ites me Mm. he : He heard, ramoved, $0 bor he wae not wad, “Mor had bei even come SwWouing. “ies gio kim ~ Her Hon in shape To teropt n iaint Ad thus hossoch him. While he seerzand planning an isoapo To some plane where she oonld not reach hem, | SGives me 8 isa Just one, 1 pray Her fond inslstence 111 did serve hor, He looked askance and mived away, Bemrad aed diegusted with hir fervor give mA Kise Each aos Xing word © Put helped anew fo Fright and pain bir, Pooanse be was hor brasd few bird Ard she waa starting in +r train him ~ Madeline B Bridges in Lalies’ Home Jour nal. £3 AAAI WILD HORSES. i Se steer Their Capture an Industry In Amaraiia, : Where They Abound, As a rule the herds number from 10 to 12, made np of mares and oon stal- | lion. No stallion will allow apother stallion in his herd, and stubborn fights | frequently occur between horses ering | to this. The beaten pales, after being | herds exclusively of stal- | Hons. On any herds being sighted by | banters a good idea can generally be fopmed by the experienoed man as to which routs the animals will take in their way to the ragged hills, for which they invariably make when distorbed. | A scheme is mopped out to cut them off | | that shadow is om the wall, and speak: if possible, and the party scatters, each | to take up his allotted position. Of conrse while doing this every advantage is taken of the natural inequalities of the , #1 a8 to escape cheervation. Shen the alarm is given, however, ail need for eastion js at an end, and each | hunter pats bis steed to full galiop. The stallion, the head of the herd, boldly comes opt to meet him, and endeavors 10 distract attention from the rest. — me rare instances he is jamsoed and captured at open, bot"he generally | manages to rejoin his wives, which by this time bave trooped into single file, with his favorita mare in the lead. Shonld the herd be turned and get into, ‘diffoulities the stallion takes np bis po- | gition in the van, and tho great objet is to cat him off from the rest. Bhon) this be accomplished bath he and the | mares become confused, sud the Jassoers | often manage to wake two or three per goan. Instances have been known where | horses have been thrown to the grond | by the hnunter's giving a viclent jerk 10 the animal's tail when it was pink. ing sn abrajt turn. When this qoarnry is brought down, €ither by this method | Gr the oes of the Jase, the rider jumps from his steed, whips a “blhinder’’ a} handkerchief is need when thers is noth. | ing else procurable) over the prostrate horse's eyes and straps np one of hig fore legs securely. I his is properiy i done, the animal way safely be oft “antil called for,” for no Lovee thins pe ~enred can stray far. ] Hhoold a man be so unlocky as to eaptare a branded horse or a foal ran. | ping with a branded mare, be canpot keep it, but all others Iscome the prop erty of the hunter, and after they ander ®O a rough and ready process of break ing in, they are scold at prices moging : from £1 is to £15. The later figure, however, is seldom sesehed, wy dems fn | the case of excrptisoally fine staliione Gireat numbers of thoes horses die from © starvation in the winter rime, tot stil “the herds show no signs of Guminstion, m=Cham hers’ gamut sminbe is CH a rd Therapin the Newport of the Fast, This Newport of the cast wis found | some centuries ago by the Grriekn bo onuse of its invigorating Dmiate=Ther- apia &i gis ing hea 4 aie fonday iw stil] the relug in ths ster hesits ted wonly of many of thie pashas and other high Tarkish dignitation v tine the water front or ono 5 ned hy, Jat of » ki i * and ten fe than ean Yo foun ‘Here y Bones 4 man, French and the yachts and dispateh boats chor almost in front of fhe she brased glistening in the And the charm of | crows of Jack Tars in their whites rowing back and forth, aie ba from the shore The kine blus as indigo—dottod w ¢ skimming about; the slogans. titi] daus crowding the phys vol, footmen in godgens Alt harian o of white aud gobd, sud with w seimiter all make a seen of surg brilliany and beauty, lia any other similar spot in Eusipe plomacy is never 86 Pie ston 310 Therepin —F. Hokies # mith Carried His Point. At the Union depot in Paineab other day a man walked into the bag gage room carrying o bugs | thiee ed en bucket, loaded to the brim and soar iy fastened at the top. “I want to got thinchocked ty Cineln- nati,’ be said to the baguage 1uaster, “We can't chock anything Like that, he was informad He lwoked perplexed for aw and then walked rpiiliy + 6 bucket. In a few monen with a large yuilow val gut suspiciously at the aides ticket, and asked to Fave checked! The bi _ piciously, but hi ard tor olsee Jaw had put the bocket iu the thus carried bis point — Lapland rier ~Journal. RR NR 5B AIA fie N Momsol Hint, pleading wud Ber warm ewent ining. | ! picked sof pina board abost half an inch the Card sight inches aguaze, Chix of the cen | ter of it | faeces of Adah Tsvacs Menken. When | {the hospital for show Lap vows] venreanen, and they do Nees mame of Fu knew the entire { fracted ant he Riwied : sutriss of ber tered fa eal A have Ping Ere sx : thes él ER When walking through the Iaboratory | of the Voli bares with Dr A. Graham | Ball the inventor of the telephone, 1 Bp on one cif the shelved a proce | sxrendnr fn ArepRing tube , app sntiv rested against a f8in § brighe) metal snok iito the opto instrament # wee enaltled his to so Ferg Oma paint $0 Bn Lo sedi of Amun team dk other words. To sera | ray of hight within the pis wire Ho task the ine at the tobe to his me wath, or the inivpie ee that if canubt the wl coms a Jie shipiow dix of Baht on fhe opposite wali Then by teenthing slightly be made this shadow 4 increase and diminish, and sodas va tions shapes by the ation of Lo feath against the mirror daphragm “That shows pou,’ the action of the diaphragm is carsic nlong the ray. Now, if va will put a Httle hottie with some sot in it where | | fmte the tobe, you will {lod that the pound will travel nlong thet ray of light, and by baving a recpiver coinent- od with the bottle ome wold be alle ts hear what yom sre saving. We have spoken by this moans to and from points | 200 parde apart, and there seems to be said be, how | poy renson to dost that speech may be | sent along a beans of Heh for great dis tances. In our experinipt in this we | | first used selenipm, & wiry rare sabe | stance, and very sensitive to fight. We have found. howisver, that wa can pro { duos very good redmlits with ootdmen Leet, apd the discoveries may vib an made whieh will make such an in vention sommereially practivabie. — Workd s Pre Yon. : i oa eh Wasi NATURE OF THE ELOER OUMAS. | Mos, Dorval, the Actress Alwnys Cnlind : Him Her “Good og” i I 4id not mest this elder Dumas antil he was tn the wane, bat vas mequanted with Jiro before he fail under the in young. his bate wad fair, then dark, b when I saw him it was gray apd mtx : siiv thin the megroa His lips wore thick nd extetided fromi sar | to ear whet ba langhed, and his teen were oneven and sot apart Teomy each other. He flattered himself that Bas nose was straight. It was, however, | with wide, strongly marked so ting nostrils. To the pride of fi wa | insensibls. Hat baw : flesh, thongh in a ftfol way, asd the uA ib Klave of tha never ending pressure of irenitors nbligs ed Bim to react against bis conviviality. | Ome saw that he wis & fires of mators and a child of nite. Hig szaall bands and feet and his sin ularly scutos thongh goad nator rout Bloe eves alone incionted blond deriv youl | from a Jong line of civilimd porthers ancestors | Thers wire ties of Africa | in his speach. Flis Janph wos 8 gus Taw, bot 1 a Hy wie ok fen Ting Was nae Enown him, his Foci dt owe eal, and of Be hee Bread] faow 0 antl be had Kent hig gr bef, ihe brsrsal, gi kt sional 1 For Yisen chien” : ber he ; Ld RE a yuh day asiae disagree, wale kay He ®nal Replat, Bik alii: se Fang ¥ "a See : Winks—1've got a new way of sifting ¥ coal at my house 7 3 Winks—Yes. pick out: the good pines of cua 124 giftor and throw the rest away. ave him pick out the cinders and burn : I used to have the man Binks (with Jangul d interest i— Have i Be Well, what difference does € that make? Winks (prondly)=-Oh, about two tons | 8 Joar. ~=Somervilio Journal san, sol is onder te ab {ive his a Git ¥ Fallen Ont thwer a Wite Cave noid Menint Marder. utd 1 ever he the woll Enon I encoun in wogtbern Hoon timed our gaide carniod siti a hig revolver abd we lrpser An Wig ing : be grreatest cantion amd appeared © tr tad ot guard semtinunil lv. 1 new there were no hostile Indians im sonnire, and my cariosity wal snd Finally 1 asked Bim what the so thant grenhls wa 0b, I yon book ont fog some ful ox. be wp fied In nie Swedish dialect se shang thin tromble, anyway? I ine quite igh, matten much man pit a goon watch Liv ? Ah ig # hat We Hh Tn $i mo fey brosider. Lax’ time | ¥ : fix him plenty, yom ber. He come back pow, nad m mashe re fx ome” * Inguiry des Brothers ad sorrled in Hamboidt ow pours apo, and cor Bah fe, who Was mat Lope id dee id $s i 3% Bwedan, rr oer, and finally » agrocd that the moar iried one aid send for the girl and whe «he poached thie poantry ie woald Shiw gleter din law he pir] Arrived in due time, | dhe was wo taich prettier than the | married teeter had expevtel that be {wean oath fo acces hin Becker's cnet AT : iy be martied the girl, sd wife Pia ! flen sofa toy eompureenion Lh hesised: 2 1 of contreet hy © ing what his be had expended] in getting her to Lormst. A uarre i £ils aad “and gaide pheked bis k der with a rifle ball apd sanded Wins in cathe Whe ah paw but watch the mespiaine trails fully prepared to renew hostilities at | "esas Pranciaoo Poel What Ten Parody? of parody are 2 Tas b Tey ay ik we nhesndy follow sg £ "eli pga Hin Ba Fue Pore rot o FEN ETRE Ha pr Be 1 Ss taliod the matter yr 4 wife 10 Kis brother and take | af! ean i of the oft the youth char, bigot had mint © $08 FS s and the % wand par. ehiuiron, Le Egan sek ig Tr ¥h Taare, ee FO it Biv «In SNNYY, THe Ingenions K ing. of Queen Mo arglisrita’s del Byabanad bai lieve to bes perf ie id Ring Humlert, ba $a ied hee honing EES Being & ie Ring BES wy see Irons Bain pai. after | # hand trpesl nore ; on nw pied the | already ape | tigne when | eae well nigh saber | praniviy at hie Bao . @ jivtle pnoedida Ble extent. £ inh ¥ y Shir 1 Lowrith ann proroendziogs Yone, wil x pynst hnws he doubt has pever teen mie in | amy respectalile quarter that Washington Lien {eh nk pedlan An cron follow, ton, yw froeterition ettor fo a ons ist yee thik gentlemen's na friendship valued niuch highly than Ton 2 ET ress vertiche te Thi Te ait cath ahong 4 pet nie duties I owevatvnd a 2 sto thie moet in. retperts famines: Hees Rae! Jus : 3 CRATE, Tah thon 3 Toe mth sr on bon of RN ws steed meat le tely dota free] ard greatly pained | “a clase thiols Har cote i oregret § lave pot F250 ferrets af prysent will send var teen ® word of explanation 1 were | was eirprived. Ding oo § ihe cirempstanas He 3 BeXT me home, fr heodid a4 he hat aware bern wont | : 4 areariy, he shunned a Bey Hae paeecting with me ny dimmu Setter § #Lrie Tw iri PR foregret | lave 2 $2ae 4 will wend cheek rire’ Inovain frmlopat. Wo Binnie friends arash he termed uy warrantid affront Laren Frans 5} Daven never many Tas spate be ul yaiiarton Sar. Plesk Nira, Ein glo se Au a ol ge Agia ny hare tr oa at 35d Atal : Lg nstunty find pr rots that he i pdt i is “affected £ Jest SE Tas NO Povo dere ; LPR nwa i or JE Palreitadiin te ¥3 : Pound of Ie ferifalum $0 Te BX Leh a Fr aresinan | bn that be cali at the homes of fowwall do bmminees fool enh tha cheek wont, but of the day, snd for an extra compete. ie wean returned | ri bended Ty | minted Bid tnenrange moby gradually ! : + i pk FolaEl : ; Lask Ra Xm ! Adige | Sad tert hyn, in IRE atm # Sry : hig dying day ' eral pet 8 ran of strong weliioos faith Cie womid need to read hardly more : than his Twyounll message 1 he oom Ty that document 8 pred Washington die 3 religion and meralty pred that the TWO 1 the thin prope of civil & writer Bow OTe Lathersn (uarietly to not only that the reaps was a religions pee aN 3 Zen atid Leanie vr was due not 3 Bats never boon elated © of whieh ba hod no \ sree. of which moral exewilenos Ca revialiy $0 platy. HW asiingion Wan 8 Christien, weiter ugady bis peteate [fe spemsg the shades of Mount Vernon emtemslate his carver as a soldier af {ise Bean arm Beratinize the ets of Bix al sistratio a ww chive moage- isbrate of tie rewablie and you will Was Ove pred by Ch istlan princi} oJ we ex- inde the mo bling power of Christianity fy the fonsation of W ashington’ % char eter. wa cay neither aevonnt fort nor {terpret it Decraved buluan sitore speek bring forth, sander the nowt fa- viable clireamdanos, aneh 8 man, wich § Bere. sock og rier, such a patriot | Heathenisn in tha feig honk sti gen ¢ of sivilimation attained Ty wi] ages and seeds bas prodapsd no ohare pier approximating to thay of ws sating opin > thor let. The Cireuiuting Farber. Nowe 8 ow the traveling barber. Hae is baentd on the upper west wide and 36 fom Troe the srdtoary every day barier fairly at Aged Hours tien shows Lis ability ax a bosorisl print. Thus olaes of rastomers Chat this vigiting barber hus in the savy of all the phon barbers far mite around his terri tore How be Ares it i best explained in lie own jangwagy. Here's what be ¢ baviness of a visitng Cuarteer pocerntiles that of a Brtane te ier lag that St avast tw persemal My charges sp seni to seach customer range from gr I sunmber aneng my coMners sri Imwyepp and yoang In sil 1 shame mind other vee AY, bs i the $ r hin % Bad, of 3% th ig a SH nn weg 1 Beene Soon onl ili hE Sk $5 Spin ag fo driv Lg ’
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers