The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 11, 1896, Image 8
Vo not understand our phenome. nally Low Prices or judge therm by the price standards of other stores. When we say bow Prices, we mean 10 imply that we give the Best and Greatest V al aes for Much Less Maney than similiar worths can be had for in other paces. Monday's Price Opportunities will emphasize this all-important fret N ATHAN'S Linens. every one of these is a prodigious har Red Table Linen, full double width, fast color, 240 5 yard, Unbleached Table Linen, fine da mask patterns, 82 inches wide, soft gain. Green and : $5¢. Full Bleached German Table Linen, double damask, 64 inches wide, soft finishe<), no dresai ne, He Half Rlesched Table Linen, plain or with red border, 28¢. L Genuine Russia Crash, 16 inches wis, re linen, 90. Pure Linen Launch Napkin, ecdored border and fringed, extra Inrge site, Bes, Alllinen Dinner Napkin, fine da mask, assorted patterns, $1.48 a dozen Crochet Bedspreads, Marseilles and small check patterns, fall size, FC. Crochet Bedspreads, Marseilles pai terns, fll size, S5¢ Crochet Bedapreads, new in large and small designs, ready for use, 98c, Crochet Bedspreads, extra and heavy weight, $1.24. Misguitto Netting, host quality, colows, sight yards Lo the pece, 400. INATHA X'S Black Dress Goods. The handsomest of Bisck Yrress Goods and taterially the ehonpist in price. 36-inch Bisck gos, axirn fine $040ch Black, Mohairs 48. 40-inch Black All.wool Fancy Weave are mua fil fier and All-wool Muara MWe a yurd Pisin and Figaned pone, hoe. #4-inch Black All-wool Rain-FProof Serres 470. finch B tk special, 75C. 44-inch Black Silk Finisned Hear ettax Hc, , 48-inch extra fine Black Silk Wirp Henvriettas, special, #80. ~ gbdnch Black Jacquard Brilliantine, high lustre, made by Priestly, Th - NATHAN’S The Always Busy Stores. Johnstown, Pa. Mail Orders have our prom! gpeaial attention, English Sjoilians, wna Heduerd Hates to Washington, ©. © The Fifteenth International Conven- tion of the Young People’s Society of Christian Fodeavor will be held ad Washington, D. C July 710 13 180, and for that occasion the Penniylvania Railroad company will sell, from duly 8 to 8 ipolusive, excorsion tickets to Washington and petiirn at a single fare for the round trip. These tickets will be good for return passage unit July 18 inclosive. but if deposited with the Joint Agent at Washington 6.00 p. mu, July 14 will he to July 31 inclusive. Fall information in regal LG rates and time of trains can by chiained upon - application to ticket agents. Excursion tickets for the wide trips will be sold as under: Prom July 7 to 13 inclusive excision Hokets between Washington and Balt): more and Baltimore and Washington will be sold at $1.26 for the round trip, good for return passage noi July 4 inclusive, From July 6 to 81 excursion lickels pring Lo extend fasrminig from Washington to Getiyshurg and return will be sold at $4.35 for the trip, goed 6 return until July 31 inclosive. On thi same days the Western Mary: land Railroad company will sell excar. “mion tickets from Baltimore 10 Gettys burg snd return, with same return limil, st $2.15 for the round trip From July § to 31 excursion tickets will be sold from Washington to Bich. mond and return at $4.00, to Petersburg and return at $5.00, to Old Point Com: fort and return (all rail. $6.00 and going all rail and retaning by boat $6.85, to Fredericksburg and return $2.25 These tickets will all bear return Hmit of July 31 inclusive. All Hokets for side trips will ba sold only on presentation of return portions of _excarsion tickets to Washington issued for this occasion. If it required an annna! catlay of $100.00 to insure a family aginst any perious consequences from an attack of bowel complaint during the year there are many who would feel it their duty to pay it; that they eonld not afford to rink their lives, and those of their fam- ily for such an amount. Anyone can get this insurance for 25 cents, that be- {ng the price of a bottle of Chamber- lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In almost every neighbor hood someone has died from an attack of bowel complaint before medicine could be procured or a physician sum. moned. One or two doses of this rem. edy will cure any ordinary case. It never fails. Can you afford to take For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton | : forming wonders. Sold by draggists. | the risk for so small an amount? Pharmacy. : £35 Int orest 1 with prices you'll see gueted, cfatis te fare Patton Pharmacy FARMING NOTES tie the Farpoers Whe Head the : yigrteen DCparier.” § syed thst by painting ard Lor meen IER WHEE pant ing a lithe carboiio seid ., the borer will hee pogmdiid from the aA Sh FRO wW er BANE that when | iches 3 £ pees gree i wth irre Cabhiggres muy beset oul at any Early plunts ehonid have heen Trans pixnted a month age, but those pul now will come in for a medium WTR, the Inte varieties boing prefe epand for winter. Early in the morning look over he L off the i squash vines mod pick seyrarhi tags. It ws claimed that tomer relied placed around the vines i oa preven. tive of the attacks of reptiash began, there is no sure remedy except stroy them by hand Jt be Beatie bee oul Bay 8 than to allow the prise He wr sowie, When of its growth more indigentibie matier will be pontained in it, and what may he gained In ite weight is ost by ihe proportion that is not dewigrmed. Phere has beet more improvement in agriculire daring the nineteenth oot pore thin in any ph baer hay is oul I A le stage an : wv Sepclomtey 0 iw hepee naa an sok Da Des Un Pe nore = MR a i i EE the meni FOE I? #3 Apne rales of plants snd the Propet nines of 1 rriimt be # Be. Vk LER ut Fer 3 | # 3 OIE HERE D TRG ig pal eB * CHEER aR Ek * Rat rel TT a w x : . 5 = i wfforels mtant regio fl kins Patton Pharmacy. Tok tiie far Fully Toibittes for July i a bniiinal hop of that favorite and most snccEse fi] magazine. After an examination of ite 3% pages filed with over SH) {Hlastrations, it 8 not AifBenil w po ZIM i 3 stand why this large and hurtin Journal ® considered superior 1 foreign and domestic publiostions, that it is given the high honor of being 4x oF classed Dy the professional Dress. . min keer sx the antharity on of woah fre fargn fopeign ohn 2 Ea R : hops Datemt desig Hae ; tbat Trane a Aiwa rehcders given «f nrg has something new for ils Is this tone peek Views are all the eestames, whith en te 36 pages. The adodic rs of degrees is exeendingny fine Line wWooownel hh the poe of Cth again hay hier ® caste in colors by Pagan tone, ht them hy a $5 fed £54 Bathiug tailedlaon Tor tne Bamnur CHACHA Craprnenta Liigioren § breve, Walling rae ding Even ing ¢ owt AT Bee Brk wir f the alegre. BEG iy 1% aE pik a3 Ivy pewiciealars 0 Catala, ed hy Tolletles Woowit 2m Sepvsd, Sew Ni thank #9 Hodgkin, Rigthieds inn LER BAERS darsiagep and ovy 06 change ol gra i EB ne Waa a Mo AG Died twee 20H fer Bo damages snd 10 A Baek; te Jahn Bodomon, fe Cainag 1 Ye 7 4 exceptions be Aled them taken days from the dute of no damages hod Gi o benieditn 10 fread there fran: repurt will bee confirming Jos H. So Warrnn Jd Wi GF FiTarage Omid June 1, 150 Popema is a frightiul Like all other skin disesow permanently cnred by PraWitt's W seh Hamel ma * Ig Si 3 Liragres With Hare honmil Cures | elgg 3s SRA id Aunt Rachael, an ary Ba occssfill purse, #0 yeas oid, TO years experience as a nurse snd much sougit after by hundreds of families, Fagus for years made 3 Condial effective for tonghs and colds by the use of Grapes with Elecampann Root and the Herb Hegohoomi, Fable TEFEN Prapiaters of Bent Expte. John Ranker, st ox. to Patrons of Husbandry, Cresson Gringe, Cresson, Johnstown, Pa. a soesl SY ashy MeAnaly ¢ ax, to John Tink Parvieshoro, $106 [5 % Baongher ¢f ux 0 Barneshors, F100, 13. I Bompgher #1 GX Toa Gg 3 Salil erd, $85 GN, wits, Yi A 12 TV RBosgoehanng, FE Lie Patton, $500 {KE lLattie Patton, un { emt (roed COR PALES $0 Mothers { Fone beriains four firsel Comgh Remedy espeoiilly vainatie Set Wii un Sree i 6 aad Hi Peosn way. Xre Your ” hg PRTeILS TE Amero, = Bs Swing Bd sarifow oe Inuons given from of Shares i the American Sons 1 PLA moran km cat ass Enn, B61 Bross es RIPANS RE St Rere i oo The modern stand- PRiban Paarmay ard Family Med: Cures the oi Louw PHILIPSBURG, PA. Ripane Tabulen assist digestion. Ripuns Tadules cure bad breath. ER, ey ~ 41 - law, EBENSBURG, A A, Boars £ Sonn an $e Ly aa AIRE F 3 Pa. FirstNation'l Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID LP, 80.000 0 SURPLUS, $50,000 00 y Iason ree peat AF PaTron Wa H SaspwoRrn, Poosiddent Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Beer. Etc. Fiiy Phoenik Brewing Co.'s Beer CE a ET fo bis HastingS, Penn‘a. FISHER & GO. Wholesale. 3 ya $F spre, Aaiba ath oy i Ca a Ta 3 + % #5 ing yw 4 *% a w med aus BTAanG ies Johnstown. Pa. “M. BONNELLS -...... Pros Wy LE ae Fi Ata > OLD CABINET, OLD FAVORITE ROYAL IN THEIR RICHNESS OF BEAUTY Ga ios bon SH 8 Attention AA 4 CLEARERLD LET EE Dik Sheri speakers and signers use it, tis per = EL CO. Holyoke, Mass. sn ——— AND : COXEY'SCOMMON, Re oe i ashier Swat tx Dake IMRe OE a Man 5 prTIving at Matnatios