Stamos © uf Peonsistion {ineifisi Conny Ta “Tive WORKS MANY WOND.25 IN A ier omen Tubekly Pepied. ’ LARGE CITY. A Vermont Bridal Couple Parzics a €: man by Asking to He Taken to the New York Hotel Mamma Had Told Them Aled to Go to A. T. Stewart's, They got off a train et the Grand Cen. tral station on Baturday aftiroaom and stood for a moment appareutly dized by © the roar of trafic and the shoots of the eabmen. He was tall, sngnlar and un. | wieldy. Hix face was bronzed by ex posure, and the brown contrasted finely with his wide blue eyes. He wore a suit hon pr i r 5 : a rah vs 43 ie Tn | the creasencf which testified to the new. | and it tha ly mignod by the ple EYE An Parioala ertainiv AA | in horny snare aie thes dain if Beem i ness of the clothes, snd his shoes creak | ipotond Li op thelr peepective govern: | main vif nos RE ait Pres the! Bord ty presets then spate tapseioom dV Lv Sie Fabwis Areas Cems ed 8s bewalked She was trim and neat | mente, it 540 sent Uf re f | ear hi hag nest eed cin TARE mud Taek, o ee. matin thwir] tod on Bilis Puplin and wore un silk frock with bocraning erCTERIRGS. BRO IR fore ; Fuaroven Bama ed od iw dignity. Rhe was young and diffident, | secret somiin, WW hgtepen Her cheeks wern rosy and her eyis were os Ther Wisdom OF Bootes She hung closely ta hin srm and § geavionn for other purposes anxionsly from his face to that | festiy pecs sry that the tern of a particularly persistent entanan. | ¢ disenseinng o There was no donbt that she was partie. rps vy oh pies the brasy Sitrakt ih Sis in dor for fortis "i a ularly proud of her brawny oom rapanion, | of 1 chareed with samelnd vor thers | the eariios. deys ar arvmaierance | serotnpiiabed drow them to the bow § musty oor nrem the fon siia Mel dit FIA ann and there was something aheut them | until the ape eee lndod : of wtwrteed hing cs the waroath of pen aga | iss ponth whe seenied to le the offend | C0 : fiooe wae © that told at ones: that They WP bride woh all the aftempts ba the son. | £0 $ ip Re ig erpelins TA i SH hal f2 Jf on sad tpmid fhe Ber dE Luray : ts od then id 0 the cabmnan, . 5 ii “We want to go to the Now York hte gel" His scoent betrayed the fact thas Now York was an noknown quantity to him, and that he probably scqnired his propunciation in the Vermont hills, The caltanan sratched his head fir o moment and then replied: “I can take * yerwhers it were. It is closed up. now n The man seemed prrzied, and n look ot saxiety appeared enn the frank, oren face of the girl She said, with » little _ eatch of despair in her voioe, gs & he : fay 2 sin psa appealingly at kor ¢soory Sis tha boven bus no roeh Ese i i Calebraton the Mati SWhatever are we to do, George? crooniti he walus or tporrieny Briegated Yunmeual You know mother said to be sure a nd MRA go tothe New York hotel ¥be and went there when they yer in Now ork, and they know that itis a good Fk There are so many places in the nae. he ; ‘ ty Heit g : eity that are wicked that 1 am shmest | hold ther nn $s Adit th panty. : ia mill Pemineilh | Wie Tai thax is Rad non sents CT el in Britis] Hs ) afraid to venture HTW here, 1 ne mnire i een ties hvv HE inns He Nien la iE = 3 : okay 2 i re Tor war ode ; 5 ; Ri RY Cay aT g Tahiil Pores ae Sesefpine sed Miniate that T never thonpht the Now Yor 8 Bo laws 1 Ji an i rhe eh eT Fas Sho tm PF 53 nea, BT peg 3 . ERR pr he “his deeds Papal a sl ip a 1 ig i Beal Ties aks, tel would close up. Why, manima said 0 the ihe pewir ta origing: Lae petty tater Apuimien the bead oF pian gon th oo cialis of roth. | ees of we Poon tei tents feng i To the Backhen ‘that it was as biz as 8 whol sore When was your mother st the | tal?! asked the cabmun, who was trying to keep his prospective fare in ® gon humor. Oh!" replied the girl urtlessly, : : ; *twhen she was married She hasn’ 2h BaEh BERG AF ar te ge Gremrres | TARA 28 2TR¥ bho rele NE been in New York sinew, mt rhe Lorre eT tee) go A TRIS 2 = Sap ah k 7” PER fh pines A Givens Thee! Salesvgien. that the New York hotel was ali right ty . Oh, what shall we do?’ the girl end ind with a pathetic little wail in ber voi The caiman smiled grimly. Wl hy. that's all right, mum,’ he anes ered eousolingly, ‘Ican fix you ont all right. There arc a hundred hotoh around. Bot ter go some plioe else After a long conversation and mach protesting and pleading Yi FOUng com decided to gn 10 rans ek. hey got to the hotel in tilue fir supuer, - they call the meal up in Vermont, |b 3 3 : d were much worried by the Exropes evard Biparll, the trigger womin fod ; Eve. huRie 8 ntl, the Lan 4} GA wile, spe Sie pmdatel goa Laing ein Finally they managed to make] AY aught of wir ardl the Bad} iErccaReralie naFUEGl MEIENS SRG CC smpAnae UC tt ih out the matter and ate n good meal i i Ya 118 hos bra of TES mist Dele E avn for ud Ne tals irs i Sarrict ax Eijgie, After dinner, as they came out of the his head was war of thee 7 : dining room the young wife pulled her while tha husband by the arm and whispered thesen the ni : g to him. Ho made a reply _ mbomt forgetting, and then turned to one of the hallboys and said: “Can yom tell and the Te) AT me where A. T. Stewart's store ar My | boy 1s pring fo wife wants to go down and do same © bent seal Uf Lo pping.'’ Fi anaes in The boy, whose knowledge of the city § wis of BB eel Bit began only a few yours ago on the eas nat ti de a an a had never heard of the old time dry merchant, and he could not give information. Several attaches of he tel were called into consultation, bu to po effect. When at length the mana- pt was consulted, be explained that A. : P, Btewart had been dead many years| soit confident, elf tau and that another company had theplace. | 77 © Hw Te awl hi “That is too bad,” murnared the Se and Others gwife in a troubled way. “Mother | op Lie should sonider f at y some shopping there and told me to fn oarist shnld eager facts aban? | » sure to there, as it was safe. But the msteTh of his profession Salmly wna Suing A new firm is as good as the thomghttally. He may readh valuable : old one, PON €o down.’ » Ee alwul himuelf. A PeFia : £4: vid Lendt bi vo panied mi wT ren ne ECE ST PT AT IIE SR EW HE ra Sanith IK EXT vgs 1 pong adn Tix Paan glow pase : ; oo Sirky qork, am hos friends sl} ke oe. Bie pies burr Bd ha bat vise. | preeceity. Eversh Cord Bote t Tee c EM assiiclvosertic B88 0 whan Set wade ? Fert vy lass it rei So Mghls den he estimate Smithkin’ | vm sed te dovon om wliin. He tarsed | the JRO ant the fire a re 15 : aliyed be made ow ey FORTE, BE TO a beg from her lips. = . COmpsilama that wane of kb in fr tends Frade niod foams © b seil ees Boia ea Ph foal beady | potaries pmble bY Sa taqialatun Well, you see,’ went on the mana wa nut Ee startled the other day wheat | oe i wom Bl oo Vg Fosiens Saw RES oi ean ae thew a el emer 1 ype ger, ‘the store closes at 8 o'clock and he said gravely, Id yom ever notice g It \ a Bahia Ti | eli suse inten, ty thkoy thers will be no one 4! Aonight. that the ams . of all the greit coh “That's fanny. Up in Venuont the begin wiih M” . : stores don't close until 9 o'clock, and 1 MP! emonlated his gute Sates shopped ata T. Stew- < M. saul the composer, "Meo | ia [tein pl change! somewhat zart, Mena lsc, Moyoris -r Misskow. 1 i et hu sinoe then," was the manager's philo- ski—-ntil Me!'"—Poarsin’s Weekly. i = iS hrm ah ofa Ew : "The young woman thought of tho| The Kmglih actors who cae ove bio for the motu that pearls and 8 | 5 FON DU ponte | hen By : 2 8 se pass closing of the New York hotel, the sy% | hers are Jat paly Fogld howhen € : ov Dans ta wh ia > cs is Ji hs 3 iaid aa ale: th 1 Paeiliaadt's xb 4g > me ‘3 tem of running a hotel un tho European first Ym hey . pom. WT ; - = 4 g § » at on = § 1 4 | RDAs Do 5 ; Fy a hes : <4 £3 ; : = CY +e) = A HEIN TY JE Dae f _ plan, the change in A. T. Btewart's vs. - er... ag ites 4 tablishment and other things she had |, iat ing encountered. *‘1 guess they have,’ she | (iis city rel x tha wine wis age it fighed New Y York Tribune. the New York elub t Prod Wrixh : Jr. ’ the coraoding. ; ; & to i like music, I understand?’ ng Bh bh . — “Very much." Hs the vs *“Then you are happy in the location | iy din ro tes et husband of CA ay He wis enomsted cas Thar anew 2 viserabile And the second? ‘But that young Indy nextdoor plays! «alg, cermin all the time, If you enjoy mngic’ ee “Hy v 3 ae hy Lao rved “It is because I enjoy music thatl Wright, hat winnan has ¥ sep FR 3 ¥ -" Intend to ONE vat.’ i a this i ! E. Lure. smn t i. is Rey vnb Pin PLIES SET { 28 ERA hy Fin a Bak Wk pata Te accidental Cram Cleat of Life Famtirasee, oak dh bar Rc OF TREN es Alors Bilin me Laid a aut ase rhe Ci 5 5 bev an wil ow wid Te 3 w L Infallible Sign. Ancient Anguish. “How came you to suspect the pris. Cle is bed inved, ke said the claseioad oner to be aman in womans c] aling®? | boarder, La gamie extant gl inquired the magistrate in the « of Roan mbeh PEON | pion i shia Se un i od kgm : : : wi LT didn’t suspect. aswered this da , Ps SS . : atl Roe (TURE peli Sad } The Saconnstiol ~ tective. Ag sont aa I saw her try Lo : THREE as a . Ls ] her bonnet ster she had met and | ad the gorfinl idiot. Tho wed im o another woman on the street l byoty, means a tai etider. : simply Knew eho was a man. ——Chicag bune. CIN ia naa Eh in fee : hi language shows that | assent ut gis ¥ dianapilis Journal Rpiteful, “1 cannot understand why my bus band should give me a finer present ov. ery year wo are married." 1 suppose he does it to compensar ‘you for growing old.”’—Detroii Frea Press, en - ¥ 5x 2.06 sr reTiry yasiabe Rd VE Bg ETAL daz allie CE ETE iP DAR SAAS A YO RE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers