; Entarorising Inghe gros 10 siotval that tic [mentary hotoby ‘a vast nom} aud their gio pence. pros ote from : pet 4 bpd thee plants wero wk foe from whatever eau 1 press wl Jpreivit y tho ght mn the quite | i \ lace % body of studs, nr el Hi Lubesrs war - wearied, andl a wo darfal ame ant of : botanical literature. Among theses gtacents were gach . men as Lotiicer, L'Obel, Carealpinos, - L'Bclase, Mattioli, Cnspar and John PBamhin, Conrad Gesner, Ponn, Loconrd _ Fuchs, Prosper Alpinns, Dodoena and many others. And thes men wore not : stay at hom botanical students. They were great travelers, whose delight was to collect and examine plants in their native countries. Caspar Banhin collect od them in (ermany, France and Italy with great labor and danger (“quod | praecipunin erat, plantas Jocis natalibus nap lendes nuilis Baboribus, nulls mo lestiie, nallis sumptitng pepet sirmas’ 1’ Bens collected them in Spain, Hep- | pnd Bohewin; Tu C houl searched Mont Pilatns, and John Pona Mount Baldre; Loomard Rauwdl piso to the cast in search of thon i and Pre % 3 r Alpinus Cre ied th En of 8 Egypt. — Jaarte wy Rex vie ge Tajurcd lenosioee. Frederick Lemaits actor, Ns gf tne 3 tends qf top rae and for a aan of his prot fosmicn bearing totvan Aftioth pe rondd expret tho x canes £0 heat bin asl on wd prvsily forbade ten ad their pa. Aye in the tre estes Anring the intervals of plaring, as bad © from time immemorial fendod that the pravtice with his play.’ Now, the leading clarinet at one of the houses obstinately rofrused to submit | to a probibition whic lie considerad ro | ~ sotor had the right toenforee, and went | onreading ns usual. Frederick protested, swore, raved and asked the name of th pecaloitrant clarinet player. Just af fhat moment the musician passed thremgh the recur 1s that you, ric 5 Frederick, mngry tong helo bas bad the anda! to resi in 100 orvlos Joa during my gn lowe scene?!’ MIP sid the clarinet “What foul slander! You have been miginforn- od, M. Frederick—1 wan asloopl’ Paris Tenips. Frogs interfered PS A DSN mas nls NRA By Fireproof Paper. An secotnt of the finiproof paper pre. pared by L. Frobeen of ion of a valoablo article for in dustrial and other purposes. Ninety-five parts « { asbestos fiber of the best quality | are W il in a solution of permangn- mate of ealcinm and then treated with mlphuric acid, the fiber leing thus Bleached. After treating the Gber in | this mani'r five parte of ground wood | pulp dre added, and the eatire Tass | placed in the agitating box, with an ad- dition of woe lime water and borax. Alter teiug thironghly mixed the na | “terial is pumped into 8 regulating box camil allowed to flow out «f un gate into | an endless wire cloth, where it enters tho usual paper making mac achinery. | Paper produced in this way, it is ro- | d, will resist even the dirves influ. ene of a flame, and may be placed in a white hest with impunity. Ordinary er way be made fireproot by treating | with ‘a fluid consisting of 85 parts urate of chloride, 20 parts of ortho- | h Ts ag, 12 parts carbonate of 168 boric aeid, and 25 chloride of BE oni in a quart ter. This solution fs applied several paper saturated with it will: resist grent heat and the direct infloence | of flame for some time A Mystery of ths Rifle. Bomething that no man understands Wai. rifle, clamped in an immov. abide vise, will pot put the bolixta to | the same hole every time, even if the wind does not interfere. A correspond. | entof Sliooting aud Fishing tells how | f mado a Jog | i Ho ex bien ir easton | ! rick pro- Flin shows the | Fomyed 5aaldn ITOH R0Ant i FY {51 Xi : A FIN DEVICES 6 SOMEWHAT ouT OF THE 0 IMMON BUN Hh SARA 4 Bt RGLAT RS. They May Bappen to Frighten People Who Are Not PBerglars, but There Is No Doubt That Mast of Them Are Caleniated to Soares Lyvery Time Oren, { gether Tust work by on family re j over in Brooklyn, had nnder debate a | ! pommunieation recently printed in The i Sun respecting domestic devices tO serve as bnrglar alarms i #We belive in tin,” ssid one. *'Jobn ent a little groove like half of an anger | bole across the fops of the front and hack doors, a few inches back from the onter edge, and before wo go to bed we poke into ench one a stick supporting some old tinware on the extreme and A leaky watering pot, with some old tin cups inside, bangs on one, and on the other an old dishpan, with a conpie of baking tins tied to it. Bo long as the door stays shat nothic 8 happens, but if it is pushed open tho least mite of » orack down comes £ « tinware with s clatter fit to wake np everybody in the ward.’ “That's all well enough for yomr ; foes, but how about the windows? A | thief can open ope of these new fangled | | oatohos by | tween the gehen, a8 OUSY AE Vi seat,’ 1 y joking a table knife ap be- ‘A say that wonldn’t open our win Jika has tered bales slanting in Tow eREINE INTO the Ton ping in them window was mailed get in, woud nt iwi, tthreogh the w sarhies and pat k ih is just aE | fast, RU | have to ¢ ¥ t Rp - i, ht DATO, two Jwer hall It is in {Ary nev Cand pil possibn ing 8 noi Cnight, wo tried. it et up or WAY Ur Sh i os » ry HEI : noise As r | they are xitugny bBosharnd io | them down, ! happened, thal ; Was Awaken i of payer my hueta Presently | Then a 5 i REE, 3 Mba in i 2 Hak a § away is Hi rr ; {op sented 2 | ompht ££ C thinks wo, 0 {fur the un iuy bie gay Eo Sis £83 iG beta & ne it Ault us attack fran that HE ons wi : | the meh fhe oh dark garden and i’ in the hat i vipe covered porch. The Cipepired Mr. Bo with an I : side of the door, about tha i man’s face, he fastened to i spripgy haniboo cape, with a wired to ftw free ened Pruriogt | 51 ean be turned up on the wall xm Cth way, but at sight, whey he seta it Par Talos, iF iw spr ung « ont about | feet sud held thers by os short stick and a fignre i trigper 80 spt that ogening the door will trip it. The tin cup, 1 amitted {to mention, holds a good unos of cayente pepper. “For » month after Mr B rigped that ecntrivancs op nothing happened, and he visa pelting ow spirited ETer the neglect of the buritlars to take note of his new pnventicn. Then, oboe night, the sharp “spang’ the wall mag ginrply all thremgh th: bones aud woke us nie That was fol lowed immediately by langoag on the | back pervh fit $0 make your Flood rin | sold. We pot to the window in ts i see two nen in the garden, ope eading : | the other, who was how Hing and swear ing tery Wa fanciad thas 8 the peppir had got into Bis eyes, Befor (Mr. B wid get hy | disays peated fn tha alent | have £ Bit Teint : § greg ¥ aa reiki. ) Lr SAE JE he put a rifle of 83 caliber into a vise! apd fired it tem times, the sights be dng | always aimed directly at a mark. The! bo ent all over a four inch credo | Mis. Theoretically all voght to | gon into the same hola , man who holds hia rifle gripped | at one Hime ne easily nt 8 Ah Wr the woh 2 ne o rifle + every Lime The Yast results are obtained fron benoh rests arhon the wan puis Hin shomiger aginst the rifh: Masnlolt’s Present, Ome of the first things that strike the visitor to the B Gle House in London 5 a magnificent pair of olephant’s : ted by Mone jek 11 Abyssinii When Me nede k on throne, the Yihie Sy cores get him oH specially Ix ant LON A 1 an Se 5 tures in kis native woo oun, $0 replied in the © the Bitlis din he” The emperor’ & pif vi a letter the seul of» sepiption © Amur Pride of Juuuh London Li yk Bi eer e450 fhe the dervish CRORE add Liv >Hi has GREET *g moe Rags LG In a LF] hgh Aaa dx Loni Bd as aes would be to destroy the only hich mankind can depend to # virtaes which alone can en- to reach 3 a still higher ely. door wai i ; FW oh Kinats £ 5 EE ate | fro a trie i ike ay i 1 : 5a : Bard i The | against 1 stopped tae an tion, When 1 got rt Fin ae viemal, I liad en Coaehich was dow i my Knetn, pnd dnd od LF owen to go ont he ard ib! rnengedd 0 me as ¥ ie the = Wo snnset guy at : the 20 xt, thi vestibnla wall with Jack sald Tit wonld have filled (plats Joias with lead and | his. hat 1 var wind fv enaniih trey TV eons one . told bin his clothes did not fit him,’ explained the springhok “Dear me! And he is very angry at fly He fs so thin skinged. '—Indian- ay Re a a es RPL Tel if the cane again we Wot Wore AN Penna Work, dp ond Friant a ing thot of past histor rari PrY. net in Ye o vores itivation, {x toward Fay fa namber when orichet and rom >t the only grel when anly sxercise that we rig of oversrain SXATCIEOE AT wehils such as focrball oyoling a tam, are alloring men oan tion of rertain parts of the body shomid he shunned that destroys own chjees, in so far as bedi iy perfec tions is concerned, and th when it renders the bel i jures the mind of these who anfortuna hig —8ir BW. dar Review, pes, 4 Wm 1 5 x hing weym bus pthumes wibiaky ara wees BX a + Arsid priest ian overcnltive. thay Flow Ants Kill 8 Soaks ii Thera 1s irre ay wail iy + believn That sris ean 3 however, Lave Aleeer 8 more ary wh wank Heo HIRE ER % rhanle ot i metal £5 10a 4 CRRA : cher patel if the earths wnrisen Lana extent. Mont Morgun is Sopp Pt be tha goer of a fhormai «RE 3 Fea WTA 5 # : sirens Yawn Feelin farca? at ural ornible, pentane kb of aol $ i Bat f been © pag * 3 BIR, RE thom Baril 4 : HOE BEG WG i? a oR Tem Rar oY aiseal ie nie here if Pu Ww CHEE with am mL + wie “Xe glie answe rod. thrilled him strap thoroughly prs | trois Tribmoe SA 5, SAR | od her womis yo Uiwss gives al edocadion fy - jie! Pennie ja 'REDHOT JOURNALIS) PAPLR DURING | Wanderings of The Hebe! Fo Three Hates Falta tn Chik Memry Watierson Wan His Mestice With General Breage the Payers Career Wan Cloned, hen exercises of a ig was the insiders. | i 1880 i coinmn | Pani ware ghnt to i) Tulisboron, Tenn. and fren the supply w As insdecasie to the deyriand, ha facn that the pub xu x * AFRIIEY 8 Press in A fir ht vers Hapry Wit Mr. Pa 3 Water Lewis RW Rey Sr Lae ATT. ti war af guesr. The penn sicup are those wih do noo HTT tw How pom Dr. Pall and sa North Carolies Grmrd, FETHSY £1054 “Bur, persisted Hall erima had the offieer Soanmitted? RN SPs ] 3 UE was the nEvanus offer mean sata tie guids fore Dr. Hall fact thi the It wa oomnid be oe IOAN UIAN 8 revtante breakipg ab monsishin enongls in the eyem of bis guide ir the governet punishne Raleigh News and Cvnrier In "Hones That Jack Haile” Style, I witnessed an Incident or a series of jncidenta on Congress street which will nd lawpird of the famous tA driver of a packigee delivery hat sizable F Falling with a thud Ya mt dehi HE Eye 3 iH { 3 3 maiviad that Lie ann % » FR me 4 munew et re ar Ix SARA Bik. ial i Sigel Buy Hadi romd serge Pimin weet] dives ya, an: ily} of Acme hinar thal over [ever ArDears Loosen anytl BOR 3 that rain 2 italy yeild avian iw nN. ni Sevunes hx 3 wal ota BEER Saal Ter . 3k iF Jos Fo Mga gRGen SITE TE Cars, wrk i in. Han, 4 & Toil Sarid in | sturtiod a | brane Me AAT A A A NERS wind 3 nis aod FURL he a owe Anchor story inller view sesely Fo nay viet ensiin 4 SAYA § Toi : sharks B2 Nw York Herald His Words § SIR woniad CHE Ane lt : be & WIR 7 Yienaeeives tn of Fladely Rane & Bafa ngl Laon nim sh hal Phy Lak aw i your nha Viorel, a i WH i wen
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers