nme "Phe May number of Toflettes, that At Cripple Oreck, Colo., and i ERENSBURG, Pa. April 21. 1806, : met enterprising of American fawhion where, are ing made daily, and the | Argument court convened here yes journals, comes to us gy in the colors production for 1598 will be the largest | terday at 9:50. ‘of spring and early summer, and fall ever known, estimated at Two Han- 1 RJ Neamom, of Altoona, raade a overflowing with nil that is new dred Million Doliams. Cripple Creek | business trip to Ehensburg on Mon: and dainty in the Pariiun dress makers alone is prodacing over One Million iing on | poo day. : art. So thoromghly accnstomed are we Dollars a month, and steadily increas. wn apon ape Henry Addieman, of Durwensville, to finding in Toilette everything do. ing. Mining Stocks an caning In EE few hours ir own yesterday. Jightfal for the sensor's wear, that it price more rupiedly than g “option of ine! James Metlon, one of Patton's oiti- would weem impossible to note any Becks, and many pay divide A gens, visited Ebensiuirg on Friday. further improvement over what already to 50 per cont, Messrs. J. J. Hongh and William : Howe, of Patton, were visitors to the jooked for in a fashion gasine, and ls any ¢ | 1at Monday of ee | county capital on Tuesday every phge attests the publisher's an- | I amen Cart I tween the wove | Christ Shinafelt, has purchased the ceasing care to {linstrate only what Aeten. [property on corner of Julian and Craw- really practicable and attractive besides | ford streets and having torn the old being new and stylish. A deli Zhtfol building down will erect a handsome innovation A Tr ! pew residence on the sane site page in polars: giving ve fall size il) | A new porch was added to the resi. ustrations of ontdoor garments, and | dence of J. F. MeKamriek last week and other enlor plates showing both prom- quite Andmprovement, endo and jndoor costomes. The asus) M.D. Bearer, who wa ill inst week, §-page supplement, giving those pop- and Willis M. Ross sn am now prepared to farnish yoo with all grades of Flour and Feed At Prices for Bult your purse v4 a oy. ” Feed and Poultr ¥Y Pow- £ der a Specialty. Lime for Sale, : rive me a call, John Gantz, Beech Avenue ii Bam’) Boyce Money Saved, 20) One popy| one yeat, in advan, mae Advertising rates made Ei plication. © srNo papers. diwantinied ge are Rud nolo al the FH yhiishers. : : Entered at the Postoffies ait Patton si wan : Shame nil matt, C.M. Lett Ae of 35 The Artistic Paper Hangosr, Decorator whi I 77 land Painter, for anything you may They offer the best 0p | need in his line. You will be sur But hers natoraliy portanity to make a large profit on a prised at his exvoedingly’ ral] investment. erp fae J. FE Morgan & Co, $5 Broadway, LOW PRICES. New York, are financial agents for the Second storerdom from the Corner Prodential (old Mining company, and Deog Store, Magee Ave, 1544 others in the famous Cripple Creek. district. They will send you free, in. teresting particulars of the Mining 1444 companies they represent also their. | do not believe in offering hook on spectiation in stocks, grain a ; and cotton containing many new and | : ceriain Stove amp of : important features. ‘other article at or below cost IW has recovered and is again able to be olar special patterns, is enlarged to] Send for these books at once if yon and make youn pay more for Fetterman, {oat : eight pages in this ise, in anticipation | are interested in any form of specula- | something else than it 1s Sr akband Mr. and Mra. H. E. Crouse, of this of a lively demand for 10 rent pattarns | tion or inyestinents. They may prove worth, : : | piace spent Sanday with their danghter, at a sedon: when everybody Sider. profitable to yon 14.30 But | do make prices hes T. MP + William, of Wilmore, takes dressmaking st home. Easter " , ILS. Thew T. | Mrs. 5, C. William, of Wiimore. BE ae BN inst 2 It will be an agreeable surprise to : reasonable and > Ask you ap "The Ladies Excluinge, of the Disciple milinery too is profusely iflustrsted in| on, wibject to billions colic to learn 9" ; =. | church sold ples, cakes, bread, pickles, this number, and two entirs pages. RAT | or prompt relief may be had by tak- compare my prices with any | ete. at the residene of Jacob Squires, devoted to a pictorial decription of [0 vs Colic. Oho other of same quality of goods + ; . h the tent ing Chamberinin’s Colic, Cholera and | ha : t wotnen's headgear through the Centur: | pyc oy Remedy. In many instances consisting of a general line o the Bast Ward on Saturday evening. ° fon ce The proceeds wens for tlie benefit of the ios commencing with the your 550, and | ornnk may be prevented by taking | iy EAE - this remedy as soon as the first symp | HARDWARE, lamps, (rlass Paints, brought down to date. In short Roe cantata “Quon Kather,” which Tollettes presentasich an exception | ome of the disouse appears. 3 aid 1, + 78% | was produced her on Thursday and varied and stitractive table of contents, | oe ottien for sale by Patton I inware, {ir ASS, Pharmacy, CW. Hodgkins. _(Onls, Doors, Sash, Plows, Har-| ee ist ‘rows, Cultivators, Shovel! Plows, Washing Machines, | Priday evenings, was a decided success that we advise all cue fair readers to For Sale New ' next to the hardware store of John »s, Agate-ware, ther owt Roiie 5 TORE OF HOLDING (OE ®t. Ist Monday of March. | it Mondag of Hept. « fae GEFICERS, Presiden Jodge Hon, A NV. Harker ‘Prothong tary Served [avis “ b : Beerrider-F, HH. Janes r oF. MH. Barker vid Wtf eprty Sheriff. Eimer Davis Iistrice Attorney — BS. Margi Csr misibo PE Dillon, 1 George M. Werte. Sh : Coanmbsdonens’ (eck John {1 (lates Connty Singer) tenden tJ W. Lawl, Co Canty Barveyar®, (xg Otanty Aa Vitor W Eli rn 4 Berry, dates Daily, : Jar Aummitsheners wh Aree FR. Livingston. srw Jarees Botverviile, 3, 31. ‘gb, Pitton, Pa. b¥. Ldowdt, ! in or 4 —THE~— PRTTON- d Tames Moore. oo diy. 0 Quennekl- = Aly Ma Criend, ‘president BoM. | © Wiison, B. F. Wise, P. FP. Young, atph Lele, in rrsting writ Jones Jeet Dixon, 1 ¥ Burge - 3. bon Ww Tar WH < ON aatior of the Peace - Jone bn RL prop W. H, Sandford. . WHI Greene, roodak 1 _INTHE— Good Building. 4 —ALL WORK— Romemsrt—dcm. FL. Ricker. _ Auditors. Eimer Smale, H.0. Window, 1. adge of Eletion- WW. Kessler wpe tea LT Guid, Albert Johnson, OimstableDan’l Holes. i i : I L Commissioner Alex Huntir. hearing before the proper com- and largely attended. pocure 8 COPY. 25 cemta at all news A supper will ba.given for the benefit dealers, or $2.00 per year. Six months of the Catholic church at the Cambria trisi subscriptions, at $1.00 the Pub-iA house and lot on Magee avenue, (o.oo orc Pum i house on Wednesday evening between lishers are nt 126 West 234 street, wingers, Humps, Ak - | the "hours of 590 and 1000 o'clock. York. Yahner. For terms, ete. inquire of or Re Pe of = Ids, Cind ] LAR are invited to attend. Te write to Mra Francis Bengele, Lo ella Stoves and Ranges, and | | Miss Annie Beynon, feacher of room pe A a vs ing TO PRUE whatever is kept in a General noon We will have no more sch ool ETRE 88 8 Incious and henithy fruit, | Burns are Abmotutely painiem when araware © tore. oping to! ; : y May the 5th. - Aunt Rachael's Malarial Bittars in the DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is prompt- receive 3 call from you 1 am| 28 | ultimate of the (rape Juice; in ita prop : bicycle Wilitnery Store for Sade. | | wish to dispeme of my store in Patton. Will sell onable figure. A good business {situated in 8 splendid location. fr out | OF OF address Miss Alice A. Ashcroft, pes the Patton, Pa free, like any other personal baggage, . Risers just for the good they are mse for damages, is given by the you. owners of the wheeis. A similar bill is digestion, before the Massachusetts Legislature. {liver complaint, The wheel has become such an import They are good. ant factor of modern life that its status | ton Pharmacy. bagyage should be clearty defined. FaRNING NOTES Le for 8 going way for theme or |, Tatereat to the rar Whe Rend the for a vacation of oven a week or ie 0 sutinn wCamier™ want 1 take their wheels with them. EE 3 ©. WW. Hodgkins, Pat : Bley cls add so greatly to the enjoy- om should be taken away and placed | a and their holidsy in od a Er to the| Atbough mips sre considered 4 ¢ of railway corporations, there- for an early supply, being | grow quickly and can be soon gotten : il is w EE ee ey In 70 of the way for some other crop. many of the western Staten, railways smth fl" ern Gt 2) ar Afar the, manner which | et usally pia fhe seed In aa sor 4 France. TE "7 the frost is out of the ground, but it pata | frequently happens that a cold period ‘comes and the seed rots in the ground. We are rapidly becoming a lamb and | mutton eating people, and flock mast tween, 100 to this demand than they have | heretofore been doing. It is estimated 2 0 | that we market 200,000 lamba annually, is allowed only between Detween the ages of four and eight d January 1. Penalty $10 weeks. It is a rapidly growing io flab taken ont of season. Rock dustry. and penalty. | Feuding hay to hogs may seem new, d waters Yet there ary farmers who provide salty | DOIKY food to their hogs in winter, bots, - when green food is scarce, by cutting clover hay very short and teaming or ed. Penalty $50 for Mealding it The cut hay, after it has offense and $100 for sud offens become softend, is sprinkled with bran © of torpedoes, giant powder, OF CTD meal apd fed warm. It is not yoerine, dynamite, electricity, conly highly relished by the hogs, but promotes thrift, and is as cheap as rm, serving also to afford a balanced atching of black bass and walt. | Farmers who were disgusted with pike under aix inches, and rock : low prices for potatoes will find many ; trout under five inches in length others who are abs not very partial is unlawful, except in the Delaware to them, and they will probably bea . «Penalty $10 for each fish. Fish much smaller crop this year simply be- wardins, constables or any officer of Cause farmers will not sventare into a he fitate, are authorized to arrest, crop which Rave wach little profit as wibtut warrant, auy perso violating Potatoes did thie last year. The fut ia that it was not so moch the acreage de- voted to potatoes last vear that caused any of the fish lawn. Ono-half of the penalty foe fo the Sor the large crop, as it was to the favor. | TALK OF ADJOURNMENT. lable conditions for their growth, it Talk of the -adjournmoent of Cone being what is termed 8 goad polato gress bas been current in Washington | year.” ; duritig the week. It appears that the We might til you more about One members of the House Committee on Minute Cough Cure, bat you probably & Rules have been trying fo arrange 8 know that iLcures & compl Everyone : program for the reat of the session does who hss used it. It is a perfect Si which will allow of an adjournment by remedy for conghs, cols, Binarsendss. about the middle of May, Among the | 1t is an especial tavorite for ehild : ‘measures which are understood to have being pleasant to take and goles been given the right of way are the caring. C. 'W. Hodgking Patton _ Bankruptey bill, the hill tor the confi- Pharmacy jeatie of pension laws, and as many... : ; BY ha A iir eames . i any {This is fo certify that on March 11th, contested eleciion cases ns can be pre. | walked to Melick’s drug store on : pared in time for action. One of the AIRE 10 Ee 3g sOIe a tt : : : , pair of grotiones asd bought a bottle obstiscles in the way of adjournment is £ Ci berlain’s Pain Balm for i } iY : plo Sad Hane 's Ps alee for in _ the River and Harbor bill which isin ahh ins Aim for in the lands of the Senate. In the latter aT oe body: the expectation of an early ad- bottles | am compl jourament docs not appear to strongly entertained, the belief. pre. vailing there that niot he looked for weelt in June at least. TARR I SAA AR Pell, in in rocamatism which bad After using three etely curd, 1 can be so cheerfully nxommend it Charies H. I Wetzel, Sunbury, Pa. Sworn and sub ye oR aeribed Defore. me on August 10, 1584 an adjoyrnment CAD: | waiter Shipeann, J. P. For sale at 50 earlier than the first | sonts per bottle by Patton Pharmacy, JF 10. WW. Hudgins ® erties, mildly diuratic, sudorific and perfect, remedy for skin diseases, chap- | Very Respectfully Yours, GUARANTEED. miflinery at 8 reas Call These little pills are good for in~ good fir hesdache, good for good for constipation. ‘ If turkey hens begiti to lay early the summer outing that MARY | ander hens (chickens, leaving the! tarkey hen to lay another clutch of which she should be allowed to | summer crop, yet they can be grown : TORACCO and (NGARS y hardy and | oi “well adapted for nearly all sails. They Jehnaown, or a If early peas ure desired they may planted this motith on soil that te tonic pure juice of the grape, and never fail to. More than seven-eights is the ped bands and lips, Hodgkins, Patton | simply made core pile C W. bitter by Peruvian Bark, Chamomile Pharmacy. Flowers, Snake Root, &o, and will ‘cure Malaria Pever if owed as di pected. : Lot For Sale. A Jot on Rowell avenne, Patton, Pa, Will be sold cheap. Address or inquire LOW RATES TO WASHINGTON. D.C Exeur John Resch, Central Hotel, Patten, Pa Special Yen ay Exon rsion vin Fonmwy iva. win Baibrond. : a : : The last of the series of low-rate ex. Dana's Sarsapariila is not only the : best of all remedies for the Nerves, eursions to Washington, D. C., via Penney lvania raiirond, will leave Piits burg May Tth, 1996. Fxenrsion tickets, permitting of stop over in Baltimore in either direction within Hmits, will be sold at rates ‘but if no benefit, you can get your money back. The same gusrantee ap plies to Dana's Pilis, Cough Ryrup and Plasters For sale by CW. Hodghkine, | Agent. 14813. X i It's all the same, a slight oo i , con- gested lungs or severe cough. | One Minute Cough Ours banishes Sherh. 0. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. quoted below, good for ose going on gpecial Erin mentioned below, or on train No. 4 leaving Pittsbarg at 8:10 p. .m_, returning on any regular train ex- cept the Permsylvaiis limited. Special train of psrior curd and day coaches “will be ran on the following schedale: £ Rate. Train mves, a The Soest tier in Patton al Noe Wm BIR a $i 9 TRp om Pitsbarg resin A Shoei CW aahington Passengers from branch points de siring to take the special train will tee the following trains: Southwest branch ; : train No. 101 to Greensburg: Indiana RL. GBORGE, hearich. Indians mcommodation No. rs oh xp : Ake ar io Blsiresilie Snir i ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, G.]. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magee avenne, near P RK depot MEALS AT ALL HOURS Now for f ph BE : sige 2x140 feet. Terms reasonable. : | rake a dose of DeWitt’s Little Barly will do Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, and Blood, on Car | Bicycle Repairing a peciaity. Manufacturer's Agent «Por The— Keystone Powers, Threshers and Cleaners. CHAMPION Binders, Reap ers and Mowers. CROWN Hoosier Grain and Corn Drills. WAGONS, Buggies, Carts, Plows, Harrows and Calti- vators. WHITE 4 Sewing Machine, the King of all Sewing Machines a Specialty. Wicd orion. CE MONEY {rarense parchases hi r store for Rpr ng Trade. Have just : pecpivedd a Spe ELLIS N\ oad of of all kinda A large stack of Bed Room Suits, Couches and Lounges And window shades. All Colors. A beastifol (rayon Porteait will be given awiy with every §15 purchase of goods. § 4 #; ers may profitably give more atten burg and Holiduysburg, accommoda tion train No. 413, to Altoona; from Bedford train No. 4 to Huntingdon. Should the number of pRssengers Dot be sufficient to warrant the running of special train the company reserves the right to carry participants in this ex- | Tickets on sale in Pittsburg, at Union Ticket offlie, 360 Fifth avenue, “and Union staticn, and st all stations mentioned above, For fall informa- tion apply to sgenta or Thomas E. Witt, prssenger fgent western district, Fifth avenue and Smitiafeid street, Pittsburg. Whit Everyhaly Says Ani Hraody. That the Wines and Brandy of the Speer N. J. Wine Co, Passaic, NJ. are leading all others in public faver. Their Wines are anexoelled for delicacy of favor, and are pronoanoed by the mest capable judges to be the very beat in the market. For pure grape Brandy their (1d Climax, vintage of 1508, adpsittedly the best to be had and more reliable than Fresh Brandies Drag gists sell it GALLITZIN, PA. d R. Cornelius, Kalivitor for German National B & 1. sedation. Le : a : 1 5 Furniture Dealer and Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, : Patron, Pa. Office in the Good Building. Worth |. I wish to inform the imhabt ; i tanta of Patten that | have opened my sext to the Sehool Building with # choice selection of Teas and Coffees, China and Glassware. (diven with each pur chase A share of your patron: age rimpectfally requested. ALEX. HUNTER, FIFTH AVENUE. * 4% contact wit in % ar i i ia & PANE x Y igs Fae x aa i} 3 3. ingts AS GH as Gill CAN as HIGH QUALITY, LOW PRICES, SATISFACTION GUARA Foyt fang the secret of OUT SHICess, : to indge i £3 Yikes SO Examine our offerings as shown by at ALEX Ra TY AE uh “45 W ho the MAY WANAMAKER & BROWN. Spring Clothing. One cloth and clothing are guaran 20 Tepe se11 ted ioc di IAS EVE PAL wy yerise iy as Gf Beecala se Lae Cintaig # Tater ivi Ronny LEER 1.53 Ie NTEED, kay pu hl ali AEN Ak i ‘ er. TR z wk3iei . = ¥ A 5 , para kr % 1 atlaor-Made oi LOT Ta aXe ; 4 Rew $ A % singh # Rel MOR i Tn on FELIS YY Sn or 2 ey RAN = a * Ed if - i a ort A UH iY 0 ar anviiing (10 x These are pecise rv Wearing will he { DTH Ir sales agent SMITH, MER HOUSE 5 tT si 1. Iaah * I ————— MONDAY. Truth Undertaker. ue ralies off a new lease of life | the bargains we offer value and price. v more goods and secure greater vaine at auy DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FLOUR or FEED, EET PATTON SUPPLY CU. |]... |Our Establishment by sending a Postal Card to IW. SHARBAUGH, Carrolltown, Pa Pa when it comes mo both 5 A Fai a 3 Setter €X penae Fin x $a YL SPR Pradie, & A | i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers