DONT WAN DO’ YOU 1? We Men's Tires Percale Shirts that sald | white not in the best condition, having MOTHERS. PATTON, CA MBRIA CO, PA. , THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1806. STOR: Y i: Reooniemid by the \Gleaned Here and There by. the “Courier” Reporter. OUR BBC CLUB DOWNED have been issued since thy Mav 14: GOVERNMENT AWARDS oa sotdiors in and Nearby Counties The following pension certificates date of maar Original James E. Giles, Smoke | Ran. Clearfield county; James Hall, DD Oakland Cross Roads, Wi estporeland ceonnty; David MM. ravi, Johnstown: In a Game Played in , Patton nn Ratgrday With Ashvitin On Saturday afternoon one of the ‘beat ball games of the season was played in Patton between the Patton “and the Ashville clubs, Ashville Se feating our boys by a score of 6 to 7 through several very bad errors on oe part of the home team. The features of the game was the brilliant work of both pitchers. The catchers also did good work. Cramer made n good ran for the home plate, heing a sprinter on the lines that is hard to catch. Following ix the score, PATON £1 Smacnty diiongs will be celebrated in Patton i Wi pe dy and we are as usual prepared | a farnt BK Prado In Wen ¥, At ih 4 Hite, ¥ Eig Rabi fi Fire Works, Fire Crackers, Torpedoes, Cans and Pistols, Balloons, Touis ASHYILLE i Hr SoA HO A DAS Lm Sa ee EE Tem, § #. ee wv i Tae w fo Martin, ohn. 1 eo RE hy #. Saal a TE sever, of. § Marin, foo X i Eakins ou a a Fh § i i ¥ i e #4 Sl £0 Ne Aa La i wr 5 i 3 ® ¥ a % yas ‘x i aia 0008} i - fait ane 2 Farad fans Panton 3 Tivo CBawe Ho i, Wiss, HeoMeen Migration Hit A Pale Hameo Pabinan? Betlly 3 vat steel Cute fy Rellly 2 by Wold, | an Raynes 2 00e, Hide, sve Marin, dg Pear Lal of Bus Haymon wr Erroem Pat Battery: Patton Reiliy, Asie Mite ant Leute, ; Pa Sanyo AWRY EbE Sw any Th by ise fini f AsBvitio 8 we Ashlie X ; & 2 ¥. pl rela. Armstrong is expected to be in {shape tos twirl some for ds in the fatare. “Then Jook ont for Patton, give us a sent in front. MM Reilly, the Boy Wonder, is piiib- ing the game of his fife. James Wilson don't say much bat plays ball. DPescon Lite ix in the gammy from start to finish; rons bases in lis old : i form. We are glad to see Ward Hile with us again His work at short dx all right. | Reilly is catching the game of his hfe They don't steal many bases on him. W. Dale pliys first Tike an oid Emer. Prank Smith 8 coming armband in ‘good form and is playing goed ball, dno. W olf is pleehing good ball, snd hitting it in good style Capt. Dal plays bis neoal game, Headquarten for have some lightly soiled for $2.00 and $156. We put them out been gender the doctor's ears for shine om & table and have marked them 3h. time, ‘suffering from malaria |, There are some also that we sold at Bie, Clymer will be with ns. Al the which are to be he. Boy's also in boys will be glad to ave “Pitch” © ‘hose, ax he 8 a good allaround | : player. [All the boys swear by Pop Moore. y rE Manager Somerville is very anxions THEN AG. cx I to got oF Ehabury. y - We have Jiek Barnes in the hens. | ‘We have some Boy's Bummer Lyrg series and be will do. Counts we sold at 50c. and The These are not solled but we want to clenn | them out. Your boy's Wize from 5 to. 18 years only 83e. each. i Tht Stores at Alona. Was visitexdt by a sever storm Han- day. The thander was terri, light Ling vivid amd almost continnously for ‘shout two bours, while the rain came down in torrents, and much damage was done. In Altoona one of the main ho SOME’ HING ELSE Those Wash Suita at 50c. mre only flooded, and the greenhouse of Myers half price. Most stores get a dolar Bros, florists, wished away, The Little for them. Juniata river, which parallels the Al “toona, Clearfield and Northern rafiroad was higher than ever known by the uidest inhabitants there, and that part of the country is practically washed ‘out. The Altoona and Logan valley | slectrie railroad, between Altdona and | Hollidaysburg, was washed pat for a mile and a half, snd all communication was cut off between the two towns sewers was brirsted, many cellars were At. 1. a pair not 2 pr. for a quarter that are same as others sell at 95¢. Black or Tan. : ain From (he Boutedaie Journal, The town of Patton is forging its way to the front and it does really lok as though she would yet enjoy the dis tinction of being a good live town Underwear at 75c. a suit that Wana Her people are progressive and they maker would offer at a bargain for donot hesitate to offer every induce- £1.00 a suit. Sizes 26 to 32 shirts and ment in order to encourage mnanu- drawers. facturing plants to locate in their You save dollars trading here, | midst. While her industries are not A Handsome Clock or a pieces s of of the largest capacity, they are of that Silverware free. Ask about it. kind that is reliable and well foanded ‘and they will greatly aid in making Xou need not pay $100. for a bieycle. | See the “Cresent” only $30. | Patton what her people have anxiously | “The People’s Clothier. tf J. C. PATRICK, Ag't, Patton, 5 . We have Boy's Fine Balbriggan | 'striven to have her—a permanent town Lrison [Fridley Cambria; w asbinglon Buatier, “Mile tourn, Westmoreland, work Tmaniy | Patton go up and se the wheels go around.’ Chdidren's Day. i tion, will be rendered. thee country smd the Tag entertained Lobe to Ring Andrew A. Bovies, Kipple, Binir; Har Rockton, (learfield; Ananias Shumaker, Latrobe; Samuel (. Williams, Lindsey, Jefferson; Wil Ham McCalister, Confluence, Bomer- wet: Harrison Spiers, Johnstown; Albert 7H. Heckman, Doylesburg, Frankiin, Increase. John W. Detwilir, Coul-” port, Clearfield connty; Francis Faith, Indians; Samuel Crawford, Hocheater Mills. Indians: Alvin C. Beatly, Derry Station. Westmoreland: John Kroose, Conmnuagh; Simon Marphy. Eton, Blairs vitbe: (eorge W, Rehirivey, Gs Uys shir; Joh Milter, Johnstown; Jos J. Miller, ohare, Cambria Mary EB sed ont Beows, Yi Sofrernet Mills, Original widows Armbnst, steno Clark, Hobveraviile, anpah Hipple, Rockdale Sally Nyt Jofler. " SOE Rey th 34 Additional James M. Wilson, Clearfield souanty; Andrew Raffner. Marion Centres, Indiana Pelssne Job Cunter, Laughline Cioeifrry Wank, Brookville, Jeffemon, Re Mow They Iw Fr When you come to Patton it is well | worth your while te visit the big olay ‘works and see bow they lors oul or manufactane sewer pi pe. flue lining, tile, fires brick, ete. This plant contains nothing but the nrost modern improved machinery and deviess for that class of General Manager F. BE MeEl- reuh, who is always on hand when a visi- tor calls. will, in his corteons manner, ‘make you feel at home during your visit at the works, and Foreman Adams will do his part in conducting you through the plant in a gentle like way. When you come 10 Uhibiren's Day, Sanday, June 14, is the day st apart ih the Methodist Epiwopal choreh as A special service will be held in the ME charsh of this place at 030 8 m. A beantifil pro. gram entitled “Young CC raesders, prepared by Rev. Uhas I Payne, D. 1), secretary of the Board of Fidaca The pastor will ach an appropriate sermon at 748 Other servioes as nsual. Every. pres Peon beady welcome, The Largest Owls Dried yous new the big hills for of July Patton? 31 paper put out or Ost ration the {th pargest Lien Ed Wishes Lae in any & Lean “in section of Rey Ee going to have will seplaally compare with the posters HL you wish to be in a fimtclam manger Patton. We Lave entertainment Li iia 5 Wii ail of the day. throughont A New Cowl Field, i A new and rich coal fleid near Fro gality is to be tapped by a branch of the Pennsylvania railroad, for which the contract of grading wai left on Fri- day. The new line will he about a mile long and will be graded by J. 8. Vipond, of Altoona. A stone bridge along the road will be built by 'W. Sitahi & Mops. The mines reached are being developed by the Friguity Coal & Coke company. is Attend Geoaded Baulgy, During regular session held on Thursday night by Patton Lodge No 1086, Independent Ofder of Odd Fel. fawn, Past Grand John Hunter, who was a representative from Patton 0 the Grand Lodge held at Pittsburg recently, made an able achdress in which he sutimitted a report of the proceed. ings. Mr Hooter reports having hand # nice time while away. : Lawn Fostac nl, The Ladies Ald society of the M. E chinreh will hold a festival on the lawn in fromt of the office of the Chest {reek Land and Improvement coms pany on Tuesday eveniig, June if All are invited New Larue Olen Olsen, of Houtadale has rented the store room in the Freeman Wil Hams building on Magee avenue and opened a grocery store in the same. Hy NET Hinll Game Bookie. A base ball game will be played in Patton this Thursday | alternoon be- tween the Defiance club of Altoona ‘and the Patton club. Everybody is invited to attend. Admission free. REVEL SOMERVILLE, Manager. 8M Wilson, F. E. A Morray, W H. HH. Bel 8. Lingle, rave (7, the aver orions (tho od Hy. sere rous, entertaining andl Joly; ha Bed i i94 Thall story high. ft is expected that at east bands will contest prize, BG, years of IE 1776. Ringing ol t ol Day Sun Break-— National Salute at Kise. RING OUT THE ¢ GLAD TIDINGS. Patton is Four Years Old To-Day. < {hserve if toa Peconn Ls 3 Tet i ' an Pagan Cia the Good (Old Fashioned 5 £3 Toga “ Have eaath atid i x . ng br £4 aR America 5 Prosudent of the 1k Horgoss WJ Putian, (Lingle, W, Melifoesh, 0 [ein Somersitin fe 5 “Dre JR] many Binds rosidents AE fail WW. Yio 5 Rissereiibe, Kerr. Lb. 8 Drool J Weds, |} There will be STINE. le GF 3m This Parade, onder the very efllcient ommend of Major John A. the fame Buektaiie will const of Fim Companies, Brass Fraud Military Companies, Bioyeles, Fantastios Fi. Lalelonk shurp. The frst too gant of Base Ball of 5 Pron’t miss she, Guaser Corporal © A. Repshyir and Executive Commitee -R. Bomaervilie, J E Parnell, MM Nolan 8 E Jones, Finanes Commitboe Joos BE. Dale Clammittes on Hy porta. je 8 frale. W. Clommittes on Trinsportation “5 WH More, UU Holter, Committes on Fireworks E. sharles, J F Ricker, Reception Committee J, WwW. Bddy, WW. H Sandford, Maolion Cammitioe on Decoration Chief of Wm. Probert. Walter Weakland, W. J. B F A £ 3 4 § ® IP, Bn. E Printing apd Adveriising Comimitios Prank Kinkewd Patton, the largest {own in Nortipery people g Ia always msnmed to Ws guests ehildren and swollen is ta past nnfonpded, ost afer IME eXNRRag 15 Shims Eu spas fig oak wo Wage on onsdig] Hg Ball ay 1 he pis #5 ey war R LER 1 a! Hes SLE 0X 3 7 fir 1 fi pi Lawn Proesdi inn t, nriher r preticals Rig mom Adve Tisvstrents Changed, Following be a list of advertising wiih nave changed thelr advertisenionis 2a she COURIER this week, also of new ads Cwertisere who know how fo sti eet in tT W. Hodgkins; Patlon Suge ply Ca; LL 8 Belli A. M. Thomas, 3; afirkin & Kuosoer: Exe Wartebsiw: Chak F Lehman: Jessel, All Kenting Wheel Uo Honan; Preeti a Collage Win. Strmttiff eotiage 3 on hig lot avenne, above pi Avene, erecting a tes 1s Beenh 1 ghbard & Wise have the contract for hailding which will be 29x28 fet one amd one fr will contain a buy and when completod Ap window in front will pearance. present quite an attractive Band Toarmmment. The Band Tonrnament to be held at Clenrtleid June 35 will be a hig affair. Hl roraet for series. Pipst prise, SHH sn third prize, #0; fourth 5 $l An Kulbtir saleides. are as follows: and price, £75; & fit pris Quantiel Oswald, 8 member of the editorial staff of the “Free Presa” a5 age. committed saicide at Kittanning on Sitarday shooting | himself through the heart heen in iil health for some time, by a § Repubiiaad Chatman BElecini. : nominees of the county met al Elwnsa. | burg and selected County Ciomiriis- | stoner Geo. M. Wertz for chairman of | the Republican county commitee. x! Painely Japs Mellon, HoSandfond ok Powell, WH Sandford, CA Waoeeall ) ahha { raeiins, {. Breton, 5 * ¥ x DL hee Flo ive BRN ILLE, i. They | LFane Taming uniforms, He had | ng Manner and Celebrate it Way Her “Throughout t the land oon ia NAW IN # & i" ks wx he laenvith Si He 1 iy. M Tg 775, i Pk ¥ yaa iy { ¥ Kode LY is. Ls, UCawnd, Josie BL Major Joo. A. Wolfe, Hon HR. McPhersorg Jon Asherod W. HL Moore, CW. Hodghins Worrell Prank sinks =, WL Noonan, Chas DD. Hertie, ball games aflterioon and sig: Bares, Wile, Wale mand Aide FO, Brown, Abe Mirkin AM Patierson, ~ ML Witson, la x Bell. ii Pre Chie D0 Hors, Jabin Walle, Jr. Will I. Thompson. Brawn, GH. Curfman, § hie) Mh hatte, HH. Wk Langlie, William Crier. Melanghiin, CW, Hodgkins, Haury God- 3. JARS, BAL ireene Corda, Ady, Monteith, Chas, Wolfe, Pobioe Ww. Diannelly, John Boyes, Wm How Hodgkins, Williams, Tke Wartelsky, Sani’ Jones. Willi Greene, Reno] Bomervitie Cambri le the fittest plice 10 celebrate therefore a good mio id } Ales a a grood damm and pa op Laie Siegen id” Thal BE, nddies ii is iO and nud, Mars » Psion rates Aa od (lines, Treasurer. HsCIetary. fava iog iver he Grisiud, pesrintendent PoE dy ds, Ponnsyivania sdbroad, we win an Tnesday lookiog over fhe for the purpose of Bee tiie radiromd Melntyre avenne, “This i the bridge which will conneet that sthisd with the wownship road Jeane SL Lawrenos, = 13 i¥ f ground un bridge across The EW fs Lit heer Thad Tans hid Chas, ¥ Lehman, of Lael opened & barber Jhon room formerly octupied 3 A Wilson in the Goad balding. Mr. Lohman comes to Patton well recom: mended ax a fStclass artist ia phat ne Haven inn the by Five at 2 paesay Lightning struck tha Chieson hua: livery stables at Uivssin Rprings Thursday night, destroying Loma, 83,0060, Sn A PE A ARAL | : 3 & } Bells and Firme of Minute Guns | RECEIVED THEIR SENTENCES Heverrml Ave HP romated” to the Wesferm Penitentiary for a Your or Merve, When (fourt opined Monday morp- ivi a long string of prisoners were con- dacted before Judge Barker to receive | mintances for crimes of which they were found guilty last week. The lst AT PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA. fiskiows: Harry Hough, burgisry, and David | Watson, burgdary. In the first case aging them they were ordered to pay Tjiintly = fine of $100 and costs of prose- | cntion and to serve three years each in ‘the Western Penitentiary, In the apcond cise they were also sentenced {to pay a joint fine of $100, and Hough 10 serve (wo years in the Penitentiary smd Watson one year. Lind receiving stolen goods, John Beam, found guilty of larceny jan Sen- enced (0 pay $50 fine, costa, and secve f liiree yours in the rerdtentiary. James Cramer, sssanit and battery; iS fine, costs, and nine months in jail 1 i ery, $0 fine, Witliam 8. MeCoy, assault and bat- cots, and one year and Clwo months in the Penitentiary. Chauneey Myers, larceny and reosiv. ng ohm goods: $95 fine, costs, and : | one yee and two months in the Pen i ibentiary, William Remington, larceny and pe C eelving stolen goods; $826 fine, costs of ale, duo. : prosecution, Jame | and one vear and two months in the Penitentiary. John Steumgoest, horse stealing; §35 fine, (ost, and one year and two Pe. VV. of | TON, and + months in the Penitentiary. Second case against John Strumghest, horse stealing; 825 fine and costs. Wesley Dorman, burglary; $60 fine, roe years in the Peniten- tiny, Second case agninst Wesley ! costs, and : | Dora, same charge; fine, costs, The Paride will fem at 10 h i. ears $= > {and one year in the Penitentiary . ; several other indictments against Dor. Gams Gl seYan, Pisttim $s Hhenaburg. i ral other indicttints : man, lw was ordered to pay the costa in Eimer Brennan, forgery; three vedrs $0 fine, in the Pen Citentiney. } hesnd jeiat Benen LTR Danger Fairs dbways pare, cool aid refpishing; it's) ablg Gaia Day - Come svervhady and beipgg joan wives, anid Be convinesd that the happy repotation Patton flares as the cost of the Lof & $190 bicycle: LE Handbdmr § hw ive i + i Tay alta is, trate Anes CP Rear ak #a. X, : {eat pues 51 John Natheld, yr. £ Flew § Cont off a Fhe Gomis Wied The New York Journal gives these varions parte ips TREE mand ying ork vides £86 3 pagar hp a oy aula dats ponte Pom trin ieon Hetnfnwbosnis Phanntisliar Clamp # Thess Hamat viipe PA sae Fasting HER {ita et oH fas fang Corre Poy pdresd Basle Hise TYE oi a LAT Boat lb oitg bw FP ee IRAE gh MILER dowel id 4 HEH A FEEL Tohipg Ra an les $I SEEM adie $A TROP Bh BAW rE Bun > yl it ! f Fit ied i i {tay Tibial ied af the Hospital A. Wiallawe, father ot Miss Nottie Wallace, who b, an employe in Chor No Ginndi store, while andergoing Jeikini psnrgieal operation in the Adrian hos Patton! ak the weit end of them, The stable wore oooh peed by Liverymen (¥ Hat, Luther & Pavia, of Ebensbarg. Hopman © Hall + Patton Firemen will Hold a gre 1 in hall cn Widnan lay evening: mh. Proeesds ta jo towards Ths bail it Gi} cente present Trane mnt 21 Senin A grand dance axl pinkie veryone is invitidd th be present and have a good time, {hildren can take Vi tadied Air, 72 Ba. Bwawrz, Tikets wif! her Fiveryhody is {nvited to by will be | held at Anna's grove, Patton, on July | 4th and Sth under the aitkpices of the Ist, Mary's Catholle church of Patton, On Monday evening the Republican ; © | lal Lives an last Taeedsy died. His re mains were interred at that place. Don't buy a bicycle sewn the “Oresent.” or 4K until vou have PATIICK, A'S R. F. Gallaher, Prop votar af the RACKET STORE, Wishes to announce toy his customers that he has to his own building and store room an Fifth Avenus, opposite the Pat- ton Hotel, next to Patton Sapply company stores, where he is pre- pared to wait on all customers, shaw you the largest line of goods evi brought to Patton. Remember The Place.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers