The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 25, 1896, Image 3
a Louis, which hon Et wh a» ‘tention for a week or more, to Chisage, ; Democratic Convention will meet on July 7, says Bradstreets. Recent id. vices have seemed to make it probalyie that the free-coinage men will be able | to control the convention, though per. | the nomination, unless the | i 3a It seems clear, however, that after 7 period of depression, induced by the robable victory of the free-silver men, the sound-money men have during the | last week or two recovered some Je. | gree of confidence, or if not confidence, | mt least resolution to make An earnest struggle for the control of the conven. tion. The victory of the gold men in tribeted 10 this feeling of confident, | success of the sound-money men in {| Bt. Louis convention. el ; that the silver men will | every not be allowed to shape the action of - Dairy on the convention without a strong fight ol The most dramatic feature of {he convention at St. Louis was the probes and retirement of the delegates from the silver states sfter the vote of the convention laying on the table Senator | free coinage substitute for the rt by the committee. i Berator Teller, who led the tiring ates, and the reading of a formal st by Benator Cannon, ot Utah. + Tellers remarkable address was notwirthy for one statement, that in reference to the possibility of an international bimetallic agreemqmt being adopted. He declared that there ‘would be no bimetallic agreement with | the great commercial nations of the world. Such an agreement, he de. clared, could not be obtained, partic ulary in view of the attitude and in. | rest of (reat Britin. The declaration i this subject he declared to be a : Senator Teller sees some things very clearly, whatever may be the conclusion as to his view of the desirabili of free coinage. A m————————— Young mithers dread the Aomaier months on account of the great mor ; tality among children caosed by bowel troubles Perfect safety may be assured those who keep on hand De Witt’'s Colic & Cholera cure, and ud. ‘minister it promptly. For cramps, bilious colic, dysentery and diarrhoea, jaffore just ant relief. C. W. Hog . GEN. HARRISON ON OUR FINANCES Ex-Prewident Harrison will disciss ur National finances in su article on “The Bevretary of the Treasury,” ° which will appear in the August issue ‘of the Ladies’ Home Journal. He will | tell briefly of the origin of our finan. m; ite expansion’ or develop- | § how the nation raises its reve. noe, and disburses its moneys; and detail the faults of our system of Referring to the meth- {oe we meld Boughler, D. J, Manner Grange Ha Near Bradley Jonetion, on July Sih |Onmbris County Pomona Cirnnge, INo. 51, P. of H., will meet in regular {session on Monday, July 6th, at the Banner hall, one mile west of Bradley | Janetion. The forenoon session will be opened promptly at 9:30 clock. | After the reguiar business of the order is disposed of the following program "will be rendered: Address. of welcome by ‘A. Strittmatter, W. M., of Banner range; respotise by M. P. Kearney, of Munster Grange: solo by ‘pate Granges wili then be heard. Afternoon session will be called to ‘prder at 190. Following » the pro gram: Report of secretary of Cambria County Maotual Fire Insurance com: pany P. of H.; solo, Miss Susie Rick- etts: essay on taxation by Joseph Parabsugh; discussion, “Best methods ‘of harvesting and curing hay,” op ened by D. J. Davis and E. P Bender: “What officers in Cambria county are paid exceswive salaries, and what shail {we do about it? opened by Jos. O { Thomas nad T. W. Hughes; the fifth Evening session order at § o'clock. Bong by Flinton Grange clioir; Talk on “Running 8 the Farm®™ by John Ricketts; th of July orstion by John Shettig recitation, Miss Minnie Farsbaugh; essay, Miss Susie Rie Jetin: address On | patriotism by Hon. J. J. Thomas; brief the welfare of the order Miss remarks for ‘by any member present. solo, Eva Gates. All Patrons coming by rail will be met at Bradley Junction All fourth degree members cordially dures Draws fir North Camden. Following is a list of the names of persons from North Cambria drawn to serve as grand and traverse jurors st the September term of court, com. mencing on Monday, September 7, 1506. and to continue two weeks: Gram darors. Brawley, Bd. DD, farmer, Carrodl town- ship. "Binder, BE. M_, merchant, Spaugier. butcher, Barpssboro Dooglass, Wm. K., miller, Allegheny township. Kibbler, Anthony, farmer, Ubest Luther. Chiarles L.. farmer, White Weakland, Bennett, farmer, Carroil township : First Week. Alheiter, John, mason, Carroiliown, Abrams, Henry, farmer, Carroll town- ship. Cann, John, mine-hoss, Reade, Cooper, Jumes, farmer, Allegheny. Comerford, W. G.. agent, Loretto, Hammersiram, Andrew, blacksmith, Elder, Link, Martin, farmer, Clearfield, Lowel, J. HL, farmer, Reade, | Miller, Thomas, farmer, Clearfield. Patterson, 8. D., farmer, Barr, Reffuer, John, foreman, Chest Smith, AE. laborer, Patton. Now Werk. Adams, Wm, , butcher, Reade. Binder, Isodore, merchant, Hastings Deonabey, M. A, J. P. Barnesboro. ‘Hauk, J. J., merchant, Carrolltown. Habn, John, farmer, Eider. | Kirkpatrick, Thomas, farmer, Carroll. Lord, J. A, stone mason, Hastings ' Patterson, Harvey, agent, Patton. eral Harrison expresses if with evident disapproval and | : great credit upon the executive | of Judge Barker, and District Altorney, | point he says: “If fifty dollars “would suffice to hold £50, 000,000 in the treasury the secretary could not ex- pend that small sug. He must stand r until the gold is gone, and then pell | ds to get it back. The resalt is that the banks and the brokers are often able to make play of the treasury. A financial institation whose board tran- sacts its business in public is at a dis- 5 advantage.” ‘Mothers will find Chamberising’ Cough Remedy especially valuable for croup and whooping cough. It will give prompt relief and is safe and pleasant. We have sold it for several years and it has never failed to give the most porfess satisfaction. G. W. Rie Duquesne, Pa. Sold by C. w Hodgkin, Patton Pharmacy. Goes to Supreme Court. i The contest which has come t be ~ known ae the Cambria county Commis- | sioners’ case, and has already passed before two tribunals—the Cambria POR) county Court snd the Pennsylvania yr Court—is now to go to the emo Court, having been appealed | mix ser Lloyd. There are in: _ realit two cases, Commissioner Dillon | the ‘being interested in : on of one will settle both, as they : are similar. Ecsema is a fright] affliction, but skin diseases it can oe A ot! the benefit of the people, pal church of Patton. ‘after an appropriate sermarn by the pastor, Rev. Chas. W. Wassor, 26 pro- | Daticners, after being questioned as to Stephens, 8. 8, laborer, White Smale, Elmer, clerk, Patton. | Somerville, James, farmer, hanni. Legal Hustlers The extraordinary amount of busi. ness transacted at the last session of Conrt reflects ability ‘our Cambria connty Robert 8. Murphy. During the first week the unprecedented number of 5 cases were actually tried before juries, and this in addition to the many mo tions, petitions, and other business of the Court which was disposed of. The calling of whose who are needed at Court on the days only when they are interested is a scheme of Judge Barker ‘and Mr. Murphy which has inured to and the further plan also introduced by those gentlemen, of holding (wo courts ) simultaneously has also facilitated the ‘work and reduced the expense at ‘tendant upon prolonged sessions | Ebensburg Mountaineer. Interosting Servives, Last Sunday was a day of more than usual interest in the Methodist Episco- At 10:30 a m., their faith and purposes, were received ‘into full membership. During the singing of the familiar hymn “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” the new mem- bers were welcomed by the members | of the official board and many others. It was a beautiful and inspiring scene, and many hearts were touched. In evening the pastor preached an. the other, but the interesting sermon from the life of | Daniel, it being the third in a series of | sermons from the book of Daniel. Xavier's Academy, "| fanersl took piace from her iste week of the State Firepien's i follows : 4th: Indiana, September 15th to 18th | Kittanning Augoet 15h to 2st; Greens. burg, September, sh to 1th tf June 3, CF rity ok eesantra, Pa, June 2rd. 1596, H. J. Hopple, of Carroll Township, was among the visitors to Ebensburg to-day There are & jrood many city boarders in town today, notwithoutstanding that our summer resortd have not yet Opened. The Congregational church which has been andergoing repairs will be dedicated next Sunday. Webwter Griffith of Main steet has Migs had 8 porch added to tris residences. Amelia Bennett; reports from Subordi- There were four new basta placed on Lake Rowens last week. Albert Morris. of Hastings, spent a pomple days last week in Flwnsburg. The Indies of toe Mite aoniety, of the M. BE church will hold xn joe cream, rake and strawberry festival at the home of Mrs. Dr. T. J. Davison, on Julian street to morrow evening Toes day Misses Farinie Shoemaker, and May Brown. returned home from St om Friday evening snd will spend their vacation here Mrs Perry. the mother of Mm J B Wilber, of this piace died st her hone in Chet Springs on Saturday. The home to-day. Quite an inlerestiog game af ball was played at the fair groqinds on Sate urday between Ebensbury and Patton, which resuited inascom of 2 07 in favor of the visitors Ebensbarg will play at Patton on the coming Ratur- day. sae new BT Comping. H. GG. Barclay, secretary of the Tre eounty Agricultural and driving Fark sasociation. has signed a contract to have Pawnee Bill's Historical Wid West, Grand Mexican Hippodrome, Indian village and mosum snd ton gress of irained animals give exhibi- tions daily in ita beautiful park the BTV “Jotins tion October "8 and 8. teswn Democrat 5, Will Open Thursday. The Pennsylvania Railroad compsoy annoances that on snd after Thursday, June 2th sl] trains will stop at Cresson The Pennsylvania Limied will stop only when there are passengers to get on or off at that point. The moaniain honse will te opened on Maal Commencing the same day, observe aay. tion cars will be attached to the Ps ‘cific Express for the trip over ihe Tho nlRi ns, Praies of Connty Fates Some of the county fairs will be heid in Western Pennsyivanin this year aa Fronsburg, September 1st 10 for a Bicyowe. Yon peed nol pay $100 Seow the “Cresent” only $0 J.C. PATsicx, AR b Patton, Ps | Financial Report Patton Bonrazh School District FROM we men 1893 to Jume 8, 1306. REC EIPTS, th Mile A pan priate fr ending dee i Taesew 196 Baad Treen at VERT * DR Coiuwtar. Triad 7 Ca HE a wit King ; bios 8 : ae x GE by # Bhi IRE TRIER a ¥ 3: % # p Powe rics 107 hale wel ke Sade Tyla ¥il we Sh es FE & $a LIT, Traut Reoripds WE EX PEX DITy RES BARBER SHOP. TT FRR RT sari ver tk prepared fie ter WEE Peek] sem aru diwpeten xd EG “hainjeedng B ara Me af aid ar CHAS. FV. LEHMAN. AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co. Pa AON OTE Ambir Arst-cinsi. Best of Ligore and Wines at the bar Stabling stlached GRORGE PERGUSON, Prop'r ‘W. H. SECHLER, Attorney - at - Law, EBENSBURG Cambria County, Pa. ES BE iis Yon TOBACOS and (RGARS The Boas Tire ta Pisin at | I. FITZPATRICK'S Restummet on Magee avenue, near’ AR depot. MEAS AT ALT Ho Es CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN BL (ORIIELL, Progr A serrations she test, First elas | Bar in connee tion RATES $31.25 PER WM DAVIS. Attorney and Counselor at Law, IIAY. om vient Tn iinaes praiptly sired Se prey Had! Hi. Cumrner E - - —— Lag The Leading Undertaker, Pattern, Pa {RR | Made ifrs.oot A¥ $40 ATK aL Wholesale. Wine (3id Whiskies and tines and Brandi ES ANG £02 Ges % 60m Main Sts, Johnstown. Pa. ae . i [elephone 35 5 . wv go Sr Wa WLOTS : wey XP onr Bottles amd Pro OLD CABINET, OLD FAVORITE AND COXEY'S COMMON: ~~ WEAL 11} AW Raskoes THE WESTERN : 1. semocintion. “ b your wail paper at a reEsssrRG, PA. Rezsonapie Price. HIGH QUALIT Embalmiog a Specialty. Po x whe 4 REAR EEEINANER FIERA HAR a he svg osname (Reuse! Somerville, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, GALLITZIN, PA. Sulicitor for (ermaan National B. | Attorney-at-Law, Parton, Pa. [Offic in the (wood Building. Beane of the Largest Fire Inwmor- ance Companies of the World i represented PATTON: «© Prestect v our PROPERTY. Wal ice in Good Buil ding over 1st National Bank. PA RNELL & COWHER, Agents. Omr cloth and clothing are ennranieed to to be precisely as presented; the dollars paid for it last, because the clothing lasts as Jong as cloth can last. Put three things together |] s ayy NY Wii Sel = Wi snaow i you wall paper, lextran size, room mould bonse, hang % Fis paah er 3 at TiGe 0 GTOET i She pains IES, VORTT room from | re, Magee DECOT re 5 St AVE Le. LYRE he Br ow PRICES, | SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, cou have the secret of our sag cess. Ww e want yom to indie for yourself, and atime onr samples for the Spring and Summer. from $6.20 22.00 Tailor-Made mvite you to ex- Ready from > 23143 1 Suits if net caring to purchase, the information of what people are wearing will be Lod valne 10 you Examine nur offerings as shown by our sales agent, ALEX. SMITH, the PALMER HOU LY 10: 1805. Sou eR iy, FRIDAY, The Touchstone of Success Is te know what the people want and give if to them at the nant possibie prios, Bot we go a atop heyond that and sarpites with the eogance and variety of otrr Sy les. For the past wark otir entive force of milliners has been kept as busy as Dees brirming cut bwantiful hats for yoor isepection snd porches” and the result i» we today place before vou what ix beyond a douls the foest line of hats ever shown for the momey hits that oaght to tring $5 $4, ard $n window full of there, and a hundred or more inside for $1.75. Never before uneh hats shown for so litte money All of our Randsome pattern hate which were $30, #12 and £15 are marked to 80 8 anid 87. Bildren's hata, bematifilly trimened We $1.35 $1.5 and om up 10 Any price You may Want Io DRY. WASHER IS GUARANTEED ¥y 8 LR non 7 mancy and we fan IRE 5 1th A 3 $y LEN TERE ED tratls Sat Wiss ia toil 3 yreal * WwWirTLo Fhe Xa Laie SLT that it 3 asl ww . AL REL & Ei rae Te 5 FR ER 8 5 nd N Jk] i % LE TY 3 Fe i fadies full wide sicirts $2.50 and 1.56, shirt waists is lmimense The prioss are excesdingly low delays are dangerous when such price prev all I, iar line of Dea’ delay % 5 od Pw i . Is more t the result gagement and Tugel " uk im NEA LE money, » yo Xs Hew NIK . Peg TES Seprsn Iie 3 BRR Fo iene Bo & or & yr £8 maxe "aT ¥ * # Puawigie lop 8 5 VAR ATG % . a ALENT x En iy. inn RA CXR f 1 tr ni This saving is true of bread o First-Class Flour. v 3 I> i dt le of Our White Satin Flour x hread. »% ik xh Le NII nes the 141 ual (ties Ww anteed. iy x produce good sack gua of Flogr don’t forget that we TERY line as cheap ay you oan While # (GENER ERAL buy elsewhere quality RK Considered ! = fine of Ane Foctwear for Men, Women Good Building. We sell the genuine Wisconsin Driving Shoe, made by A. A. and Chiidren. When in peed of anything in oar line call and see 0s. can seil vou everything in the Cutter, and a