The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 04, 1896, Image 4

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    il using De Witt's
| three and four hundred, and seriously
| Enexsprro, Pa, June 1st, 1508,
Cort cotivened here this morning ut
8:15 with Judge Barker on the bench.
Phere is a very large crowd in town
rrox PUBLISMING 0. Proprietors.
bi _ THURSDAY. JUNE4, 1606
President Cleveland has only done
what was expected in vetoing the
River and Harbor bill. The measure
as is pointed out in the message, di
| rectly nis provides fat te elemming on Taesday of last week
000,000 for river and harbor work, Wark has commenend on the new
5 electri light plant and in a short time
{i Wich btn a In = ision 16 propa. we will have much better lights. This
0 - : i ribs
lar purposes amonnting to a little more wl be igasan Ee * e ord Satine
© than $3,000,000, already favoruhly con. fon i. ite h as ac a very
13 sidered at the present sessdon of lige pst around hus Pp bi iid
1 , #0 that the contemplated im- irl of » sare J lian
| pears. John Rayan an . Mee.
| i mediate expenditures Sor jets han. of Patton, ars attending court a8
The bill, however, authorizes contracts
for future work on rivers and harbors,
the obligations on account of which,
. together with the appropriations made
for immediate expenditure, will
| amount to $80,000,000, The President
says, in vetoing the measure, that
: ey of the objects for which it ap
4 public money are not re
: lated to the public welfare; that many
| of them are palpably for the benefit of Mae oe
© limited lovalities or in aid of individaal
| interests, and that on the face of the
| bill it appears that not a few of these
| alleged improvements have been so fn
providently planned and prosecuted
thet after an unwise expenditore of
| millions of dollars new experiments
for their accomplishment have been
entered upon. The measure, the Pres
who are here are attending ootirt,
Jaek Seheild, of Patton, is 10
The Ladies of the Catholic chureh in
this place gave their chinreh a thorongh
Mrs. John Kephart, of Johnstown,
spent Baturday with friends in Ehwns- |
Mrs. Dr. Sheridan, of Johnstown,
gpetit a few days last week with her
mother, Mrs Hulehineon, of Main
BF. Notley, of Hastings, and J. 1).
Kirkpatrick, of Csrrolitown, were
the visitors to Ebensbuirg to
“The work on Mr. Bhioafeit's house
on Main street 8 progressing very
A number of Fhenshmrgers attended
the dance nt lLoreito Ratnrday |
On Thursday Inst litte Bert Meisel,
“of this place bad the misfortane to get
ident says, opens the way to insidious ae of bas Et a an !
| and xtenv ere ite , nl Ja 10 Belt when dinner time came they all started |
|| suited to times of depressed business on a ran for their homes, and in ran.
{ and recuting disappoitment in gov- ‘ning Bert fell and another bay fell on
a t na A well-merited re. him breaking his leg. He is getting
bake to some : of the Washington logis | | slong very well
Iators is conveyed in the President's Mes BB DeYoung, Middleburg, In,
} suggestion that at a time when the writes | have ased One Minne Congh
issue of government bonds to maiptain | Cure for six years, both for myself and
| the credit and financial standing of the children, and I consider it the quickest
| country is a subject of critiviam, the acting and most satisfectory Cough
| pontracts provided for in the bill would Cure I have ever used OW. Hodge
create obligations of the United States kins Pat ton Pharmacy.
| amounting to $62,000,000, rio less bind
. ing than its hands for that sum.
LO teres) te the Farmers Wi Beasd fhe
“ls rier,
eA Le Wooster, a prominent cities Patton
of Osseo, Mich, after suffering ex- If there is rast in the wheat, or woes
eruciatingly from piles for twenty apparcd in the field, the farmer should
years, was enred in a short time bry not wave any of it as seed as the rust
“teh Hazel Halve, an will be il next yesr
absolute eure for all skin diseases Tomato plants can be rads 10 grow
| More of this preparation is ased than rapidly by using pitrate of soda arly
| all thers combined, . W. Hodgkins, Sprinkle » tabdespoonfal of nitrate of
| Patton Pharmacy, soda around each plant anil rake Bt
THE ST LOUIS DISASTER. ‘well into the soil so se 10 mix # with
Asia well known a starling misfor- the dirt. After the plants ure well
: tune befall the cities of St. Louis apd ‘utarted pee oa omixtare of nitrate of
East 8. Louis last weik in the visita. Cmerdi muriate of potash and fine bone
tion of a tornsdo, which Killed a! (the finer the better | equal parts and
number of people estimated, at betwen | Matter ate or two pints over a surface
surd square, around each plant
injured thors to the ntitaimr of seversl working i tint the sail. The plants
hundred, in addition to causing the - will be vigorous and the crop heavy
destruction of property to a large One Ganrt of milk additional to the
amount, which cannot te very ae Jaily quantity yielding mag be the
curately estimated. Other places in taming point between profit and loss
the country seem to have suffered from Ther larger the vield the lower the cost
similar though less destructive visita of sach quart.
tions, Expressions of sympathy an d Spme pastures have no running
offers of substantial wid have been re streams, ponds or stagnant water be
peived by the mayor of Bt. Louis ing depended npon. No dairvmin can
: from the authorities of a number of make good butter if his vows are not
cities throughout the country, and be jouppien with good veater in came the
yond doubt any appeal from the § water is not obtainable from pes
Louis authorities would be responds h Heading from the barn, a windmill and
to promptly and generously, though it | tank will cost but littie and will supply
‘seems unlikely that such aa a | weil} | WBter for two or more fields If placed
be made. The Washington authorities Lat the corner of one of the fields,
ordered the engineer officers in the | More peas may now be planted for a
vicinity to render all the assistance in latter supply.
their power to the people of the afflicted | which are the eariiest,
district, and Congress adopted a joint | many pickings. The latter kind may
resolution directing the loan of tents | 410 be of the dwarf varieties
and such other relief as the Secretary | ferred but the larger supply ire
of War may deem necessary. (easy obtainable where the standard
‘kind are sapported with stakes or
en ———
Did you ever think how readily the wire
‘blood ix poisoned by constipation? Good roads go with good farming.
Bad blood means bad health and prema. |
ture old age. DeWitt's Little Early
Risers, the famous little pills, over-
_ come obstitinate constipation. C. W.
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
Electric Light For tik ¢ ampha il,
Carried aver uns
Mi: ature will find Chambering na
sale hy
croup and whooping cough.
(give prompt relief
pleasant. We have
1t is now 1 fact u , ‘years and it has never Caibied to
1 ARKUred Lhe Zl
how an 3 d sat Cilen the most | posted $ wali infact tion
Ww TE dmkin Patton Phsrnine ¥
(Glinwood Coal com pany has eis Wace
cesaful in inducing a Philadelphia firm
to erect an electric plant to furnish For the Blair
power for mine haulage from the No. 4 nial, to be celetirated at Hollidaysburg,
tipple to the Radcliffe farm, one-fourth Pa., June 11 and 12, the Pennsylvania
mile distant. Mr. Riddell, the super. Ra road company will sell, on June 16,
intendent, assures us the company 1, and IZ excursion tickets ta
will also furnish light for the town at daysburg and return, from Pittsburg,
a very moderate charge. The plant Harrisburg, and intermediate stations
will be erected near the No. 4 mine, ‘lineluding all stations on branch roads,
and we are informed Mr. Riddell will except stations on the Bedford Divis-
soon award the contract for the grading | jon}, good for retorn passage unt
of the road to the new opening and | | June 13 inclusive, at reduced rates.
the power house. - June 11 will be Military and Grand
Army day,
One swallow hy not ike spring, | 1) © ids and June 12 Civic and Ins
_ but one swallow of One Minute Cough |
Cure brings relief. C. W. Hodgkins, |
Patton Pharmacy.
" Rebublican National Convention, :
For the Republican National Conven -
tion, to be held at St. Louis, Mo., June |
18, the Pennsylvania Railroad company |
‘will sell on June 12, 13, 14, and 15 ex-
cursion tickets to St. Louis and return
single fare for the round trip.
» tickets will be good for return
June incipsive. For
ntl J 2, | specific rates, sleeping car accomoda-
tH and time-tables apply
| ticket agenta.
Blair County Semi-Centeniniug
Bounty Sarmidenien.
Hodgkins’ Patton Pharmacy.
Democratic National Convention.
For the Democratic National Con-
vention, to be heid at Chicago, IL
‘July 7, the Pennsylvania Railroad
| company will sell on July 3, 4, 8 and 6
| excursion tickets to Chicago and return
at a single fare for the round trip.
+ tickets will be good for return
today: The majority of the peciple
The dwar! varieties,
da not afford
if pre
sont YW for several
Cocoa Uola, the finest drink out, at
| passage until July 12, inclesive. For
Ofiver Chilled plows, sino Hench 8! 14. 5
: Drumgold’s riding or walking harrows |
for wale at the Cambria Hardwire Com
pany's sore, nf
Attorney and Counselor af Lav,
EBfinsat wi,
Lanka prrarTip tly RISOENG th
A reer’ Hall
Maraffey, Clearfield Co,
* fret iA
“ The Lesding
hy Ps
Lypeino® Pinon,
Prey’ Foabmiming 8 Specialty.
To Dress Neatly
SY Lent kak 3
+ him kek
im kick
Put goed strong shoes on the boy and
bry ¢ ghaee that uw 01 nd any a
Good Building.
ved Pron ol ew ” repro Millinery Hones a
TI REAXS, : i 41 8% 00 bot we copy them for
#4 rr 8 i
Have you seen THE Ln ANGTY FRE Nowe Verk and Phdladelnhis sre poang
wild over o-and sander !
Io ome of the few HATS that twantify a
plain fare. mod make a prediy © ;
rad res toe hewte ing
We've more than twenty Be wt vies Hf Sailors
are shown Bo Where sie in Lown,
Amie hem some #1 vies thal
” meet Average. AROOLR TE
Eleventh Aver ATE i
We have Jt Fir rea
fiw {harming atal Att
You 38 “Buy Err ¥
Ouickes? Mail Order House
in Central Pennsylvania.
Cough Remedy especially valuable a 3
With Central Pennsylvania's
Greatest Dry Goods Hogse at
Thet sx what our Mail Order Department
wii th fer you Mave vou ever tried it ?
Dep srmest va hewmehy the thopsarsdn of lading whoa Sunes aie
Sir mE pedis
A Letter or Postal Card
Wh have WOR wh Sp en and pices | ¢ 3
» tee RATED Ie she
¥ Glows. ~ :
3 arid x great Dpartonent hears hd
this always Pepe IR BERR
Send for Samples and See.
owns think the genni poetry and he prices bow
beter th pr them
We Pay All Postage or Express !
1 after wou receive the ane
# to us, AND YOUR AONEY Gok
Sead To-Day.
semua ber 1 ret you nathisg Seta
mkt tae tin wwe ToT el WRG TiR repr
Back BY RETURN Nall.
We want 38, ow Tew customers for cur Mail Over 03 wt. and we soe making
wrth worth white for every Indy withis « hasdved miles of A nsovtik ma Bs her shaping wih
us by math. Severs Phameind out-of town ladies do ail their shopping wk us by ma
Dea’t you think sur Service might benefit you *
WM. F. GABLE & Co.,
The saly Howse that prepays Fostage snd Erpreos in the
Boficitor for {arrnan Nations! B & Pa TTON,
L. associstion. {Office in the (ond Bofiding.
Reare off the Larpest Fire [nsar
arice Companies of the World
fre represented
Pro tect Your
~( )fhce in
1st Natu
+ UF
on le
% Ef
i y
NSE, nang
serrel oO £
: nic ple 3 : you to ex-
rine £ «FLA :
pics ior oping Ready
i »
Qo 5g wg apg ” 8 Ls » d Pi a i
» 484 3 Sort yey bo nrg ~32.AH RYIr- A145 rst In
¥ 44 adi: a5 :
ven to
a a WA :
T0000 xy A000 * i :
Hf BoA CREINE to purchase, tie information of what people are wearing will be
of valoe 10 you,
Framine car offerings sc shown by oor sales agent,
1IUNE Si ay
Lis “ %, 100.
be at tl HOUSE, FRIDAY,
s, Opera, Razor,
3 iy Ag
dla %
wit BPE pe
ATG F whe A
s input Trae
as wood Honest
MX Wilt De oom
by wl Bi
Ress WLI
eo. S.
8s Fon ee Pp cs tefhice £0. Patton, Pa.