ii § ¥ {Oontinusd from Are page! battery; Michael Rico. i Wesley Dorman, aggravated sssanit and battery; Maggie Hoover, Wasley Dorman, burglary, Maggi | Hoover. 1 Syvivester Dorman, larceny and re. Do not understand our phenome. nally Low Prices or udge them by the ap stores. When to imply Val price standards of we say Low Prices, we mean that we give the Best and Greatest ues for Much Less Money than similar | worths ean be had for in other places, Monday's Price Opportunities will wiki : emphasize this all-important fact. NJ ATHAN'S Linens. Compared with prices you'll see quoted, | every one of these is a prodigions bar | finished, 43¢. n. 4 meen and Redd Table Linen, full | donble width, fast color, 240 a : yard fine da- waft Unbleached Table Linen, mask patterns, 62 inches wide, Full Bleached German Table Linen, double damask, #4 inches wide, soft i finished. no dressing, 75¢. Half Bleached Table Linen, plain or with red border, 25. aver known, estimated portunity to male & © district, Prudential Gold Mining company, and Genuine Rassia Crash, 16 inches wide, ‘pore linen, fhe Pure Linen Lunch Napkins, colored | horder and (ringed, extra large size, 5 ARllinen Dinner Napkins, fine da mask, assorted patterns, $1.48 a dozen, Crochet Bedspreads, Marseilles and small check patterns, full size, 69c. Crenhet Bedspreads, Marseilles pat- terns, full sige, 3% Crochet Redspreads, new patterns, in large and small designs, hem mye ready for use, 880. Crochet Bedspreads, extra large size and heavy weight, $1.24 Mesequitto Netting, beat guality, eolors, eight yards to the piece, for ar INJATHAN'S Nn | Black Dress Goods. The hamdsomest of Black Dress Goods and materially the cheaped in price, 88-inch Black and Allwool Serges, extra fine Pe u yard $ineh Black, Plain and Figured Mohairs 490. A04noh Risck Allowon! Fancy Weave Crapons, Mi 443nch Black Albwond ores 470 4d-inch special, The $4inch Black Silk Finbned ettas Sc, $8-inch extra fine Black Silk Warp Henrettas, special, 9c, #inch Black Jacqosrd Brilliantine, high lastre, made by Priestly, Th. 'NATHAN'S The Always Busy Stores. Johnstown, Pa, Mail Orders have our prompt and special attention. Suhira tain Food Black English Swilians, Hon Rich Discoveries of Gold At Cripple Creek, Colo, and else where, are being made daily, and the production for 1596 will be the largest : Two Hon: dred Milliom Dollars, Cripple Creek alone 1s prodocing over Ome Million Deallars a month, snd steadily increas. ing. Mining Stocks are advancing in price more rapidly than any other Steeks, and many pay dividends of to 30 per cent. They offer the het ope Lapin a small investment. J. EB. Morgan & Co. 45 Brostiwa; New York, are financial agents Lad other nthe 0 pie Elrifgper tepenting partioulan Ceomapanies they retressnt aban Pharmacy. book on speaiistion and cotton containing many important features Send for these books Bip Ha ® ri i oe of 3 Xb IEE RIF, TRE TIE 5 243 AL ROR ure intersatedd fn any form of specie | tions or investments. They may prove profitable to yon 1450 For every quarter in a man's pocket there are a dozen uses; and to use ach one in such a way as to derive ihe , benefit is a question every one must solve for himseli. We believe, however, that no better ase dould be made of one of these guarters than to exchange it for a bottle of Chamber: fain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that ever should be provided with. For sale by CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pi nly Yoga Notlee Notice: is hereby given tion will be made to the Barker, president judge of Common Pleas of Cambria county, on Monday, June 1, 18308, for a chart for an intended corporstion to be known uss the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Hebron Church of Patton Cumbria county, Pennsylvania; the purpose for which the corporation is formed is the worship of Almighty God according to the doctrines, rituals and usages of the Scandinavian Evan. gelical Lutheran Augustana Synod in North America, and the promotion of church work and the imparting of in structions and discipline in the same. REUKS. SOMERVILLE, Salicit i. Forae td ons i We might tell voi more about One Minute Cough Cure, bat you probably know that it cures a cough. Everyone does who has used it. It is a perfect remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness. It is an especial mvorite for children, being pleasant to take and quick in C. curing. W. Hodgkins, Patton (cetving; Burt Ribblett Rylvester Dorman, bavgary; Bort Ribhiatt, | Burt Ribhiett, FRE Johnson, larceny diel peeely : Rurt Ribblett Chaancey Myers, | goods; Maggie Hoover. T. J. Boyer, illegal liquor apiting Thos Callen For Trial Friday, Tans 5th, ing receiving “olen Commonwealth va. Matthew Weak land, illegal iquor selling, prosecutor, 'H. Kirkpatrick. Elmer Brennen, forgery; William Up degrave. Thomas McFee, larceny and ing; Lawrences Fleck. { Wiliam F. McCoy, larceny coeiving; FP. Weir | David Sanders, false pretense; Jams (rant. © DR. Parker, leasing house for im. moral purposes: William Hohan Charles Yocum, assault and battery, resisting officer: Bart Ribhlett. George Jones, common Charles Lefevre George Jones, Jr, coatimon (Zamiuer Renben Ashoom Angrastine M ment RU Myers Tames Watson, defranding boarding - house keeper: Witham Thomas. Mod anmetl. emberrie Jeane J, Harry aemnitl and fasten Aaams Rebtecon J Monte, assault aml tab tery: Joseph Fo Mantz T i Yor, Fhoavins Coli Hho fiend Bryant selling Catharine Commo, egad Dgnor i ing Frank Ded nano, Joseph Cpnino, flegal agnor selling Frank DeCanno Wil Bruke, Ford way SIRINs, Ari sluitory July Hill Johnson, larceny and roveiving, ROSY and res gambar. Pemorratie National Convention. For the Democratic National ( vintion, fo he held at Chicago, i, Pears Iva aa COMIERY ¥ & icetiaion Loe penta Hiians sid eatin RE § Fog ve i Pelarn For srosariiatln fiona, a al ie ticket Ao Popa Rips Fry iewe PETES 3 File 2 a £9 at Peay at Aoonia Tags 3 grist fens ater fain Theres Wiis aden [he followin: a the pro WO HER ¥ eves mest 5 Atooh BEY day, May 30th gran, and we Fig oR § mi SEER Cf $34 ERs prides bor ies 3 me tei ih Pre SB Ma For entry LRPWY Altoona, Pa LWA franies and Egg Sapper A grand dapoe fon er supper witl he holed in the badd at Chest May be! Fovarybhediy i i Springs on { Waonira- £6 th Saturday evening tiem Dav invited Birney Tard SA Janis 3 3 Harry Mary Broke, adultery Harry Johns Foe Trhad Patueday, Jue (un Commonwealth va Wo X Devs, em berslement: prosecutor, 8. GW Prown. Andy Boberatch, aggravated sseanit and battery; Albert Matava for securing * palette in Ameeic taken oul by us is br 4 befor motios given Free of carve tn oa George Rager, felonious assault sod battery: Jaooh Berman, Steve Bricabick, assault and battery: Joseph Pulhoin WwW. 8 Hamilton, malicions mischief Bridiret Unnavan. Mow ie Tras as Wits, Cine, TH Enlai and per chs oan Boro a aloudy Your wile may & Wie ‘ Wan INA ARNE TERE frinds : plexities ih your business, bt fheoefons, carry Ww AW wlan emL at % % P Te Tas Re bE ot ERR Wa, bow AE oF : % Fair Flog pig A Dean Fat AAR, XIU i hare sor Lier 10 Yu Ra int wonl a tendes iol, will rein chasing from her brow WE piesa of oan To thik we wand hol we af Chamber: 1 AE Sevens 32 3H 24 Tags Bin 3 Sh EWR SORT Ax ? be ores ¥y Re it “ x ¥ Fiend i : 4g ¥ % Wil Re Uatgh Care ibe wetiita bart ber $i FoR GE BL SEE RR eRCRn pans $ fe fir SERRA, RMR fhe) oH Mame Cretty ub rer, wt one anid one-hit engl £253 i THY = 2 Me DP. Davia, a proaninent livery. man sret merchant of fsonben, Nas This tis sy on the BE take { hamberiain’s matin, as | Enow periene ed Tari brother trax Isbd up ug ted starry frtensiy Chounberinin’s Main pain and the ne patel ang Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Saaie Ca¥ EE Rs Iv opel i. Yue be aavalor Is the woman's favanie is ixsped by the famous lishers, The Butterick Publishing Co. Limited || at Wiest 130 New York at the remarkably low rate of $1.00 for a vear's subseription, or 13 cents per copy. Of all family maga. zines it is the great caterer to domestic needs, and can be recommended for its cheapness, usefulness, beauty, fresh. x “ness and atility. . s - a Po by street, : When you are thirst v try Hodgking {soda water. It is just what you want we n. lf “x Tow Address MUD RI, | Broadway, Sew ¥ RIPANS The modern stand-’ Medi- the ard Family Cures 7 imma common every-day i ills of humanity. WANTED AN IDEA! ois I A / af sisane mito pie thiteg 3 patent 7 Protect your leas | they tay bring you weallh Write JOHN WEDDER- BURN & Ci, Patent Attorndys, Waslingion, D.C, tor their $1,500 prize offer. 5 1 3 34 TXB AL dyn i fe EK ar CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN COREE LL, Prap'r 2 i Pil yi . 3 § re 7 Fhe tenky died Mabutlvs Seng wer Raley Pine wi Eig Pemmmeify ad yi Patton i For Ma Koayior 34d LRA EVERY Bably 64% Lat Way Serer Tome Padus © FTE pm t Johnstown, Pa, Wonid lke to have sone of the Patton Trade Wa will have a large 1 story building of ile Now Suring PRAY ANS § JOOS, Millinery, Capes, Reads M. bry ade 1 Iresses, Underwear, Ftc. Ete. i] At the j.owest Prices, Send Fi 17 Sanipics gx $k a gn fd 2a kad Youd Whole-Soled! PIANOS. There's mors as than in al Bal Shoes Risk! Eder Capes Nt ¥ aswel Sreit's weil Sf pie} OVER-SHOES THAT WEAR. wivbulserra “ene Herd it Alowt Deg ie Kind of rabibors aetenting and iy in {he ailing to handle Rind bat owe preter 10 oa if : } Le is “ur FY FLASHING RAYS a a 7 i RAYS of FINISH. 19 Ib. KEATING 19 It % Sy 4 gan Fw bay ok gr wok TU RR iiit aha iy Le ng days abiead of them ad ry catalogue expming af the combination. A 5 RR a Ve A change of the State Capitol * § 3 ler. % Plows $8.50 and th Lever Har 1 A $10 with Rol - Xx [~ . 16 Spring Too Wo F 1 a. . - eo Ua and and Square Western TinNning a Specialty. i a Ce Sik Sa 1 ee abal 14x voir i spout A A. M. THOMAS. W. H. SECHLER, 2 Chane Ts Be ouc _ . at - Law, Attorney FRUNRRL BG, ha Sie ix 4 : $i Lamina Coltnty, bi Now for Spring gruel mince in Have just tions vie heen thr Suring Trade Moecial rps Tia APTS # SE lary peispadd Car load of CHAIRS all Kinds hed ¥ »", A large stock oi # 51 Koom > Mes and Its | JOU (Ves = 5 And window shades, All ( 14 WS. A beantifol Crayon Portrait will be given away with every 315 purchase of woomisg d. RB. Cornelius, - FirstNation'l Bank Patt on, Ca - prin . Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, 850,000.00 = HPL o RUE (RW {KE ay §%a: pr prisyreiab steed ATTEN, Er ppt depy d Cashier. Degler in Wines, Liquors, Beer. Etc. Phoenix Brewin Co. by fuer 's Beer. & Sis. Hastings, Penna. « FISHER & C0, Wholesale. fap AIH OLD CABINET, OLD FAVORITE AND COXEY'S COMMON WEAL £3 Set IT SAVED HIM, ANBEUVI HID, A: SAAS At 5 5 ot A od THES " x SEED gf A Snail ia Dose, Seman Pra Woo Mode kins Fe. a belte Said iy rags
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers