Attorney- Law, Br Gorman National Ba PATTON, Pa. are now prepared oot you the The experiment stations were 60 dae Bl 0 co per pound © sat in the latest style i atex Sorte 8 brain of oe Eps... ia j ar joven, imenting, they are doinga Pods tse on™ i ont ap | work. i ed SH Tailor-Tade Every grain of wheat should produce | [070 er BE a Rll de me FL £00 | lel you mil pape sit matter. | nid produce 40 boshels, which shows fr prod. 55 to Sipe OR 3 | window Ylinds, (extra size, ¥ HOLDING (OURT, that much of the sead used is either : a : ; Mi: A | made to order). room mould: ret. | onan WEE i wasted or lost in the ground, TOBACCO and CHGARS ll A A ‘ings, paint your house, hang nthe above | Manure Insts longer than fertilizers, The Anest ling in : your wall paper at i ; but it in because the plants derive the (| FITZPATRICK'S ; use of hut a portion of the manure an- | Restaurant on Magee avenue, near at prices aimost as low as you can | nually, as it dissolves slowly and only P. RR depot, Hay “” £ that have | Reasonable Price. Roller Feed and Poultry Pow- a4 it decomposes. For immediate re. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. . tobe remade once a week der a Specialty. i All our work ix aranteed i {sults fertilizers are much better than : vi give satisfaction At You can- | manure, wr DAVIS. = not make money faster than by | Second Store room from | Now that warm weather has come it i letting us furnish your Corner Drug Store. Mages} "in a waste of food to give grain to ponl- | Attorney and Counselor at Law, avenue. try, as the fowls can secure sll the food EBRNSBURG, PA. ), | needed by them. Should the hens be. All legal business promptiy attended 10. N\ ®) 90 eH Ae i a Sl SH | come very fat they will not lay, and Offee in Armory Hall i are also then liable to diseases which = . asmally result from overfeeding daring | MAHAFFEY HOUSE | warm weather. Mahaffey. Claarficd 0 sven if you do a little more Use plenty of seed for farm and gar- | a agey. (arnen oo I quors | than store-price ot the time. } Oure Toth and clithing are garanteed to to be precisely as Ta | und Wines a r. Stabling attached. represented; the dollars paid for it last, because the clothing iden crops. It is tot safe to be top] Wn at ihete Stat po : P pal t PE fe ne With wud union thie are Grorar FRRGUSON, We don’t lasts as long as cloth can last. Put three things together; P: Join ” ** | indications at the time of planting | Prop'r. La ‘HIGH QUALITY, on Barators iG. | which insure germination. The loss 12s iat on : 1 4 flotter. | of ome or two weeky' time early in the | A Tn ~ : make suite like store-suits, they are | CC RAIVY FVII :S Na Hing, 7 pissin sh Io replant 3 ; So | 1 ¥ . ay pe dio at been | A |S ; = A ll IR "GUARANT EED, but is ped Aton time that cannot. #99 E ifulmy vy Made ite you pL hig ‘and you have the secret of our Success. . {be regained. Somes crops require a (ove, after that we leave the mat. We want you to jndge for yourself, and invite you to ex- : : : ’ > ter with you, expecting to see yon J y ow ni | long season during which to manure, ~THE-~ Ik to 6s fr all your dlothes,” | amine our samples for the Spring and Summer. Ready- a Atbert Johnson. | aly te La | Made Suits from $6.50 $22.00. Tailor-Made Suits on A 1 Hs porti I BTTAON i LYLE R15.00 to $40.00. seed fails to germinate the crop may PRTTON- ALMOST ¢ 40. | be either a total loss or fail to pay its ; . Sn wh 0 2k caring to parchase the information of what people are wearing will be cost, & od ‘Examine our offerings sa shown by our sales agent, ort psi Conference, Se gen) confirence a] 7 ; i ; | . Looe | ALEX SMITH, | odio Episcopal church, which is heid| SHER i. ‘Who will be af the PALMER HOUSE, FRIDAY, pas. ‘every four years, will meet in Cleve . x A * land, O., on Friday, May 1, and will | ootinae in semion throngh the month ore. aus eomapond of 897] TE | sro yin for you to select om} ministerial and lay delegates elected IN THE : { by the annual conferences. The dele- * a n d gates from the Central Pennsylvania $15 TO 850, WIC conference sre: Rev. W. W. Evans, | Ge id Buil Idi ; | gi FE Yl Wl’ ry Nf BD. D., presiding elder of Harrisburg 00 I ing. LAN And And shoud yon need Shoes, Gum So ach has been said by other dealers about the v wearing : : : maki istrict; (Rey. 51 . De oe | yore closes prices now. Come in qualities of their shoes that there is but little left to say. But id (1. Swallow, D. D., editor of Pennsyl- — ALL WORK— hag i ) ) n vania Methodist; Rev. D. 8 Monroe, ~ Ward & McKglvy, Little Said Jickly tead. &'D.D, presiding wider of Altoona dis trict; Rev. £1. vooum, D0. pe. GUARANTEED. wl | wing elder of Danville dutrict; Rev. Mer Tail In Men's, Womens, Misses’ and Boys’ shoes we carry all W. M. Fryinger, 1). D., pastor of Al. ; i y lerchant 1ailors, the latest styles in the ON gon Memorial church, Carlisle; Hon. Bicycle Repairing a | PATTON PA J | We TH Mureay, of Clearfield, and Gen. Soccialiy. Solomon Bldg. PATTON, FA. Balt. Nasse Da ©, | John Patton, of Carwensvie. preiad; a Paris, Opera, Razor, a | | | | : 18 | 1H | Needle, Square and Picca- | Ee Wile Soled! h : 1 FRE] dily toes (in tans or black) at prices as low as good honest for the distribution of the Pablic Schoo! There's mom: coughs, cold | ¥ u dais ‘wear can be sold at. Give us a call and you will be con- fands for the next. year. The appro- and consu ion hors Sarin rch ve Ww Manufacturer's Agent vinced. a is $5,500,000. The amount) a8 than in all other caomes "put together. gir a : i | allotted to each comnty varies with the Bad Shoes. Wet Feet -- Tremendoos ~-- For The | The Ladies of Patton o list of taxables as returred by the Risk! El a . ! al : ELL bod bunt : county officials. This list is made out ELLIS Keystone Powers, . each three years; consequently, trien- 'S it’s well-made, whole 4 Threshers and Cleaners. appreciate a good thing when they see it. That is why we nially the appropriation for each county | rei ns shoes are the best/C CHAMPION Binders, Reap are selling so many shirt-waists at 65, 85, 1.00, and $1. 50. mast be made anew. The rate for this : ers and Mowers. Only a few left. | Respecsiaily yours, health preservers. bh or te poet tore 3 years, tain san CROWN Hooster (Gram and, : : Corn Drills om.08; air, 41; Bedford $34 Ext entRh . y ol Bl 0.32 TN Somerset. - OVER-SHOES ‘WwW AGONS, Buggies, Carts, $96,500.84; Westmoreland, namin THAT WEAR. Plows, Hartows and Cult Two Dwailings for Sule. vators. | n— it have two dwelling houses 10x28 Most rubbers ~wear right thron ht a wo-story, house because ma 0 8 fs fouk, + eh being on kind of rubbers. It ot shold) | WHITE Me lot B0x150 feet, and one-half interest and gives lem profit in 8 good bored well and iron pump, |in the selling to handle only the good Sewing Machine, the King {for male cheap. One-third of purchase Kinds; bt Yo piefer nda of all ewinr Machines a he | money to be paid on signing of agree- i ng Machines - | ment and the balance to be paid at Specialty, and | $10.00 per month, or in payments to (George € a Str i. Any person wishing to purchase any nter- suit purchaser, Now here is a splendid ~~ t of the above line can SAVE MONEY ¥ : chance to purchase a property on easy ; by sending a Postal Card to : : wenn eh in ay = he wl rr22 Eleventh Ave, J. W. SHARBAUGH, rakes on a pew lease of life when it comes into d great. For particulars call on EQ. A. ) . | Carrolitown, Pa contact with the bargains we offer both | Melion. -22t3 | Altoona, Pa. | anh : ew in value and price. : A person whe teen ap b stray Anis 'K anhannae Af th tata C anit EE op A change of the State Capitol red | Animal in the local and sixty |... : : - : 5 ne | d8ys opal miln bas pd Clinton county has been talked of and the capital of ] peared he can apply to a Jastice of the gi bbe : Te 1 bay more goods and secure he and sell the animal. | He issues a BE B i A greater vy alue at o | Warrant to the constable, who gives L ] ; eo 8 | i : ihe Tw : 1 | ten days’ notice ly posters and he gets A LY Ae x -r A Bl onr one Dis expenses. The penalty for taking a : ; . astray animal and not giving notice is ; “1: : \ a the Joy I A has been changed from Clintbn county to Patton and || away without paying anything invested in JO SUIS The Editor's Delighs A: | The editor wig Aine in Hades HA rd DWA RE | than elsewhere whether expended for : { Paston Pharmacy, for a sample box of DRY GOO DS, ? Golden Chain Mixture smoking to- - eo gE ase og , : bacco, the finest and highest grade of kil kinds such a= Heavy \ ANG Sheil ana agi ane of Tin- : | GROCERIES, FLOUR or FEED, for tobacco manufactured. The present is WATE, Agr iteware on hand. 3180 much appreciated ax it makes very ; dao woking, eats went Cindepe]la Stoves and Ranges. : the editor's supply was about out gn] WHCHTE Wit ee Plows $8.50 and $10 with Roller. Thanks to Major Wisi, ev while the Through the columna of the PATTON 16 Spring Tooth Lever Harrow, Cultivators, Fiows Ca * — : % 4 Fn = % "4 y GA TYNES Yr NYE > ~ aday w four. year-old. COURIER the members of the Patton ,.4 Feed Cutters, Doors, Sash, Glass, Paints and Oils, PATTON SUPPLY CO. of Mr. and Mrs. John Gag- Fire company wish to express their Round and Square Western Washer : of Fifth avenue, was playing gincere thanks to Major John A. Wolfe Olina dan ~ (qudre iy CRLETTH A815 0TS, thbor's house she feel off a for the new fire hell he recently gave TiNnnNing a Specialty bro s her left leg below the | the company. The boys appreciate - e : p Y- wis called, who | his kindness very much as they were Call and see ahout spouting or rooting your house. A. M. THOMAS. | - Foi EE System or anvthing in the general line. These are Yonrs for trade.