| ME WAS FOND GF TisTERS gn mopERN © Bony hun THE] POTENT PEAMT pls ——tii : | And Having the Chines Dargit fed Pew EN PLOYEES OF LARD £ PARIS STORES Wall Bguare Maid Of Then DINE IN THE BUILDING. pil eB WORR Tnal wie vey ; ; went fie Ir: 9d 1 A Tremendons Hesiness In Itself When fhe beowih ERGs i a aot Aba gael Haisd AT fis, Siuxhele Buin You Consider tiie Meals That Are Pre- “lw ould vob ral! 5 Aga dows S008 pes glen ly Slip amas ou Flide Carew Loviry Year This Mao pared and Birvedd Evervihing Is Done They ti de Swat Lat & St mire eam TEE al wing 32 Soin hy Daeg a Erk mel Re Fae Fhe Renan Im First Class Stele, hint If Pays. ; er.’ iy 0 STEER Sdd Wis 4) Fan Bihar Fea 08 de 0 The refectories of the ! : ment gloves or V'hazaers of Paris sre og sive gin smong the most curions fights of the bas ru at French capital As em as the Bon He in Hay Marche and the Lonvre—dear to the : hearts of all Aberican women who make the grand tome’ and prototypes of the colosal atabiishments in New ie : : : on dey : ET pas a £ fe Auris se SHER et gi ey 0s opp | sy Tork und sdjavest cities—logan tous. | E00 AT thal womens be halt telfensd | IUCR C0 Le tare | em Gn i priate tie gen | Cpl en cn aw mpi ve te 3 the viet fnine grest impartance their project: gu | tue : EH a ee A A i re oa Bal a Fae £8 Ee ay aa. bora! They Love pot a the Age a vis i with tha ee in & : ) ; rue Sig Fa ey J Sua Baily : is ek a = £0 ei ae “How shall we organize the ‘meal © aid See iveny’ of these theossands of men sod yo: well w open?’ : From in Praree “lanth.” as underston thing bit : Ani vion, fs unknown. Every pur Hite subi wets Is 1 nutrly kop Co Ee hme at nT Ths pray | : Re and | Sape. makie of tha early : pe ehax 3k : er a Bab : he i Foe peur elimist ous of elnuinla To ; os fhe fo iv ind have heen ade are ve ry fay pis mply a “break fast” | PIAOC Flo wom Wien op In the sigat {4 HD Pale Bn MY NE 2h Cihis coated abhen Fils edu in wliellamlie aE | gigidfeant a8 ome pt and Ha owl minrmuring, “'s Addie mek" ard et oR Lo | } of 35 mompas ve iho arin hein BF eek wont in olf remit, Fm wine Ase the Bighes on of the Inrge pie: work. ot hel or man ME acts tix Lim Tabesin produced in 0 uisis, Georgia, Tonnes Jia morn cot tw S10 | Waite pons iaine ars visilie from the § lute in a boven ap and tha bheicohos 5 oP eat 4 1s mney #5 WEES CRITE RILIE TIEN iT : rE TH me Tage i. #5 : 2 4 : Fra : : ts £ r 8 8 5 3 o, sud yong } Sos tf Brine i & Sy 8 sehieh mel i he oenenitly for the vat] S aiways go Ee 12 : : ; Ae te Eh Honalyeasth = ami the oly distinetions. He ¥ x 2 ew tg Por woapy gene tims the Frereh have o one day be 2 ” os ; re Nm : Dosis av rcmponnrnd snrt. all Fires ry ess Bower nol omn | ae RY Fo OLEEO : s FoR faa OF Shin mata Nk TER pean f Win EA Fir U0 LOWER. Bah ly § wvesedy Phe wie ; : ; ast Die 3 2 freely Loe EUR redid Spin +0 48 pobealihyd 14 take He b ik : : aa R25 tha murs ate fmt, # hatiedd the eapnaln and © fuan oh mre minge fo very he Ty wom foose Boia en ; % 4 : a ee SE } : gis = ge oh Ban the TB as . Uris pastored 2 be lhe Tavern ri bed A he hehe BGA DEG a sandy | ew Tier Husbands Pedk War Tramforss | a FR ev ue ibis 40 mg Ru dley wa Eady wR, and ) io ) ary bin Ew ; LE a & Tate a Sidelogs wiiitions wait FHT H w Vii 3 i ETAT wre for ge A § iad a KG Fi svih Hele Tap : A & EE TR sa ak ed fade & Sidebostit, STR BR i CRY ety Dinos CS shin] ood 1 9 captain owed an . a | light repast whic J i Ameri CHEE ; Sheds mr BARE : hi i 3 2X 0 is a ; oo “Heppner. oomes at 7, 8 ao 6 Be WAlncAmuh. carding to tha cironpstances of the per me doiiar and a ball,’ bes son, Oonclerges, or bons jeaters, g aan Enve the capeiain tan Cerally dios at 8, winter aod suromer, iv a a taba. Cumd 8it over thelr mead an Lo chatting and langhing | hour the whole family is pails and its "little affairs are dieonosed and settled With the orpnrintion of the’ bazaar’ captain : ! Hah i : : ao 3 : ; Ex 28 ? 4 : i S 4 hi og # 3 E uaa i & oe, spat and a gre: af crowd of peo: po putoarig | IGALT COACH Ey PTOAECIITE, ek Ere bm owes Te paki Tress re Fe i REE cd Nrer 3 er Frac wal Bogner abort to Yatton tha man eat and to bet almost in in 1 ATF Vast Buh 2 vk poe mrs ma heaved sae Ca 8 | ORT RoInt TRmiT, Woe AIO Be Bo pand BX . i wrtant seater of i hase pomn As LEE Luge 3 th in fain. : yi ¢ x jo % 3 Ls TRL HE BR Koa _ th at : . : CPE § pi gions dies] Yop rome the vead of §eeping a constant out jo tr ni FPO erin , mad the first mite Ee fin oy Gk HR piste, 2 3 dw belie goang 0 Toe look over the houdrads of vrung men = 2% ue. ston Quek haa x 4 aT Teg rk 4 phe Favs nme rf Gh Ga i thay 3 ‘ : 4 why © sn oC nl Women in each dopartmn nt, and Evening was ing over the wat il a : 4 , ; EE it of pint grandtatisei de | . X Soemnl Fa the man Sroes fon hi 4 est, od woth it r 80 » has aeade Lorn shes grt Be ews te = athr'n desk | and Sliratiipe—cr if the first cost of 2 : 3 1 3 5 phy y ; J 3 5 PR Boi inn Bal VE Ta Te 5 ¥ & the hele of sd iring brtandurs stag. dividual offers who bats themes orf foes Fo less wll felp £ 0 cs wad boiiached IT che plant sary IE TOO ETERE, OF FRace Ww d Peri he 3 pk 5. 7 5 : : 5h 3 jig 3 = het pe th pen be. hours fils the po wd Berisha i. L drgwn the dosien a varieny) of differnt | were meteitive hav mesdiie | 2a be done mur dear, andl 1 bate 20 ix wery limited. by intridocing suitable ting down of the jrrest iron shatters be. £118 and zit : fore the hwrasns: windows st 6 pom, PemypnTe adapted 1 tik als + the TEpRrities cy Te wis with a view of this ini to jp : | SW come | Sound by anaiysis Io he sroment in the son. vather than | 170 the oa Phas Gpened bis rios an EN). wm SHEE 2 Poa Aire » | be wis : TIARA SATS | water Por the latter suethond the Hime jared Xitaly 5 the deck. Ho ross, | a sb Pirte wre ihel w greatly i will be vary emer to dover. Io will | sults, # re ragidly precipitated and 30d leaning | : cpl that 8 semdered eusily reaovable br Llowing od ander | sae de gil 3 ¥ be the GEOW which : ope a \ A Wary C0 Sager, Bard bh Catch, br thin captiliruos to take | ! res saith : - : : 4 i Forder nts Phar. : : on " ghee night uj POUL, TUNE. DO gm nae LL fr WR FEI RTE pe ; ; " y ; EAs older tod ih meirvor, 47 ; The bas ALY pre again,” Fait fmt es dl ag We fe lee i) begs sf of the Sea 2 = wih neg t sth sidvares arid ; CRE taate vi My Wage fir tenia ataonnt © a A Sd mi : : § : 3 ig En ; pe % £9 § -s 65 mid Aw eps SGN 4 : . = : bo tins dollar and a ball Bui fife | 27008 WERRORVE bad wimp the sesmags in Virginia helm | Solvay Lh with the feel waber ¥ paving your debts an Troon ; Te : 3 Sp oo iad oy . ¥ 3 tosh Ed geht 4 sical: A ABRIOR ¥ ow Hl ge a hk £3 % he 5 Ge i. pan A od oR anil Tl rokiian : von ay mitre ry tad wend dhe AY or 0 : : id 4 Vim of The (ds thie eabinet | whiptever, for rine oe readily ES rp pi | Peay gly & J og : 5 : ‘ oi he dig Bt g jo & pl ae : 3 : 5 Si Be Soap : i 35 ads Mar SRR Twin OR Poh iy wi i oof Pine pares iniwh A Beg That fan Cat Metal. The Riwren Wevndne, Pi em 0 : Log a ar Af pemse Ft i ie | eed One svelte Tet Rong segs. Ite ows has nis i paucagl | wm ssdsnlon ta ni or ster i i. emest ho cae Lh, Th Berni py Bas og Af 1hade the geols. | hy oe 3 | tha that 1h erop har Peeomie 1 3 {fuer womia WaTer Gave ABOWnR IL ent 5 al Thee smriocs feeuity of 8 ih the wu i il ini gad attention rot the Si Sevan a iis $y With FES 4% : Ld SAT itera an 1 esters tom | MATE WEEE SiR 58 % ts ieliand egal phaivow was sceidemtally dine opasietd by x : : Ee : ; : EL ; " it EL Ada Lin a linia «i i Yen 57 : I ALR A Li Ra pi Ya 5 aR : : Ral Fras Las bs Al he LI a ¥ { mes % “x Ee 2 gx i wr bo naerts, wil 4 ination ¥ Ny fe RT FEOER gdenesant,. Wilh aR ey 8 Husted LUIVET | of ben the letter 1m ep white cupp : f elent sei urs, tudtle washord wo eabinth pede i ta in Fines sedes ii 5 qiis ible . i a 0X a i ; ; : A hu ta FE IEE RTD 3 & : VEE A Hie % £ at 3 p. ER Ce i oF i weak Taal i . t ER Bote we Well worl th 8 vi Will the | ool, ; i od. All bse | a Fata meat, 4% Th tag ¥ nile SAAS Presehmen Debuve In Wonlaan's Abdjity. wat beiltecin % DAS ak Be atoms 51 she avichens mye fin es im hstiwm | Say ® thse ua irs mithily | ZoTIST bur, Sib SAE BE 2 fu the hues al Tine of wien bu Hr may do k imta one | 40 meniiheast, parailel So the trend of the | ene lug A 00 g Wt BarrOE ledge, fon 3 Say or SD is il Yad su [AUR wen Da SF Ae CHER, whica 3 Lad tharhel 4 Artoes n WE pert pr A res wich Lie drdagivone sha a pea ERE roe EW Sa Laren miRaalae thar apiaitnent to & saben. that Le road FE books in order cox is sinner > 4 aha fii go a un a EL Re Ea He Alon BRR BE Ae : 5 Eh IEG TETY aes GL fhe | pig Buss sen lutor, whos Stal ne i# | Bel shilsh dnterragt th ar | watab find moancdinn of the Yond wield iil kits $i3 TER sommiry cue, MM seesna, ai af sali’ wis rhe e talk of set hovers Lich BIR emery ¢ : fo Feit Ei i ; : ; : gl a Ta : X : : oie ol ’ ‘ 3 3 tha wiley that he | deret eacly i B zon of grewfer meta | She ria non 5 the hint st open md fae Si ered STi RBar aa Ma danger spent $306 in endeavoring Wo Jud om 3 i f : 3 ‘ j 38 e 4 AREA, day : $a gaia Tel wl R Sig iol Ta | # 4 Pe ak - BYE ha tn aa S14 | morphism, These selilets, With their a dn ay pane pnR ng ol Gn a of suirivation lugs bess ht siig) {= om TE fasately fa “8 hut { w hat Hu Xture of kljab 8 garment hattalion of Lottie wiwhors 18 busy fromm Lsootatit ianeots masses, form the older | ire sedi D Sond dC Magakiaeg, : SH BRAT AT Lhe deSUARA. Le Lemigs SE- | ghogod be and what should be the ap. dawn to dusk, ferol ng un the rosy of the two great groups of rocks recor : oH iv i = ; or ry Re fos Temsilal shosidl be Gnpics od searanee of the groond on er i or the yellowish white wine in | id thie = x AN By : Te Jatids es na i Bk sehr dR esses, SG | paged was for Thin same stnioe thai | Biz in Sierra dovasia, : piteh % of wo tron fit Nigh, a i Sas : = 5 CH Ee a Suid E bh a alr rs ; : 0h Sb GPE Lehn some Frais seen mone SHAR | he separ ited a celihrated soatauis® and ing it. Both the Louvre Evidener Agadot Mia 3 ian by £5 reselling of a good at AP By hoAR PE PERT Dlkely to be fenined DY Loe gunlier sex | aocwprod cut hanably Ris eriticiam oot ree hnre wine oellars | = lids t vent ave me lied » (tT 1a ln al Maries Tamb'sl ook tl mS STR ERR Nepman, sas AB infaentin] organ, arity the muscles of an aplifted srs. £5 puared a donsmercial travel | Chr tel wel twieted tots | wii rime far betier educator tn man, abd | Jpg owell toe Siete that gesiuses are ray ayes or er i coe of eur city hotels, as be faced | (vy aria sinh A cdeesaend hose of rw a Shae Ly abit by hier Sp BO RD AR WHED | willing to admit hey C0 BOT RDOW Ab the Leavre thers are threo table | i. berk and ba : i his et d down or | ihe Wirt? And here nt ao | DRanm gOlLGR seen, MI ISR TIIEE BP | frm discipline a» naquined de fertadls Wo ny srk are mover in sock & barry s af 700 exch for the mer At the a A AR. TF ers Hy RAR shown by anacres to oe ERDRGOE BO | have foundatin of gtromger ad | hos ther ov. ae o pevomsity for tak- A : L oh icra ai a 3 ; wind? aad bo 3 eactirs aid than when placed : ach category of erupiiyeen has | Livenrog he drt : ; wt of the Eabitoes of the place Bay } BREDT.P HINTIOR 10 Ex V eT SA (fpans ene sldbivat in tse bands of i lier room. The heads of depart | “Treliyaa l a : Sr dg 3 hi a cont of tan oh ; oe x hil Bua re need 52a oon CRE This ws ident a ribnle © the ments dine together, and ever miX | wg diane, wir, and Lean prove in bo oander for a dni IS. AA eae fedater|® Lm Rel Sex | A certain farmer whe Wis by with the bead clorks of each counter. © «af oe > 20 ab ad: but you - is F weonds a | an anal Tonnas orn ve ee i Revenue | rpeans peted for Bis resembiisce ¢ moder elerks eat their beled beef | [rove iw ak fies Sardi pom mit vimarh hws | 4s - a ae 11 Re = Asa. =a : 5 Prayseta Rts Apidie hat a sen of Sar 7 who bad roast ehicken withoot being tron. Yes 1 can ** ; . : Ch ars wimanie fending sin Brig 1p apprectat- | A Par i p senior massed bP 4 Sats Wit ' ea by thie ros ines of their chiefs, | “Prive it the. 11 Aged pass uuu wtsel vd: oe th . wd ans ext Prosi rele EE =» Tanga ohn ; La 3 pe LUE Le Peg Atng Basin Loran thie dar a ar cer ae tor the fares, the husmbler oes, the packers, the | “Wall, you did pot have called at | have | sean . ok Yaa : f ther 0 was an tan, | Doin 3 It Canisite As She Sout 53 pe -— 5 A aw a Oumed We | Jy weeing the lad, asked, “Scany, <bivator moen, the run- i 8 0'click. beonsiae | did aot Mines wend 1 old a8 the hills. I gains. 18's mame i gver J 00) RAITIOR S00W, ADIGE J | battar, advisit, Sim to bE where's your fathee?’ : ? : mos r ” ki Roy hy PCG « titel,» PET ent of Fax nd wh 73 FA ie. ERG, and 1% Tee thar HED Wk, rx wae tha pine SAY the Soopers and lighters, have 5 tam Ea protenn, ‘0 be eallesl at ail! and the commer. wad jartionbsriy appropriate hs A a Reade ay ti 0 i Tigo hd . their long table, and finally, the garcons, . ins rl el VE Pprpaate na he |e cent of cardedrdrates apd is one © said the pritector. 1G pay him i the piuoen? Thanks nnd as the E : cial man grinned and looked foe the tel, ‘Dew Drop Lin Lt gt comcentrated feeding eros out tn b oon He sked Bo Ihe Ppp ean ae ox the men who wear the uniform of clerk to Blveh awd apologise i Ris hearers cinnnwated on the apt . TS mney Tl. EE j BAS. th bis Om b Cilio supe yd gral paoved in a direction mdioated : - Ae ii Hothe apt | eeith which we are familiar ranking | woaloaner sud lire givi vi atone Bs Les abricaeed iY ane *l he house gad aceunipany the delivery Bat be Joked in viin,. A little thin Capeus, andl later 1 ihe emer hE, ww pe wi tho > ow > ik : oon svar 8 1 i» = any YVenlfant wo ARI as HEE Ym'l 4 a 3 #35 CAL = pai a teh mae » Wagnih i ln so epaaReet fs % 7 GES » % EH N Sin om 3 SWagLLs SEG SCR ITE mone far De 1 : hike that wistidia ty hither a hotel clerk. | stranger § party. one of 1 ad f5 soins cases nhesd of then ; - saa Knaw Beis avian he i iy Nat cay! have their part rg iT TOO, An a x Naxx : Number tries to teil about this hotel ! crib F toa Boaaws UF IWIRGGON & A wey Alban | ~Bostm Jowed to cowe amd go more irregularly | = amd cond mt understand wh #18 | aa roaiv 3 hg e than refer to ais § of France, bes Hg desirons to Tens jan the others because of the peculiar Won the Cap. Lever did not see the aptivess : whe Fost ak } ta whieh > ~ oh mos Poms rtics of | T8I8e a learned madi To The highest aig Tima o is 2 b : : 3 : ature of Heh a oe adie | “hat ara those cups for?! asked a foul that on the signixard were the gy Ameria sid cron ii devorsd (Biles GL tie chdron, askal | iim if he observe the sae © fise on oe well dros : yuan of a Jeweler, pointing | wands, Please Walk In ow Yirk [mua nur ta sorted in the factors wa of eb ie descent VY Oli majesty pig pgm EE gue) p to sowie elegant silver caps on tha coms. | Herald | Ee postal ew nit and ghied | anwered the abit, ) : three A i Be T ets ure race Cups, to be given a : ui Furtanste sf Me 's sithue bimeocle or through jibters, | povitively toa hick of them 1 Aa rol of ihe establishment during the putas vou 4nd I race | FYe for; 1am’ my i a boo Ermenthy by gold To CLIP sh —Paris Letter in bh SPP Fam Vin all the wi time of the repasts. {for ae Pd they sfranger, with the ; ot ne x" Cincinnati Enquirer. sup in band, » arted, the Jowislor alter TE Bn ies fry The stranger won the enn — Pek } elm, 3 Inclined to Assist Him. hg ha Fuiger won i 1 nobody to b “Yom don't object to n contribotee ie no tm to eall when dropping into poetry once in awhile, I It is probebly to the ton frig ut nen an ioteresting presume?’ said the caller, with an affa- of vhs hot bath that the debilitated eon fen alont yest ble smile. : La stitotions of the Grosk women ars to be in sit, tor bw es : | “Certamly not, sir. Sit down,”’ m= ascribed, sars an English writer, ; and to abuse vou bebund your bask ay ¥ & iN 1. Va, plied the aditor, pushing the waste this abnse added to their patoral indo. And you sx hin ty Dive | BERGHE ‘ 5g Trib sai Ea : for Poston | Sime, —~ Boston Hx i Tasket Soward him. ~Ciioago ibune, lenoe, fonds to shorten their lives | for Boston A SN ARH i A AA HG ¥
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers