ¥ ¥ wolled the cgi over the ground. Ta de | termine the truth Audubon oontoiind @ hiaself in the woods under s pedi, has a fing first handled the eggs. sud i to see what the old bird we first bird fo arrive appar ry ih Jeoted at the discovery that the sien ‘home Bad been fimnd, rufiiing ug feathers and uttering a moa just aadibie to the listener. % mate arrived, apd, after varicas mosh tpents indicative of alan, waited LX canis took an «gi in its capacious month flew Rotts awar. Arid Cape of Goal Hope carryl in the sme manper-—o von easy feat, us the mouth of all "ja very capacious, a veritable trap whus the jaws arc opened for the vary gaots upon which they feed in tho between day and night Ms 13k } Yard Pong & Ei « Few Varying Valbe, iy j i inne d gE Fa 5 a faa and inal ra & vegan TRE ats Sts Bn ds WER Many birds carry their young hort : distances, a8 the woodeock, winch bas ‘been scion carrying off a little ag be tween the claws, while it 1s well Known | that the wood duck oarries its yooug down from the nest in trees to the wi tor, uding hur bill for the purpow.— Philadelphia Times. B» a RR SHA SET o ar CE Ee po a ml [paar b re, even tases boas Dien span f In exporinionts which are Sarriod | NEY jacket, as it ix callsd, of the gun, ard | ta ed | have slipped into it in some mys | pioal slang of gunnery win we have 15. { EFFECTS OF THE HUMAN VIHCE Torvifying 1a Sone Birds med Paasts, Bek Nik to Diheirs OE A Ey ¥ Wut deen, tnd farh adie frimn ule fie x aaEp fat if aj § ion Intavd of Tow Dalnge ONER. Blophant I many in 1 iw Fi 2 XE IeRR Losin Their Effects om Different Parts of the 3 Craver Longings of Peopic Who Make ius chad There sre many people who have had remedy for extreme shortsigntodives or for cataract. A girl who bad bad this | operation performed on both eyes but. © in whose right eye a remnant of the lone Ae [ih Bon kad been loft, allowed the experiment Fpecteddiy to the lion a ” roid alt Arg SrEre nt FL i Jat TAMIR AREY assed throvgh the tube. which had teen i that she ; 5 © ogbaviewn (hs an ie J Adin gnaw Light with ber loft eva Professors ea igs Gann 18 8 HAIR Ixorn and Brandes at first thought it AAAI a aa even, and we we it most cliarly at the periphery, Momover, we continne to see the trond | opioh wonld completely excinde nleciric | v5, is placed between a Hittor! tube | Utter darkness, on the | of | 3 by i Roonty: ns taTS, is placed between the | tube and the closed or oovered oY oe * arud ges For the Doctors ¢ iif gan Ey rN Aing jotta saseetingdd Dae fu coe cass a woman Satly re her ew! tea vateiedd 1% as ont word. while in ag i farrmisw * an Fey Te fhasd flake oe x ih : sossary to servi th a beawl, Bi slr take nourishment so attanled with ward grat dismnclinem lod. But Hnally magrand bo pwnd TRE VE oe i ettned hy ba following way The | Alaa WAR Lf 3 3 FER ES so bal tend, 1 onth, at ou Bias wonky Luss ee By wai fas placid | Ha aayiner 1 tarast wns ponred nate prong nl gan ¥ vat duds replied that he would lke a bit plant's 1 Under £4 x ¥ ae ai TET fot. A arti IN ate Yagt the prionol elephant De feign this elderie vain with Lew hing one ing probs was forded to dontent bin steak intial A ciapnpnan nim 4 »* ithoa Broken log had a y pat Gh 8 fear ad 8 a pastime whieh bw howd pervar YOt Trea while & man whose Teg badd Deets amp tated, althoagh admitting the npract: cability of wish, declared that passion for skating had so selged Spon hip &inoe the loss of his hints that he regrottad being sported’ apo ehtly op that account Phils Aphis Times Wheres Jie Was A visitor from Manchester had tee fnvited to addres the Sunday +1 arn peminded, children “ef tha career of yar oe 3 4 ous i was a tx whan TEIRT eA HAAN SEN A BASIS A) ep kW a BEA 1 | WARTIME Carnie weed 4 Lv ratiaey Linesla an the Conloderany wan “To Noir Hiver™ : dn ¥; | peat Lim pari : { grail thon timer in gg b ful i vides En fara ¥ i £anves Bares ATEN Bf ae 3 tps Phyiatiorioand prasnal o Pearman Gn brie most Bi 4 x % oy adel TROD Rs has bane lu tet a») * AF & % i ABW ior awe ay fw lefent Voi ra four af Enamnesrent that the dilapidated stesun FRYODE | files the d cut of nothing ele / SR Faire ne aif $a 1 SREaTEe 1 Then Jaen Tenn ene] expia Gynt of the origin of the slang po vy male pvr ef i RE piel gif Hoary £5 sittin tanidindaey 14 yrs tis Speak x fiir eho tion hous fu To story bhatt we fas provid be dearer of 1 ry yi Ji Farge fresnowrat, Grating Tix Bak bees it nue to anantes to rive wpolitiond « as on Loa Mast r te { and bt Lrgaw Tite wy Re Pp mH fiend ohiivion A 3 oy pr thy reat 5 LESTE fia Fie ards for cach fir A af pinet a oF of west Re AT WTI, mee ae wd the degen wre and 8 a spe sanpeaiterd swith a raed ged hears 11 £517 Rivambeat r Claw thim—d apitain Fromaont, i111 thity ? es N57 Tels 53 Lod saline Was, Tater (period Salt river Saline dpringe. and A the steRner L DDer ina Wi 4 Eran + pod Sicket was printed which sha Badder fo pNTpanRyY the Carta deenreion to 4 thet ret marshy, which was described Gs 6 Powell ARR A RA FEE pean fedlows | { proand when Cwengit Shing every 1 soe befvre te Bs was deat U Sundar, rnin BMG ¥3 Ars 2 & srk ok fos a 5 543 aid learns! to Urink, elm Pn Yaud 3 1 Deine x aud vas day, in a piokyxoket : $53 a fr of « PRISE TSS iE kw oka tan] SMITE Y hp op 1 £3.08 tidied “ig ” FT Log, eg a A heslnat, fad Pena There Laas from Boome when hed o tobhases abd play card He went } any, feguetibed stables | A « [1 5 AEN i somthes adapted for copperheads sehr Kind of snakin Tha IRaneeralts TOR arud Sane wiry oT 2 tons, rend ow # v worn direct] against Lincoln if Ara ie yy rn Lala, ing not anbie a doll Kivking fanaa, cory Bound blk sta if whitch is Reader Ehie £0 € ain SET HE by fey soy 38 pre Eo FLW Sowing briw beirs th the for Bat ork ais Kx sori wad the steal Jobiraien, pilot. Tha! ¥ we aN oP { Gisuasd via De Another oar faeniin, wii ro INS Hh dies Dot pavper catidiary, bat is cia En, ds ant go ps cad. vihach anton? A. BERTON, Attorney and Chane Borinaaiaks Pe May iene rl arty oy hah ALI samba re wR I ves Bw in A fe im rvs Ee Wl deer ple sr hefoes the ath of Man saw an horses, 4 opis sad perfor af the E : ix! i the aah leader ag Just dIaDiaring ¢ supposed th repaint te «x tin rRLITOML Tl Teh Bs Ea bo) Still another shrave the paid 4 Peano rants fat a8 WHS an abeoet eos as lot 1 omg Sam, w xy § yes i TA Pera go i 2 glu i ers nl nntary Alina Arid wt be 3 A bral it river jraned in opposition fo Lanne Lk 2 CALs (Neil he marie ate Trevis wont if BPA LTE FRR Bop ERE ra te Aariestures Bearing fram nf the Esores Fda 51 3 Eire Chest far this : Fgnmny mel sticks wed Li maid ¥ Fg as aphid to | NL Fo A i FI cme N sek TN A FARING SONG Pirie) i Font ered Bitten hi hes? % = | PLAT! x Tig 3 Yivpitk Betiat In Be to Tabs & Mask ; ge iF i peeowseaE, and iy ¥ eure and a < tev attain a perfect pain a antsy Sige hgnl 18 fas 1 ithe : Gti giet tes Iw past ge ; vphily 1 ti 1 Plasterdt » i ar eotisdstenoy and A pdigo i thie § iki in position and the batter Pi eon ud 5 xa wie aster mehitedl awAly and Peataeh 38 wri Liew Tanlter JE i301 ! Tae PHI RE le I eR WY lay thn {bent Farle aw 3 PERE Pte keri uw cays ody Ax tiv thie ig rat SAR Al hoard fan, ih i Bl vst talon of there what Tim call wonder cutting vaml pet off fren $F F1408 yaa teny 3 ak we § $35 050408 FREE Tay Iie LoaNta rows fiasis, teed a CaN BHT in thes nel loetion dates Troan Yoo wens pg XE i 2 * fait) ENR SPRL ed TORE Lister Oran Psy SprloRtreE Ad ose T &* Ghent abet Ad hs Haan gr dite see 11 Yor an oft § aio § % ivy 1 ¥ sR. os sitio} {BR shale LEN LA 3 amis 3 Fen aw That tek i ” 2 Fea Tes £4 5 54 paid Fo AL i Gera! TES ar fats the owner of the balding won to wo ' ably for windows | property {isha PENA : plat ; a wh Sy fags ¥ i tha peepee and labios Siw prensd, as wall : govt axel the haar cov na plaster can poss inily reach Be RH 5 RE ie » ¥ + vive it i ++ ie lied pot het back, | gowwe quits fixed inthe nos | sevitie throngs, and she | ax her features toa calm and keep perfectly will untal THEN i masta Have to be Anish and | sonelind no a little aller they are takosty With & a knife or ehised and any yay we amootbesl away 3% 7¥¥ 3 gE ne sandpaper. Then, mica eed on sores of dark rod or phd bine plush, Ree Wail orniuenis asd ir thes urs ha Al moat futthfel of all Tae Judostrions wi Vira ade Yollow Henimer. wil Paeitle | wis yellow hammer) ian BO tinh * 50) oF seated the | a lonr als pay ar tires (Ehud in Ge davking M th | oan arister thongh the ch § xi Gan xed af Lois pat oa & A via aval fo make i oe Gu hisy via 1 ides ARLE R an OT. BE ET ALL TI Nit | paver. ho potieedd that thay pul harstoer was ofgpaged on anotlier | “fe foro beek door,’ thonglit | hat after it had flnistuad the bak door it (heerfaily | f oft thee other hades, prod Pow the time thers | lew in the side of the factory | soneluded that the yellow! haninor was taking lbertiw with his Me be obtained permission | sin the chief af polis to shoot it. For | Muy the ofien boy and Me | ‘4 brother biniged away without we the listle bind, and it was final ¥ T Y on r ay Feoax? bye E50 r 2% ht shia “% “4 Faia | ly fuewmsary 1 caploy an oxpyirt marks | | ma th bring it Sow IL | shared P Mr, The marksman 40 cents for his services, and | (3 Neill also lost the het part of a wad ling boards over the | hes in the pg. ~Portinnd Oragiaiuii Silnmewd, A iat who eertainly must have tip cha beat at 240 and who hooked ax if bas ova lid Bave oa id Tos Mandow witl: | ase stood 01 8 the corner the other Caftrnoon With a wernw ny, hniae beaten, | CRRA AR 4 fenit 1 An What sieve 3) pounds in avoindn | : wht wis Walling sre oesrer | heard thie SERA fi Ba r BAR DRY : Marta farrison, owas the PINOT BEY v F eeemy hit k ae Ve spre: : PE Fgmplovient o | hive besih some oan pad ts ARTIBT 8 NO PAINTERS of Guoips Who ave Engaged Ie Hamble Fmpleyment great dead ghana that 3 of FRAT, Men {omimerny a of road grid dite er a ¥ Fala gS Rr Ten a few instances strom of mtsfor in their career [ens store = 4% fg En 4 | LER % # 10 ad Beastly hme Twat TY 3 sama thronigh- i by wen of asl Sihericise iy ' wrivh gi nras Munroe once pminted signs, and £4) $ his oomtempiraries 1d of Ua fale of staidar f iis brash Cietese of Appwioan art thers was of men who found PrarnIe Yat gone Wie pif faried In shed tel Tn th ¥ > pad nding tie re Than worg ol ad | twat nr was Matthew Pratt of Phil adelphing 4 ralempad poriralt painter, Bey f a Taraily 1 suppor, vi Bane in <tiray of tRvaTrn Sn divaeal somveniion rid 3A intervals ap haul thers are } AIT frie a Ruther sphere in # ‘ee opto artists oleae ly x : baiertiny 31 the Barat AY sine of 1h fhe rw teed 1 FR the ald No eye Anewiratiad of # $4 pa Ah cp il bpp : we Mount, Ywogh stot ens cred take unt, firs Sapet wer whotwwodd a ep oymber of Het Bo Speen PETE dogeting th perican isin Arthur fpasrt now dd CH. panier An 5 arul Linitors, ¥ STL on ity tar Pail TR * t Worthing Fons zx t FART EFI Is fund wore painting sighs We than “innrt a Deis moe is § ITTV Froa Prose *3e Trinh Laborer In Foglnod of Why should the &5 5 Te %¥ 21 man (brs m t pep nh ied . ¥ sa3 ba atl aes re hay ard gaand and Bie grows That be cries is nt He ta mnt for by the for 4 # og 1 FE Ten ya it dri eww THE 8 dai Ore + + 55% coptis fis Wigs are low faring fut la pat a matter od wy alin ner doe to the fact that be Eid Oh 20% MIHaEs A tap da antl CHT ri 24 in ARIA 3 §s 2 Ey tr BROCE UY & 3% GAL EN Need ad Sop Legal x32 HIRO pre 13 ot RIEYE tw yi Fy olwapiy i and I FEAMG HEE tha krish nea ta weil ae CTW He Tei girls book forward to sedonsd divs amd to WAY £0 10 the Garvesting | fer, stot] works, Cowl ahillitigy a Wwiwk may ba The Trish pegsant aula oo abe roach him his own interests 10 This espe fer a spell, BeoRing wiiter efor alm kwinvi's Mags 1H. aki Wi SAAN rata Fa va oi 1 wy $v FOEY EOI AEH + Yi FEAL vii #2 Fig TE Rie FUL TE fii atl hiv seorks har forwaind at Bona fay tim Jala Ee They Didn't Snook. wivhewal Judge Charles 3 An FL AR pen 12 Tr sou FE Bie dita dreds of Ws Bua Sy than bis rote Prostar Andrews of Brown univer dtv A dermror 1a the Auringtiedd Henub- fican ils way hie got abel of sone wih he Wik a frMeboan at Amberst. 1 wae the custom then to smoke ont the Tresl. wars. A parte of a doeen pipes oof folie so wonid enter the ronal suspwering bay, | grok antil the victim gave : erwh a to When th drevws mun, they pipes anil Bal 00 bk win Charon 81 aod orden and prxsian ai Lidiya oases mn ~ Li i {eh callege boys PAE THE ¥ kid pe ¥ ie5at i Ae oo TM 51t % > ora - A 5 Stern ven $ i i Tm Bm Pd wii atid]