of Beal Patate. | Ripans Tabules cure headache. | Is all the same, a slight eold, oon- | CENTRAL - HOT EL ‘BincitNatinn'l Forshey et vir to May M. | Ripans Tabules cure flatulence, | gested lungs OF severe coagh. One re ; f y IPS 1 ation 1) (Bass, Reade; consideration, $40. 1 Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia, | Minute Cough Cure banished them. C. JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop’r. : OF p ATTON. i William M. George et ux. to Miei::¢ | Ripans Tabules assist digestion FW, Hodgins, Patton Phareaaty. | Acsommodations the best. Finst-clivs : > i : Monaham, Washington, $00. | Ripans Tabules curs bad brea tis Ww, a2 'E : AN IDEA 22 can think | Bur in connection, Patton, Cambria Co. ‘ Pa. © Spurgon C. Williams et ux. to Eve : Fipans Tabules cure hillousnes FrAEY § 3 D “ATS SVE of some simple | PEG §1 22 PER DAY wa] ; Sr £ £ : ¥ 3 ; . Kx , Er wie rR * f ES ~ 5 2 i EF id rx ¥ wat ¥ i APT Al P AT 1p £50 LEW Hn time E Williams, Ebenshury, $1,000 Ripans Tatmles: one gives relist gu wealth Write JOHN Wi Rr : ASAIN ud p . Chest Creek Land & Improvement. Toone Fates To Wasington, I. C, - D. ©, for their $1,800 prise offer Soma of the Largest Pire Tnsur Aeronite RPI 315, on. 4 {divide company 1 David {ircen, Patton, $1 i The Fifteenth international {on ver : a . © ld oa b : w eld ale wat Pa Es Poy ack Gaon the paged Pee s 2 : 3 Hired a Me ea : 22) ance Lompanies Lhe Vy ari Fw forrroe crab ent wih a fe snd errr a iN P, Shortridge et al. trustees, Bo oo of the Young Poopht's Soiety of are represented san king : i io ii i Spany, | 3 ; y , : i ; pide Bio apie Ber atl ahd eating Pennsylvania Railroad company, (hpectian Endeavor will be held af in the § Cp, A i payne - ii in ening CS ak aaa rs fad Cresson, §1. ; 2 Washington, D.C daly Tro 18 R06 : ; a ney \CRD { af the old Wai. iP ennsylvanin Railroad EEDAITY 0 and for that cocasion the Pennuyivania : nik 1. FLT : John Ashcroft et al., Cresson, 81 © Railroad company will sill froma Joly 8 | =n am | | Pennsylvania Railrond company 10 4, 8 inclusive, excarston tickets to hava : aay Protect Yous A FE Parmos, Wu H. Ba¥nFoRD, John Asheroft et al, Crewon, 8. Washington and return at a single fare : > en YDOADEDRTYV President. ("anhier. 3 Lo Glasgow eb ux. ef alto Aled go 4 pound trip. These tickets will be ge } R( ) I F IR I} . : ini ot ander B. Jordan, Reade $2,705. : ¢ ¢ Wit Talv 1A of a a — ee Pa re ; : 3 good for return passage until Joly 14 od fe Wwe Whee in Good Building | ' . cnt print aryl Weems Fas ak Lope apse ite mn om as W. Burns ef nx. to Guardian | inoinsive, hat if deposited with the Ee uti Ti of James McCloskey, tanilitsin bo: | agent st Washington prior to 8.00 pb > VET IST Nation oad a MoAmi |, withe cxtentyd 1 Yew L PARNELL & I. 8B McAnnity et ux to Jenne Si HC wive, ; ; : SE Johnson YT $170 : Fall information in sogaed to rates The Leading COW HER. Dealer in Ge bas, i 3 En ‘and time of trains can he obtained upon : : es hig nay Mica! Mar. | applization fos ticket Agents. Yin ul nde rta ke r, Agents. a : : : ; ; 4 #4 ; 3 5 ! | Hagh Edwards to Bmanuel Learn, | It's just as easy to try One . Patton, Pa. Embalming a Specialty. Nambia $28 Lo re ; thibg else It's Cambria $285, | Cough cure as any t | Thomas BR. Williams to Guardian of easier to care A severe congh of Serld | _ AS. 3 Beer. Etc. (Clyde Thomas Williams, Patton, $1 | with it. Let your next parchase Tor 8 J 1h ih as 1 Tae Yar Wom w One Minute Cough Care, Bad 3 \ : | Charles J. Taylor et ox. to W. W. cough be One 3 | : Te Paar 3. Toy I e. Better medecine; better results; better fi. ad 5 Phoenix BrewinG (o0.’s Beer. Hi Amsb ry, " : 2 * os. i Pg # i Vvik 8 : ; x ; or ‘Yh ir Ca Fe : a TH (len White Cosi and Lumber com. PE ¢. W. Hodgkins, Patton REx flasks. Corfs, Jugs, Elp. HArMACY . : pany to W. W. Amsbry Gallitzin town- | ‘whi ) : Os, § At } Cate NE ; % ; = w ] : Se Fi | ' Ak iE ID ein to Elizabeth Royer | Batate of ame Tears. Aeosased, Ji ilk Hastings, Penn a. (Good, Elder and Susquehanna, $7,000. late of Gailitzin borongh, Fa 1 Esrnest Knoblock of nx. to Frank | Letters of administration on the wn oi : : ee arr Si ng =i Burkhart, (Giaititzin baronugh, $500, Clive estate having bean granted to ~- JY 8 : : ha ay ran) sor Muna Ee | Fred Johnson et ux. to A. T. Birt the undersigned, Gil persons indebted : i fic i Tp i ; iy <4 ‘Wines, Liquors, matter. ot al, Hastings, $800. t04 waic} estate are requried to make Susquehanna Extension, Gin OW. W, Amsbry et ux. 0 Altoona | payment, and those having claims to La #Y ! i Fostwasd Sai Coal and Coke company, Gallitgin present them without delay to F. P ; Siri Teal ees Phereytaee at township, $42,908. {4 (Teory, sdmipistestor, Patton, Dames 4 Wholesale. nas, Ts wilh tsi SEC fem W. W. Amsbry et ux. to Mrs. Isadore connty. Pa. 215 Th A x! ¥ 3 6 ot B. Shah w. Brooks, Allegheny and Gallitgin April 7, 1898, a oe : a : ry Sprit oh Fro A 4 township, $11,301. Si yh Dana's Saraspariiia is not only the A FY ata dL 3 Hi of Reales Yui simi hth HEE fy i David i : dior ey ot Bi lo Maggi Lo st of all remedies for the Nerves, : Berkey, Galiitun borough, n. Liver. Kidneys, Stomach, amd Blood, SE Edward Doy ie of ux. to James Ivory, hat if no benefit, you oan get your a | Gallitzin township, §1,100. _ | money bark. The same guarantee ap- —— - prs ig T. Som plies to Dina’s Pith, { ‘mgh Syrup and Spangler Improvement company to. Piasters, For saleby CW Hoeigkins i : | Henry Duman, Spangler, $175. Agent. -14t13. | Spodiatis a at] as . fo August Nelson et ux. to A. T Styitt-: New deney pmps Juiee Ment io Enrope : Lah cette gitate ivr The lan matter ot al., Hastings, $505. Me. Speer, of New Sopwey, has a rope o> forty-Fivg DORs, 245. : Be a ly 1 ST ng Pani Short et ux. to Joseph A. Gant. atation extending over the world as raed UE el ikem Thon. } at i W per, Carroll, $140. being » reliable producer of Oporto Ny Mane HH rman g. 2h es George H. Miller et ux. to Henry Grape Juice and Port Wine. His TRENGT lL Fhe Bottles una Proplietors of tien. My Gen. Fase AA. | Miller, Carroll, $1, Oporto Juice and Grape Wine are : R. F. Gallaher to Clarence C. Edis ordered by families in Drresdiin, London AINE 4 Creek Railroad | ton, Patton, $335. “and Pari for thelr supernor mectivi nal i OLD CAB i N oi ’ Ri > : =. ali Tua. | Spangler improvement company ro virtues, and blood making qualities, — By 5 OLD FAVOR ITE NX & H.R. R. Co. Lewasee. | Robert F. Notley et al, Spangler, $400 owing to the iron contained in the soil “ By : Wandred i Py A ' tia Condensed Time Table, on | William J. Donnelly & Co, et al to in which the vines grow. ° 3 81 : id un, AND Ran dy 8 oe 17, la Harp Mid Anthony Good, Patton, $450. Take x dose of DeWitt’ Little Barly STE ry F Les ; {Su Pr po Nn £m : John Asheroft et ux. et al to John Blow jest for the good fod ai go et Oa i A \ EVR OCIA : Avy A Cato Ba Griffith Griffith et ux. to John Gril oo tio 00d Ey vandal, good for 34 +7 RB gg | Ae BE 57% i WE Al 30s eT #th, Cambria, £1,500. iver von pleiad §8 fh dor oust paling. a i a ics ! rs i te | Assignee of James Kikpatrick ei 0X. They are good. ©. WW, Holgking, Pat £5 4} YY | Xr mm—— AA to Jacob Kirkpatrick, Hastings, B30. ton Phermacy. {hE Bheehan et ux. to James F. Davis, : eux, White, $1,500. Chest Creek Land & Improvement company to E. C. Brown, Patton, F250. James Mellon et nx. to Albert Stern, Carroll, $115. : a : i Gnd ios fnvalids amd the medical profession : For every quarter in & man’s paket by the wat chenadiz in the nite | L there are a dozen gases: and to use each Keates, cannot fail in lospiring com. _ohe in stich & way as to derive the gue fn the Ge aif these Malarisd | greatest benefit iv a question every one Hitters. | aust solve for himself We believe, however, that no better use could be: made of one of these quarters than to | exchange i for a bottle of (haraber- - lain's Colle, Cholera and Diarrhoea | Remedy, 5 medicine that every family i should be provided with, Por wale by LL W. Hodgking, Patton Pharmacy, Pharmacy. ppl : : Tis Property Ey og vd rs Aun Bark els Bltle os, The vogeninhin lack Flat thes thers : hs { are conipomsi in the roain of Bpeerts EE nv : fo jie Sa Ou 3 do . : oo . i 5% Wine, wits Peruvian Bark, Snake : Loiwir Ve a ¥ ££ ~ § bw toot. of. analyred sind racomymended ? : ; fs aan 1h i Rs Burns are abmolutely painless when DeWitt's Witeh Hazel Balve is prompt. iy applied. This statement is frue. Xx perfect retudcly for shin Qimemen, clap an ped hatids and ps, and never fall to NE Hat adv Ared wd Patlon LE RE asa of thee Maha es with a ¥ires tlw F. Herriman, fr Phas Svat Pht ladeipina, Me. care piles. CW thodghins, Patton Yarrbige Linens, | The following marriage licenses were | immed by the clerk ol the Orphan's 3 RAS y : 4 : Fan Sa #% ok part Fi 3 BOVE RIC Court for the week ending Thursday, the Borough of Pafon 10 remaRs Re April 30, 1596: abate the sewer or drain that dis 4 aps 8 ? * Ns ¥ g ‘i by 2) SRTET BIH if be JRE A i 8 STE Bernard Litzinger and Ann Dunlap, ehurges water and other materia iron Susquehanna t ownshi p your house sed property nto 4 He Benjamin Hartill and Alice Heaton, | > : Puritan. ‘ Hance relading Wi bal Bee ; ; Ariel) PO 1400 : . J. A. Clearwater, dohustown, and Apri: Zz, 1380, ’ : th nid after Nov, a, passenger trai : 3 gee TE . g i { 43 will ReTive Bae ARR roan Fad Creek Clariotie Staley, Stony erenk township, by p thine, and sensi ; : py 1 watt Bone. Singita Pie, ie { Station, daly, except sunsiay, as futlowe Frank E. Varrell, Morreliville, and sw Be petinalion To Ree J : i LIE pit LE rE eatin hE EIR 5 in tea. a a ae a § 3 is - i 2 . g ¥ : ; ho ; RY he ¥ " IR: 3 Bessie M. Somerville, West Tayor hisw eames Yee Miante LOGED ; : 4 : : 1 a Jrwois, Headford, h Sarasa, Butlude, z : x : p Ee but 3 Sradiestied OOIGIRS wf £" township. Care acts prompliy wil Ives oo 4 CaF Amis) ; George A, Plummer, Summerhill, nent rewaits. CW, Hodgkins, and Mary E. Dogan, Portage. IRATInACY. | ; An > Lakuth sud ing ve Pharmacy | I act gently but prom 3 i 3 i ¥ oe iia) - SAR * - HE pOoGVeT, \ ge Li fo, Tz 5 ©0 1 gh Sete svn PA . ed x the £24 y 5 ohnstow. : : Las iDS tox id 3 Rd Ee Se Si The Bargess and Town Counc iid so bes John Molysko and kate Ochiookinski, - ! ALC Jolnstowr. 7 Willian F. Patel anid Emma Btrayer, Boromigh of Patton i havi nn of ec retid Morreliville, SE¥ i i iL ER i 3 § five TES i (it JAR Left e Te wing. 5 : o sively done so, to baila be wali Gest indication is noted Cieorge Adams, Allegheny townsbip, 4 . a Tete ewes Li Sse . Cn Karas ng, CE a REE a RYN od : eu er PEN eI OBOE HRS LR BRR Ray ! N praia Ad y A arse anil Ll] BRA $48 CIENT and Ente O° Neill, Munster township. pavers i front of jolts cwneq 3 ¥ wh i ; : pepe 3 Han : 3 mn = John Krivae and Mary Krivacki, Jonstoun, i Joseph Pipak and Mary Marnsal, te fa pot a miracin. ft wen Co Johnstown. everything, bat i will cure piles : J. WW. Erotoer ang lds HB Plaugih, That's what DeWitt a Witeh HH You are herohy notified aie by the Burgess and Town Counetl o % 3 3 + i BR & P Time Table. Phe mio Tine betwen Dalles Idgway, nat fied, Salona, Patni Jawiuster Nb Agari. Palin sad pein the apper al Peariob street. in aeROTaary with the orl et BT ER. GR LIN SNE I A SARL A va Re RIPANS andl y ¥ ~ Fa o« * The modern stand- ard Family Medi- | cine: Cpres the common everyday Lit the Borough of Palion hereby give UnBiorssay, sep rly. « Whats dk Regal i Apr - - WOR $e a iE EP Dod ice iy alii ah! thers within thirty days TRA April U0 18 3. GIVES RI ills of humanity. « a * ONE § Johstown. salve wild do, bescagse 3H Faw done 4 a : riage ht ¢ ~ as ro. Srp rt hundreds of cass. CW pins, iby To BE an Qi ive ait boii heey Patron Pharmacy oS salaeted daerease 1 extent and Aisha 3 Legal Nolioe Notice is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the Hon. A. V. Barker, president judge of tha Court of Common Pleas of Cambria votnty, For Sade A house and lot on Magee avenue, = H you vaffer fram Headache, Dyspepsia next to the hardware sare of John F or Ioatigestions, +. x» on Monday, June 1, 1506, for & charter Yahuer. For terms, ole, igquire of or © R3F MH you ee Sitloue. Constipated. or have oo | for an intended corporation to be’ write to Mrs. Francis Bengele. Lo- a Disordersd Liver, . °° known as the Swedish Evangelical ‘retta. Pa 2S. ix your Complexion is Saft GF YOR eg ; : LT ashe he satfer Distress after Eating. Lutheran Hebron Church of Patton, A little ill, then a little pill. The i * Cambri / ’ Ba : > For Offensive Bresth and all Disorders or Cambria county, Pennsylvania; the (5 gone the pill has won. DeWitt's & ofthe Stomach, . + « 2» purpose for which the corporation is {iri Farly Risers the little pills thal formed is the worship of Almighty ogre greatills. CW. Hodgkins, Pat 3 es ; i 5 dati Pera le SEL EEEETE TERETE RT mb ay ! Eh ei Ai God according to the doctrines, riuas ton, Pharmacy. : Vv = EASY TO TAKE. OL 1ICK TO AC I and usages of the Spandinavian Evan- ONE Ti bo gelical Lutheran Angustana Synod Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. : ¥ SAVE MANY |A DOCTOR'S BILL. GIVES a BAT 3% OF3TA HY APPLISATION Hu : 4 bef conan) oe Bh a RE oda 3 : ipans Tabules Reguiole the dviiem and Pres Horth America, and the promotion of ~~ Ripans Tabules cure torpid fiver 2; ; : ‘ah Ripaus Tabules: gentle cathartic Har 5 oi Co TO HEAR] RUSS RE EREE EX : rch work ne te my ing of in- Ripans Tabules cure constipation. structions and d pline in the same. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach i : REUEL SOMERVILLE, | Ripans Tabules pleasant laxative. ¥ ; mem, rom , ment sm, frm So (I Solicitor. Ripaus Tabules cure liver troubles eeESES sn | — | — (|_| ort ow rind F Suprema Boss tacomeed S Sims rel Sprite wi CCF A DEN