tie SL NEAL DYE. me 4 EINMET IF JTL MORSE MEAT OEFE) EEE s 3 TIA i i Van Are Wat Ve rskred How the Litt 1 sania Ave Gathered nnd | fd ENE so wr ed 3 abet oh ra An Avtherity (lito Prejudice Praki 2M Zn 5 go = 4 ins & * a } 1 vam wi 4 i ny i ; 3 GF REE TP 14. Pts Cienvral 1 ge, row sve tba of 2 Loerie Th Pre JOR Bei FRE Tred : ji LE : i fptEls y its OE Poth 1 3 fan Hide i a naive ly the Roxie ha sontitey vo Spank rede Jb ds pow Ve of the West India ishinde snd of cur wentern stalos, fon cry 1h qaantitics merci, Th neal tron, Ss Sir Robert Tall Spreniates | pon the Fos de tl a Bb Eo Pha sihiititios of Soch FExpericnes, are Manivd Tetan H trie w ith 5 Frits, the eilge of which has been blante , oo | are gatefuily Yornshy 1 off with a rel tas worm The insets fre partially ¥ by th sppdication of heat, by I ing ovens or ba the Lest of the san. Wik no ih o eeehineal arrives i: market. fa an the firm of a emnll grain, hari: a hr hi al A Conia glide, but with ; " to thi Yiu dy if Ad oseariet apd ais carvims wal alone yaelis | : : a purple ecbor eal § | BES nnd Whi fROR1E, : Petar Leg Conreive ed with sand priles and thesia und up, until at k th i ihe wil height piles above the pr fitod pt Hall in his ens" Glancing doy ghat earth, which dons depth boneats SE HW enderfal birds He x 1d los, BO towns and villages, orb A A RR WS spol a fandsoage won! i ite wera so wont beautiful isdovery io sald to have Elida wpe: ter placed in His winaow an extres « coehisral made with hang water, int Smo war a vial coutsinipg pig arintic aod wes brakon over nL geld (hanged the purple beautiful dark rid, and by 0 this 15a soo found thst solve sn the ard vansd the stor tr ingenions dyer fs tis Holland, bronghit the distor ary to por rte BW Rees AE : BONAR BAR a a a Lad ww fitaeey Fer ik feekicn. Tha seoret afterward hopin POR ULTRA A ie hp theo a Fpenilerininy Cond known, and large deculg : rsh Lia : IE Dalaba Whe gps of ment wax creetid an Pare dont contre dene Jovanal wb ol A Hi STORIC CANN i * ¥ Was In ths Mexican War wud Is Now Used : fia m Curhtone Fender. Alneat the only relic In oxastons the Liat that was extablishod in gity (iu the Mexican war 18 an eannon that iw at prosent dang Guy At the time the § tery i 4 constricted 1 was on the cdg of thi b ay snd near where the corner of | Broad wer nid Sansome streot pos . : olared, the battery | was dase ad pig the material of Any | UES Was oar eriesl away. For some reason ome Cannon Wak de ft Yehind, cami and all There appeared to bee noth ig | the Reta te IW with it. srl twas even wet i severiil times to fire Fourth « f July sa § Ate Marainn's Transior Intes, Ewe rs sll Asthy anova ay and Fe $i] grousad fo Fhe: Whe wn Bate was out through, it raw from tho old fort, aod the pealiod] Sine yah edge of the : : Ponier © he old ths | busy oo bap: She Bey on How Jowisr it lav t the PTH that GF CAD Bh Piight ; £m any 1aic drayinan come ded bat the eaninom Den tone shoe! 41 kot ef Ele ipae 10 pa For of sediodoerd, mal win Be Lurh eT torte wile phd En the crowd carried it w pardon tha dormer cod poked ne omnrele down 3 to 6 hal Bt Bas remained thts over BILE ee NG ad rapcisen Call Frphold Fever nod DBansaas, markabio Willin C. Ubksery, M.D. of St | The transl Te Lomas vais that the best food for those | pulp oF iieh twas made. The | union suffuring from typhoid fever is the ba. [IB hie ob aa lols of 31 in ertad : pany, In tis dieease, bo explaive, the | from ba , hy (ramped the Hite | Seegivi lining rac brane of the vad] intestines | one's U } i goin becorpes intenmely inflated and eagorg. | breat ed. Evemtunily it beging sloughing away | tows in pote, loaving well defined vicars At Hoes places intestinal walls bes ? : A seal ind found, i taken inte the stomnch, is hkely to pros duoe perforation of the infestines nnd | dire results will follow, There fore weiiiel | foods or foods containing o large anpant of inputritions substances, as od vd with notritions substances, are doyger- | gato be one ef the car Bans ous md are to bo avoided. The banana, although if may be classed as a sold | re ———e food, containing as it does 85 per oon Tan Spots Ores Dogy' Eyes Butrjtion, does Dot possiss a ificke nt paste to irritate these sore spots, Nearly example [prose the wi Blots vant taken into the stom. uated by natm sl Pid seh is wlerbod and gives the patient | to have been morn: strength than ean de obtained from ly rooont peri , other food New Xo rk Trilene. Ceti PEER Tising Ordenls For Presidents, En HR. Mriting of the pardoning from Jrowsal vost 1 th Joa wid i, BRL be. \ cx 40 TR ee Rati Gin DOW, et dist EXOT Mie gentoo andnly severe, (ho prosident re interferes He v ot weight evidonee i fae and Jury. I Fg SEER the node piel plead for mary, trying cidesnl (nan to he ar their t and selbing utterances and to feel th a public duty re el uires that they be de nid their pra Wouldn't intity Then Mr. Bange-=llm't you think we'd betbir pull dion the parler slinlis? We et ie dpe for te n days vou know <value thict SHuclitie wou rs. Bani —No, indeed JE weput Lo a conv Pau the Re down, Half the woreen ino ned Wo rupy ang tone whom 1 know wall hustle ap bere Re : Bhan y x sh id wi ; and leave their cards, Um not going to, a : rv crt ard : aon vis ibe senses s : . peat} f5 them in any seh way. ~—Cleve |g 0 oo no 0 a I iii rr a It 1s far off, 16 Plain Dealer. . {foam winch ther pravdmothers woge | URL TE Love (he TREnY Wh than an assur tt : [ wery thankful to be free. ; whiavirg upon Nght hous om hose los ae 4 worn Ble towels, with nd witha ut Hy made i fy ae th rg for those han lwo are thought by some to he
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers