PATTON. CAMBRIA CO, PA. , THURS SDAY, ju NE 25, 1896. 00 ov red the ' among its people and our physicians ey Extensive Improvements ‘shown by the Patton Water company Already Commenced. A BIG NEW RESERVOIR water at a lage expense ix highly to be cominendsd and they should receive yams b {Fo he Erected an the High iit Sent the snpport and encouragement of all Ringing of Bells and Firing o East of Patten Boroagh, | For some time past it has been rum: | bred that the Patton Water company was about to undertake improvements and extensions to their water plant in Patton fa FAs pure 8 hap would give ig EE i arranged between the Patton and Eb. and nafailing supply of it and a fire ensburg clubs, was. played at Ebens- : protection that wonld cover the entire burg on Batdrday, June mh, CT boromnih perfectly, The natare of the and resuited in a victory for the Patton mprovement the COURIER 8 now pre- pos bis pared to definitely lay before its read. ars, is ohtatped from data farnished to the writer from the Superintendent of ‘the Patton Water company, EC “Brown. ita citizens, PATION DEFEATS EBENSBURG fw the First Game of a Nowies of Seven Ginmrs to be Played. rin maost pxoitiog tion Lomin How taken 9 time, and one of the and best comtests evil plaved Sr Hae Flensburg grounds, ; ¢ of the game for Patten The Patton Water has Eo ph paying fully re realized the need of additional pitching of Wolfe and the oaliching uf fire protection in the outlying portions :R Reilly, phe nomenal stops of line bite by D. Dale and M. Helly Arm of the boromgh not covered by the : witer mains and hydrants at present It endeavored in 1895 to make the DECHSRATY Arrangements with the bar: ough council to accomplish thiz, but the matter was not taken up by the eouncil nntil shout the middle of Ox tober, 1885, when it was too inte to begin the improvements the Water The same teams will play the second fompany is willing to make and have Fame nf the series a1 Patton on Satur partly under way now. i The proposition of the Patton Water company was to extend ita mains fa [the western part of town into what is known as the Donnelly and Anna | plats and into that portion of the bor. | ugh lying south of the old Hotel Pat. {ton and agreed to put on these lines twelve additional fire plugs at the | wiame rental per plug that the horough now pays for those alre ely in. in, this connection the Patton Water com. pany intended to put in a pumping gation with a duplex pump of large capacity, a tank or reservoir on the high hill south east of Patton and to be followed ap with 8 filtering plant £ that would filter the water thoroughly and give it to the people of Patton free from all objectional features and qualities that it is in possibile to avoid when water ls drawn from rannomg streams that are subject to freshets The eonncil at a meeting held Jone 12, 1908, passed a resolution acodpting the proposition of the Patton Water | pompany and at present the Patton Water company has a large force of {men now at work on the hillside } east of town digging the trenches ana grading for & reservoir fi mrsdation and masons are ab work bailding the pec. essary wails and piers to for this reservoir tank which the water pompany will erect at an elevation of S06 feet above its pumping station and 143 feet above the corner at Fifth and Magee avennes. This will be compenterd DIRE, oF ce premiGent | with the town main by an eight-inch SQ0CeS% The program published in pipe. Back of this reservoir U4 nk, , Jest week's COURIER was weil ree just referred to, at a higher elovition & and the anicience filtering plant will be loated, the entertainment The water for the town's nse at the hos already de season oF the year when thi water isn 07 the pemitic cloudy or the supply ia low will go into the Lea the filtering plant first and after being thor ougly filtered will ber conveyed by pipes into the reservoir and from there some to the people of Patton pury He Patton band for the oan bet its PAST BLACK. about 7. osparkiing. ont, and all Wha sppeared oxi the : The advantage of having a supply of FEfRIB HF towdr | minute class. . : ; water coming ints town from work. A Senteh entertanine There are others who manufacture eh sg id an oy [wouthert end cap hardly be over esl 1 daly 12. At the Hoslery, but there is only one who! Ts ST ee ev A Rp mated. If will give a constant pressing tqinment on Friday evening the i tely every pair made ; ; on : cE arate er Pel Be absolutely every | on all portians of the town, that on BIORLGLE DRXIBC peeling of the } : aceonnt of the short distance this tes Holter, WE ARE reservoir is from the centre of the The town and the increased size of the being : selling 95 dowen of these hose at “water main from the reserve ir. will ree 15C. PER PAIR. ‘duce the friction in the pipes to such san extent that the pressure on all They are the regular 25c Foods in’ ninety per pent. of the stores. plugs and taps will be Yery THE LADIES’ | greater. Again in the wi 50c ones here at 35 when the water from 36¢ ones for 25¢. superior quality, the water company FINE LINE hax so arranged, if it ao desires, that it san connect together both reservoirs, of Tan Hosiery for Men Women Miss and Children, that is. the one now being constracted he kind, Li RP CAYIEL ER IY are ns an prepared stron, Climer and Jones were strong Lhe § TE Fire Works, Fire Crackers, Torpedoes, Cans and Pistdls, Balloons. | AE The tee sped ahd We wo} stile, y The features for BEbensburg were fielding of Blair and Davis, and the first hase playing of Rinkead, the ting of Davis, Shoemaker and Dow, the and the pitching of Sperlein, day, June 20th, 1586 Following is the score : Fest ooning, fo ia § wa Patton Pharmacy, Headquarters for Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Etc. Opposite School Building. rat § snievesafol Entirbaiaayrat Mach ENN ¢ 5 Fae Linde £3 4 isie aie hel the ion Td Fi $4 Ey. a baa Voss § An 5 groat A LITTLE TALK on the subject of HOSE. sedopidd y ve §id WHR fielighledd Lire % M o} Bneas 10 were ARTY with Helis wnanstrsied her sy ta whieh Tena Dern gaiend bv gue, i WHEN YOU SEE HERMSDO IRE Stamped on the Hose von RLEoreay department. wise desires Lo tBang sear be rs £8 Cri BET CONC va 24 interest andl help in the mt will be close of the jenn was hela, £040 dent, LE Naw Div i reporia ah CW 313 Bai men bers presiding. ine new Parii thal gil work is the officers Several wars peoeiveal, ane it oN wrest thd the } al we Epworth League of the Patton M. E. eharch will green find ¥ Eos vn $ hig BY wig # LETS kr Aaa hy half: : Ha fire seca) year of Lis hard Be mri omore 5 ¥ the @ “ha abundant is Five ¥ a Thursday, June Is, 1398 iors 4¥el ; 2 > $ . 2 % § LnBburg Mucstainent passe ne ie IXY poy U4 sure make TT . = year with just the same reputal Wt as FO I 5 vig 2 3 WI BG 5 enjoys sid of belng x pos 3 ARE RIERA Wh ga RRR : TO ewsY atid petiable comnty seat GOH ih ii Wena He Ih Co : : para. of. PhoGipsod 8 a nf aative anil understands th ness in every detail fOr muy Ore Years rectinns sill add to the efficiency of the plant very much, as it is very sei. dom that water companies have t source of sapply enter the town more than one line. This A yery important feature of this new improve ‘ment. The Cousier will give the people of Patton further information on this pro- ject as the Work progresses i there is nothing so important for the pros perity of a community and the welfare “and health of itecitizens as an abun. ‘ant and unlimited supply of good i pure water. Patton has always «b- & pewspaper Dusk : Hire's suoocss heir hy y Hiteh a Try ms have got 3 “orack’ lase ball club try to arrange Possthiv we might get are getting a monthial and it woakd ; glabra south-east of the Flutnagan run reservoir and the water flowing to 15¢ ones are the regular Save money on all purchases. the centre of town from a game with Ten per cent. given back in coupons. our buys a bite while you bw good practice fur your feed any, an wl do pot defeated 15 Patton dies Spanse Johnstown a score of 27 far you. reputation of having an ex- , | eeptionaily small amount of wekness | attribute it almost entirely to ita pare are water and the efforts and thy desire to farther faver the inhabitants of this | prosperous town with pare and filtered The first of the series of Bevel games, {R08 It was the beat game that the for some Patton is Four Years Old To-Day. of Hite, the dele “Mroand Mrs WwW cmepokd oot Re AT PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA. Lh FAA Minute Cans at Day Break-—National Salute at Sun Rise. RING OUT THE Let Us Observe it in a Becom GLAD TIDINGS. mg Manner and Celebrate it in the (oond (id F ashi ionied Way Her Sister Towns se and Borimghs Have Througl wut the Length atid Breadth i t the Land of America Since 1776. President of the Day, M. 6. LEWIS Vien Presidents Purgess WJ. Donnelly, John R. Cordell, G8 Good, Jeane Ei a B Puttin, James Metlon, Major Jno. A, Wolfe, Hon. Dale. Jno Sumervi Janws Kerr. 1. 8. Ball, sreft. 8M. Wilson, IP. t Dangle, W. . —r Wresh, kins, Dr. 1 J. Weida, Revel Somerville, Mellon, A Mslion, Dr. V. A Wo Pir. Chas D. Hertz "There will be sports of morning. The Parade, Murray, many kinds, very effleie nt anager the the famous Bocktaili will connist of Fire Comipanies, Military Companies, Bicycles, Fantasticn, Bie o'clock sharp. The first two amen of Base Ball of a series of sane, Don's niles Them, Gunner Corporal C. Exeenutive Commitien 1. BE Parnell, M. Finance Committe Jenne BE. Dale, Ww. Committee on Sports. br. 8 OW. Worrell, Hubbard, Will .. Taompsan, 8. Linge, [rive © lade. WW ( Committee on Transportation FE. WH. Moore, U. Committees on Pimworks FE. £: ¥ 2 charles, J. H. Ricken. Reception Committees Ed. Greene, 8. W, Eddy, W. H. Bandford, Cordell Committee on Degoration { hief of Wm Probert, Walter W exkland, W. J Bo Williams, Te Wiirtedsky, Sam’i i Adapting Cominities Frank ead Patton. the largest town ARES Eoirviad ie a 5 the LRT AEGIS i 1% £¥ vf #1 in Xapthern it's » Har peciple i« always msured to is guests. Co ehiidran Boas aay long @ njoyed in not anfonnded A grand ball for the benefit of 1 Afeennon andl evening in Figpmem's Anna's grove for Patton, 3 Hiapla ay of fire ansrk : Pato: oan the urtler far ROTLArR BUELL MOM bar held In peed if Dioamicle sit. Rivka hy 5 Hates, Saturday morning Zetia May, Has Bal it. Sear spied dang hte 3 if On 150 LWis ard & a Viren rend BATON A very serioas accident, which rsniited fatally by being kieketl by a the head! while passing be. On kosher wind the animal i 1a stable, sustaining a compound fracture of the skiil above the left temple. It was thought at the aulortanate nie gird iret that possibly Hive bat a fey hours as the opening in the skull was qne anc threes fourths ply. by when the hem lig aad can arrived the brains aut. De 2 W Wornetl, Dr. J B. Noonan, with the operation of skull which was very sovessiul af present writing the © chill is getting along as well as could be antipated, one-half me of an inch wide were sgsisitond oy ab one proceeded trepanting the ard Atteasting Am inalen af Lieptenant ii A A regular meshing Kavier Post, Nou held at the post room Sal aedils. June ar e968. at 2 ofelock. Al comrades requested to attend, Bway 83%, rena off mportance to he attended to Foatten Pwo Nghia On Tuesday, June 3th, aad Wy seins day, July 1st, 19M), the Baptist congre: gation will mold a festival in the Yeager All go and have a good time Everybody building and belp a worthy cause. invited No Paper Next Wake As is the usual custom thivughout aan brin county the week of July ith. no Parron COURIER will lve sued next week. The next af Courter will be on July 3. 3 nse A. Repshar and A RR. Somerviile, M. Nolan, SE. Jones, H. Seirulfond, A. Mallon, woalwavs pare, generous, entertaining and jolly: and sweet hiearta and he eonvinos] that t he Patton « Hail the henefit a irs the evens thas BN Fie 1 LaaRY WW. Kessler, met with, 3 WANK = the i = Sandford. BR. MePhorson, John Ash. booeowell. WH. Moore, CW, Hodg- | NW Worrell Frank Kinkoad, Fai. WwW. HH Bell DJ Fusowss, ball afternoon and vig: AIH enmmand of Major John A. Wolfe, of Brass Bands will farm he Parade xt 18 Patton vs Ebensharg. felw I Brown, Abe Mirkin I. M. Patterson, i. 5 Beil SOM Wilson, tie (has DD. Hertz, John Wolte, Jr, Deaeol) fitz Brows (0H Carfmen, W, © Lingle, C Holter. William Cramer, Melanghlin, © WwW. Hodgleing, Harry God: Alex Monteith BE Chas. Walfe John J BR Cornelins, IO Brown, Ri Wo Hodgkins, John Sehedd, ¥ Police John Bove, © Donnelly, Wm Hoiwir Jones: E Greene. Revel Somerville, Clmbria. tx the Siest plage Bho fsbirata 350d and refining, 3% thewdore a good enjoyably Gaia Day and bring your AppY eptation ile exery in why he Patton hardid {ha and plenie ix Ta faddies wil bw in Afse a grand dance md ryder the ansplom of the 81 Mary's Fire reoiny rates Tor LHREENE, PRAVILLE, Treasurer Koew Mrs Mo inley's Fither, Lie the Among the cominents on si. Louis Repablican convent: ford lowing is taken from. the Fhiladuiphin Press of June 20th, [xed Hissisaiox, June 139 Fix. Assemblyman Hunuel anid: 1 am particoboly well pleased with the ticket anc platform. Mrs MoeRinley's great-grandfatlier was ai old setlier of Win it) and ded 'f knew her father. James A Saxton, of Canton, and many of our (kl citizens et her erandt! ather, Jolin Sax. ton, who learned the printing treads Proper, Mz Brown refermst to father of Superintendent F.C. af Pation. Special ; TT. Brown nee ¥ Fine bse in Brow, For the 4th of July The Ladies of Patton have rented 1 large room in the Yeager Siding Fifth avenae, aml will be hemdguartery fur a gol square elude a goad cup of collie, wd drinks, ote. on the 4th TH ir ir af July $e proceeds are for the benefit Patten lanch, Ais HE CPE, thi Topp Carnet band. bo | Chas ansd ine Weldon Thos. well-known aud obliging postiasiar and Mis Maggw maugh. were married in Roman Catholic ¢boreh ag Job on Monday morning, June 1 CoUkiEr, with his many friends, ends congratiiations. allen, he ab Cleese. Ph Bauer a wis Lhe i LOE daha nstionn, The Lit ith. Paiton The second MOVED RINGS be played on the Patton grounds on Saturday, June 7 This will, bevond un doubt, 1® interesting game. Everybody _ vited to attend, » Ebensbhurg Agen. will wr ¥1 ‘of Patton, om: Chorrowing the “levied enh B. Naonan, | {fvie and manufsctorng plants, in, get the benefit of Lente fore COR Will GOR : the voters [themed ves. game of the series of AS TO THE INCREASE OF DEBT. The “Coarder’ in the Following Faplains the Reasons Why ft should be Dose: In another colamn of this paper will ba found a copy of an ordinance (No, 2% just passed by the borough council and niso the notice of a special election to be held August 1, 1306. To many of the citizens and voters of Patton this ordinanes and notice may not be anderstood, and the CovRIER given ith readers the follow. ing inforpaation on the same: In any new and prosperous com munity the fimt four or five years are always ones that involve opening streets, providing street lights, srecting council rooms, polion station, sewers, bridges and many improvements that only have to be done but ones in the history of kx new comma There are two wavs to provide fands for such work and improvements First: By having heavy tax each year as Uhe work progresses and pay- img for the work as it is done or See. By isning Borough Ronds and money, for say, ten, fifteen of twenty years, with the ander- standing that only enough tax need be year ax will provide for one-tenth one fiflsenth or One twentieth of he with interest, is the cape misy be The of affairs fronts the citizens and Charough of Patton There Were streets ApEn, Crossings pat in, steeet lamps to provide, police officer to be paid, ete, ote, and he expanses wore more than the re- peipts from the tax jevied. Conse quently the borongh now brs a floating debt or unpaid orders aud bills; of about $1200 00 that the council wish to provide for. The council realises that = fev, soendition that cone taxpayers of the just now iw thas Ei ak Lit is pot just to present property own erm and citizens of Patton that they | should pay for all these permanent me provements and have those that here after hatid houses, erect ete, COme these HNProve- aid contribute nothing in the way of taxes toward their cost. There council thinking that the sitigens and property owners now should only pay their portion of the of such improvements, and jet these who come in among us in the Lpnext ten, Afteen or twenty years also Huy lota ate. thie pay their proportion or share of the sf whit they get as much Lenefit of 48% wi who are citisens now do want ta decide the malier for The plan ther cotinet now proposed, and which subnsita 10 the volers Aug Zar them to authorise the a A045 the aoreenment that the borcugh does not Hava piv it sack VEArS, which means that but $260, 06 amd inter ost need be provided each year for ten yesra. This is certainly better than laying a high fax have the et property owners in Patton put their hands in their pockets ancl pay Sf this summer this debt of about 1, 200.08 in addition bo the axes nedes. sary fiir the current expenses of 1888. The COURIER anticipates that vvery BRO pIrtY and voter in Patton (3 wivke to inerease the Borough Debt are per cent. of lust assessed valuation, that is by $2608.85 for the pore reasnns, and thus alo give The horough treasury a surplus of about #1 4000 to faire LMmeryenoes and prevent ineressing fhe tax giles (Eat 1G in sonrudl 00 harmaw on 3 in for ten rate and HWHer a {Iw meat af gan dd IRE WORKS and LAGS at the RACKET STORE. Lane splay is the voar you NECKWEAR ancl we Have a fine assortment in proves from Toe an Ladies if vor want 3 fine sed of L 1TT ] Just call in. We can GLASSWARE shaw yon the fAnest me brought to Patton since the town's incorporation, (’all people: come people; the piace for bargains is at the Racket Store. Yuiirs for low prices, R. F. Gallaher.
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