Good time to make garden. EP Gillespie. of New York, rele | The trout has to suffer now. ternd at the Palmer house on Monday. | Trailing arbutus is in bloom. . 4. Ewing, of Pmsturg. stopped al Cw tai : the Commercial hotel one day inst | Maple sugar is in the market. week. ] { an thee pribens A ; be. det Bisiaance Trees are commencing So pd. : H. Logan Wewier, of Preepeat, reg u ne 0 end 1 thom ath “mil arrenrages are Straw hats at Mirkin & Kosner's 21 jetiepsid at the nneroial otel on i Lots of new buildings for Patton this Monday f subscribers deol br refuse to take tients fr am the waktoiiee to whieh : ’ or : they are responsible until | pring. Matthew Weakian and Lawyer Sas bills and ordered them . | Patton will have moore manufactar- ley, of rrolitown, had busicess in | aa a CMa oo Jib tw ro sing induce - BE Ian Today. ee in That some houses advertise Prices that they do not substantiate? rs end whe pe : . : ew . a v ‘ nig k Can Sd a : rows, The firet soda water of the season at |. H Bockman and J. B Hahn, of I mean by that that they (UOLL £5 sulla at $4.75 and so on, ris have rd tos i th BE Pharmacy. Philadelphia, were guets at the Palmer ’ ; : . Fr ihe prima facia | G. O. Brady, of Houtasdale, wis in | house on Toesday. nrtiomn town on Saturday. j H FE Barton has recently built a To foo Mvapee they 85% | w. Allison, of Cresson, hnd business Dew picket fence in front of his home ematinge taking it; other re is CYTE to send it in town on Tuesday. ion Palmer avenue. Trent ible untiian Miss Gertie Noonan is visiting trends Ed. C. Moors, & traveling salesman » Lin Altoona this week. of Brie, was a gnest at the Commer. cammonie, rather Shire tos, pastor. on! The small boys with their fishing | joi En, - wy other Ko Nt an. | rods are quite numerous. m Wolf, who has been in Mon. a : fp EE 55, 2 m. | w B. Diefendesfer, M. ., of Cres tana for the past two months, retarned and never juggle’ ’ onr prices. That is ov erchargre one hian so as to be able to come down ” { \ ” ‘to another. What would you think if we sold your brother a suit for $g and had the cheek | Merson ErscoriL_ Tes % W. Wamon, home one day last week, Services ai EH. Gray, of Hastings andd. A 10 charge you $12; just because you didn't try to get us down. Wednes Have seen make sewer ; . ey Have you them make T | Sehwah, of Loretto, were welcome vis. Now be fair to yourselves, Men and Women of Patten. We do business on business Aa | pipe at the clay works yet? LODGE NOTICES. | { pipe y y itors to Patton on Toesday. principles. W ho ever heard of Mr. Mellon, our postmaster, selling 2c. stamps for 1c. ; | H. E. Miller, of Tyrone, stopped at | ; : InpEeexiimxs Okogi of Dus F FL ay | the Central hotel on Friday. | Bernard McClain, T. B. McClain or 10C. stamps for 7c. He has one fixed price—s0 have we. Its the right way to do business. '(jeo. Devers anid W. Deringer, all of haf bt 20 tn Cio » Hall. i 3H Cartman, N.G. + H.C. Yambert, of Spangler 8 ; : a : au Wise, i ’ pangier, spent Sunday in Patton. : ' yn Lr — Sn or ANRGIA- Wash. Doses in Patton on Saturday. | Bd Glass has ed pave NOW 1 oO SAY ery Monday | gam'l Kelley, of Chest Spring, ony tine has opepes 2 4 green a | oie 2 op Tha ‘ P * | grocery and fruit stand in frovit of his : he t | - Nn © | BY ass aN H.0. Winslow, Ree. See ye ru. | in town on Thuraday of last wee _restanrant on Magee avenne. vv § a : afl Y 1 a” § BD 2rir ££. maa Le | Bee (Geo. 5. Good for the best and Spring hate, trunks, valises, etc, al i every § afrnoon | hanpaat bone dentilisar in toss. 1t th Ee : { ou can’t rest at Wolf & Thom s : GeohicThins, Pres | Born-To Mr. and Mrs F. O. B jy EE oy. Patton mp We have three times the stock of Men's Suits, Boys’ Suits, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes ay, MEY. tie ans of Beech avenue, on the 13th inst, 8' Hoke ta Baohy t ‘than any other clothing house can offer you. Of course that's an inducement for you to : Yd fo 8 me A ery toon | gon. days hs : the arrival ry Foung stone ‘come here. W hy? Well you have the assortment to chose from. x» BH. ad Ad, Jackson Gum, | Daniel Fry, of Patehinville, snd J. mason at his home on Ratarday morn- Men's good Serviceable Suits—not shoddy, but 2 straight weave, at 4.50, 5.00, 6.00, $7.00. mt en | 1 OL of Flynton, spent Tuesday in ing. They’ re not worth much more , but cheap at those prices. {ects every moond and | poe : arth ewhmonthat Sp. mm "CL and ro Peter L. Decker, representing the Boys’ Suits——Well we have an Xtra big stock at 1 50, 2. 2 25, 2 50 and up to 8 30. £. Will Greene, Sec'y. RW. Blan Ire Lawrence, were visitors to Patton on sii eo ro mum gn Toon Big Stock; all fresh too. Men's Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery. Collis and Cuffs, ete. RE , he ion. am or AMES. i] Friday. day. Li . | a | i t Sanday aferacen A bran new girl arrived at the home (fiver Chilled plows, also Hench & Sey Pri IP SHO wr Sn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham Satarday | [ramgold's riding or walking harrows ETT ry Naa | morning. for sale at the Cambria Hardware Com. Oysters, ios cream, etc, st Firnmen's pany’s store. -20tf Finest Stock Ladies’ and Misses’ Shoes in town at 85¢. 1, to 3 dollars. hall, Patton, Pa, on Thursday night, Prof. Howard Maitiand, of Gadlitein, Onur Mens’ Shoes at 2, 2 50, and 3 dollars are values. | In a: and tan, all widths April 30th. assisted by others, furnished the music T . 4, behalt. walk |i Hi I see : WANTED A good girl to do general for the dance given by the Hane bali & appre ciate our e { STS in y Our He valt . wa : in and SCC us. honse work. Apply to Chas. M. Letts, boys on Friday night. | Patton, Pa. 1t Don't forget the date of the festival Miss May Dixon, of Williams Grove, to be heid by the Patton Fire company Pa, is visiting her brother Joel Dixon, on Thursday night, April 30th, in Fire on Beech avenne men's hall, You am invited. Dr. Chas. T. Hertz is at Easton, Pa, When yon take a trip to Ellensburg " ol who with a} this week Sharing bis father, wha is {Rap of the Blake hots and yon will be a . ane i a in the PATTON ying critically (1. ped al right. Accommo ations ex- . Counter, or who wish to change their D. A. Luther, a prominent business Setient and rates moderate. 68.41, : Yd” now running, must hand their ‘man of Carrolltown, had busipess in Un account of receiving 8 severe un not later than Monday evening Patton on Monday. wound on the thamb of his right hand, S08 l § | 8 3 of each week. If handed in later than | The foundation ix abott; soapleted | Paddy Meehan, who in employed in SAY id | Furni he Monday evening '1t will have to be held | for the erection of the Edmiston -Gal- the mines, is unable to work for « few Rhee over "till the next week. Try to get | laher block on Fifth avenoe. | days. : oopy in early. PATTON Ph. Cry, An ine- year-old dsaghtier of Mr. and Ome hundred | mhiners bave been i: opp Mrs Jedn Gantz, of Beech avenue, is | drawn from Atlantic mine No. 1, snd d M Ki | s rim Ingiden ime (ve maiden flr, lying ill with typhoid pneumonia. ‘the same number from ihe Pardee War & ( e vy P = Wher o Smme thie gay J. 8 and C. RB Rid arcis, of Bowe mines of the Bloomington Coal Mining, and were in town one day last week sbak- lcompany. Seventy-five of the Pardee Summer om errs young ross ing hands with their many fri einds. miners went fo Shawmat to work. are now propared to fit you ] HL : ho dla w {ike 8 bena iy : Coal Trade Journal. ; out in the latest utyie wl gt yen oe ArSS. S00 pea Bt Mm Neckwear, Beck wea’, ant 7 The Coal Trade Journal says that it finest n on froma 25 cent op. fi, yt mab whan resolved Alen burg. Pa. ested in the midst : See them at Wolf & Th tlie | Legis my a1 it exe noe : mopson’s 2M or | aiproducing district, is using Tailor-"lade’ And gurgles softly, uit be York World. Harvey Patterson, forvaerly of Pat- pall gas. The sew gas is man afsctared | ton, but now In the fire insaratioe bual- ander the Hau!in ts soft-coul gas system of all description can be procured at our Store. A full and Boda | {ness in Allegheny City, Pa, spent and is made fro: bitamilions coal : - complete line of Heavy and Shelf Hardware and all kinds of Water | Friday and Saturday in Patton, abiwck of low grades ale pnt has a TE 1 : LC P Jets of t On tap at : Miss Masud, daughter of Mr. snd C. W. Hodgkin's Mra CH. Perry, of Chest Springs Patton a Phastaey, Jeft one day last week for Haverhill, | of school yet | Mass, to make and extended visit 1,000 feet, with the usual discount of y among friends and relatives. 16 cents per 1,000 if paid ofi or before al prices Almost Se low as you eB On Thursday night, April 20th the | - : ! the 10th of each month. buy ‘‘Hand-me Downe’ that have festival. : : Editor Sechlier, of the South Fork to tus remade crnce a work. i Adminkbanators Noted All ahr work is guarantesd to i Look out for Mirkin & Kuoaper's big RE A and » pn Betate of James A. Ivory, deceased give satisfaction and fit. You ean. ad next week. It pra on fetardiy. MI. ye of Gallitein borongh, Pa not make monuy faster than by i: | chier publishes one of the spiciest | oo. of IE as on the letting os fornish yoor Eo and zeneral ine of BUILDERS MA- Kalsomine in a onlom Te a the | newss ous follow: Cambria county and isn Tl | ing been granted ‘“. a a» KiAL Kk kept constantly on hand, See us first before buy- £9 the undersigned, all persons indebted “Ng _ g { | ing. It will pay vou. : to mid aiaie we reuesed 0 mie ASAOLITCO TINNING AN ND PLUMBING present them without delay to F. P. A Specialty. Ivory, administrator, Patios, Cambria even if you do pay a little mare Now we mark everything in. ana’ nt Friday in town. Bada sehool at 2 p.m. so and pm. pon, §pe y in to aR. m. Pravet meeting eves day evening at ; daily capacity of 75,000 eabic fest of gas and will be increased acording to demand The ratas are 35 cents per oF The Guickest Mail Créer House 1 | county, Pa. ns Shays stare-piics at the Lime. THE CAD MBRI. A H. ARDW ARE CO. in Central Peansylvanie. = hl © April 7, 1906 Miore Roa A Trwellin Sie, 'W ’ : wa peanne esis We don Magee Ave) Patton, Pa. Store room and dwelliag bouose, corner of Fifth and Kerr avenues Good dry eellar and & No. | building. | make saits Like store-suite, they are Will be sold reamatiabie only made Lo Fai we make them i to wear, and if you have not been gan yo LaANCOLN, IY te . D. Liscoly, Paton, Pa. accnstomed to wearing good Tail ar Made Suita you should try US 5 . once, after that we leave the mal iy arranges dy 48 heen sud | A200 the weanng er with ¥ EEE, FR Pe ng Hy we yon : CAN ~ in dank 4 SAY, But FET RT £3 18 3 ad HL th 4% 8 ea iis he ag a back to as bi I voaur of £ A Httle ill then a Littie pi di. The ill oar for all you olhes. js gone the pill has won. DeWitl's Lau ll. ox.1 8 Little Eacly Riners the Sele sis shat XA LMOST THe Hall wil Ky Read Lenre great ils. (LW. Hodgkins, Pat do : ’ ton, Pharmacy. ; . : ' " People who do fut ve 1 Ores arr aed Fotivat In Men's, Namen, sses’ and Boys’ shoes we carry all near an up-to- date Dry ofl] A grand uxyster supper and festival 1,000 the latest styles im the wally wulleyr great inconvenience at $1 will be piven in the Firemen's half on on Goods. times by being compelled to, make 2 long journey, at off TUT Ln vi omen: NEW SAMPLES Paris. Opera, Razor, Men and boyw shoes of all Kinds at ow prices at Wolf & Thomjeon's. 2000 : considerable expense, to su y needs | be been filled in two days ¥ wit ect satisfaction, if hair | | Everybody, young and Ls order had come to us by poor, is invited fo attend. De a’ or Needle, Square MODERN DE. : Figen t the date BITRE 45% 19 fiir AE To skeet from. diy ANS {1 3 tans OX blick 35 oes As Tow as good it pe : . During the winter of is FM Pres (rans wedr cin be shld at Give ns a call and vou will | : ; KEEP IN 4 Martin of Long Reach, Wo oNa oven bell ! a a : ms FEY op ma Waa STOCK IS HERE. IN GREAT VARIETY. {tracted 2 severe ould Which tell lum S15 TO Sob. [with 8 congh, bi speaking of how w s Samples and furnished when a ever Ee sa ah Soe Gots The Ladies of Patton cared if he says {eal se vera Kings AR Si geal mi will be i Ha ever requested y as received. Si ir cough syrup tat found go £ da. Biwite or Bubbirs, we a Corey lee it ho Cough Remedy, 5 oh fu Haves {om : and see as PT ; : hiroug hit abt § sompiebonre ¥ Hen ? 1 J 171 Al TOONA, PA. : troubled with a cough or] Bi a TRO \\ Ard Pa A i koe dy X . remedy ard vou wy ied par Be Fe ” Vag nits) Always ; sary lo try sovriral Kind vs before Coay Satistaction Guarsateed. Ne It has been the moirke “i . Back way Unsatisfactory, : : Bay the morsel M T . ; " : ; EE ” for over 20 vears amt oistanily grown erchant ailors, lh in favor and popalarite. For sal 5 ad ME pents pr Bunt Bi Patton | Koei 2 oe ¥y AT Ty YN wy A Ph armacy, C. W. Hodgkius, By =a Eh hel, Ra BA AR ktm in
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