The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 28, 1896, Image 3
. A CENTURY HENCE. Samples of Iteros That May Then Appar) : La the Papers A horse, un enimal said to have mee | Plan qiiite onion in our city sires, was seen in this ity yesterday. He at. tracted 1000 curiosity and he was Iol- | “ Knwed wherever he went by Jmmense erowds. It ie sltacst impossible to be- feve (hat ond ancestors could have trust. 6d their lives to so formidable a crea- tare. It ic nnderstood that the animal escaped frou the Equine Food ahattoir nn Brighton An almost unprecedented event hap- in this city last evening, when Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Brownsmith cele trated the anniverenry of their mar- tiage. The Browns ths were married # year ago. It is quite remarkable for a covple to live so long together in the state of wedlock, and Their oalebration naturally drew to their residence a fense thro of admiring friends. Con- ftratuiation: 4 ware ponred upon the hap- py pair, with wishes that they might oatinne tooother long enough to ob gerve ihe second annivepsary of their wedding. The directors of the Fuoripides Mann- | facturing company have been convicted of the charge of failare to examine into the scccnnts of their treasurer, and have | severally beep sentenced to imprison ment in tha state prison for a term of five years. Their connsel argued that, inasmuch =q the tenure 3 sonomnte, as shown by expent exaraination, were faultless daring # his ten years ¢ ie SEPYiCs and that » veto bad ever fallen apon him, in sont ening hom id bo Light. er, but the pomrt very justiy re riarked that ihe offenses was the same ax i tus pest had Lien severe lose ta the stood halders, It was cule Washington street today, ! that has been seen In the 1 years, Heo arenvianed po end of vexation 1 wav be way Ke can be no ob in thelr own hogs Or in tha s [where there ta plenty of room, b alearly cut of the question thst th prac. tice ehemid tie permittiad in oor crowd City Birdos : The death of Bo fri which occured this morning, calls to ‘mind the remarkable fact i hat during | (his Jame vesiencs of five years or in this nate he lu BEYEY pigaten maly disappeared (or even aoe, Undoobied- Iy Mr Steongmi ind was somewhat ec centric in bis habits peperslly, but in this epee al patter the controll mast hnve been something far more po tent than mere oddity, A man appeared un the sfreet Seegsed in tromaers and cataway cual yosts pels Hr He was promptly arrested and pi to the station hoose, Wheat hepext rands his appearance he bad donned t coats anid other garments appropriates to his sex. =-Hoste in Transen) wt bo p wt WHAT NORDAU HAS DONE. pA Professir Lombross Has High Praise Foy the Author of “Degeneration” In “Degeneration’’ he has the great merit of combating certain dominans jnfinences, particnlarly that of mysti cirm, whinh, recrudescont in these lat ter davs. thanks fo certain errant go niuses, Las Jed astray a vast throng of talents. In this took, too, he is ever the man of cor century who has most folt the pnlse of his tunes, aud he bas not cuir put bis foger on our most Gpen wotnd—n that egotism which is steril izing our moral sense and rendering ue cruel to aoe another ~but jm also has succeeded in Ending its explavption in the special tendencingnf the degenerate] whether it La the higher class degener ates who invents the strangest freaks to cateh the prblic evens weddings in a balloon or Cardinal Lavigeriv's cru- gades-—or th imitative deginerates Who deem themselves original in simply yin. inaily be kas had the saoreme merit of applring psychiatric resvarch to liter ary criticisin. He bas carried this reforn to its uimost applieainlity, seeking with that audacity, intrepid even to in. solence, which he exhibited in kis" Con- yenticnal Lis a demolish the repu- tations most firmly established. And thus Lie has been able to overthrow the work of the Preoch and German Syme bolists and Decadents, who proclaim science notroe becanse in 100 years of toll she Las not given them the key to all the mysteries. These pages of his are among the mot splendid written in this century, such as could be wrested from an artist thinker by the sight of four idlers, who posnlt the legion of tireless workof buss in searching snd researching netnre, even into ber ionmcat Cpocessen. Aud very Just 19 his diagnosis of them-—thit they have for theis char. actarietics a vohe losity of teeptal repre- sentation, a coo used and motley Hes tion, too mnch croticiem, an shnormal demotional fb and an exaggerated egotism whi hi canses them 16 Gheerys things on eiatinn to thelr ow selves" N Degeneration, Value aed 1 roe," by Case Lean broso, tl " Rb sing + n + Pencil. , patiraliy dee srs desire 10 be pice, tidy and | 11 to know bow learned, waich b 4 wou ever roe cid tht a3 the pod uy 3 The rudest od ist til turn the pencil end tle on the plain part. — caraloss for cud to Ww New York Pu ® i rire Angst: “Help! Hi was béing rot od “Calm you aif," said the highway- man. Idon Town Topics Si PES The Bi nnet's Pecullarity. “fer bonnet is too young for her.” “Yes, and the older it gets the young: er it looks. ''==Detroit Tribune. ve Not Necessary. 51" cried the man who | need any assistance, ow | ca yi ay ero i The wns yo Ye Ge Ee of Pee. {nd it bat I adverary 2 frm’ eis A Fittio skin That HEEEY And shoal boom Pay compl Tein 8 mites bhi Of gain Tro others will If you win the ga Bo, when gariing, “Tix hi Bhowin Yeu most Fr nEge 0 peasy It you A haves the others Jord yom And bw popular 3% whist ~Breckiys Engin COLLEGE! Fo 0 r dinning SHALL 80YS 60 10 C Some Ave Fitted For Life, cud Others Are Uanfitted by College FI. Rev. Charles FH. Parkbarst, Di I, hig paper to young men in T he Ladies’ | Home Journal, disensses © Shall Wo Rend Our Boy to College?’ answering the query with tho asse rion, a great deal on the boy. himself to b college, but holds that "it might n Dest for him (our boy) to go to college shat he shonid Coliege for Life. and also it can on apetent too do, witha qanlifying |, him 4 do that whith he might like kriy Comnterfeit Fabio tpand hae nosy been oom ; hall a centary ard miny ae pins JT ohn i Bi inimts in presi cand Raya rend wit! IP | grease babi : hwen twice glowed, first by thie IrROr | hav I arn! Pn boomin i ig | restanrants ate} seaonic iy by tag WEL coPhe other day be met an oid se “That (deponds | 2 * Ho anpounost | am thor ach heidievir In tive | oh not be irr [ole cf anit it might Bot bo best {or the community | {oration fails to io oan fit 8 MAD eregey bull unis him. | i Hepes, 5: weed { of There are stiles of edueation that dis | qrente rs. of thos quaiify the grudent for doing what ho ix thy Jook cmdoy 1 xatisly da, mt t for ¥ Ww lich he Jacks and alwari ng : Asn general. RTE WOON SWIEETS ccONGUY. ¥ Ine ts CXS CF MAR vin Pealtive, Ar ificint flac Boge: “tampel Uoeke Omnhs and “Aw Viesncis) ii or Mors 3 ROYEL WI ows AFF 7 mery Country ™ WTR, Varntahod Torber Logs Are Sone of the wm Ro wre Pal TF She antl, “and | Ais i Parisian Dove jlions Phew Fispe We Fat TTY Ire and en PL s Princess ; — gh: widow of the Englich 5 i Lyrnngeet son, and the Princess a Fs plain | ten lrg, Pw the pomtinent thers aoe fh tie sixidd 10 of widowed queens regent-—L Hrs oh _ Stanre? nts, Bn SDT ICE of Cree 31 thay al? 3 Fm at ed ins I dad He o ith 2 Se & Rive froit whieh #8 home Satardiy night : § worth of the pest (xpens free } pararsel and ita wich #ime hen i je i et : : pap. It 1s true that bones 3 3 Rane ail ain } are BH mie from z class of traits hey hmin't! with, are stoves rl? $i ey 2 awy as done iw wanr for the if nar be ins down Well” said the man 3 og > ea dh * x give yom a good boarding piace | £55 RY $4 yhty thio hat * » br caent order. of Nordea 4 Sid 5s ng canes § WTO fos ghemld sed Yoo 8s it thes a fewer stadonts of thea ef these somil f mirivnie +2 the agricni ralph w ith 4 : f the pr Sessions and to the gran and | vigatable Ian not dis ing a tw {the am [ saying that coms igor, it EXOry One, rapier 10a nd ar mm al his coon vocaive pil that the finest i ry OF 0 lege training eomld confor, but that is! EARLY be a poodd thing, ind jac SH WATER | way, sister to the Foti in of Albany, ila bef re we can | who is said to have Pawn the fore Chios | pay B1 a dozen of the gay oid reprobate, bey ure fo mi | of Haliand Spain | gister threw herself into the reach, in ! spired donbtiess by the know jedyre | relgming sovercigns oven though soe ney Dar i were not Likely 0 ome 3 i they were airiad, and there is a little | oan pat ont of cont Rages, w | of Demmark, now the zidownd o Marie Foodorowna, 1m | hard with ber, in spite of LU Dariiah none, wich paonns io for an autelinty Ohtained By Divers From Springs Over. | jmid by Salt Walter, arin | } Al shiivigs that ay | ble, L BOCWT Sow by VE JA « ig 10 sons a dumen, SiNE0 OE hich fie hams has aminnented and pot practioatle at present and never wi 1 tha dodicney has boone lows difienlt of | be fail bE “ia god ing of ordiniry things’ dma teh tn Sh Si ond | Conching Tyas. Tha old comching days, ax far as con- | venirnee for travel WAN cOnoeTned, Worn tho dawn of the great days of cur pres. | ent rapid moat waxed and fo oat before the incursion of railways and steam: engines have a decided flavor of | rornanoe attached to them, and no domb the coming and gang of stageooachos rut a pertain Aonnt of eclow and in: ternst avid Jife tot conching roads. The Path rond, the Dover road, the York road were high! rhichy | wass Hf compnnnicsiion ala rolled the heavy private couches and | chariots of thse country magnates, and the stageoiaches Wi 04 their steaming horses passed the places with the ins Those stngeconches, 3 wi ith ih WAT (UG | plement of comchimen and guards, al forded endless subjects of {ilastration $0 the artist nn 2 tis iierany men of the day, Imagine Charles Dick ens without stageooachen a denuded of all hin vivid descriptions of the swmes pach as those in the yard of the White Hart inn, High street, Borough, in “Pickwick,” or of the mail coach on the Dover rami in “A Tale of Two Tittew VT In is difticals 1 ed the generat Wn ta roa ae ; snch 1 yp when froaen fost wi Little straw, and gad the neck Was protsceon faraitat SIPGOR OF 1nd carves, bot Lined rugs wad groan day ~~ nmon Speotat ¥ pg wae] iva 2BXNTIGER A Boy's Composition os “iene” fas te cur ane sriivinie Then Taal up ig a Len ed sow ina More | an Chandan that ¢onnRouw TONEY in Gers Ts age drivers ans of communication The! 70 years or sa in which mail cane hes | ished and finally died ht country places and towns though which ran the great nash ; interest Rr . ng machine, over thinking that attains nt Mie there 18 a disgrace at taching to the Go oa % ther in pe fasts me i ia nd | | pris Hees. Ww Ws PAY i Binks d Aces a, ! : : a wr ba ee EA 4 that 6 mandiod wn ai fanitend sapyay. - : Agra on : ing the peas of Bala with Lak th Ww -; > # 2 mr pte that he and bring away wi BRR (toand it { bags Fuld of the wale each day The steam engine He waca grout spthusiast | CC i 5 pad i wre (aa SE Mg ir Ex Gu fees hur and LE ; 3 oR re ag 33 Si Fou 5 {ens Prt i £ 5 SEA 20 ah thelr hia bony aftviier Ie 2d £2 x Faget Be tlle oe ERA any ak FA BP a he nataral sri } : 1 Ma Live: Leigh CVOT ¥ our mrtst : SERINE Rl 4 nid oy Be at biayine ba tm the Balls SOG mR RWAY, arg aR wel] York and ing sitnatad a IE a mestary Ww thoy werd Peoveresd, but the feet reaans singe the dawn FPR Alia Le ot Erversen says that laogoagn poetry Ana i Park Ben jam + 1 / . . Pent hook aleetrieity thinks LANGE REE § ghee Than thos § A Es te ms’ To found In one ef those fossils the olew to produond by nature, yet molentiy MC LL ga ‘of electpicite tHe £5 + 4 gs : ARR TN EAED x 3.74 5 on AF “ry 3 3 weanbil ng hens to desis The clin Bow ae : P yi : 8 Z 3 nas there is a war of dotes Ep S98 3 « Bik oh i #5 Le od wb i REALE LR gm Foss fh how SE oe 3 in ham £m H wie cast eves Seria ow Co ae gb . : arster taowhich IAN “it i ya V3 hn ch fate her ponds of clurody patare hate papal on 5 i Toh i 1 NL 3 goamsat any ERE EY tht pn be #0 Whi 3 i Ew nk nd # RD Fp BE Aba : they noriovd that it then only on . ¥en Wan IE Bh = in Pars # faaranis, pas anny SUBK Wy aed ovis SoD 3 3 3 p 3 : 5 : X v iy ? » Lg a hl ho ih Sig gl PORE Lene tim, oF wid) Land i Re gr Boman 3 1 cio trade 7 : Het aval i roma : 3 at rion of 1 the gaif where the | sariage are situated | th ms hotiireds of | | kexs——very Qvntly mrad Without a 1] placed a chair nes SE ph og on Bu © Regn x AHL CXR BASE Ki Ih uate Lo Der, ssl tos The genres viagogo ¥ Foegel g es Wi CarRiny AL fat els ”, hey Wl ith { Brain ard Fox ETEK cd! He Alar ged I simred | have won golden tpinions res mn n't, but what do you think he | they govern, no Joss t fin onlookers Quer 1 K i King Ww siiisem ! She refused hit, Ime ber | what battered and he worse for wear, fren B-WoOIDE | in starveling if prinoely be machrids So queen of Holland to cheat the anticipa- tiem of the house of Cambrian Bot none of the Aheens OF ETE pITaRes the change YTS sont. to ye CII LTA, Wn, danoe. 3h EAE on 5 Mo RWW sans, wing queen dow ager of Ter saunas bps 4% more Un youngest of roy Al Y z i Anal in cart RES "ih #1 ts His Z friends Shaw 4 Tass genta GL 1% EE Bat ge LONE SERTN RE 3 Shue Wl play Ala during anderstand way $1 ar tiripets, Exp Mail $n mrad Ber iw Een JAR arrest Guar Aj BUSAN, 2% Bee cy “wi ¥ Pails diy wie THA INS DEPART, dane wisi VII ang Urmrfieid § 9 and Hoctnester, ate y xnd Big Rasa, Few isms weed Big Rei asa Te lu WB {mronepord H ahi LT Pred. TRAINS ARRIVE. wR BASRA WHEY wad Mig Hun. : vil ieme held, Ebpniiink i. Fost i Fan penis wuey snd Bly Hos i water wad Botas, Faussutawy pes wid Hig Bun Cngraesmvits Sem reid, inp me Uekete pl ” for p— ha ween fue » al mnie pay Be freer taihnd ruli intormation at od ws $reas, MM. Landergan, Agent. TmBote, £4 Layers. ten’ Pass Agent, | Bowttar. xy fjeech (Creek Hailroad ¥. YO & A RRR Co. ies SPS DENSED TIME TABLA May, 17, 8 No 8 Fees ey Hue is 3 (13 ¥ Faas) Sa in a Wega = de Lina rfiaod fe hit. du ae “al 4 Ww al Eo On Morrisdai Mines. Mas FREESE LSM EHEFRIN a 5 Et Wap MEINE iangoeshase wd WEE 3 Meo 3 3 Pemie EES Renew Rieu. Reel Ure XK Mi Hast foe Haven gitale Wayne FUSED E 25 a a ae 5 ¥ a Te op ¥ CW pe dav. » : Sundays *, L Jerwey Fail Brook Ry At Mill ai of Penneyivania. AR Penna, BoB. AY 1 Rew hester ard Pitisbeng il Boy su Pats £3 with Catmhrin Aw ¢f 5 ppp ho Lmttan, APL AER Gen'it Ripert tend ent Phalin pal Me pis KSYIVANIA RAILROAD. I§ ERFFEUT MAY iT, id ¢ladeiphiin and Erie Ratiromd Otvinied Talis, Trains iesye Drilled EANTW AR. (DNA Mo Tralu 5, daily Suneps Runday, fos Let Lermedinte sgpneey Hurrsaturg and g this rh fadeiphia, 431 p. Ha Nip Tork pm. Baltimore, wm, W adunghon, 5 po¥ aby was OW ih A POT a pRaNenger fram Rass 0 Phiiaise phin. SPM Train 4 dsily except Sunday, for Harr nrg went termed inte SURtIOnS, 2 TTI : Gadeiphie at €50e mm, New York Patina oi Keaping sare from Jig Anbar 0 Ph mde plain and Sacked lia rs wmeliEers CR resaal ninsleope aside aati Ae a. Sekih 35M Frain + dally fr Sonbury & Hae a ry ADA LE erTRad inte STALIN A A TTVIDg 3d Phiateiplie, £0. 1a. New Yoru, Tee ond week Jays and WEA. moon sph I= Giger 28 » Wamlin a 0 a me vim Ort 1 iu weeper for Hasire sd Wass Car (rmasnierousd Live Wanting He Op rr imi eg Foasim sigue O98 Patisdel phils snd Wikies 6 sped Ly Pasa bi Bare. WERTW AR. 31 A M.aTmia i Asily oRoepl “Gas yY for Madgay, DuBals Detmant and (6 or weet ere stations Lemves Ridgway » 3m TREN SNR . 3 A | CRADLE § Ber RW nd pail them off the & Doris? saith ik DRIARTOW play unioss 1 put her Tt A ahd when rabid enshiin dip expen At fast 1 thonahn tremt ing bor-~viz Hike a satintal Eons thus mnie sted, as thooeh fur a dost, mod NBL Ber on on tine | Arvo ae he pW ask Lad 4 ei Rn wie VAIS wm. Sor Ea oo 30 A.M In ier y at Bee mass (RAE SH be Te cosnie. aon iM. -Toin ll, Sal aRuapt Busuey 4 r Kane ana he Aa TRAINS POR a TWOOD FROM THE ag AND SOUTH. TRAIN 11 aves £3 am Wasbingian 7 hy id mary Los Wm. Wilibewtanrre, WIS a 0 an arriving at a aL Pom, wih ¥ pariar oar free Wiilimagsetort. FRAN 3 jonven Sow York st $0 p.m. hil ade: phis., 11:30 p.m. Waals ep wn. Haltianons, |p. 6. Sally arriving at rift. won wi BN oA. mm Pulimas Rie fons, Pid mded phils iy Erte snd fom Hughie and Hactimors i WH Uitamapor ard tiaroagh RR e cue tues from - uy Erte wanes to Wilismepars. TITRALIN 1 lonves Renovo a2 £8 2 mm. 48 z wood 7 sxonpt Sanday, wmvisg Driftwood » om JORNSONBURG RAILROAD. shwmily sxoepl Sunday.) I PRAIN 19 saves Ridgwsy al #008 Mm. JO Be Sonhrg #1 Fe Wm, RITIVISE ab UBS. me wi | PHAIN 90 saves Clermont al de wm. are 4 A THvisbon of Lalor, TGA HnTY AINE FOR pat in woe iy ARSE DR NTA Avia wa ABW urg sl 14 Hidacwny #3 AL0 Doeats Se AND CLEARFIELD W ». ALLY BX KPT BU Day om, 5 Rr WORTH w Arp Sram IN, ru ew - iain Bap B38 Haven i & § RS vi We oh % mnt : WERT wen : ae { La Boas i THANE LEAYE RIDGWAY. Fimtwanrd Was ward aR TOE wm, Train 5 1006 a & sacha RC Cir Be BE, min] ea ow BNNBBENEE a BLENERELS - 35 ya > i 3 Ca Ro TIE Pe Toni L800 3 M. PREVOST R WOOD yi Manager dren Paw RL I. W. HARPER'S © Ne son (0.KyWhiskey. A GENTLEMAN'S WHI KRY WHISKEY POR THE SIDEBOARD. CA WHISKEY FOUR TUR SITUA ROOM [kd hy VEAD oy BOIS. PA, Paiinan cars and FALMAD SATS 40d Prange im Pas EE a