” Mflent on ‘That Topic. #7 pencl a very interesting artic othe ! other day," said thls lady, who wag presiding at the breakfast table coffee. | pot. “in what sol BH hed the it: ar boarder ad he po Pes se i ] th wal hy x enh sentist, J oman, tha 1 he say, fin yi city sehoelma’ann 4 er feo drink Raid that the ge which gr AUR ‘up dd 28 faving | ] rt the | an hid fut Bis exact ar rei, Vix np BLo PE ROTOR fiir ™, roan 1 RR really a won Fel ¢ It went ex: hanstiveiy to! ris miral constitnents Alteomthor he makes a strong ease against coifos and shows its daletes rions ¢1¥écts upon the homan system. “Mux Flasheroft, "said the star board er as lyk again passed op hid cap, on thy | half full this tim Please. Thanks, | § : y ¥ | i § ‘ ¥ { i § | wenn Hs nek 8 quesfion about your sol | 5 : |e hal Been looked 1 a entist and his article 1 da an “het did he sav vas the effect and the hipnisn system ef the articles come | monly used in boarding houses as guts stitntt wg fur cufion lit voit Free Prise, A RR of Calfforsin | Climate. “My introduetiim fo California came | jn the aliape of a dose of paenmonia | Aeclund the fat horsesnan from Now | pleats, 1 came ever the sonthiorn | ponte. and erviesing tha Mojave des 1 it was Jitter than the Hine e of Whin I wont to bed, - thongs! 1 oid Tae Baked Fike a C nas pie bude morning. Lihrow pedelothes off and Jay pe pepiting couple of honrs a Arie gu EAA Fr mth “lame Fivn in the night T woke up and could hardly move hand or fos, 1 thomight 1 was baked toa criss pincliing myself alive and wok limshs a Hietto 1 ones tthe oo in frigerator | oar Atl was on anid storaae I stad the 1astter for a few minatis and Rnaliy remem lead wh F aghs tobe 16 felt awronnd for oy bit | “some of ny peighbo niet have felt pold before 1 did and had stolen them. : 1 hal just encuph sensa and str ingth | left fh ring for the porter, and it Phin kK the rent of the night to thaw me ont He explained to ran that we had left the "desart, where the thermometer stood at | 18 im ie 0 4 had ran into) eight inches rr Tehachah pies : wher the merenry was down to ae, itn Franoise RE Po Pir. Peters, the “Explorer” ! Dt, Peters anos wrote a bok entitled | sexy Tight om Dhar Africa, in which! he shes tp thes rt of Light thas Yin | work has hire wri on that continent. In August, 1553 ha started! np Hie Fans! river in Bettich East Africa af the he ad | f an armed forve of Somali Be vrvi 4 oll of th, by the caps in ¢ of} a canoe, he ke wt. among some kads of | mmtutinition a sid brandy, Hehe only load | of beads I possessed,” He cemtinned | hin journey, as he tells UH, “we ithoat | greieles of barter.’ Hla of cowrw had not suflicient food | with hin £5 last for the whele jurney, | ang. vould pot have carried 1 1 if a had | In comseguence, ad he « “iba : determiinati iw to pdvdner ¥ th year me?*—Dets troit FP Fie Press yom must fire, fl Cpexquisite articlis of Larter once for all | “decided the charseter the oxpe dition | awa for the futuro to bear.” As the car avn was obliged to got fod and had | 3 no money with which to buy it, food had to be stolen, . he subsequent history of the dxpedi- tion fa therefore one Jong story of raid, ~ Joot nnd massacre. No traveler has fol- _ lowed in Peters’ footateps without feel. ings the 11 effects of the distrust of Eu- opens that his resulted from his ac fign. The bara he did cannot ba an: done in less than a generation, —datar- day Review. 1 Prevented » Waste o of Puwdar. A good story of Major Macdanald is told by. the London Chronicle. The | - phicky major edmmanted a battalion of Budusness at the battle of Toski-—brave bliks who wete devoted to him and Jored him like = father. During that battle they disobeyed him for the first thine. The wily dervishes had lain down o few hundred yards from the Egyptian | and were deliberately drawing the of the latter by springing up, wiiving their banners nod falling prone in time to escape the shower of tdlots that followed. The cagerness of the Badanese was such that they could not be made to see thas the object of the © @ervishes wad 10 case thera to nxhanst | their ammunition. Major Macdonald exhirted, commanded, swore in his Pent Arabic, and all to no pape The Liacks sould “loose off’ ax their | enenien. 50 at last, the situation boom: | {ng desperate, ho ran forward, and walking down the front of 4he firing | : lian be shouted to his men, ‘Now, if | ing throagh x met That Familiar Cload. (Dah isa cloud on dia semble, eed SOrYy 10 say,’ said Dewberry Jones as hi held his raaor between the pot and kis opponent at poker, Calg dah asked the man who was rimching for the monoy rather nervous 1y. “i %usenh. Tt am uo Liggah dan a man’s han, but when de size ob dat han hap- ¥ing ter be five deuces yob kin jes’ at i do elood wim chock fall ob troable pA Gr AY AHA A The goes and CALS of North Aner Kin commonly winter io the West Trlies ud tn the valleys of the Amawn and inca, hut great flocks of them have bien sect Crossing the south Atlante in ot we satan, evidently bound for Africa Ibe dine well A old XH : sm the wind can be Xn Ditonyiomineg, it fev rth to Is mer ey viz nly vert bh ERE hile £: of H thie 3t th ind 133 by 1 stop Asia Byte Het Wi Fell if hes m2 lis pede so nrect | seviewer, In thi! serps who has had | wis jn his erafe, is oa ja rpm Jikede than thy | Bp it Fla tne onsen Re ion of i eeasfal bdr herofore he, : should Lo allowed lerably fron hand | as regards form and arrangement, Por- F sonally, | of course, 1 always take stock | ax rapidly as ean of the Diterviews Fand rempenlr Hin homor mo oeversthingn After all, hoo ia the Ja ar post iat | mately concerned Ww th the success of the | Joint producti are with t which tho jb ft concerned and not that of the nterviower, who i ailment | Cimvarinhiv anonynions i I am always in lus dabt ’ r the Crate £9 arom of tho inte Ise an drove talon | ner oer tsi In ord for thers ¥ po must be Jargeiv ite Fan. I am only ® «ting that ti inal ant 1 as Dbwal oon she brief home of | a Japiter and Doa't SREY sR aniy ges Fitirary. it wwheest pian, after 150 granions comdesoens mitted, 14 to forget © the interview that vou tho pit hee pana bs fanny | Why, 1 ris | plained ta pe hone i eat teeard shonld be i Un ISOTION ta whatever I leoan [prise at this £ray ured #5 Jon friond seats it cohid that [i £5 M say, inquired, The Irion the pact that tho sland oomatetivt was distilled by quantity Fast drips and Brande wad always sg sary 8 sen meyer cmt like a ration of ram, only moe gpaRtIng YETI ig bite dns wifi thar wWaley in fr 5 on day EY tar JRE 3 soar ann fees wir } © ORE Yiian ye & x tne Broth maha i the sor gntion of Alexander 1 of ie : mia in Centary eettainly didappoin ed in th {prieaReio J wiki | mcteethe Depmios os w a an atigues semis a le Rosie whieh | promised to be tee most t criginal, sone | thing that ope cond see LT he aera acteriatio: he pead of the pe i lew, and id Tarhie Fria pe hoe came the emperor's private escort, very han darne | in red and gold, two Comex regi uetts, | the Commack deputios, and my hin the Axiatiod. No wonder I didn't find them Sniposing, for just ax they wend passing the hands strech np the rational hymn, the Berge minted, atu the dep nties beeaie a mibaeed mame clinging to their hore’ names. The owner of a; viry bemotifnl seilow sik dressing | Row n——idl their oosturaes looked like dressing gowns—kept his hed and hte seat, but 1 saw the khan “ Khiva's| : huge black fur hat bobbin and dawn ina most thas -kban- ny Aoi A a SE up The means Ly which ict may be | mensared by its sound 1s a novelty ing modern scientific research to which the | attention of the National Academy of Sojences has been drawn by Professor! Burns He ssserta that the whistling of | the wind as it crosses a wire varies w fi! th vel wity, and that this ean be come pated from the pitch of the mo i arrest In fae of a wiv: Rete oo wire and for a gplven alr ternerats spcind eT trter arta hment : made to convey the scaod, Isolated fro am other nidses, ta the obwervir anes. Thus every gus vuristiom of | $d war abel wa hea oft iret i the gust can if + sommes obtained fn at rignt ang is bn {vise Contino Boaad of Leisure, py hy a u peck the ie th the pred a SUN WE Gite hone ££. eR 3 woe RTE SRS © bintt. : Why fle Change: “Heard your horses and | bonght a ¥ Yep I prefer the pre it spin to the past span | develamd tain Dealer, ipl fated ! Carns of the hovine fant, edt more elie i hiuk gro off hing FIA Just Borns, whinh, mined the total evened this nee opie fran rhe rans. es A Beoanen Aton dis The Fen Yiaraed Texan Cow. ; Misery In Italy, Bout of the pany : Fre a hygien: nie stand cing Cpr Dadi 8 LOY ilier +4 Wr el = ¥ ‘sant HATS Was FREE I AE, pt horns fro { prination the platen inte parE fy prpdometag pel 2 Fhe i Are bo : gh 54 hl hi {which go to Fira RrrE rr i x sid inl y f hoon weer Reps Ean rt 3 ital hahaa IBIETIAL CHAT WT ary ries foot) Hic ram's horns than Tis 1901 or IRG2 1H 50 £0 wrk % Terryorhy {ane TRIE imrer 8 fost aed that fie On Wis taken i ld to a Mr. Manley pao} ax 1 the rane and w ff Parigs Tex At that time, besides the horns wi sila of Boas sha haul op Joga En Win | Each D nid Warns, in addition ww ! ; & ednnated that more bh wd i% total of : ro gos x Ll ria fad Care ol Desitell ty hash with the fava on her Bea, of ten. The man whe heut hefora phe was a Mr Oliv, re saw wi these oxtracrdinary bm Bey vores Ko pers stent i lenta # air Ey Egnunatly cans iy deaths A Finer Slmenr dow a aw! : saw provinoes of Vimetin aml Lom demers] male ans PE bh ; was an at iy es - fo Ber te praze wel stand wiike tilts which made hay basg $s 2 fuer longer st, lamps fo Hp on Tog $ ben Ban ee Rawiies, foe) | wo aban wean be Ivar non ea thie 1s dinning « ££ ¥ hegun "Iw fo s gunsie pri t bre a >t CF ® Sal BW tered te mY the virtet Jithie we wiloed mal fo wliow her sme op classical patnre We struck else Snare asked Brom Joma he Lon oo {naw a her ¢ that i I: ard that I had ry Te ey, the priv * A #6 hielo Nhe laughed Agen she handed mes song she aut and asked me to play the aon pandment for her while she She sang so beantifally that like roe in a dream. When she ha whiedd. she thanked me, and with smile she said, You cannot nS Tw hat you have never heard Jenny Lindl She thanked me saain, and left ue dum upnded. =-Fhisde pla Rewsipd It Was » Georgian Mule, A number of indignant citisns wor grompesd alent a dead in Perry street lane. The male had just dragaod. a load of Rindl desting- tion, ated when the driver, win Telatv ing the anirmial, Stout dew where Fhe Win oF waa to be delivered the promosd and 3 aed unk wks and Lain iS ; Hasty Cra FM vegetaliions . Fs fall a raw material : J Jaa § Hine EE Wine x3 ie i - Q IMs NES at Forms of Name “Smith.” dd Liedeesoties of Hr fie LE Word $ fas iif TN, J Fe Wid road mw ay, eR § Sar RA A Whers to Rick, Pretannlan as Re oe SAAN LH £0 IRay woman wy nr i it is a fort Gh PE A ppesry What Ha BALIEN WY Igeanape Fahd to *Sky Stones they from fal in tds way aad for YOIY ators Ww hict fo hvve Deep? ¢or aonbt a . A¥inik, bate iY kent gis thing Poon bewlios iond EEE PY to Than, Tefore The Sultan, tw Wetah, nia TEER a HE ALL Sia! Popes ate an tian Last ir ead F } 3 16d URGTY OYE BR its SAK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers