i ant i appropriations under permanent laws, of which : Cin the statements sf Bp splat EOE, | rand 4 on. Songung of the Tei pisame of : : ou | - THURSDAY. JUNE 18, 1868. APPROPRIATIONS o ADE The appropriations made by the Con. gress just olosed amount to 515.750 #90. How this compares with the ap _ propriations of the congresses im: mediately preceding may be gathered, from the fact that the Fifty third Con | greens appropriated £950,990 205, tha Fifty-second Congress §1,007, 104,547, and the Fifty first Congress £1,005, 880, 100. The record of the Congress an oh regards appropriations, therefore, goes beyond that of the Fifty third Con gress, nnd is about «nn par, speaking ronghly, with that of the two proved ing congresses. Chairman Cannon, of the House Committee on Approprin. | tions, in discrssing this branch of the work of Congress, explains that the inelnde | $1054. 160) amonent 85,000,000 1 for sinking fond | and $30,500,000 for interest pubs | He debt, or $3.355.814 wore hi Amb was | ineluded at the Inst session of Congres of the CoMAtry by thes Sipe istration ap Wo February 1585, terest and sinking faod charges on | account of the later bond deur of sonnt: | $100,000, Oy ie Pebrasry, 188 5 ing tor 84. 300 000 nat being inednded in’ | the entimalios of permbnent appro | thom, we stated nd sabiittesd to Con | grows in the Tust re gH Fie embinalen, A statement in regard : 1 propriations af The session Ji Chase hae ales been given out by Se savers, [on beliall of the minority of the ¢ mittee pe Dtlons exeasd by £150 He says that th propriaticns made during the Greet session of the Fity- th § frp od | and bedng $18,751,299 in exooms of the Hh appropriations kets Bt the Last session | poopie of P ies phat of any in the and thy Fg wigeh é eLecren Prot T x Fitton, of Kane. Ya., Elevied Principal Salaries Fixed, meeting on Monday evening decided an an eight month term, beginning the first Monday of Keptember, an | elected the following teachers: Princi- al T. J. Falton, Kune, Pa; Miss Edith Zimmerman, Bellefonte, Pa; Mine Ida Deckert, North Mountain, Pa; Misa ¢ tlintondale, Pa; Miss Lian Reed, “Gertrude Holtman, iock Haven, Pa, leaving the jjrammar and two primary bd Fades 10 supplied. The Board Eh it will require sshonis fo school the children of our rapidly g Zrowing town. The compul sory edueational law, with the jarge and continusns increase in population, making it impossible to get along with Tis, Prof Fulton comes highly recom. wended am a edurator. He has had large experience and stands wéll BS A speoessfal and progressive teacher with the profession. The i selections, people, are git $ i ronghly Prat prast sMoinnt and sree teachers The food foraand to an exceptionally Aye : pant sohiesl term. The School Board is actuated solely hy the desire and purpose of giving the children of Patton the very best pos sible adv Antages and training anid rade. the little folks parti ony pabl o mohonls Bata ts fosr £ “Hie A y a The remaining vas JF nf teacners will Ling the standard i probably hae fille wh oat the next meting of the Hoard Monday evening nexd salaries pall Bre as fodivwn: sal. $7006: Grammar grade, [Intermediate and Primary grades. BRL por pronth Fortin of Fal Ofteors Fi veing Are fh “ff HPN dye tent vintedl WHO Are vx Tae at rrr rr Coe ¢ ye part in Eiaail A ; : M of that Congress. Mr Sayers says | farther hal the Sonate, by ments to the general Appropriation bills §5 they passed the Home, prey. posed to increase the sam total of ape || propriations by $320 442 By con. . ferences between the two hotses, this mggregate increase was red aced iy $1283. 818, so that iT the Senate had w been allowed ite way in Incrensing ap. propristion billx, the sum total of appropriations at this session woukd | have been raised $10,635 624 above the aggregate as it now appears. To Nisgars Falls Barly summer excursion to Greater Buffalo, the Queen City of the Lakes, | and Niagara Falls on Tuesday, Jus! on 1898. Tickets to Niagara Fats ani retarn good five days. Tickets to lo andl return goad teqy days voy als Rochester & Pittsiair f rail: rd New York Central raite The train will leave Clearfield at 11 7305 & am, arriving at Niagara Falisat 8p, | The fare fur round trip will be oon Returning excursionists can Niagara Falls by any reguiar 2 train o the Now York Central & Hud: railronil on Wednesday, | Thursday, Friday or Saturday, Jani: 3 Tarde) #0th or 27th. and from Bal. lar trains of the Buffalo, rs Pittehiirg Piiway on off | before Thursday, July 8 above rate enables person Wy visit either Buffalo or Niagara Falls and enjoy several days’ outing, Special cursion tickets to Lewis. y and N agara-on-the-Lake may bi od ab the New York Central at tioket office, Niagara Falls. River view trains, composed of obwervation ears, ran ut short intervals between iagara Falls and Lewistown, whorp the Niagara Navigation company's steamers ply between the latter point and ats and Toronto, For a information consult agents, : amed, or address AF. Raoret Excursion Agent, Rochester, : L Lapey, General Fassenger Examminallons of Teachers. Below In given the date and place of solding teachers’ examinations hy ¥ Superintendent Cribwon: July | 13, at Barnesboro, for Susquehanna id Barcobars; July 1%, at Spangler, for Spangler; Jaly 90, at Nicktown, for 21, at Hastings, for Eider and Hastings: August 6 at Cressor, Upesson township: August 7, Fi , for Cambria township and wr August 8, at Loretto, for “ny ad Oorettn: Augnst 13, at ry for White, Angst 12, st Gla gow, for He : Augrust 13. ot St. Lav. er Tot township: Angust 14, at at Augustine, for Clearfield and Chest Springs; August 15, at Carrol} town, for Carroll tow pahip, Patton and | olitown: August 19. at Ashvilhl for Ashland, Ashville and Dean: Ang net 20, at Noel, tor Munster; Seten- ber 3, special examination at Eben bor Exusminations will = begin promptly #t 8:3) 30 a. mi. The Thine of Tralns asd Fares For the excursion to Buffalo nad Niagara Falla via the Bee h Cres k Cpailroad on Tuesday, Jone 25d, Hie following loa rates and train Hirose have been arranged: il Fok Haven. . Paved Creek. Philly stung Munson. Re FrOOr LIardan ancy. % hese Tow rates for a dny elight ridge Niagara Falis will uo doubt indaes a I tits a take it » we ed Sig any Sark id You naed Hee the “resent « 40 Jo Pate Cw nite : Ht FARCE Cree Halaned My Bend Two “Paatcheino ’ Waodded On Tassday morning at eight | etock, Wilter J. Weskland and Miss ia. Sehettig, and Ramage! Weakland and Miss Lizzie Buck were married at the Carroiltown church, Rev Father : Mareellios officiating. are well thonght of and highly respect. och being residents of this county, The “COURIER ext tends congratalations New Law Firm The Mountaineer says that on June Financial Report tat Messrs. Alvin Evans and J. W. Leech, attorneys-at-law of Ebensburg, entered into partnership and their card will be found in another colamn for ue to aempt to eulogize them as bi attorneys and gentlemen, and we can only wish the new constellation many happy returns of the day. A Large Adveriiner. Attention is called to the two adver. tiserents of J. 8 Bell on the Arst and lead pages of the Courrier. Mr. Bell is the most extensive advertiser in the Cornrrpm and has gained the reputation of doing exactly what Le advertises 1o church of this phitee Inst Sunday. W The School Board ar the regular. . : HH. Randfond, the efficient stiperinte ped Pertaianit a Migs avenue. near P of the piorning service. pre pared by Rev. Chas, H. Payne, | Water Army.” in which wh ve every reason tes: anys: UAL times wy D SALW The two grooms whi are brothers, both enterprising business en of Patton and the brides ‘thankfol fo ir) TOBACED and OFGARS The frewt Hae in Paitin gt . |. FITZP; ATRICK'S wid en's day wan Appropriat obmprved tM the Methodist! Ephcorat ent of the Sunday school, had charge BRR Hepot. The Pram MEAL= AT ALL HOURS entitled “Young Crusaders’? was well rendersd bv g children and C E NTR A L - H OTE L, young poopie ane everyhody aan de. JORN BR CORLEY Pear, ight] with the service Aer pinging by the choir and raver | Adcomninodal hv 6: H. Ciapfan the inteadat aed. Bae iu connection, dross was delivered bv MB } 3 nd nd % pag ; at beast eight | TOA wan follows y An SrUrcise by the primary class ¢ ailed the “The Cold Far apa alprors WH CIP ANIN wore Porter MeEifresh Tonn Sapadfned, : Carrie Holter, Stelia ww Aamo). Cran Ais s Gante. Pearl Beaver, Rachid Sandford, rman. D Fdith Holter, Annie Cornelins, Emma JIENRBL A, LA Haden, Eva Barr. Laura Rraer, (his thuns Loew The Ar iSaloon Undels’ were feprevonted by Gn arfiohd Wilkins: Phe (ood Condnet Band” by Minnie Holter Anna Kinkead, Eva C ‘rain and - Mary Crowell; “The Laood Cit izenabip some of which are well-known to our Brigade’ Loval American Leagae’ by Katie hey Hawmnon Hewlett: Phe Wilson, “The Conquering Legion’ by Faia Patrick. “Stadent's Beeriat by T J Scholl Hanners fess carro by all the speakers and by Paul Barto n Rohort Marsden Yianeatr Saruiie and Hobert Me Phare Perret Be Cold W ator Ari the Porlahing VA Tibarad Cpaewivind Gow the Erindator the Church.” ALTE pom $lhan Fe tir. Pay {his WwW. Wasson, ti LB hy wd tha anal io sermon He spoke £ Fen — thee @ whet ) hi plea for Sie cases Of whiention He insisted vaang press Tily hay A hore o MT Frseed ng anon HEMOn an $4 EAT BRngy reli ERTIO, ashcent for thing and gifts of th TH dG Wholesale iipenet fbr KT hve wig aes % thangh ts, Ap i GOA fr buy £ bust hides in every partis ppl ribbons Wand Ag Aint x asa fie par Heraklion Ew Pehle 3 y Fe Bestel, Ary of Lh i fred df % LY ne Bani 3 11 jar, Twi £0 Ho raraan, It ; Pon't boy a bieyole gafil vou il the “resent J OC Parineh, Ag OLD CABINET, OLD FAVORITE & AND yoane whisk Mr James Perdoe, an remiding at Monrose, Mth, yoraly afffioted with rh mireived prompt relief from gsing Chamberlain's Pan Haim. Ha oni ache WEAL so badly that 1 eould hardly fied t If I hood pot gotten relief © would ne a eres ba write these foo Hoes Cham berlainis Pain Balm has done me 3 great deal of good and 1 feel ver For sale by © W Hodgkins, Patton Pharmsaey. THE WESTERN WASHER - OF Patton Borough School . miian “1 Both gentlemen are too well-known | District FROM to J nine X. B EL CEY PTS Ss. div. Sew his large Hine of summer goods and also his dine of shoes: they are bearita, Aways the Case, W. Clark, who recently published the et wn Times, which was later sold by the sheriff, was placed behind the bars of the Johnstown lock ap on Tuesday evening on charges of forgery and obtaining money under false pre tense. “The higher the ape goes the more he abows his tall” Mooniaineer, Con: True Heavy Trafe in coal on the Beech Creek railroad is heavy st present. Thous- ands of Lak of the black diamonds are he sng abiiprpesd of daily 16 the tiiewaler Lock Haven Democrat Fire at Dabs. A fire broke oat at DoBols Tharsday : DLOERAng pnd before it could be ihpeknd Baar besseea were destroyed The loss Ja B00 partily coven by Insurance, tigal Wooster. Notice is hereby given by the under. wigneel viewers appointed Lo askew Lh damages and levy contributions for the change of grade on Fifth avenoe in Patton baropeh. that they Bave Lh day Aled their report HE he oF rs and no bennfite to y John X ak ners no damages aud no benefits ta D A. Burk: no damages and po benedits ti John Salomon; no dams Ai hepefita ta BH Yeaper; exceptions be filed thereld ed on the wiry £1 of Sing bee 1 Sr abmalu! ay gael N H. ROME RBYILE Wi J Weaxy Frrerars Foovwg pla FE xX PENXDITU RES. Alas eet Fo ameewintion COXEY'S COMMON: Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, ATTORNEY : AT | LAW, GALIITZIN, PA. Satieitor fr German Natipnal B. & ParToxN, Pa. Office in the Good Bailding. Semel of the Largest Fire Insur amy Companies of the World are represented in the paper, PATTON & = + Feast eatld. % Protect y our : PROPERTY. reasonable Price. | % pe Whee in Good Building 1st National Bank. i : PARNELL 4 ret ba iE ‘Magee COWHER, Agents. Spring Clothing. i x “ery t ey Sapna Pang 5 3513 (3g ‘ 13 5 ; Wail paper at a AVEC. and clothing an 16 10 be precisely as last because the clothing SHOtR an last nt three things together; HIGH QUALITY, = LOW PRICES, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Gahan ng puree SINR ER Arites * Jie vou to ex- Tr NU IeT, Ready. x : fi I ” - Made Suits from ¥ 8 phan OF wha? re wearing will be she ‘iy $4 FHI oan Hii Adres » SMI TH, vw Ps —_IWANAMAKER & BROWX. e Touchstone of Success add ive if bo them at the least possible price. arud wrtrpiriie with the sleganes and variety of ERENT Heo vast westk DRE oF miliimpers has been kept as Dusy as hoes ar inspection and parchase. and the resull is Tages Betliapn pon what be Bevend 4 donb the Snest line of hats ever $4. and 85 a window full frpesinge ou Heautiling hints Foon meal Ba sa bhi vine tn hang WL Bani dest ar mnene insddde for 81.74 Boater shins Par a Jittln fey sir handecrss pattern fate which were $10. 812 and $15 are mie to $5, 8, aru #7 Childeen's Rate beautifully trimmed, Re R125, $1.50, and on ap 0 any pris LOE Say WAR TH {eR : a0 and 180 alow Tl Wickes skorts HEP Walsls IR IDIetee he prices are exceedingly low. deliv are dangerous when steh prices prevail JESSEL., Flayenth Avenne Altoona, Pa. ir New Stock pring Dress Goods tie. mers kiers, Peau Pac sanets, . : a ET 43 Woasts, and full line vil the wants of those 1s $ wyy on te a yr + gi ARE Laat appear- to buy and ¥ i HOOWEeY examine our "STAFF OF LIFE ad only where EXTERNE NFAT ss Here Pn 0 BN BS Pt AA