The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 11, 1896, Image 2
Chines Delibe of Thing D0 gare. | In atterupt [Chinatown I fan Ble to gain the oo , to Bove their cnildyon forane. Trried 1 x. They nlvwars declars would certainly ones if their pe Bren 15 ing nlomg Tis ei ates a pon - 1 $i dng shout, sein them irocers ont This dieike : general and dox dren, af Ges irr oceasion voion 1 FANE gl crowded 5; cleared 1 © pad plac wed street to thie no wok fon . that eve tempted Fe 1 aqently I bid 1p fortunat iy! fon od * fins »: T+ CREE TR wats SEEPrY- coed wit You wf heer was in great id ant, afer och her for a large pel sion her Jitle e grist nad & fo 8 Pate of Two fakes “A Forest snd Stream cormispy melee tells a South African snake Two snakes wears at the hott £0 fot mine shaft. The ennkes w nt 10 fect long and of ene of the pest jd Cannons ®, known ns iambas Now, pipers and 160 foot mpnboe do pat apres wery well, and this is of nec ially troe when both are at the Botbom « of 8 nen ing khaft. The miners whose elnirs bad bon jronpid mut a mesg down to the shakes with orders to oon Us ‘message wis a bottis of ay cite pith a lighted fuse attached The snnkes obeyed the sunmuunis at ones They came 1p th perpendicular shaft with such speed that above the « pening they came down, they rere mised. The tw toils had in sino way got tangivl into a qn ware knot, such as - maidors tin, The sakes a to go in to divections, at their efforts wore in vain, and they 1 to snd stung on to death, s Forest and Stream dors not vin meh for this story. It wiomid have been al t 46 have the snakes blown oot ot the shaft, but the sailor's knot sent i fo the column where the campfires . Bicker. AA MA SAA PII UN Washington's Comin lesion aa General, “ig genrching (he Hbraries for be fk raptey lore I found in one ol "journals of the continental oo set of congress dated Jan *Gleotge Washington, Ts, appointing him gener] wud ¢ sander in chit of army of the anited colomion, tt wail Judge Jay Li Torrey. It conta ns Bom quaint langasge— £ i, Nomure miviets nal at the comitiney to] expenss all vols i few also reforred ina patrictic wey io our liberties, us follows: “And where: aa all particulars cannot be foresee, — that many things mast eft oto “your prudence and discreet man gement RB COCUITEnCLS INN & arise spon Lhe place or frome time to time fall out, FoR sr therefor, pion #55 such aogriens uw « Jour bey ik 2 TrNmaR ction to carder snd i} granny, masking it yo the iiturties of Airis hea cf a ix Py of soy of the shaft. When rote hat CELT it Keediivg Information, A lady riding on a railroad train was quite annoyed by the fixed stare of a Jemg, lank, leathery locking ‘womnn sitting just across the isle, She hd piercing black eyes, and xhe keg thers fixed on the lady's face. Finally the train stopped at a little station, and the keen eyed wotnar leaned seross the alsin, and, laying a bony, ring loved hand on the lady's ann, sud! “Bouse me, Bis am, but kin 1 ask yo a question?’ "Certainly." “Well, 1 jist wanted to know if your complexion is uatchreel or if it's ome of : these iname fnamelod kind I've heared of.’ y a y complexion is nataral, madam. 1g ia? Well, I'm jist sorry to hear § I was hopin it was one of the name end and that you sould tell 10 v Hoe conld git ono 1iks it. That's all 1 ik yom, ma'am,’ and she ly Lex fixed gaze. —Detry ol Ni ither Andorra be San Marino enn allest inde * ndunt alo, an islet off the tof Sardinia. id High mile oid, a ita papulati om Deas “exactly 40 souls. From 1836 fo the isiet was governed by one why hasd all the authority of a kiog, but en hie died tn the latter your he ; vised the inhabitants totor ria rey vehich was done. ALL the ers, Win : 0 A woted, nad evry six YO nl SEE elected fir th Lanzotte, Welsh Band Waites, Large tracts of sand wastes are being reclaimed along the Welsh const. Boris of parallel fences are put up seawnrds, _plosely interwoven with wires and farze, and spaces between these posts are Glle with earth and road scrapings. In these various trees, such as sycamore, willow, “pine and alder, are plunted, while the ridges are sown with gorse and broom weed and planted with brier. sr A She Wanted Samples, “Is this where yon vo?’ said an Ohio votress to an aloction offiver “Yes, ma'am.’ “Then please cut of samples of nll the tickets, and 111 take them home and seo which 1 like Lost '—Pittshurg | Chronicls, DL % - RAO | i i tA AA SD A 14 Lsbiantod 10 His en a Ah HG SAA SEAS nib po thao on BE Bot at The they shot np 80 fort ATIC ges ca Stl rtd ps esas bd 4 A LITTLE ping SHOE aby Bhan ike ik Only a little pling § hat ie wtained 8 With & tiny bale whine Peoved ont in the faya in 4 and | $s mm, Si wre Ja Thi Bites pink ton yeas the “Lig Bittle pig” That ty roar Fran wn And Tse er} ¥ As 1 Kimned wPigrie a Aral the Again and & In motherboind = fo f Bang Wire WY rotpats of hogan cwdide HitahE And 1 Pe ns the t xe bn phot wan bl fn dentin J it gave me my darling again Getting Yery Moo So. when T san deadl, Tay the fitthe pint aloe : Won pry bears that pi sllont any pid, And perbape ap above, in 1a 8s nilgh $ of ree, T ehall Edm the pink fon as of © “Kate Thyson Mare in Now ¥ a OH I A WAYSIOE DENT a RV. Yeamsier's Tooth Patracted ws a » Sonalt | Hatohe: and a Big No. “While traviling in sath en gia,’ said Atmmwy WwW. W. McNair a reporter, © I saw a beaut ifn] piece dental surgery. A toamster devel! peed a lag tocthache wile on the road Fa thom ht | it wonld soon bo x ting wore and worse tii he ndald Tod Iv handle the reins. Ho pub a ohne of tvs, harder. Then he stopped bis Tariit a little fire, hoated a pevdls reeled and Fad another teametor jum if diren Into the cavity to kill ther pervs Nil oH i janet and thus . ey dd $i tom Jory Swas pretty near pusai Raye, pot VE ect hy Ba # he { up his team, <TH WY all me aronnd tl id Pat whew pet = HERA ie and nr iy proce TOR Nh ED card anil. $1] gETOEs vo amt with this,” eatd he, ¢ fy the ecaived And hao evn bash with beth ig evap parnons plage nail Goainet the side ft with the hatchet fin toarosher jainn A tied down for anoile a opi it up, groan i 4,6 iat ie dih Fpiration of Bas face, ciomb backers aad wid ; “4 SRE her again, boyst Pha third Bek sent the offend molar fying.” San Francieo Post a A omesty Pst, Afr AL Too Fmngry workmen on the tramp ately came toa vi Thage w ners lived Al Catholie priest who was kyon to few | n grand oy Cate,’ sald one get nothing there if he os we are Protestants I shall of then, Aa cmt thn I tedl Bin fl Fi ox Cliath) “1% $4 ¥ 1 sh ik thre trnti They kiweked an the clergyman wd and askesl for relied His revere ee aikked the soot! obi or things what confession they belgie ta, anid they rgliad as previonsly Arrant, ak oT or. petter, bat ih bry rer ety jumped 0 : ‘wo shuts i Pes replied the oth | Then be bad thems walt and went back | into tha hema, returning soOn afer. ward with a couple of plates, which vias roast dock and mn the et) a little bedlod rion. of Seiad? he said, addressing 1h disant Catholic, “as it is fas have nothing better 10 give for you, Chedng 6 heretic, YOu of Sant Say g and may ther afore out meat.” hid v nis cher panna wn Xie fell CN enn by By and w Jobked (wer Chr tables and says 'S usm oa ca ive we a thigh of the eagle fitthe of the pest and a fow of the & Bho i in’ § Lr Lrhar he Was $a lily about. He wotited a lex Af tania voit dressing anal gravy « green poss —hieny ear 3: of £0n wy kinds od ppirita Niger ally fo charity—<hw sp £ 14 gpirit of avers on pir and thie spirit : £7 wer Eine of aliasy RW ind HEE iE iw A sil spanner in Ade ges, fovitn SEnriae 10 sunset, can corn Vi ornts FL ria fur a nionber lax ghave fiaen When Law im t. hiis shairandy re yer gray. You caked cha 4 to 0 hire He | Ww wiped at 0 ie fro ih. Yi Hac h ik Tha first manufact | were colleeted by the when it was dis invested was a little inex a billion « ita dulinrs The fron pen no rention tied 1 bie ¢ Jat ok of that 1 in the Bible posed to have heen # steel graves uae Mor cutting insoriptions on stone. HTH 13 ama a sR * he said, tarning fo the o ctbet, bat the | acty nskod him what be watford he on vee of Wis Te Bh BONED FEW rit fis peau Sea Hr what ALE aa eyor e Te Bt time with WORE © bled w ik Yer TY Hi wht Line Re was sak ised Wotter. whe read Tan Lina singe EEE ly 8 AR AES Fuat a Cotneldones. “Wh Poptemen at our replies vei 1] 90 pope | cranked BP lave Ju dg erento. Uwe we ALK street, near Union . centiy, whan den {Me hd ” § ERLE Vy foams with & por 3 : den.’ "lat ion Fie Bis SEs BATS, L very mueh | wpe) of Pees Dueck 30: They Ave the Grva Cowan's Pro Chaar if tht dimeseatial a hewed of cutis avy IR FA 79 pif see Am rr with Wim SIME S 4 alum cattle Too Prrisiepen MWettepets? a ht ee Line 1 toe tories of MAbanciry i a i ERR ER Ey Heys ; I ris Frastits all i Ry } the AE Era y, Vi ped antinfiod THY - aroat fear when he beard a fd aff the eX Won al for digit an seapcind at of avid Band Sani bat contin seatiom wad i Li iy fast | the report pal foe am bl ome ve 3 perf tly a Landon i Lin i¥ ¥ A Pasilions i4 54 aaa lag Tlepcand wil indorses fimr hy wrrking Hy wep oH sto very Sow, short Ro Yiohenow. #4 fisutry i Radar A Bernie Rexdipe. Nor one Brows anything o I 30 MACHED © Bask iA end he ug ed ti {Ene 18 WE adit of 1m tien a duy. dr tre Yi ih arnt i iE rey A § fe foned Sines + i cithout fisher thin Pir bresd nw xd ¥ Yl vy evn] fog tea Boveh £1 aot rials ally angie of asl bulk that a Pad 1% pS Wins Ea Saint ey med { ¢ ‘och - i VE mrs Fa maid od dl telojrraphiing REG atv shot To 5 bende hi 13 with Betpadeltis WH, 4 i La Heat : ww: X72 “we ¥ A Trivaseh of Ehemmretary Palasalion, Hrtenaerit ang peti chanakoat Rs ap 3 ¥ £3 Hi xy av, Lalit Hgunn® a hy 3 i £354 greatest s $1 files WEIN, COE ASR ba + Hiatias at Apple ir bifiey Max Lal ways i gmta y ihe nlaces of thelr elder hiv w reitvarrial A 1ISFREIY 4 FRARRGON | Wroa LINCOULN'S 1 Abe Ervonniered He Foi! Addressing Misd fi BE : +54 wir seb py gf PRED Fn bE bo an before Br I My Seed odd wir Petrothed any y other than Mey ds knew oof in we Edws a3 iro ely . Bay (ailmey Boy The faniies’ Bos yrs] : At as was the iil Linesds was oineted to the preg Roney, his special rival fn Elin ow Srepion A Donglas. Mr. Douglas had mors of the social graces than Me Lin oiin, and it supeared toy ibm that noth. frig vronkd ba more interesting than to st ont his politieal rival fn the fw vinnd af the entertaining and Hw i Mixs Todd, smd go he natd her A grvivited] voung | aly fen at thant ty Ww Vapasry my feet this time, rage IN od we iy ¥ 3 ak ¥ - ww Les 1 Biaa : A safpied pa fo potent #itent: \ fading pon Pohl joeality quite hm an $a ny “en PRE anya Wa rh ne i Haat foun LY TT weet 1 pied amare Daneniy Gn 10 Be $ ¥ pnait Pgs ry aga we Precious gloss That cut tir Ping Fiawiees, FY 1 Was the Ri heh in at of the ATS that the ! he ocrted” | To Shs anid the iF the Froneh in 14 a and ation ‘ ¥, frnoli 's fin WO Zoaart Pratt The Army of Tramps, t that thn trarap SErtain Es the maker and r of Kis owa career. The writer's ic with these sagrants his cone § Wat, ban wh they ore Alroost Top rand ag Armgerica’s vol they wide in their LOWY went eo 5 TEL ik & LEExE FIA SE bi Sw} o WS DEE oe 00 al STE a bsg Libel Hy fil ik é & washing t Eadie Pixs gare have Dagan post liad BATE W Wile still apd aiid Have been furthered wing tendeng by unwise tral aphiied to then Ww hen ¥ Year after year, month, frag piom isd of som wild LATS Tens I¢8 Wali Ey th tor nervased bv sha is atid | wh Ye Sve ti an who uk at ; ail to ha trop Away wit you ¢ inters Are ynore GJte) hidden es Beinn, BETAS that tn % ar AE fen Fa AVS LAR that the Rook a (es 3% Lt son - HYUSR oY RURLLTIARL,