ia SS BERATIRERERRR C ; : Sr ; ; honor HHO ARS SA Seis Ai S—————————————— = oe i a 4 EH - Pasian French Ca Wyrou's “Tren eit For Byeon hogan ar a A A PiLLOW OF Pi Nronght Vira (pam Thar First Motion Ba Prroritoock Ny this 3 i fatter After hoe hvala The Yulm of He need 5 tial 1 feel to the The tondior and thong hb! that grthoring rm And yet the prama 13 than san : Takes me down te t t : gina wd MN Again I ride a borer aad 0 i: 3 FE pride and by POAGAY & : Fa wield weir Agsin I am with ooaspasiong ans an hp dram of warbare I bear the drum and the avid tha Baal call fo sotiom, ; The batteries belih thar Ree srl the sated runs ohisrgs Hike pie And from rade made Droadwaorks came sow ers of fond Tike Balin, While the Wag pol ug or RE SLR fe prow oar endiny : The woundnd He ta thi Lares one ix eating ity way there vB may roof While Belpless they Ho til conepued 1050 | oy the staf of {pores Werribee avon NRL iti, Af And men sre dy lag with thirst in the gine of = as walking arrose a 1 the eonfilet noendiog, whet | saw Gener While the night stops only awhile the carnage | apg ching on hired : ard beidihings of cannon dria near 0 Hie Ma, j And J] He on wu pipe neal bed n B0{ Nis hors ay Bright stars of heaven is homes and Se Bifard 8 Creseor in Now York Bim. EIT tan, aid: Seep pie f+] fentenant, NIGHT ON EHIPBOARD. Are SoA Sh 4 Cyopiral XM The Regular Duties and the Time For | pe dd % Gemersl Relszation. $11 The ‘fret call” is smndad again five minates before sundown, when the en ign and the jack halyards are manned, ‘and a staylight msde “rently for hodating to indicate the ship's w hereat suits dar ing the night. Then the color call fod lows at suedown as the a ag is Toward, and saluted by all as it reaches the deck The assembly is then sounded for tven ing quarters and master, but there |= no in may Bam atid that Laid pot know prin £41 ter TE As a rule, it is fost aftor sntset When the bugle sqll 1s sounded to stand ty hammocks. That brings all on deck, and they stayed in 8 ph to the ship's side Less mock nettings, in two ranks fasin y stern, until the biatswsin sg met ¢ to the officer of the dock, LAN ny “and : affio aft.” The latter thea orders, *'Unopeert i pipe down!’ and in chedience th this order and the Boatswain and I wa ‘2 whistles the ‘mettings are thrown open, and the hain mocks are served ont and fam to their proper places Each ba has printed on it a pamber, and that game number iv om the hooks Yoo bow decks where that haramock hag to bo . gwang, #o that each man eng inn the game place every night, and that pl in oallod his “biliet’ Uunlosst, now, n bost is calivd away thers will be no more bugle calls until five minutes of ¥ o'clock. The pe riod is “one of complete relaxation, and 18 sprut | ed the sailors in smoking, spinning singing, playing on nu struments, and dancing At first call is-again goin as a wil 10 the erew tofprepars 10 urs in oeks and go to slog o'clock cones the call known ad’ Too Stories of Sasimo, Fol yenson's Faithful Samemn Ta The ail and emis, brim racais in his ro This tattoo is the sarvieal of an oid | Was ho tenn ook has emstom. Iu the old navy’ it weed Bestma to Landg h — last 15 minutes, and was performed | To his surprise, ho Wis served with drom and fife, playing all npaner } 4% exiele TH de of nirs and guicksteps socarding to the | BUC THEE C oct coly ~ fancy or ingenuity of the drummer and A hol vragen ents” Mer. It is coven said to have been {ianded down {rom a perioxd of su Hperasition, tied, 5 ; : BS J A ia. a. oo when they wy weed to make a bollabaloo} Mea Beh, | press FIRE : on. hn oe Ea = La lean Sy : 5 on. ¢ = . after dark to drive the de is out cf the :dibie Emesion, Mie SUidwnt Map tia i, men a 5 pea ; ihn enable 117 ship. Af the last grote of tation the ship's \ : hire bell is struck twice for § o'vixk, and ‘the bomtewain's whistle sounds “Fipe down.’ Lvory man must then tum info his hanunook, whether he iz sloepy or not, for an inspection is mado by the in wy tio master ab arms to ew that sll have done when 1 first Leo Then wimps that fast, jong, OUT it gia, fal call, “taps "-—Lisutenant Jobin M areal Ellicott, in 8t Nicholas hack ! RR i A REAL 2 Hl a 25 NE A shirt. fo vgs SU mete a flores Shedding 8 Witness, #1 can't imagine whore Beaptor Eb kins obtained bis sathority for the ex. planation which he gives of the origin of the expression ‘hore shedding "| ; Representative Grosvenor. “The PH LA I ated of this famous exprossivn, was as | 20 O80 fui.y abstract a 3 Te : “In da: ome by the Obit courts | 7 futy. 1 paws oh, hen, ab EF BC, im held , days gon diffrent connty seats i. om * Red Sd Tey (he Men at certain periods known as court tins To accommdate the large cnpwds of : Mitigants and witnesses who wold flank Thais Hatblex in from points for nulcy around the pounty seat when court wos in session, the county authorities erceted sheds! oo : ts camp Lisanti 2 : tiv : near the courthouse, where the litigant | p a a) RA ak or want mB eB ear EE and fheir witnesses could tie nnd feed | 4 ¢ GRIGER 17 goal, DieWtam NE ro i ey a ah tian In9: © [nel evened, 0 their horses while they attended coar, cg Finis and these sheds became known as horse sheds. Now, erring to the limited space of thy courtrooms, the lawyirs, who always traveled with tho court, werd | ‘unable to hold a private co pmlitation ; : i Eat hepa a aEEotEY fh wy a eee IR 305. Ph i perils Moawraziis dO AJIT Ba ah the walls, and so they 0s { totake them Eb fut eis fork of Tae Fo en io BES ER tetera mall under the hore Eieds and ere talk | oo = Cr : % ? Zz AE , : on sn . = Jd : 1 a kl gh fan : Among the aHoress who gtfended | , Sap i A.A i 2 ag es ia - en dhe wr & mostmpe of a » court at Chester, the then county seat of | 0 A ly Eo an RT Lever a Poe wabile G . Meigs county, on one ocvasion Vere aE A Ww The teehee : ‘Ewing and Samuoel Fo Vinton ‘eonrt was ready (0 go on with the cas in which the two noted attorneys wise retained as opening conuscl, whan i was discoverid that Virilon was not present. The ocomrt leclipd farefolly around and then asked: Si Where 18 Mr Nino? sl dant know, Ewing, rising to hi here, hut he ix woh shedding his witnesses, “The remark raised a cand thereafter the word Aawitusss noid int poplar ow =Washington Post ia i i iE con an 130 Ned, wethin thorities tell auytiiing back of Joseph seph 18 4 resident and his odd atk iy able, bit by the \ id ¢ it is an angry olan it, dail end INCreasinge in sige Ww he n the prov is at Pthn vil FEAT un the full Rothermuan 's birthmark | Ph : attaidcod its maxim 8 thee pean wan vd dr pea pny tioeihde, ——p Lots
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers