The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 09, 1896, Image 1
VOL. IIL—NO. 31. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. $7.00 PER YEAR. OND & COWDF 5 ALTOONA, PA. © DEMOCRATS MEET. YHE NATIONAL CONVENTION SESSION AT CHICAGO. IN Wationsl Chalraven Harrity Named Hil} as {(Msice of the National Committes Por Temporary Chatrman MHilver Men Named Daniel A Contest. Owmicaoo. July 7.-—Natiopal Chbwir A+ - ¥ : xd the 1 Demo Anv persont who buys man Harrity called the national De Any pest is h ne ‘oratic convention together at 13 o'clock a E | today in the coliseum, After the prayer he presented the | name of Senator David B. Hill of Now Yoark, the choice of a majority of the national committes, for temporary > worth of Goods itn Cash Pure chases at the FONTENTIONY TO HARRITY Calitst THE will receive FREE vour ; PRIER loads ef my chairman. He choice of such hue ctor Thomas, conamittocman fre vol Hes am who, in beh aif af the silver nor et Wishsters Dictionary, the BION] comnitten, HAREA Se nator Hille Manual, CGaskell's Tianiel of Virginia for temporary chair fat rot $f: + 513 3 a $ lls of Cinyton then frasie a domi City. Peoples History of the United roll call, which was secgndiad by Thoms States, The New of Colorado. Cw Bunutifnl Stary, Story of MaDermott, New Jercey, Gn Wa SN co pr gs rad ; A ¥ 4 ANE ti WW LEMIDGTREY NIT ITAS Warid, Pathway of Late, Hanith, . mnie} for prrIBane ng chalrusan Happiness, The Home Book, Portfolio of the ‘The silver men loudly refaned & fom promise florid’'s Photographs, Story of Wild West. PoE #0] Mr thin gf ndorario " Themas of Colorado, Waller of Als hams and Tarpy of California spoke for the minority report John R Fellows of New York then spoke for Hill, Marsden of Louisiana and Clarton of . Massachusetts then advocated Piariel, "aa did Duncan of Texas and | Filinoas. Geemeral 88 Clair of West Vir theagh a slverite sdeoimted sniaction The minority report was then substi tated for the majority — 506 to 840 Repator Dagitel was then aiciareg temporary chairman and esiorted to tie “tage In opening, be paid » gracefil com. Drugs, Medicines, : ! ay phiment tno Mr. Harrvity for the fairness Chemicals, Etc,, »is which te baa priced oor she Crapvention anid referred with reg £0 te School Building. the necessity which had compelled bm ; Cho Mand in ADTARGIINM thew Creat | wonater from New York’ Then plunging into the sul pot Chim he drew a protars of the go Cheaval in favor of free silver win wept the conntry and bad tare] in the old Barth Oseritten (6 1G : Arkansaw tpavelnr Ne Crggoace. Jule ® 3-8 ent haved the RA Was td 10 pamvention bo br ior ; Kew France Bu pal minister of OCs the poring prayer We issue a card to each stomer. Call and see us, Fina, His Patton Pharmacy, Headquarters for x5 gy yet oity fy thie aiding 1 Merost on {anid - ag A LITTLE TALK on the subject of HOSE. WHEN YOU SEE HERMSDORF Stamped on the Hose you! pan bet its FAST BLACK about 2- minute class. There are others who manufacture Hosiery, but there is only one who suarantees absolutely every pair made by him. WE ARE selling 2 hose at 15C. PER PAIR, They are the regular 2% goods in ninety per cent. of the stores. THE LADIES’ 50c ones here at 35c--game mike, MISSES’ EY ATOR DANIEL. commit oe rpeden tials Cponvenbaan Lex-Gayerno bh erpor Uearineye nalf Altgeld of Dine C Williams of wigt tao silver The rv penorted tha Ends from N Rewppral poid delvpates jooteste Cthie repart was miopied by vote The sileey dole ex-onrresay ay Hr 3 smn tin Tk Speed ls dozen of these LP etirned te Do ins The conven The the seating of gates from Michi : gation from gold to silver 35¢ ones for 250. anit ie Protesting specches wers AMARVIY ' Y EK INE LIN E Crosby of Massachusetts ane of Tan Hosiery for Men Women of Wisconsin Miss and Children. The report was defended by Tavior of oe Arkansas apd Governor Melaanio of OUR MEN'S Mississippi, MeDermatt of New York interrupted 15c ones are the regular 25¢ kind, Save money on all purchases. McLaurin, showing the blood of the gold | men was up. Ten per cent. given back in coupons. Salisbury of Delaware made s protest against the report, as did Stevenson of | Michigan and Sheehan of New Yurk, Blake of Texas supported the report | a8 did MeKunight of Michigan Judge Powers, Utah, spoke for silver smator Grady, New York - Cas to candidates he vores wie fret taken 10 confer | the right of the uitting delognteg to their i Beals, LA big demonstration ocenrred over Wow York's vote for gold, which jasted 4% minntes, especially in the galleries, and almost stampeded the miver lead Bre. Thee vote pesuitesd, AOR Does Sos ayes, § vot voting, 1 absent. An immense silver demonstration fol fosead. fasting 10 minutes The report then went through with a whoop nnseating the delegates The perm nent officers then chosen and sseurted to The stage, among them boing Permanent Chairman White of Califorma and Secretary Cogan of {dee White made a 10007 6 ib was than prosanted a iy gavel from Montana The rconventivn then adjourned until 0 HB OSYOW MOTRIN. There f« Hitt ehibnps au B Ep lead. bat the po compositions wii way to the coeeted prize fe liowers anxions, ad thet gating tne twain eet ras been rinse. the natdral «ie BRO Lhe Bana Wann, phasrvers cannot va Side aia Js paves made has kof abre hte Td ITALY Wie ‘ SE Ares Jeter] to BAG few g oroie ; Cu atvG Eelore 1 Lh Yar Fieonen rat tool gta Coe na With prayer Ly Th Ered He af the Lor il i Eptacra £15 4 Cedar Rapids, 1a Fopraneiitalive Richardsnn Liam ERR ro teed Speator Janes “Gf the ron the phatiorn sora mit ne tntar vai Woe in nations l on resfliom oar peep fitinl principles af ayers which are stood and which cated fran ferpaiora of frevviann of pers Shvnd ens tatoos the grrr riw of fo froin ali party has resisted The ¥¥ % 5 the (Eiiam nreh Arkansas TTevay as ; The spiverites ay It was ax follows ER adapres hy t Sag gars Bl mista 4 an Kren twirty al 5 paaneE La Fagin Hovsrin «8 Faw é BAR . oh PRs I pits PERE ere go Jat the bd §LAE GF a fms aad fast ful PETAR spain Years Liesvneratie tavigency of oseifsh hte Eee STEPHEN Ww WHITH, = ar wisitadned if HOY vat ras ERI nER Tawi ly yA RE feiey ki Yemen £ the End Fieses 4 A pelenniing whieh cat or gail oon Wo are opposed to the ismiiing ol urter pst-bearing bonds of the United States in time ol pete and onder the tml yng with Pankthe douticates which, marige for Bonds and an profit to theypselves. supply the fete ral treasury with gold Bb amtain the jaies of gold mopametalibim ¢ongress alone has the power ti Gn and besos raopey and President Jack=on dei taped that this power could pot ee dele Rats d Lo corperaiiantE or fea theretory divin that the § ie Ne IHODeY Aatingal bangs and money shall he Hisied sry departmant be are} rieewivably wo wg Bt it ome ales Tay yi ¥ iss Ate iE that artim of ne fy [evens pig aera the dsanriry, bet wan i wba bl gov ? § BIE lePeid CERNE He £ GBs EF rent wich fins wen 3 Pe paren \ ; £1 Bute versa ler i] TFuEte few at the uf trade and FER ay ANG mean apn ibid Bad SEpetiu Gf the rE Mestre prcadijpanrn of 1k free EE fla Servi] 1a 63 5 tek y shale EHR 0 Markos spitiint wg four farther of pot sigel an i An Hi roe dg eA peas Chabeine wh the ih far Lh geisgion bY chine Horn ¥ 8 Fig ¥iaa HAE I paved ERNE b t A wip Eley he ingen ! Ping shen dnbon orion Saw {a itis RE an Faviel tha & er SLR ANB HL GR rpm a eh 1 x B00 LAER EE ATE wh HTL IRG i FET ak i air rytion pol deat bey wsdl LE gait NERLY Heal the PILAR Eas thie £ oa boreal GRteel all ra Fray 1 agro ER pis dipate Wy aig Fetes t $o niEsl CRTES hy $15 gh wid Flanged £3 Live foal ape enraged > “Oey Thin ¥ Vv Telarn Aap oed Ley Bigs far Tham S150 Nae ah RO Tuan i rm Gl the pres poral goverment shagid care four the Misssaippl river andl WRI ETWRYE © 1% pabi 2 a4} ripe WIE Atala the 15% ¥ ahd gefiviite plan of tun peripanenl nircvesie id GEER g shoo he ext Sek 3 Ds ALE FIRE BY Ae mre BEER wes aur danse ami the necussity of 11s ess al The, wa suhmit the foregoing declaration of prig: i ¥! tHe ; Loerie press RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Of Patton Fourth of July Celebrtion July dh, 1808 Reoripie ea and oufposes 10 the condideratn | Justgrent of the American peopl We | fnvite the support of all citizens who ap prive ther and who desire 10 haya them mie effective through lepsiation for the | rete of the people and the restarwiion of th coOURIry 8 prosperity JH Wade of Ohio then read the my nority repos. as follow June, Jolin Cepia a who Aonedprre Wonk land Jak Metlon Jatin 8. Wale LF testinal resclntinps orp mid) find t the pvpors of room ME We i thi ig § canner give their ol SHEA : Anat : these are winliy an i SIIRL B Harinun 2.0 i é Hy * 5 ag peCessnY Nerme are VB eonsidobig and Motto phrased whine sa font Manik regointiaainre of adie yin reise principles of the party The : piipority cont wilh 1 genera ix egy Pee st out pelpg RG a epedific sIatYient these olectionatie [eres of pune of thy snaiority Hot soon the £ eHarsred al this 7 prititie attention, the fay diflon Sy winarity regard as vital eased ny rive an too demand a Orton what py Badd to an BH 5 sy nf Doras ratl : this paramount ax Toile WwhioE LE. fain clea vid Pp 5 CHA tha \ iat a A Xo IRENA : rid AeA SS BALE ¥ the Boats i ii Lp x 1 The in i fie deninre © Rael Gn the aiopived free sliver i existing eoandand of af the acting £ sit dshy huperil our fangnrevs igen dolipates, camsiitating the of the cooperates on in Prd BOrLY BEY ary we hepa up lye Ey wiry Mek pois Rik Hig ip yienvs wv foealbd ne RTF £0 Teetow he rabghd #5 eforta Fagan ita iva dnting Hills me went. Mile Peatpre §0iaak Ets fas 20 RLYY al Bee nas fmpitr eottracts disinrh minis the purchasing power of pubes ana totic revpmrabils EAC nD ® CORTE Pay ind ey interna ual goed HE atnong thine for tha sae of al WARE YiXiiais EERE PHATE Sx apnaortting 101 the jiiatgee ary diel Laan a honor 4 4 4 pa 5 2 3 Feds FnyiEng. se Leora opal ¥nteatuite ¥ Tiger : Porgansrs Late, prise : airert ! ¥ . piles N Antiondt. Mdse ; ? ’ gam 0 ge Rb Mada Ivan. BEE § (a3 : LE pap E54) Foo ¥ a "3 gel xy fPX financing avetern. and we Lhe! the grado! retirement atl caniedation of ail United States notes and: Utonsury Hotes, Gitder sah leislative BIOY IRENE Be i will prevent aodus ganttaciion We de atid that the marian ordi shisdl te pesiiviiely piaintained ab all tines atid : shy A, Wont i Bn under aii clrcumstanies : Tihe miporicy alse fie] that of the marty & debiciive Br wishin Any revegnithiagl oft WOOT courage ad HA i pnt Dhemorratit adm nistption apd they bres and by appv rel ihe fore offer the following deciariiion ghee | : a a amendment he MAT ItY Peg Wa counovnent the ¥ ¥ fy, ween age arid fidelity of the present Demo we Bothy dee rail nations! admin tration — hs: a, YAEL OF Io This reper Was vigil Oy msi B Cor rived 33 rt a He pd New York, Wi fer BT Wilas Wise isin ss tied (Rect - hue aha ssis vb Ceeiiern Civay, Delawsee : PF ds d: Irving W i} Huolsan Maid tL bapiade HH; Ged rica Haker | Thies A © Weasdink. M¢ FoF Breen, Misnesis, Mansne Bawls Hebert E svivania: Willlam kata Allen & Mallvenioty, Chinrlon 0 Hegre realtor Eun wnt i than oat aor | Sham Bly i § ppaaal wolloean of BORE wena tig ety Ponting BB ; oC a ohrashirie, - § sther fp Jd stiee ol x Catan, Fuser of iG, who ind Gehan fears Townes rer pipes Eee TER ARK AR * x Eva TEAR Hor Yon Bites Enieriaiment bo Raassels Ax per mbednle the entertainment 3 Wirtic, Penn the trite horse and dogs appeared in Month Da Pattear on the ith and war abe of the Noa Feroey alaress of the Lay, and the : animale showed that they were intelli a Bia sud nudes the cha oe of A trainer i thas tha oiir ai the BY SIT Ey ike | HUSIN OR, g Sa mEetiitly Helviness staring tho rain, which was : SE tthe entertal tam iit £4 Pada in AiBaKis $a hE S42 chai Ld Fels Senet Th ion In gvery atime Lor draw aber of HF foe will rae aundenee faba vial in Taesdsy orning at 1358 Meu x. tanner, The chairman thin maratar 1iitman af wriiad offer sn aitbanbine nt anpainoed mesh iy {aii x why Pik wie TI visg on Pabined ivan, dhe] after SAE Ia Frei madle 0 Sangen he nil mh condoning the president | Was agua aonut Gl RAEN Fak not alii declaring with expressed dr reonths when that free r heloved anid was a daughterof Rf Lait Bases , Pa, and taken boo Zion ohne os hoe where They wens interiedd mt 12 olvloch on Wednesday. mpathy PORE 2 £1 Gk Le Beit fo hat spore ly 35 MEINE We WE Eas EEL pom 4 8 Eines #1 At Hey £3 Xi Pri svitst i aginst Be Gant sheered ainenaisent to Ln Sad rackon of Kervinoore HAP SORT WE pepe awit pi foie Lilie 1544 tier Bam Tie Beapiiel sy 7 i 35, PELE YP harendy WW Be fur wade sew Phoenix bicyole Bargain. For aps addres or igure of C8 sito. Pa sad qt a JWR, 3a (resist fil ang aaurpalions od pean ing ¥it Senator Jones at & saiver fer, got ap and r finted the pent thas 1 SET OW menatoy } Lia pt from nin. Girat, Lat ni dumonstral ic Haifa nunge =guth taro: PUA SES TEER Ua * i Neha Larsiins rr Mail & BLES hyoike forih mouth said Ad it ! Again thie aa Axa] iam, with ail Hs power proceeded Mr bid, CELE Yak sive Bt ois uf the Drnoiratic party. Mr Hii sit he depreciatad stiacks on those who beheved in the free cowage of oo] 1 silver at 19 to 1. He had always treatud gti men of this opinion with respect, and he would do the same toda To him the question was one on which mun fuiriy differed { believe, * declared Mr. Hill, “that the course for ad to take 14 Ww declare | for international Limetallism, and stop there, $xtig AHE] {Centinued on Eighth Page.