The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 04, 1896, Image 1
\/ Hippinem: cistomer. PATTON, CAMBRI ACO, PA THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 18 Gf. BY $1.00 PER YEAR. ND & COWDE al S STOR. - ty, Any person who buys The Matter of Extending the Water Main worth of Goods in chises at the Foanthuricy * they Cash Pur- Cleaned Here and There by ma the ‘Courier’ REPORT OF COUNCIL. Reporter Was Apnin Tauen Up. Patton Borough Council met in Connell Chambers on Wednesday night with the following members present: President Alex. Monteith, Ralph Leisch, 8. M_ Cornelius, J. N. Brewer, Daniel P. Jones, Joel Dixon and B F. Wise. The minutes of the meeting hold on Wednesday night, May 20th, were read and approved. 8 M Cornelius, who was chmirman of the committee appointed to sed th proper officers: of the Patton © Manufacturing company, stated that pipe which was taken off of borough premises would be re company when needed, and that CO pany dace by the the sare will receive FREE 3 choice of such fine p volumes as Wibsters Dictionary, Hide Manual, Gaskell’s Compendium, Talmage's Life of Chirist, The Oily, Peoples | Ht story of the United ow Stites, The ator, Story of ed the : World, Pathway of Life, Health, The Home Book, Portfolio of the oe orid’s Photographs, Story of Wild / West. We jssue a card to ea ach Call and gee us his, Patton Pharmacy, Headquarters for T drugs, ‘Medicines, ‘Chemicals, Etc., A posite School Bufiding. : im most city stores. gan sell it a small profit at small sum of NEEDLE toes in black and «fan. WE Arey a fine line of Oxfords at 75c, too, 1.25, 1.35, 130 oo 10 $2. i OUR Corduroy Vesting) Top Lace Needle Toe at $ 25. x the handsomest shoe in tow n. Of course we carry all the latest things in blacks too. Hosiery to match. Go all here. around then come Respect. Yours, L, : Clothier, Shoe Dealer and Furnisher. | But we x The commitios app seers tain how many fre plog Cand where to ho paced reported that they located positions for five. LLL Brown was present the Patton Water company tend water mala if the borough wot agree to take 12 additional fire phi, P. P. Young. who came into the session after roll call, produced the charter of ® were reeled whic: stated tho wikihd o3- {the Patton Water company, which was read by the clerk, On motion was resolved that a committee be appointed ‘to see Mr. Brown in regard to masking & compromise us to the number of fre plage. President Montieth appainted the following ss a committee: Ralph Jaisch, B. F. Wise and I). FP. Jones, P. P. Young, in x report of street commities, stated] that Street Commissioner Hanter open street through the Lh Jira Pei pl pervsge erty, but in the attempt was wirned off with threats of visienio thi owner of the property. On motion i waa carried that ' following bills be accepted and orders be drawn for the same: Patlon Supe ply company, $24.8, for ofl wieks, iete.: Patton Pabishing company, $12.10 by Mor month of May, and ‘oners; BE. Wil Greene, alerk for morh of Ma Council then lard Los Connvit Chambers on Wednesday Ving, June 3, 1908, st 7.50 shag. esis WO prise » 1, salary iis Bent 8 A devios of Govoos. Ebenstnirg and Paton have st land Lenni To ferme Roul arvana 8 men ol SEVEN TRIS tes bey played sitepnately on Ebensburg aud No ; dn case of tie they ing game on poutesd “gear bas namesd their 13 men and only Lmen whose pames appear ob roll can be played in the series. A.B. Clark, of Hastitips, haa, by anions coe (ment of both tennis master of ceremonies The games of fw fen mre as dolun Patton 1h 1 YW. CHile, Welle, Ardsirong, Beith, BH Riley, Hunter, Jane sot, Lite; Heusl Somervil, Ebensburg - Knee, Blair, Jue Davidson, Dow, McClane, Huoutioy, Davis, Bperiein, Shoemaker, ©. Kin- kead, Larimer: I. Rugle BERT, I Flys “aa FAA Munagur, Bane Bali al Nebiadis, ASHVILLE, Pa, Ashipille and Fhessbiirg Gf the best ganies of the seasin Batus day aflernoon an the in wih Ashyviie by ase of 8 Anbivilie ground TR bis ote of Johnstowit's 1 he was “pie” fur fot that way ‘Butch, for 3 from start to finish ordinary kicker, has quit makiog | batters swear and abode in left field ond will be sli ri a long soon © come. Det the Bai! WEY EO wis bp IL reach, for there were no “balloon bails’ in the field to rodl at b hart was scpatobing | saw the Ashville boys 2 [lein, who twisted the bal he delivered it. Clynpser pot his eye on i one of his curves in the eighth inning and sent it to “Kingdom i two bases, Now this little peach of a Jehinstown pitcher might be ail right for some boys, but he cannot do Ash. ville, in fact the whole Ebensburg team wats to get in beiter shape before they play Ashville again. ASH Dont miss Byron King at Carroll town on Priday evening, June 12th, wi ho atl Tris * x ¥ 14 come’ RK (2K O88 ju a good (of note that in most of states the Grand | mented. Louisiana and Mississippd | Fourteenth Lentil at prise n 2¢ Ti thet for adverlidng aml printing: John Boyes, R31.00, for polos WP ICR Bye GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC A Pow Faoks Aho n af the Pay. The Grand Army of the Republic, says Munsey’s Magazine, nnquestion. ably takes rank an the greatest and Agr girs most powerful patriots organization the world lis over seen for iis atest report shows a membership of 307.839 veterans. (Of ita State depariments Pennsyivania is the largest, containing 43.213 members while New York, with It i= worthy the southern Army jx well repre In Alabama, for instance, we 243 members. in Florida 550, and in is phat: As Wraling dee "5 vet the four posts in South have not arganiod inte partawent, but with this exnsplinn the santhorn states spe provided & i'r. Berjamin FP. Stephenson is cepted ag the iby Fhe served as oa Feity a #3] 383 Bi fonder of {yrarsd Army REPRE LT ilinins was xf Pwestur, th day of April, |} PLRI feed thes Srl vant Hi. Pagh wes len Spring maven all oy Philade dphis Eat Phaers BPG an] et Th Anny Ried] al feewdin Fe araend Natioy gk Fix ud Ercampaia hesony pogriiarty held dines [RW fmpriving the sehoel Property Wark Lie stone wall in srmipsensed on The dew fears of the Patton Pal hie Sebo] Building smn Fh and Bee avernes, The ford oy Filth Bewch a will dxtend “ni The constenttion of wall boy the efficient bands of John Craglairdi and far completed presents the appearance of good work: manship. After the wall ix completed it in the mtention of the hoard to grade the grounds about bailding Wn #8 mantis to compan Se in the epanty. The whool property 8 bess tifully situated aifenct 8 grend well av lean on wid BURT en Aahitien 3 an sol 3% 5 tim wit fioiemt ariel ran he mua | $4530 deal of artent ETON 0 8 apd FX Tabet A terials LEI at . he b rs 3 Mt A Patton on the 4th of July. g WEA BIL ye PR SIA MRS TE da ina ui RVR. API th a Ap# Si NE FEHR RE Bye Ey £ i arian g wiry EAR mab ta Be guite wr CFERE FReed Fos Wirt Nason "The marriages of Walter J Famed nnd Moe lan nhettiy | Weaeankiland and Mbps Pathe ab the chureh tar trotipis Larrai dow afr Mumdlay volitown on June Boren ifee DRE, Fil 34 Tien Lier sport they pear Yo have, Walter. A Voie of Thaaks thanks In ered $ i ¥ i ERE RA FEY oar ERAN indies whe furnished Hower Ey ratipge Phe Day: Mm seine ieies WwW oH Maw Mrs = marseifor, Carded], Cornelius and Mrs. Kinkead 3 4 ie also tendered to the Sons ring thw Danas ofther soiet ios wi partes A. J. J H. Buu, Ad) eras gil add, Fh 2 1k ud AL KBoN , * om. i Ladies if vou want a stylish hat for » A. Asberoft right away as she expects to ot bus Id sanimer tall on Adi oliwse ess SOO. Children can lake edd Nir. DR. SWARTZ Vitalis CAMBRIA The Fieke! Pot bn the Field at the Careall. LST bi A CAALAY Who Mav be Present at Re union to be Held Here POPULISTS. Lavwa Convent, the names and ad. the survivors Following are Ae of nearly all of f the Ninth Pennsy ivania Cavalry Ww which a grand renmion will be held in Patton on Jane 1th WE Eis fuses Hoots MEET FYpeE of Gilbert Weakhind, Kirsch, were chosen power to choose a fourth delegate. A. B. Kirsch was chosen cotinty Charan and Gilbert Weakinnd, Secretary. . Resolntions favoring Government swnnrship of railroads and telegraphs, proportional representution, the in. tiarive and referendum tax reform, and the Omaha platform were adopted. avd in Carpenter's Hall, Altoona, Thareday and made the following district nations: For Congress, W. A Cother- ford, Loretto, Canbris connty; Elector, Jobin Ruekling, Hollidayvaborg: Delegate fin RE families Convention: A, be frm, Salts nn, Cambria compte Allereads, A. Btone, Xilaona, Thi Renntarial Confermees of Chabria Risie covuntios nominated David Chrwincin Altewna, for prate Menator THE COMMISSIONERS CASE § art Harker. s savstiinw du Promdt dens Margie rl are The superior codrt, Sitiong 45 hii handed dedon x ads didge iff dais dadinhin last work midon, sustaining Bairiger’s og wiliom 18 the PET I s Elagdd pointy The they Bovve exviiand in her arid Pillon foams pean, un ak aaa Wit be readily mneh disogaeun Tha COTTER ovr the Sun: wi whether the collect 83.050 per pont ab ene yest proording to a peseril baw of the State, or (oly $400 per Vir, Be per a special net relating to the regen, act hav, whieh ls meta gules by implication in the fre ntionsd, > x Prd SHORTY, frst that thy fonmer thee for, Jind oar Fanldl fat wae still poed ana, anti there in new legislation, Cainbria sonny comamionen cannol pyar thao $00 per annom. FROWN Roaniod Joep Nora Waa of Boutaldde, has Patton in the fornmgdy open. white ly finn. £1 Beasdy, opened a new store in Rabinawity building, pled by RF. Gallaher, with Row the “Basar! He will Readies snoh articles js notions shoes, Puts a% half hoadware, hoasediold peoosmiting le. Mr Brady is a gentleman of mach ax perience in the mercantile Hine a Patton tile ohances with hin bether merdhant in WCE eR fan fie endeavoring to do an bonorible busi. CREA COUNTY POPULATE at ba dhe Field hy he rons Convention Rh Sibert Weakinnd, of Cas Jab Barley, Of armoll Townah B. Juin Congressional Lionferress A Wirseh, Farabaugh Resiingper The (‘onferrees were instructed for Ww. (Comerford, of Loretto, for ¢on- gress, and A. B, Kirsch for Delegate W the National Convention. For the State Delegates Dr. Sloan, Joseph are The Cr aiem extends a had of CAN Eolerprisibg OW. Ned. president of the P tan Clay Masnfwtaring company, Lah Ji a een several dao Dest well Tonkingt RE RU a RE itd ; Eis EAE 25% Mi slant in shape f Phis untiviagr ate rdy wed exertion business ab lity in Reteriatio Ld 18 diy pied fret fang Lag Pb Shes EA WEY fant. cau GF GRY ehTerprid {uf fs vonirod and the Hig fake Bnsuds wa rEEY fa YER 3 in ing thedr inisresis boo een FF OTe secptioning atnre of {Hse nraiiion Wei Laie mRvingr ys wh + ot he Seve Votaraiis REP ile appearanoe and we wh a ign a wei nase af i“ t sey. Joo Liar Veterans doin iat soaiiaedd aad Way whinge Gat avila neh enema bership Ww fn Patton Wleniiy #1 of Svs Kee thas Putian Sn Sl . i Flow pet pogo tine 4nd § gun 4 SINE faci Baer Now Baldi, Fiuher the painter ME, Santen el Gea aoe bling © Magee avon, ip vel will Das icusea in Wi af eer ea ES | hi The Hist Hvar 1h be eed fon thin HERR, speed) story or Mr Hisher ax thie balidinne when san psstant Cavalry Boao ut Pog we vinin ARNE Panasayivaiia |! ia ¥i Why 14% Nish SEY w of wit Hay twenty PARTY HNBATY Prrroan, Cambs thas 10MT davalryras pate bupadad E3313 wii Parribigeg apr string the wal bE ppp Dib mebellion 150 de uve 1X1 fares peroentagge of that number this seanion - BElensourg trip Li Ebensborg aid you will be Aveommodations exe 69-11. WO Gehedr G of Ed oN Hilaire hos used right. cellent and rates mosderatis BID Te $ 2 3% Shed WANTED A good girl for general housework. Apply at residence of E. Brown, Beach avenue, Patton, Pa Any number of teeth extracted pain- lessly by nse of Vitalised Ar, at Di. SWARTZ. Avgustine They were given The Populist Conferrees of this, the Twentisth Congressional District, met 13s Le -esRilebisly thes Wan PL Matehers Ruan Cassa ann The Grives of Honored Dead Soldiers Decorated. TWO ORATIONS GIVEN. Chas. WW, Wassn and Sivie Baty, Wire the Speakers, Fitting: re Rew. Evins reverence wax paid to the mismory of the Nation's soldier dead on Memorial Day in Patton and that one day of all the vear st spurt as 8 astional tribute to the memory of the fitlen héroes was observed by a grate ful people proud to pay this tribute of mspect lo the honored dead, Everywhere the stars and stripes floated gracefully in the bree and the ass of patriotic symbols was general alike on residents and basins houses, AL abotit 5 6m Kavior Post, Na ciunpanied by the members of Peter 83 AR, ae Kans of Veterans, Were sone Ag torn eemeteriva, where they decorated the graves of thie dead coanrades with Rags and oral smblems immediately tribute they i carriages to the mE srpatitne heat Spins ned Cavell after Bo Hus Patton fo awall the prasad wervioes, which wera previously anpounced (0 take place at 2 alelondl At that hour the parade win formed on Magee avenns and marched bo the grove on North Fifth avenos where the addresses of the day were made After at the grove the services wer opened by prayer, and singing iy the chair after which the orators of the day, Rev. Chas W. Paying 5 rel arieay La imseaabling Wasson, pastor of the Methodist Epis eopal chiareh, Patton. and Alvin Evans, Fa.. of Ebensbarg, rendered ap propriate and elogoent disconrses in commemoration of the occasion. Mis Ions Sandford, in a charming manger, cited a beautiful poem entitled “Rest Sweetly Rest,” and a biographical sketeh of the life of Lient. Peter Kayior after whom the i. ATL Post of Patton takes its nme wis raml by Compade Luke Behe. At th vonclosion a firlng squad come posed off Sons of Vetrrans fired three sduted which anpoanpesd that the Gb servanome of the dav wore ended £08 Re Present, According to the South Fork Raven, Hen, J and B Stineman proses nteed to DT. Stinenian Post 506, A Ri, Biandsome ro af their brother, Daniel T., in honor of Ce. ix of Routh Fark, a wha the post was Killed at The misile from a photograph tate shortly before manent. Mr Stineman wits Ps portradl bk in rayon asl was fon fisted in the ary, ad whieh the gat in Lhwir Ho was a Hundred sua Vol age when hk sin it 2 - A ARIbeE Rees nis wire anable wo wipe ly meiner of SOMpARnY Io Ay hh Wie Sd yeas of ue aiid Nizety el Ponusyiy u gritos and hyd : : : witlawl 0 The prt eid mG iT Ls Hor of Yrovrees: ai wid dance sed Pivots, ad pienie will be un Jnly RAT REEOES af the Phtton. and BF a Baa it, Fk amd Hin ier he Mary «tat Pervian as | A ptted “i Serie ChGrel asl 3g presen Lathe, ABN Try Hodgkins sods water when you ares hey R. F. Gallaher, 3 Pr RACKET STORE, a1 wir atar aif ws to FHONNCE to hik own hullding and store room an Fifth Avenue, opposite the Pat ton Hotel, next to Patton Supply company store, where he 8 pres pared to wait ou all costomens, and show vou the largest line of goods over froaght to Patio) Remember The Place.