Ji: al ; ! Transfers of Res) Entate. Of Interest to the Farmers Who Read the | Rpangler Improvement company if Pation “Courier.” i to J. Laden Henry. Spangler, $150. £ to In a pound of alsike clover seed | James O'Brien et ux. 10 Robert A. there are 708,000 seed; of white clover, Glass, Allegheny, $40. 440,000; of timothy, 1,170,600 seed; of Robert A (ilass et nx. WwW Henry red clover, 279,000 seed : Stavans, Allegheny, $300. | The finest ‘butter imported into the Mary OC Wentz et vir. to Stanislaus English and French markets is said to Ropssotka, Carroll, $25. he made in Northern France, and is Thomas H known ns Normandy butter. It's J. Hogue, (Cresson, $800. qoality is ascribed to the breed of John C. Martin et ox to John Bap _ natile, pastores and method of many. tiste Elegeine, Portage boroagh, $400. | The hoofs of sheep that are pastared | al, Washington $137. on soft ground should be oocasionally | Sheriff of Camhria county to |axamined, and, if necessary, the hoofs | Buck, Ebensburg, $25 should be pared. On stony ground the, Benjamin Wirtner et ux. io hoofs are worn down more. It is the Buck, Ebensburg. $435. : soft and damyi ground which frequently LA W_ Bork to Helena Luttringer, induces foot rot in the flock. . Ebensburg, $1. |" When a pasture has so deteriorated | Chest Creek Land & Improvement that it will not be profitable to nse jt company ; te I , for cows it will serve for sheep, if the John Rooney to Harinson & Walker sheep are allowed grain also, but next i company, Reade, $150, 3 fall such pastures should receive a Mary Fry et al to Alexandria B heavy dressing of wood ashes after be. | Jordan, Reade, 850. ing plowed and unharrowed. It does, Mary CO. Myers to George B. Boyers, = pay to use land for pasture unless Washington, §1. Lo | something can be had feom it. George B. Boyers et ux. to Pennayh ou you have any fear that the pota- | vania Railroad company, Washington, | joes you are going to plant are affected $1,200 : with scab, soak them in a solution of Andrew Peterson io Rurah Peterson, ebrrosive sublimate (two ounces dis- | Patton, $1 i; 1 solved in hot water. at them remain William Brand, Sr. tl ux to Frank two hours or more. Then cut and Brand et al, Clearfield, $1. plant. The poison must not be aliowed Valentine Thomas ux to UC te touch any raw or sore place on the Triomas, Carrolltown, $6 hainds. Eguitalde Building & fans BRSOCHA- | Oats contain the elements of the tion to H.C Kirkpatrick, (& tissues of young animals most per, $2,200 : fectly balanced, and, with milk pro- tn ; | mote bealthy grodrth. Dry outs are an. Jahan, » ashing nm, $10 especially excellent feel for young Chest {reek Land & apron Firat i calves: and 1 induoe them 10 eat therm ceompany to William H Bennett, _ they may at firstbe slightly moistened Patton, 8175. | with mitk. If put into milk the calf Executor of Ann | may be choked. Rbiner, Chest, 97. i ars | Caleb A. Gray et ux. to Joseph Diski, er Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent livery. ie mys rr : || man and merchant of Goshen, has this 1 00 conn ot | tosay on the subject of rheumation: coo $100 bo : take pleasure in recommending Cresson & Clearfinid Cosl & Con it Betiain : Pain Balm fos Sheu [eompany Sohool District of Beade | _matism, asl know [ro _peTRORAL £9 township, Beade, $1. 0 parinnes that it will do all that is claim Sarmoel W. Turner et sl to School ed for it. A year ago Re Spring . MY | pistrict of Reade township, Reade §] brother wah laid up in with nl a Delasa KB Moore, ¢2 UX 00 Englebert matory = rheamatism and saffered yy. Maller, Giallitain fownship, $165 A ntenaly. The Brst ay Sation of ( Assignee of Wilisn Mansfield et ux. i" Chamberlain's Pain al eased the | oatitein Building & loan assodia and the use of one bottle COM: | ion, Ashville, $40. pletely cared him. Por sale by C. W. Annie C. McMullen | Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. trict of Alleghany Marriage Licenses, | gheny $10. en : e wi 1H M Neff of ux to Emma Neff, The following marriage licenses were | Hyatings, $5. fmsued by the clerk of the Orphan's AW, J. rea Charles Gallaban 10 Simm {dries for Joseph wx Lo Busan tanker, township, Alle Dana's Sarsapariiin is not only the ! £ t {many few varity of latest style The June issae of Tollettes contains and delightfol features in addition to the usaal great fipite 5 win | RPHOTOOS partion f of thee 10 voted to evel 3 Ciarret Bishan 1o Nicholas Behe ot and proving th Parrish et 0x tn Annie res pr) te HE ra for Ti made in Paris exprescy i f ehogant wearing ol : Fomine! with every needful silowanoe ade to personal comfort & hile indulging those: ¥ hil sporis. Uae 3 fomisres of special interest Jost Ry Are anlare pages dev sted} to mew smnmer blonses, AW. millinery hy to James A. Hea, Patton, $90. A large staff of ariisis exriy on to Rehoed Hs pice. They _ Court for the week ending Thursday, ES : Be bent of ali remehies for the Sete, May 14th, 1396: | William Oldham, Julia Thomas, Dale. © Joseph Btibich and Jeanie Smith, Lower Yoder township. Tony Coscl, Fbensburg, and Lizzie Farabaugh, Blacklick township. yr a prt 2 :. fiver, Kineya, Stopaact Walnnt Grove, and = © © oe : but if no benefit, you can get your | plies to Dana's Pills, ( wagh Syrup and { Plasters. For sale ty CW, Hodgkin, Agent. 1113. a5 Iannis af fend John Hamrock and Margaret Loshin- ssky, Johnstown. John N. Bzabol and Barbara Poly. osak, Johnstown. Andrew (i. Kabler and Dells ~ Gowserd, Morreilville. Stephen Conhr and Julian - Botcho, William Kahn, Glagow, J. Johnson, Loydsville. Andrew J. Patterson and Susanna ~ MeCormick, Lilly. Frank RB Calihan and Amelia Glan. Cornelius M. Miller and Sadie Gough- pour, Franklin. ; George Chuba and Eva Mary Lamb, Figart. : Frank Deconno snd Lucy Kuneur, companies they PBarnosboro, bess O38 5% Norman . Klahre, Johnstown, and | and cotion enntamimg Annie Houghton, Morrelivilie. dnportant foal where, aro being made daily, and the produaticn fer TH06 will be the Largest (3 [ever Buowrn, estimated a Flue dred Mill Dollars. Uripple Ureek % A fo oo 3 3 3 reaidsing over Line Milton t Two plot le Della a month, and steadiiy increas and Blyira 10K Mining Stocks price more Stocks, to BI per ent, poe i fad snd many pay 4 BNE ang oh ragiiy Thisw ofiver the beat op portunity to SHARE A : : small investpent J. E Morgan & Uo, New Yore, ars i ; 3 eat ial A Kibbar, | Prudential God Mi iarpe $k eile in fnsncial aginls oF Mw wing ohmpany, and others ip Pittsburg, and, district teresting ti fanious Crippee { rovk They will send you free, i particulars of the Mining Lh ey at Vics ak RAR} in slowka Se oA Fas a BLL TON 3 : Repl for theese Looks al For every quarter in & man’s pocket : ee ary inlereslod in any there are a dosen uses; and to use each : one in such away as to derive the 108 UF fhvestinenity, greatest benefit is a question every one profitable to you. 1463 must solve for himself. We belive, It's just ax easy 1o try One Minute 2 however, that no better use could be (x igh oure as ; made of one of these quarters than ta eannr to lite a BEYETE exchange it for a bottle of Chamber. with it. let your next purchas : Jain’s Colic, Cholera und Diarrhoea cough Iw Minute oo Remedy, a medicine that every family Beller modecine, better ~ shonld be provided with. For sale by try i Cw O. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Pharmacy LIAR de In Mode. 17 Art de Ia Mode comes like a breath of summer with ite designe in many ~ siry styles and colors, Beven exquis. ftely colored piates show the lutest things in design, eotor and material Over seventy black and white sketches present designs for every kind of cos. tume. Nor is it in [ustrations alone that 1’ Art de la Mode shows its ex cellence. In the series of articles now running “How to Win Success” a formed leading Boston dressmaker felis the God according to the doctrines, rersons of her success iti a signed lor. And usages of the Seamdinavian Evan ter. A new department of book criti | gelical Lutheran Augustana Synod in cism is also inaugurated. For sale by | Narth America, and the promotion of all news dealers. Send 35 cents for church work and the f in single number, or 2 cents for n sample otyotions and discipline in the same ¢opy to the Morse-Broughton Co, 3 Reve: SOMERVILLE, East 19th street, New York. au Saliefter We might tell you more about Une Minute Cough Cure, but you probably | ! OEY IF Yog for of speciia- . Hoy May rere aay thipg It's 1 ie 5 IAT Peoniiale Hodgkin, | wa Mais Bi Notior ix here y tion will Be made to the H Barker, president judge ol of Chin on Monday, Jane 1, 1508, for for Soawn ILatheran si Pieas of Uambria ond ai lntendest corporat Nunwtiah Charl Penns lua purpose for which the as the Helio Cambie conuniy. COTOTAL 51 ie is the worship of fmnarting « Burns are absolutely painless When Je Witt's Witeh Hazel Salve ix prompt. A Iv applied. This statement is true. know that it cures a cough. Everyone : : - E : sorfect remedy for skin diseases, chap does who has used it. It is a perfect a = remedy for coughs, colds, bontseness. | prec hands and Hips, and iver fall to It is an especial tavorite for children, eure piles CW. Hodgkins Patton being pleasant to take and quick ini! » curing. ©. W. Hodgkins, Patton | Pharmacy. TATIACY. ¥ < A Sata chitdren's garments and cotired plates “ of jiatist Par } Folix amd other Pepa bei dom speicirnanis GF S56 Virot, establish seats of wartd wide tion Exsinsive priviage given Tollettes, ax Lhe he ear fashion magazite, ite pages ail the latest ni RET most famons Paris creo if in Paris whose original pen and ink drawing are re prodneed in Tedletton, Keo its readers folly informed om pi ment of fashion. | brated Fronoh rrienita is comitinoped an 8 simon Rofl, with portra [abeRt evedp history of cele fa a i oof of the sd pf this finn, is gave irs this peste A rpmber of ROY American Gashion magarise Las Dover bein puts ciress pln adie the A lle F v BR a aged . ¢ oh a sents Bl Bo We stare iia, on | year. The publishers re out street, Now York, Fim to Trial a Wil First, get a wife: second, Ie paleent great trials ano vd el bo WwW omaY have per 3 } plexity i vour frgsr viene. Deal 0 THOR therefore, CArTY WO FOU ame & iad y eomtracied brow. Your wife HIN have rigs wmon, thisauh of less HARTI Gi, hear. A kind word, a tender ook, will da wonders in chow may be Bard for ner to her brow To thin we wonld bed ie of Chimmber. ati phosyhe aiid plats Kear tains Cough Remedy in the hots, it ix the Host wrid = whoner or later, . of oie sire tr Tee Yeomr wife will then know that yoo realy care for ber wiv health - Paedfic wish to protect her Health Journal Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Ww Por sale by © oh bend he he 5. Rame Lime Latnrilsy nght or iy gained an entrance throngh inte Sheriff Coulter's residence in thin hoped were Bo snit plothes and an overenst, but from some cxnss Jef them behind. They went through a valime and Took a kt of taining 90 cents belanjring to a grt . money back. Th seme ERAran Low Bp fas AL Uripple Creek, Cola, and eh bo . When you are thirsty try Hodgkins ‘soda water. It is just what you want. ix believed they Pavil Clement Seloek, and putting the a stable resides, Cambria Heal wars woared COnNOs near wher Loman Bape we Ts ad a ae Le 4 i 3 i For the anna oni am Pha £ es * ei fio ae ? sempnt of Ponies IVEna, 3 : L 3 i hed at Ama E ¥ ¥ har wepshairr, FF ¥ a Penner 8, the ¥ Will sed IP intiukive, to Charnberstairg redrn passage nnd FE & 4 E15 sb . FE 3 WG a in tiokets, goon Wo return by the wa Cwttysburg, will The Tad iene In Lhe woanan' 8 Javan te Rees] DY anon gis 5 3 lye g rk Pie Battery Pakias 1 7 ter 17 West elite, Flamed New York at bh {if i AK & a 5b awe FT ® YORE 2 ORAL OF pani (NGA RS Fredy Tiree Die PiRsh ad FITZEA * CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN BR (CORDELL, Prap'r, Accommodations the best. Pirst class Rar in connection, * RATES »L.I28 PER DAL. rowed] | Prieves a window of Johnstown, Wimid ize 1a have w Trade We 3 bs & story tankding of our New Norjpo iny {OMNI 5 vy: x 1% ¥ esses, . ia I Apes $Y $ ERT, READ BEIL SPEED BELOW BELOW gr Tx TING of tine Patton 'W. H. SECHLER, Attorney - at - Law, EBENSBURG, Cambria County, Pa Now for opring Special preparstions and immense purehases have been made in rer store for Spring Trade. Have just Crecwived a Car load of CHAIRS of ail kinds A large stock of : 'Whole-Soled! There's tore conghe colds anid soneanption freed in thrdagh im. perfection in Shoes daring sadn weather as than in all other rages pot Sogether. Bad “Wt Trnendons Risk! Pa., Roma Feed appre threw. Wann we OVER-SHOES THAT WEAR. Mowt robbers wear tight throngh™ hecanae the market is fli of shoddy kind of rmabters [I lakes soite care iD seieoting and | gives pis profit Ning to handle anly the good hat we prefer to da it Streit, Ave Fa. in the weil : kinda {2 Ed LOOM DLs. < and lounges andow shades, All Colors. A beauntifal Crayon Portrait will bw gleen away with every £15 purchase : of ood, d. R. Cornelius, i =, . » #3 ky ER a wong RBI ERE GE Te BL RE . jo 5 EAS ; ro £oGeriaAKer FirstNafion'| Bank Patton, Cambria Co , Pa CAPITAL PAID UP. 85 00 00 SITPEPLITS 315 608 io 3 ig I wi Pe Err : : Brretoos® mind sony Yipee Se dwiei la Wal H. BANDYORD, Cashier. ATTON. President ny Wines, Liquors, Beer. Etc. 0 q Phoenix BrewinG Co.'s Beer. me Fifly HastingS, Penna FISHER & C0. Wholesale. Pentel Martin x % a, ¥ WE ee % “4. M. BONNELL'S Ninsic Ta 3 £4 OLD CABINET, OLD FAVORITE AND COXEY'S COMMON: INET PHILIPSBORG. PA WaT ALB SEN Mogae Wf BER BA REE Te Re RR % Ao a fo. Cinderella Plows $8.50 and - ¥ 16 Spring Ti Jw ¢ a Poe Sodas % Mita { =~ oy . wn x Cadi Ana sed - Western Washers Tinning a Specialty. 2 Re, foe Ce Apt 5 > af : about spouting or oonny your WEAL . See a, Wi BOA Ln es TARRY te nD AR 3 HIN Os at PEARL IR 1458 IT SAVED fe will anve HIM, ® : CATARRH * Fy uy % Rakha tay FN Stoves and Ranggs. % CL RED Xx BLE LW. Briys Carvamen REMEDS $10 with Roller. j comes Pl hy AED ED AN CEL ERRATES * ¥ $ Fa i oR waa Roe WRG VR aw H a wi EF Xu Asuna Harrow, Ras 5 i 4 Lyi dsl, 1 doors, any si trtasd » CER 3 wi ating. a Preps. SUC & bottle HastgRins Draggist Smal in Done. Snail Sash Bay 1 Mh A. M. THOMAS.