The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 18, 1896, Image 1
oy >»: AX PER YEAR. ! WKINLEY N A A 4 NATIONAL CONVENTION HELD AT ST. LOUIS | Hobart of New Jersey Named For ths Bacand Place on the Tirket The Gold Plank Adopted. The Silver Men Bolt Conventions Procecdings, Br Lous, Jane 16 - Cpaan Carter called national convention | ¢' clock today : Hom OW. Fairbanks was made tam. | porary chairman and in edintely pro {nended to the delivery of his speech AM rik National Char the Republican to order ar 12 Great enthusiasm provaiis thanks’ speech thea Menator OO in Patten will be : natal prepared sly and we ire 58 iat : Fire Works, Fire Crackers, Torpedoes, Cans and Pistols Balloons, Flags, Bunting, Festooning, Japanese ban % rns, Masks, Horns, Etc. Patton Pharmacy, Headquarters for . Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Etc, Opposite School Balding. | wally clerk, W. Monroe : Tins, | New Jersey Fair: 4 & 3 After Temporary Chairman rer Montana, addressing the chair, “Ry direction of the pationat tee | recommend to the convention LEMPOTATY | SOUTEIary. + ewrriod, Cannomnees the oconyantu "ag tRIRE that my ros to the platform 1x oppo tant Hef ax% that it be read The echairma rae of ¥ the dash comvention thas will mine and Seld as well he peforridd withomt re ating fer thd toem ; i TRE Lie at roadiplions Ex Cinvernnr Fifer Pecogii zed and said Mp. {Ihntrman, The colors {ibneds hase pass of pesoint i ing the rights of their race have siked me to bring these rimila- tions To the attention of the sam v2 don 1 will send them to the char and nek that thoy I= pie lovrad to the ramimittes on resedotions for action The chairman-—1f there is no ole. tic: it will 1» so ordered. whith they WY toed Bis | OHH CEE Ary fOir prosiaeis. ly Poder the fix Chae TER Hf wiaK (an ate of iffar and they LP tar and BOG ws CRITI shift the franarniow for ment Liv rotiventing 7 merping #t 10 ox The motion was pf snd ati 8p WEVRTHEL RET Y ol the Py Sl a Yel iivr § adi Lea poy L IRAE BE a VER Es PUT We Pardes Fr Epes = Fa ” SERN Lo SOT ani, FAH i, Shras En WR TE wh EE Bas th Gelvery & The re [a rt af the WEIGH B} adjomrns TipnorTe ~rE i a 1. ifm fie od rhe tues } fine. CETERA. CALLING THE Cox FTERTION ORDER sergeant Af arn, reali | ows x For BOCTELATY ARTER haries W. Johnson of | Minnesota Assistant secretaries — William E { Riley of Montana, Harry A. Se hide of Michigan, A. M Humphreys, at farge of Maryinnd Official stenographer James Francis | Burke of Pennsylvania—T. E of - Minnesota. Ansistant sergeants at-armso. Hinkley of Wisconsin, Johuson of Mary lend, | Rexford of Washington and Stone of IV res For reading viorks—8Sto gan, Wilkon of Missouri. Bio, Hateh of Indians and The er hmendation the national committes Was SORCRTIe py, aud the additional officers were ar Celared olocted The opening prayer was del the Rev. Dr Samuel Sale. rabbi Grates of Truth congregation Mr William Lamb of Viginma of of & Fyre by of C fared the following THINGS WE DON'T WANT. DO YOU? ; We have sone slightl wo bed ‘Mem's Dress Percale Shirts tha gold for B2.00 and § We pid them oul en a table and b ave marked thon (Ha ¥ There are some giso thal we wertdd ni He ‘which are to be 2%. Boy's a be in & {hese THEX AGAI We have some Boy's Coats we sold at Hc, and 750 These are not soiled but we want Lo alean them out. Your boy's size from 5 to 18 years only 3c. each. Simmer Corder of BSIDess, party be witht tion Resolved, That antl the permanant organization is effected thin CUR YEnEOn will be governed by the rules of 11 Last Republican national conve Brion The motion was GHANmOusY ried. Mr Lamb ol Hollowing sireanteed, That and termtonet be the chairman of de ivrati rionnce the names of the lected to serve oh the sevaral conned tovs ar follows CRerinate nt Pr Virginis ais affeved the the bat pew Eadien and that meh an prs EDN raids and Pea Criamization, credetitialy tions, and that all resGinlions in reds tion to the platform of the Republican reloreed to such oomamittes debate. aril 1 wove its slope tatoo was ndogted ith The reso The clerk procecded with the the roll. While it was 10 10g chair recognized William Ww wer Missouri, who addres follows y olservition hiss heretifors that the comuittes on po organization and rm ties and business is one epfumittee. resolntion adopted subsite PE 98 0 Len Cm ttees | SOME Theme Wash Baits at 0c. ire oniy half price. Most stores get a dollar for them. : WES SELL | MEN'S HOSE At } Ropair not 2 pr quarter hint are sane Ka ob hes +. Black or Tan. MOTHERS. We have Ho) Pine Balbriggan Underwear at THe. a suit that Wana- maker would offor at a bargain for $1.00 a suit. Sizes 26 to 32 shirts and drawers. You save dollars trading here. A Handsome Clock or a piece of Silverware free. Ask about it. BL, The People’s Clothier. THING ELSE The charnsan replied “Thy are {wo canmittoes arate. & pommiittoes were then anon Mr. Clayton of Arkansas then sad “1 have A resolution to present referred to the commit tes han tiles order of basin The chainnan said “The resciution cannot be read They are we 0) % is FAIBANES only be read Is there objec TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN there is objection | it by unanimous pOnEent tion: Cries of “object General Grosvenor of Ohio moved that the convention do now adourn antil 10 o'clock tomorrow morning Mr. Clayton of Arkansas, addressing the chair, said CRE | mw akened Had i5; Elem ne af t Fig shale po BRIE IIE Linas on IAT 4 cians to the We yosers sof son fudently ls tained at PETTY Wah Ra Tee FLOR J 4 in tlie ¥h4 evinarderoe of their oon Ioowing pies Foor the fl Ammertoan people have Hoe wl tala! Lirik 0 autores «nf I {enor rat ie , } incapty, this In the salu nistrative rit bless seri food fel onl ordivary 3 ¥ Roem i $2 CR Rs sy r FY a joi yw us W erent A AEH LT pri fire wg wera deren Creat ey wakes the nema 5 Hoo Tie bE, 50 wei Ale prise BEER mp Foreign Helad Ax vif 3 i wbioaiiel 3 Paina Ente bee ine w Binh sais LAER WL RE Iweiares For Proleclitn Noe HEI i spp RGR Sethi 3 Revi ratios Lad strbrgies of Laer fro thi Wi seated tnterowt dhe thesnanives vast Bes tab ¥ i eid PPodevidian fiki ILE Te Aare! SPAT foretgt LHS wey ¥ Bay ir want rod oof ter tha A per TRE LATOR ¥i Sah t hema : fa Bey Foe ITE y Fwd row dt vaterntor of the Tinton arn: ive fair rvalment a uf} anit roi ire nore rR 1 Feu pas VET ip Iie sheet ti, 7 rust AR hy CES Cre. Si ALTOONA, eho 4% wad ray BIG AH Thera, that weil they Were poy re (yr of prtepent lo Criund's Jl Where ¥ 8 gk Pocaigiiont of ENGINEERS AT WORK Zor Soma of i A peel radi May be CO nimmeneed Hoos whe gin Dorr Bntion, rs Wipe winded GR 3 Leh poe 1 gies 4 corps if PA a gaia day for Patton Hi he erates 5 wi nt ally After spending the forenoon in meeting if Zz the pants pro wuscied were caibed the mim ork Pa and by prayer The rail “EY Fe srrodi- called $hwnr Se ak TL Lies Thay FORE TING We asain pial reel. roan and from Spe real Fairs Wi Fina Sas Minrearclin Me ne. i melds RAFTS eal wire nts rod daring 3 Tle SEW naL aE BW. alfuirw Wr rE ord rH oh 143 armada of oie the awosnid Fle 4 FE Ita lass. 1 §3 wi. Preside AEH Ted an ae Wi st Aina iby, pianta TRL, i Fa Chay RTnanstaie, Ri oh piaage Fs . oo og Lrpold Bel , ven Hine, ¥ swrtsiinr Cited ER eR Flom, penile Kap pier, 4 WIT AE, Afuirew Sat r Aaron Prom air Bae Bian: Ang pH ¥ 5 4 i ra Wak SEN foliar Landis, © Fat Schenk, . Hefls RB Mum Surgeon, De, The follow: was then PEENERTY aT ihe eh annosd Predesch Lieut Freed Andre w x ress 1st § 1A LT RET: YA Pa. Tia AE all 4 er, PR ~ Wort wR stv belied The H. Alito Lhe t Fug Sher PRL LE Asselin f ihe Wis Town The #01. ent 3eLy hash or Bag heel 1 at the bow and Fink 8 SYTHE WS § Tee Ad sg Yn ar pea, lak Mars wT Breese be viny Ww she henediod Wasa nx ral iin Kun A tie Ninth RAY Pe 3 ‘Marek 3a = IRE WORKS and LAGS Grit in the eR BRE FIL #1 SRENTY SEVENTH ARNUAL ARNON Soa 4 55% CA RAY Bh 5 4 Akl people; LarEads ww at or MERRIE ee Were begin ; : £3 for the ocossion with, Angs. panung, CRE LA the «. RACKET STORE. YOR > 2 x doe = vadl dirve Tr fas OT as GENE We APRON. Ihe phate mii YN yw E82