3 ine ieiny Cut is : CU Artiheial cotton, savy a Paris journal, | peso iow (he naturel process in tid— that tuith sein far of gelinbwe noarly pure, aid ay nates ls sropiesd cation by miwsis of the elemints of the air and il fai ing thie ox in fine fibers by moans of sere fair and offering it An the state of wid ia be transforsed into what is requis of it, 90 the chen fst in his laboratory takes the natural oelinicie of he trep and arate it x3 Sri iia ng means of exitabie 1s this paz pose fir soous] is being su pit 4 Loan se foal end chemical cperat : threads are drawn ont, afteraar polled on bobbins. The material manufootored resembles orainary ton, though baving a shipher ode whigh cant be easily corrected-—that i; ft is a little Jess solid than nator ral oot tons. Gm une otuer band, however, the | pew substance is worked smd woven gu iily. 1t ean be dyed as resilily us nat arel sotton, and when passed throagh A weak solntion of tannin and curtain witht reagents it will take gery shade wf arcivcial colors and enn be dressed and printed on Just as aie the 1issaes of natural oo Hen. Cost ot Livieg In Paris. An able sta istichun has been estimat: Ang the cost + living in Pariz nt the ‘present time, aul has compared it with that of 40 years as» He shows that in Aha fifties an avers» middle class fam: {ly conld do with o budget of 16,000 fron, qr £400, anni lly. That did not | men lnxary, but it was eafficient for comfort and required no economicel | being when oe wn * Fyurk Ae Water Treo. the French Avademny of Bejonoos the re sults of an experioonl made bE MM Maxime Lecorte In Wangs up s Renu masenga. Upon makiog in sex ta the trank of it and placing a pa gi} st the foot ot tein anurts of pare w hours The gorilla if aba of slaxing smamE thor thiver at thes Yay wow A you PR aA EEE of Hindi at will by oft differant sized branches Many years apo bir. | the province of Mar plant belonging toh dor whose soft and pi ehigrged, when Wan auuntity of a pur which was guile ned an a beverage by plant was named by bre. min Afra Masse patomal or saxtetess finid, wh ipsa. tine pity om Wallich the Zane Phytie fret wile 8 thy founta These plant able ex pie ato thew thi ceria, Bh epibraces species that ny x Ark: and ward for the sane i Opinion. prokinee a as juice —twueh, for exam: ple. as the celebrated cow free, or pa de vaca, of Sonth Asseriva, which yields | | oopions surly of a om and who sone ti lk, as goaxd aw that of Lhe dew pwn =n hii is AR A pis A Quarter Not Enough. She was trim and pretty stylish and she wid in a barry to get down town, She had ote of things to bay, and it wast flmost oon and she was worried doing was & hint of» frown en her i i Bf | profiy brow a8 she hailed ons of the ceimpnr cars Which trickle down Indiana AvEnTS sud she hurriedly climbad tuto engineering for the pare of making | | an end seat. Then she began studying » both ends mest. Nowad different, and an official with n wits andl threa chilean dapendent on 10,000 francs a year has to work mirwles of saving in order to avoid getting ato debt. Acrordingly, in los tian Led a pemiury the senAitiens of 100 In Paris have been eampletely yaeadidio ot Bo eraggperation, in fant Fad 2a prices have donb) 4 amd with thin hes increased the dogies i a mors Juxari ona mode of Biving the Ly the average Parisian Sr statistician hos ceric i y bart his Benres serve (0 empl Part that the Fres ital} SEES Tine peton Tele Jere, pl by of Floss shat fling 51 S1dl Ite Vivoont Larix mm his master, Mmoobal the | G8 = Saal, bal the prin. es rival fir his fond: used is goxd geaon. Bo ik at court a sort of : sie de Provipes,' whieh ha sop dayew d there, pnd whieh hus efeee cond hael ogres ron “throniy i Mine Phe Sei i ilk Rik been gai ol bo dnested if, for many called 11a % irs cu Fault,’ and this pe ix maitabie, doth because of the etymol eS if the ward sud the character of the dance, T=200 Low mod Querisg. Abbe List. 4 Licey was a great pianist, perhnrs the preabost plasist pves known. . He wos bora in Pooper in 1511 and ade bis fit prpearanoe iu public in T3820. He dind inv as places for alow years, ot wad contisually giving oonIRTLA, &0 ths st CU pablicity became his chief fostructiz In 1847 his father died and he loonie g teacher of the plapoforie. Betwoen 18080 and 1547 ha traveled aver Parope: iu 1547 be becsme Lof Sapohmeister {or director af the nasi coments) at Welinar, in they be weet to Rome, and from 1550 he lived in Rome, Pest and Wolmar. He fied Bt Baireotl, Bavaria, July 35, a BTUs 1X ‘nade him an abbe The title was honorary, but ed the tonsare asd wore oe slorieal arents, though hie weeds, taught ax before aad fol Yowed Li previons manner of 1 Lif that i datice v Tony yo Bid Without = Shr. The most Dupona man witoout shadow’ wes Poti Solienaic, the Horo of a atory of the wii dass by Adelbert sp paises, 0d soo pove ie Paar a tha shadow boa Tid ra in ay | wins ttoved to be davis © The oon: Sep a snd Peter Nelle rath} | iB 8 name powadiuys (0 any ooe RE gain. But ; i hive Lan ther shadlows # tie Last Minstrel’ wr is piwntioned Jast Rix shadow Lo 10a shwtiol the Wink art in y Sole Tans ak Lo ERIE “ 3 rive A Liven B % 44 bait ers in shar Eiveiiy pearly Cie prt 3 gil LATE TA pap fspesstony SIAN fiir the theomgh waany ent to 5 Sry 1 si geil well A ga Gistanns 3 It isa ik onan, hardy enough 10 to say the least —Dustons Herald 3 Fas £ yiches Praha Lowes ¥ ive Tang 1aay Ab Wann pears, mee farted Mobmmmodan flag seri vied FARE AEE grit silk nightshot for thie Mohmane ig The fa enshrizd at Losi he a portion of muerly wan by % bhimsell i oadb 10 ia male The cap of a Uh iitiese mandarin sports a button at (he top, which by its colo and material indicates the rank of the wearer. be pul at by ita eristooratic } of | (own in the depths and close as Band. : and dre Sata ved Lady | “J's little list of things sha was 10 purchase Thre was embroidery, silk and phena- cetin dnd to changes the shoes asd pay the gas bill While she was frring to think of something eb sin hit th gimme of # blo wrisforo % Denes butiens on lhe fordbiiard boi and delving juts her purse gh a uarter atl continnid to E ret ont petty Hite woman her gianre full mr, £1 her, Nhe drew in the qoarter ina harry, as bending downward toward ber, thin copper said: "No, thask you 1 never take unyibing ws fm Ena e {iat ed Ricago Cliromiel Rogping Games at the Talieries The emperor and empress were ex. "mpitalie end kind bows, ti anne ymrpose unde mtanatel y ro wes were often of riainlly undignified and i site: i i aud saheol yan, Sad not, how iz ovr, th e3oat, mor the leentions Bra om Leiieved in by the Fanbourg 8 Gtrminin sud comtemptuonsly a wistake Iny in doing on a large saw what ought to ba tolerated andy AmOLK | intimate friends and very young Pope But the mean ingest! fade of those who enjoyed &ll the generous Kindness Inv- fshied ou their guests by the imperial | heate, and shen disfigured the tra th to sneer st them with their me ik, ton contemptible to be even ment! with patienie. eV the Tail {ipder the Becond Empires,’ ih Bickuell, in C entury, di Nr SIAN HA Sea 5 BE Too Tombs In the Alps A skeleton has beam Lonnd im ane of the Baenres of the Ademlio glacier, in the semtbern Tyrol, which i theoght to bat that of nn American tourist of the anne of Bath, who disappeared in 18K howe Basures cleave glaciers 5s all dn AGG iL is Very SSF toi slip nio ome Wien apee in it ls hardly pos get out without outside help cxeqirgnth of the body media ide We 81 und, si that the victim slowly { desesnds by his own weight isto the i Geis Logllarven of the glacier, snd grsmerally , death, On looking inte these fissures the roost beantital play «ff Light {sr blos and green and rainbow colo is seen away down But these are test fron the safe vantage ground » upper, outside world, rather than % ¥ sR EI heal said, 2 B5 In sume inasnoes, it Laxiion have been preserved Siwn bans S eo fir years ~Hartdad | ve,” sad Fart fart back thls pind ths pape “Poa sn redl Ye £ pl EE ? mt dul Onl Jes “Ry ell, Lf Fin gon 5 BLE aL agate we Sh TR w Entei Mather, 1 rims anit} { M Imeharte recently madi knravn to edd owas This water vine, and has been placed in the : wal character of their guests, bot 1 | @ character witribintad fo then A PU ERR Civaptiie Draecyioting oF Pain: DE BR tree £ fhe rpos yaoire than | dap ondleeted in 13 ns in The Ridden fonntaing, and nigra thin flow Yradifeny fomnd tal ae reirsi weoont died yiry larps | i 0ST ae wi the Tae Bad soa En ths salf fom Pont of dors to hn andi ¥ ig : mined if ® CLpern LpaTe piace glue tha Wh thee fi {jest the praany we Ear | which hick whirl The wind shivk {RIT The bh nda ions Menativnes fo fir days foomld hald no semmannbiont on i other thongh the hols wera = i Hany ome went onl, i i the wind and bad to be drape | pavans of ropes. In this Axrkniess and anvora borealis 83d ond Land cheer them. It Iasted sivant days in Spy oeRRioe : w tht Mr to demerits, To enor the siesta Tes remal a far Foor the mow, shelteral fin HT have paver sien aritls ww wits 85 $i nignl, ES hima lf When the gen Lair and Fe itjons of peal ot vi Hooked up ; a big | Sliema wi was smiling down oi oie 3 as TE Cel tnyaed with he Sas pom whe A | nnd g all these might Ring A } ES and ail by Bien it pindisg as Balti fr and the $i iES: {darted upeat paadie : Carne no ship hoes Fok BR EU irre mt inkalitants The ir Dpsineas ahr lay lsnid a word so far, and’ 3 Lramancing Um habla h {had liad mo part in il PL The spire, hay j bate ox aos wtiard, Seni Land Yogan 1 chatter 3 while $ ai Yor luis prosepos pricite vp it rad it. Tot sir patina eg a Tow monensin and ran out on Lhe th ng on antil it Dad to tx held and thea 4 pity fur a terrib Pky § hon tha ¥t A ig 5 #5 Fa WR pal &1 aps aE TE) A SF Fin NP SAR J TANS pointed beak Bian tien Pos Lhe A BA Fix ¥ £1 3 thal ds AT Chammioon LT A erty ps wee D¥he By and crew had bs An Bs Al that had 1 La3ks k their fine gether the mmmates of the differant hrits wan Apis aoa 1 wae guite ©) told Pa ma Lo pee EL 08 GO Wale 4 iw I Bae Flown Ww CAUGHT WI Carty Story of an Adventures in £4 cliveat hava Riience N Mrs red Tiedt Lil Over thie Veranda st the Carnpietion af Fhe Yarn reali 4 we shold the quests wn When : it AE TIETE BO, S7 ANG £ lial anongh Char daving serbia sent to {nda to tor atnff fen a Sonn cadnred off the J Aon tl now nea ang trip for ue, ane} as fa diving (nint was i TN 2 FeenYer 8 ARE £ 5 . A EE ETE preity Th Bnew L toy That YH ANE Re big ii LiasTy wreok Om oonr arriva Erg of thee Tw Tey me th at go i fo 2 # ¥ x5 fhe hy $= EE Pir a &53 font { of war Sib We A aSEter olf Fg ik Sat loan BO Ge shat Las Fie Bion omy Ti sk a ole :f an eR iing ARE 3 rabiler at ) a fas 70 oN ATR Sam WET A % ea i og a OP § ack $i i = fy Rise 5 SPE ¥is ii day Le a2 0 § storal gid 3 mad Seah LEE Dis Ed maa A awling of wri Humid Rag coro avr boa. BEG Ie atiay SaYiBR Se REATR { womid Cawith al “Sandfsl af gist was { Bis Jawa aga satisted Flan AWA Sudtinnd ai = Jraey x ivi Hix iD ewniaw 33 on Aha ap ag Laoad 1nU0 Loe ¥ GT wt Fw $y . wg in those dass the ate dicipper; and he : i Hi 5 eens EA CEr Ney REQ TOR 4 WW eh if wre : wha Frgseie The | Meniwa ise of Dir Pre Hoan wr fan Hrs bs SEE EE 3 siren arising he water in the may ad hig annex] iflpipe. Alter a gy mer boos By wih given Rengih of hose > lan te pach 8 Bigle trenperatare that steam (8 given off despite the pres pare of the feater inh the pening leading fo Fin wnrfaine, and the polomn of watet 5 ta exit tabs in gradoally forced op The releaig of wears and thy nt distur Irion fey Oe thie acmilisnts of the enbtaroy roderydy to fade Into steasa and viclently expel the contents of xi eke, exhibiting io the obwerver the phenomena) of a geymnt in action. —8% faa fis pai Brides ne the water fhe the oS AB FN 1 MSS SA Lowell's Fatriotiemn, The poxt var les Wes called to the service of tie soutitry whose fi aytednticds he had besh oeletiating no song Fin fn 1477 Aspeorionn Bi Hp sibers apeoalier wan of etd sgt, Kiwl preceded des i Bn § Ei ere cans Mian riled WARE Be i 3 deka = Bild piaseiaae Tt x pig sidy od Arelery. Yen pins be traced i Pe 8 out 438 i Class Xi, SEE aes SHH ee abroduenil into Bag of Eghers Wns nse rend Rh ww ari Sel i Ws vs 4 3 Fhe Nami HN Aw SRG Hipiaad 3s seria Lally ui the I San Edw adn we Bak fhxed 30 Honey V, whose | srghers destroy beds French savaers, with they yard jong ar a of Fielden Field alo the wr qiaaln sad hawoo. Shot. Gua bow Was an extremely %i rs the reigiy of of monk Hi 4 geports iat od ae ail as any of his of Tiewiaes (0 the Cam oa malay be fndd aside. Arche Fl. he wen Broom fiae ew hein, Aedes, fn the whape of an Arch tiny elod wed 1 WR, £ RE 5 Es " a £3 & regia ba Ranang anes viii, aie 8 Afra wakiedd 8 FE wh Symbationt Jewelvys tulies, Ye abe several dente Whietly- ¢ punter ther hes sitach a simi) tag of certain ik Loa Al geri WEA, 5. af the fret ahi ane yl Live ee enriched hy nach Huely wr ugha Hoe child ark, cn the brews; if sk she forediead. » amd hd mrs fond wear a maitinl nlicity of ibe i lacs, AX Well a J npancid Sng Lhe lair, if ee 23 nat cons gad WARNES BLE 3 . idr ie CREE RT nl Lgspnlt pias only ye 14a al Ahk ai WEINEN, ID (rp Gide 34 Pde AFTER any lead and oerd ipa ripda of PIN AH 8 FWaRD SI said 3 ja 5 I om Tua if prsaeed poe leaves Frases and bec kines of the latter kind aos frundon sale in Jarge | hvenars and are dusicable not nly as | spriosition, bad gocannt of their | pdessant and stig perfume, —Jis Wal aps’ Clriular CE paste, THA 4 ri a NS 4 poy Louis Kapotsany Friendly Bricker. af vba firm of Wik, emises WE Teen iy Het In Ris ta ih i wale 38 GEESE Layer of Mam when Lands Na meen confined wotiun Fh it wad taadios who 3 ana POY ee 5 ov finns Leoalil i whee hime grdinati pars in try. He was # ait phe fin ¢ [mies ita mits HEATON © 3 + 4 : fae mE ME Wage wk SI Ire, # a A 5 Ck va 3 4 Shas MT LOR Gets CEA EEE BYE Sur a Le thie § “eho warder drag Chinese ving an aod ‘tha waight Pinson BF Side posi we i re wt Tm ho & F 3 Wining wasn the eal polar disclaim i alk resp; switiiing for the acts of the gm, 1 always made it a paint 10 get my name overywhoens, snd whenever any sie asked for my astograph be got it Ome when I wires a itis town a great string of litte boys aud girlie stood in Jine waiting for a chance ta get my an tes vaph on the Little cards they carried. [ wrote them as fast as Loonid thinking to myse df, “McCae, old boy, sour name is gutting to tw a honsehold word,” When I looked dround the tent that afternoan 1 thoaght all the school eh dress in town were thers, and 1 goes they were I was feeling pretiy pod antil [ commenced looking over the po seipts and found 400 of my sniographs with “admit bearer’ written above them. That »¢ the only time in my Jife [ was aver bunsced by school children '—San Franciso Pot. dein nd Yew Zealmnd Is Naw Zealand i posuinrly supposed bao» Rrunp of eomparsively anim islands ving close off The const aig and ives to What ie tersoad TU Linr Aastra ian gone An ats Tae 2%: meat As a patter of pripes ¥anay 0 8 TART] ferrin nd “a ST L thed f ows iarge Ko fe Ae vol ¥ (A as veg COUNTER Lird small tex the woatin jy large mgods ard p Novih Jai@rd ariel the in ardanary Pup roperly Mudie Mogeage the f ihe 4 LeArnT North = ta son thern- ot, Tha North BAU aTI Seen wh siioinste 85 wore cali il #10 Bevan SO SAT oe ARR WEL Mani h sip ie than the th iva, SNE 2 PvE Ma Hk ERY 0 Ts 3 yds FIRE tH He duet makes insist that any Ws entivaly Wo hrirt he a wood ihe mann faviare of chairs, stipes BE strain of vee. Mae rig snfit for char re wads chars us wa miiyy # of cheaper wood stuin- ad to imitate mahogany. Map 130 18 re garded as a nowhere durable wood for shaits than mahogany. In fact, itis mad four fowg Bot Bog AY point the patin oh bh wn fate ‘said to be hetter {ur shaire than oak. The competition of Qe taotorion has had & gud deal to do with the nnwilling gess of the Lest calduat makers to man. afacturs shairs, ibe actory made shale ony Be seid for hall the price of & cali net made chair. The best of the fe durable, wepecigl § in ara offs yory Bousos that are ne 1 seerbeated in Wine tor, but they nek the perfection of fin. mh wastaily in deesration, that one He Hinet made chairs sent out st shops The cheapest factory {eq are shameful counterfeits of } gi ready to fall to pleces alightest strain —Now York sek 0% LlAiry En With Lhe Punishing. Priseners In Tee BaSap Wer tay Ware fn ain onsiy varaded peak and dragged messilesiy along, tor they cond hardly nie. rah Having wore lar boned 3 fost by pad 34 imehes sek attached x goat je Ta Lwo parts, sheds onstat ys PND eR wircnlar The half boacis are screwsd tem a unge cellar tive hemd an 4 one of the ile aboye. A chols isettached board, by the other pnd of which 28 the rrisoner. Un the in Tihetne and ant of the patnre inflicted. The to sink oder but this they W hemes (ne the whip of Qs Buin ap . Bia avr Yt CISiTA » are oie 3, awd Ei tee 28 Ay Pe bo AREER Board sresnseri sions the crime amd penasty Prar westolien wera ready of she board iorwed to da wis d . TWH. warily served ; ae Nomen Lanacy Mr. Pasckiog’s Boose rsag, SHAR said Mr th yr b Pagel dil Geonkive are the « free You ¥ Pack wm wittativels, TH ES tanrants WE swmnstory Lhe N¢ Anis SIN SP reg Shed habit Cnhmmtani ng pard of Bulls Wing ower woof abs ¥ . 1 mavear it. HB 1 Siw Liar, ie sarily days at woling harp, a aideal ; nes are the re-eth ithin Bs Novalis
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers