rumLsING 00. Proprietors. x | WR ARNOLDR CANDIDACY. ~ Among the political announcements appearing in this paper says the Da- Bois morning Courier, will be found one this morning for the Hon. UC. W. i Arnold for congross, who i8 now serv- Jing his first term in that high office and | i not a stranger to the people of the | Twenty-eighth congressional district of Pennsylvania. The re-election which of Mr Arnold | and his friends are looking to is dustom- ary, and is to be attributed to the good | ‘sense of the American people that ‘when they find a man has represented them with fidelity and ability in any | ngirintive hody they seldom dispense with his service at the end of the first | berm; neary always endeavoring to keep him there for a time not les than | © bwo terms at least. Mr Arnold is one of those who have proved themeplves eminently worthy © (eloquent seroyon f the tenure offered by his custom. eminently so in the light of some of the experiences of this district in the past. ¢ has bepn a representative among representative men of the nation and | the Twenty -#i | heard from on the most important questions of national concern which | have come before the present congress Hocal interests have also received the | mttention expected, ns Mr. Arnnid's position relative to the proposed ex- pediency rivenue measare and the free delivery of mail in DuBois testify, and also his service for scores of the old soldiers in the district as well Mr Arnold standesquarely for gourd i money -- every doliar worth 100 cents tn protective tariff on the lines which : btuined during the prosperous times which preceded the present adrpinistra. | tion. and jnstice nnreserved for the old soldiers and the widows and orphans of i the veterans who are gone. Stich a candidate is Mr. Arnold - Busy people have no tite, and sensi bie people have no inclination to use a mlow remedy. One Minute Cough | Cure acts promptly and gives perma. | CW. Hodgkins, Patton COAL PRODUCTS OF 1. 8 From statistics regarding coal pro aetion in the United States daring the year 1800, as comptied hy Statiitacian Paker, of the Geological Survey, it sp- pears that the total output for the your was 171,864,742 long tons, laving a total vaio at the mines of B187.5672 477, an inurease over the production of * L188 of 19,500,000 Jong tons, and an ine Cerense in value of about 11.5000. The vutput on anthracite coal in Peon. sylvania increased from 46,355 143 long tons in in 1884 to 51,785,122 long tons in 1505, a gain of over 5400060 Jong ‘tons, The value increased only about $3,600,000 from $75,455,065 to $52,016, | ame. showing that anthraciie cond was cheaper in 1865 than in 1884. The pro duct of bitaminous coal Increased from 118,820,406 sbort tons of 2,000 tons in 1864 to 134,421,974 short tons in 1495, & gain of over 156.5060,000 Lona The value increased about $8,600,000. There wak an increased production in all but five of the twenty-nine coal producing states. GOVERNMENT AWARDS Meveteed by the Od seldfis In Cambria ; and Niomrby Counties ~The following pension certificates have been insted since the date of May 12: Original Darwin M. Frwin, (iroens- burg; Richard J. Hamphreys, Johns town; Péter Bt Peter, Lobanon; Joseph H. Chapman, Penn Run, Indiana county: Herman Raosch, Eik Lick, Somerset county; Michael King, Pleas ant Unity, Westmoreland county; Isas N. Dushane, New Alexander, West morelend county; Alonzo Dixon, Babula, 1Nearfield county; Thomas H. ~ Jrwin, Hoeutzdale, Clearfield county; James EB, English, Falls Creek, Clear field county; Archibad B. Me fous, West Lebanon, Indiana oounty Heiman, Hairsville; Thomas Craven, Creekside, Indiana county; Joshua W. Pavix, Madera, Clearfield county; Ben. jamin Byerly, Falls Creek, county; Jacob Kale, Hanover, York county: Philip Metts, Saltsburg, In Amos diana county; Abraham Pearce, Reyn. oldeville, Jeferson county; James H, Ragan, Flora, Indians county. © Original widows,” ete. Mahala H, Miller, Reading; Barbara Crate, Brook ville, Jefferson county; Anna Platts, York: Minor of Wickhary MoGintie, Ruficdale, Westmoreland cdunty; Fiiza- beth C. Gray, Frugality, U “county; Mary F. Elliott, Grip, Indian: _eounty. Inerense- -Christian Bennett, Pation, ‘Cambrin county; John Mctuire, Tan: Belton, India na county; Joseph Bian- get, Greensburg: John A Macon, Strongptown, Indians county: Awx- ander Koontr, Johnstown; Collins Johnson, Kylertown, Clearfield county: William Jamison. Indiana; Isasc Sheedy, MeSherrytown, Adams county; Wm. B. Fehl, Ligonier, Westmoreland county; Caleb Butler, Johnstown, Additional John F. Steiner, Manor Station, Westmoreland county. Renewal and increase John WW. Park, Stahlstown, Westmoreland county. ambiria th district has been CaPrernoon the first bit | wey she shan be ried ErenaptnG, Pa. May 25th, 159, The regular session of court { quarter sessions will convene here on | Monday next. | There aré over 84 stadents in attend. ‘ance at tha Normal iostituie in his pice. Among he fro proorenntnta made in onr town is a new pavement i Lalong the Catholic cometary, on Jahan street Miss Teaming, who O¥Wns a Con Julian street and who spinds the sumer here will nerive next joes, BW. Wills, of Loretto, was among Lhe o Sunday valor to: Elhwnsinirg, . Ii Brewer, of Hagerstown i tarric d hore a few Bours on Friday. W. A. Park, harsday last in Ebensburg. (i. ©. Tomb, of Johnstown Weadnesday at the county seat recent & £ 2 % 3 eotiage Mal. Decoration day will soon be bse Svat Aemerial Cathie nists in the in Ebensburg CRETVICES Wire church, in this plas yeateriay, J. J Deasy, MAY The tov y a w the pastas | Arrangements are he ing celebrate the glorions Fol burg. A picnic will be chenefit of Take Rowena. wdjourning the Lake ROCCE, A game of ball wis le Saturday bitwes Conemangh and a seeond Sing of pl see Ww hinh resulted in a sears of 10 in favor of the vie frit and the first nine of A The sinre was 2 19 13 ville. It wis a had day for our boys Take a dese of Dit Risers yom. digest bon, ver dorm; Aint, gon for co The: i Wo Heed Aon Ph Aric ¥ spy the sedan el nig of piace shviide piaved ) Cre af Aur. tw Little they « Early for the Be = Frist 3 A SEES Fak Thess ithe piile wre goipd for in geod for ha Suche fv i Re wi wad 4 FARMING ROTES the ¥arose ae TPE af Yuitovest a Fame: The areal seoret of af porn ix Bh By es samy Frou arid fo got {he start of the wedi Epps are cbhsap now 5) fie fact that the neariy all of their very An ald pow my prnuiits fs afte Th SHER Bitte, bmdangr TTT 43 ale van contin Hot bring heifer Ol rows are ndso rar ageabd be, and Bhst 8 a very oinportan 2 : % % profitable, as she wii by ¥ EAT Ime EW JE mendter in cnmshderiag the merits Lin, Ia not negioct cnrrots. There relished by cows and ron and they oan be with bess difficulty than is regnives Sir potatons, They fied enoked, anid are conddored WHoHRGNGE Their desig Les on pe Fa lipele due lirs SRR “¥ OTHE 3 thas CRY Fa vss ket over winter raf be Ww fir ab any time of the eater is pegearded by same flirsnors as of sdvantugy in deepening the color of milk when they are fed 16 tows, The fruit crop looks favorable in Cambrig sounty thas vesr Yau can travel mans eonnties and vou will got find Settler farms and farmers than in dollar Cambria county, 3 Car ver BOR wal he i A dittle {IL then a little pil is gone Lhe HH Wot, DeW Little Early Hiss tittle pills that ire grest i ton, Pharmac x. Fein Tike sire the We sre Mastlors Patton i Crier finer tine airped a Satake hii called for the parpose of orn nizing a Board of Trade, 7 TIS Joined thy dosen a CRRGYE this that the few ane progressaye Cambie working in barn sire bo grow an 1 Heol, nen tang of the Winding Hoard § a doline eagh K Aticoves, It brani Vie say gnel tip previ Bangs a Lr de prin Pharmacy. Pebahilosn Sational § emven On Par the Republican National Conven dots, to be held at St. Lows Mao i he Pan Fis Ivana aii Bk on faa ih seit on Jape 12 18 1h sna vipsion tokens to St {oasis mrad al a single fare These Lioketls will passage until Ju specific ratés, tions and ume ta ticket agent. Nested of A poge tiv ities To Notice bs bwrehy 1 fre Barker, Presa of 4 tion will tw i Poe du ES MIL iy 3 14 Pari is ThE aa af ba alpie HE and bo for the sappeat hooks and saddle re planes for the con His Ad we 15486, © It's all the same, gested Tangs or severe cough of spent | THs a slight eold, con. Une! Minute Cough Core bunishes them, © W. Hodgking, Patton Pharmacy. ; WH DAVIS, Undertaker, Patton, Pa. Envbaiming 1. association. a Specialty af Philadelphds, spent 7 Pea ® wyra lt § EERE WR Exa WOLF & THOPSOX, Good Building. Reasonable Price. se SRD We are weil F Material iat peopl vend Ie fom harm ing and Artist YOU IG any color YOu may want Have vou wen THE 2 hid INGTON Is * oo wi XT He mare SPEC ARRIOWTY Di ov RE ha where chee in town JESSE Eleventh Aver Quickest Mail Order House in Central Pennsylvania. Shopping YourOwn Home, Withicentral Peonsyivania s Greatest Dry Goods House at vistsr eibaw Sm Thet s wnat our Maid Order Depertmant Yor § vig Hayy Foe eye tried ir A Letter or Postal Card Rw Ca “end for Samples and See. Send TasDayv. ¥ We Pay AH Postage or | SNE YR BNE Y . GABLE & CO. PA Wa. AL TEHINA Fiat al EEpress in wie FAR eE Phe bmi Hons Itt i a Bn = L . GBORGE. 0 Reuel Somerville, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. GALLITZIN, PA. Solicitor for (aeeman National B & A ttorney -at-Law, Parrox, Pa. Office in the Good Building. Some of the Largest Fire lasur- anes om panies of the World are represented in the e x Viol WE ena PROPERTY. iw ¥he ‘ 5 {; FOO Bu 1st National Bank, PARNELL cow HER, Agents. Spring Clothing. ding Over 3 Ba » : g lot hing are ghdrag ie ay 4 del! RUS ty 160 Bae wos * for iw las Pecan se Put three things toge fie pad se long AR cle oti Cal HIGH QUALITY, LOW PRICES, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, last fay; t Yo ex- Ready-# from 3 4 ‘aie 0 ye “rr Bx mine nar offerings st shown By onr sales agent, ALEX. SMITH, he PALMER HOUSE, FR JUNE 3, : WANAMAKER & BROWN. IDAY. GH. WeArIng say. Bat “Little Said Quickly Read.” Paris. s Obert, Razor, . 1 » 3 Needle, Square and P 4 ne Test WC A 321 nes as i { be 1 SE The Ladies of Patton be ia : rhe . they see 1. { At Ya rd 5 ANALRES » Rest ny 5% tin Ea po » Postothee, Pato. Pa. THE CORNER | Op x 1 k Uariety | ean Purse JO S2UONS DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FLOUR or FEED, Syste m Establishment
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers