The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 23, 1896, Image 1

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APRIL 23; 1806.
fair export movement of corn by river
: only
As Reported by Bradstreet's
Commercial Agency.
tmiproved Reinil and Wholisate Demand
: for Seasomable Merchandise.
Bowron, April 17. There is still a
jack of activity, and operstions are of
| moderate volume in all departments of
trade. The money market is eather,
which is doe iy part to increnned comfi-
se in mercantile credits. Collec
ions are reported fairly good, and
there in a better demand far merian-
tile paper. Western paper is being
sid as low as Si per cent, with eastern
5 per cent, while little factory is
Weta now is shape to serve yon with Hered, and gilt edge world be taken
Thaw [abe to Sore Lou Mitly at 4 per cont. Time more} pny
ott drinks including the wonderfal at 44 per cent. on six months, with fou
drink, months at 41 per cent. The boot and
shoe trade is quiet. Buyers lave
{planed fiberal orders, and the prosjects
in favor of a settled market
ther i moving moderately, but it
a slow work te force oben down
GALVENTUN, April 17. Trade is hight
in all branes. Collect
Aland are poor.
Toronto, April 17, Wholesale trade
is improving slowly, there befng an in-
| crease in thy sorting-up orders in sev.
eral branches Prices generajly are
steady. while remittances are back:
Baw » Little
Prancisco, April 17.
change is reported § in eommeroind lines,
(reneral brsiness is quiet, though prices
steady. Wheat freights are firm
There is considerable foreign demand
for amber.
active and higher,
to be Fi woraily Reported Frome the
Hons Dom ayither
Thi: House Comianittee at Washing-
ton en invalid pensions Tosslay or
dered a favorable report a bill to
adjust the pensions of maiwwd anion
soldiers and sailors, who served during
the war of the rebediion.
makes an average increase in lhe pen-
‘gions of this class of about 813 per
month and creates a pension fir those
who have lost a hand or foot.
It provides that all persons sow on
the pension roll and all persoits here
after granted a pension, who, while, in
0 the military or naval service of the
in ight sopply. but the fasteTn
nd is very flat. Iron and steel in
. owing to the combinations and
, bot trade is moderats. Lamber
; afactarers are not baying except for
=m Call und sew them. | ajoms in price; collections are poor, and |
| the disposition of a number of buyers
is to get and take all the titne possibie.
‘Dry goods are very quiet. Maoroceo
(and leather continue dull, with very
limited demand for fine grades,
| ulight improvement in boots and shoes
lis noted, Sugar shows an advance in
| pertain grades. There is sn increased
. demand for lumber, both in local and
out-of-town orders. Iron is pudet.
|The combination fixing the price of
| steel billets, it is believed, will taven
tendency to make the market stranger.
Prrresuro, April 17.- The volume of
business is larger. Country buydrs are
| more numerous. Other orders, those
[from traveling saleamen, are larger
Cor | nd more numeroos than for some
(time. Prices in all lines are well main.
"tained, and the outlook is promising
for a profitable season. Thore has teen
but little business dorie in the local
{fron market. Prices have chang bat
little, and the market is listless.
. Burralo, April 17. There & ho
| change in general trade. Favirable
| weather has tended to stimulate the
| retail trade, bat wholesalers are aot ine
clined to push business, ss
A complete stock of Monyon's
Ga ana gel » copy of Manyon's|
; | prefer to keep their goods rather than
| enrry the accounts. In financial circles
[the demand for money is strotig, but
| regular customers are being cared for.
| Some activity is noted in marine circles
; to the opuming of Bavigs-
‘tion, and the outlook for a good
jsesscn’s business on the lakes is fav-
; Gmicaco, April 17. There is a good
increase in salen of light sumnjer dry
‘for this season. are x good
many buyers in from the country, but
‘the bulk of the bosines is in filling
mail orders. Buyers in the Interior
Printite w willis { who have delayed spouring summer
Furniture ms. e ve | goods have come in with a rush and
a ful atoek 1 in this week, Now sales exceed last year's. Steel manu-
now ih way we had to dup- | | facturers continue to report a good run
: ‘of orders for raila, billets, rods and
structural iron, and the fedling is
‘strong. The demand for pig iron, al.
though not as good us Last week, wis
| fairly active, and all grades are firmiy
‘held. Sales of bar iron and light hard.
{ware were larger at full prio,
feeling on leather is unsettled. Tan-
: | pers are reporting good sales, hut there
parchase. we give you your choice of a sa lack of uniformity in prices, and
if they are not in comparison with those |
i A air we give you this sbso-
Ju Withevery
| ies The latter are stealy, with
i moderate sales. Building soaterials
sell well. Sugars are fairly active, the
! advancing tendency stimulating buy-
oe Wool receipts, 241,717 pounds.
The opening of navigation on the
lakes will release 10,000000 hushels of
grain that has been sold to the east
‘and give bankers plenty of money in
- the near future. Collections are fair.
See cuts in 1 large od on the New Omimaxs, April 17.--Jobbers
local page for further informa- aad dealers | in Miclenslo lines com-
tion, : Respect. yOu Hor interest in state elections, which
- take place next week. There is only a
moderate movement in cotton. Hold-
as oniletions |
stilt remain unsatisfactory, andl they
United States during the Inte war of
the rebeilion snd in the line of duty,
Jost a hand or fost or was Hkwise to
tally disabled in the same, nit rir
_eelve 4 pension of $45 per month;
Call such persons, who, in like manner,
jest ap arm Af or shove the elbow joint
¢ in wool and textily circles; man-
or a leg at or above the knee joint, or
were likewise ukally disabled in the
‘same, or who, in like manner, lost an
arm below the elbow joint or a leg be-
low the knee joint and suffer from total
or partial stiffness which renders the
stump neeless, shall receive a pension
of $50 per month; that all sacl persons
who in like manner lost an sro at the
shoulder joint or a leg at the hip joint,
or 80 near the joint as to prevent the
use of an artificial limb, or were like
wise *otally disabled in the sme, shall
receive a pension of $55 per month;
and that all such persons woo in like
manner lost both a hand and a foot, or
were likewise totally disabled in the
same. shall receive a pension of $72
per month,
Rowelyed by the od seddisn im wend
and Nemrby Conniles
The folowing pension certificates
have heen imsped sines thy date of
April 2:
Original — Archibuid Halden, Co
vode, Indiana county, William Goss,
Hitindale, Indiana vounty; John Coup
dovenset |. Bruashvailey, Indiana
county: Edward Boring, Beringer,
Indiana county: Ei B Slonacher, Now
Stanton. Weatmoreland county; New.
ton Wilson, New Kensington, West.
moreland county: George Hiding
felter, Johnstown: Lewis Schroyer,
DuBais, Clearfield county: 'Witliam P.
| Pritchman, West Newton, 'Westmors-
land county.
Increase — John Wagner, Fdrwand
Somerset county; Wiliam C. Hollen,
Ashville Cambria county: David (0
Koener. Sotervilles, Weastmoreland
county: Jacob (i. Bowman, Mountain.
dale. Cambria county; Cyras Baker,
8 Ciresniaburg.
| goods and clothing, owing to the sod.
{den arrival of unusually warm weather
Original widow's, ete.
Moffett, Scottdale,
county; Emily
Rager, Johnstown:
Esther Lambert, Buckstowm, Somer.
wet county.
Mary Ann Smith, Greens
Anthor of Home Sacer! Howe
The Soldiers Memorial Home of
Brookville is embarassed fSaancially
because of a debt against it by the re- |
ewiver of the defunct bank of DuBois.
In order to secure funds to raise the
debt J. P. Roscoe, of hiBois, Has
originated a most worthy plan by
which be has placed in the bands of
‘the country a large fine lalf-tone en-
graving of John Howard Payne anthor
of the immortal song of Home Sweet
Home, and which will be sold for the
tominal price of ten cents each. Str. |
1. 8. Bell. the clothier. has secured a
number of copies, which he has placed
‘ on sale at his store on Magee avenue.
Fireman's Now Bell.
Members of the Patton Fire company
were busily engaged Tuesday placing
in position on their building the new
bell recently purchased by them. By
its resonant tones slumbering firemen
may be quickly enabled t) respond to
duties call.
Open After May tith.
From now until about May 11th my
dental office will be closed when 1 will
return to look after practice. Office
will be open again Monday, May Lith.
(ae Dr. J. T. Swarts
Wheat for shiprpent ws
The |Dudsarre
Owrtivie hed given osx
s pearly
dered sew suits for all
he 1 showing up
Petitions, Etc.
the Court.
o hah 8% Ra
are Considered
Pwo Years in the Westin Pienftentiary and
# Heavy Pio
Argument oourt wins opened at Eb
snsburg Monday morning with a good
Parker on
wpintons fled by
Thomas J Pearl
motion fr a new trial
Getwer Manufactiring company
Jacob Prindle petition #1 in der.
ment apd Jet the plaintiff ioto a
forme. Refused
HH Kahn, trostes. for creditors
uf Ogilvie & Mintimer und Ogilvie &
Watkins va. Ada J. Ogilvie: proceed
frogs to set aside mortage which Mrs
dire creditors of
the henih = Among the
the court were the
Bor kashand, Refused
Mra A.J Nosn ve
en. Lots MeMulien,
Burke: proosedings to
ia sale
and John 4
Exceptions sustained and
wale ordered set aside
Afnong other
was the heariog of
against giving John
matters disposed of
eowanwel for ard
Ward familiarly
ack Ward a new trial.
Ward was convicted a1 March eoart of
wing a poorly ariminal Opera.
to the
fiom which resuited in the death of
lizzie Dugan, lant No
Judge Barker over-ruled the motion
of Wilmore,
of Ward's counsel for a new trial and,
after & seathing lecture to the sccased,
sentenced him to separate and solitary
confinement at hard labor in the West.
ern penitentiary for & term of two
yenrs, and & fine of $50, together with
the costs of prosecution.
Hynor at Vintondaie withost a howe,
He was sentenced to pay a fine of $500
and serve three months in jail
are Fein Clrarsd.
Wark has commenosd on the ciear-
ing up of a new base ball ground near
East Magee avenue, aseross (hest
creek. This will be a good ground and
closes to town when completed, which
will be in shout & wenk. The season
will be opened by
raake the opening day here
and will
and mines men,
# gals day
whom they expect
to help them by dropplag & nice or
two in the hat, and they wid ry to
repay them by playing gilb-edge hase
The dance given by the Pauon Base
Ball Club on Friday night was a grand
success in every pariicnlar. All who
attended pes tied it to be the best
n Patton The bays realised
god have
weer hell
Suetien: 2 one
Padi x whore
the team. Thay are
was on exhiintasn at 1%
“on Priday.
Captains Dale mays his boys are wil
working hard and earnestly and the best
Bebecea W.
fielding existe. He suys the team thi
svason will surprise Patton
Reael bx all smiles and declares his
boys will teach them ail the Zune this
season. Rene! & the right man in the
right place.
Pag Moore, secretary and
wm oonly wailing 1o sw Lhe
them inte camp.
Fatty is getting down to weight now
and bas ordered ten ew Dias
Boys taking
tio holes
"ein giiher
Hanter is “rounding oat’ and prom.
jes to piay the best badl of his Lif
Shon’t ask me, ask Hea, be has them
Jin all shapes and styjes
‘the various Relief Corpse throughout : : >
Sith will susely surprise them Jor
: finely.
Lingle i» determined to have all the
boys piay the ame
Army says he will have some up his
sleeve to let out,
Less Kicking and more playing is the
best motio.
“1 am in shape for them all’
Wilson only awaits the opening day.
Parker means basiness in full form.
May be Baldy's arm n't strong.
Play ball
svan of Veteraos.
There will be a meeting of all Sons
of Veterans who have signed the rolls
and others who are invited to join with
us in organizing a camp in Patton
Everyone in Northern Cambria and
Soathern Clearfield counties 18 in-
vited to attend Meeting to il in
hail Tuesdays Seesin
38th. rr
the victims of the late mine disasier at
“Palo Pa,
Jarses MoMul
wet asicle aber.
general and all other who feel J |
Dr. J. Harry McCormick, formerly of L& Hay,
TW X i bes
Patton, was found guilty of selling uber and T. ©. Olurk be aut ed
“to aot as an executive committee for |
the distribotion
among these distrensnd families,
Owbwirn, chairman;
The Dasee Grand ae New Haren b B. Shins, 4. J ent, Sine
plsving a strong
teu from Altoona. They expect to!
scan call on all the merchants |
Building & Loan association, of Ab
the members of
the Gallitzin Bailding & Loan associa. |
tion, was sold to the plantidf for $1,000.
Tite iw ter 8 Bove Thess Proneats
at 1 Al
Come. freeing $n
We, he apdersigned (ommittes, rep
resenting the DuBois Betief Cormpiithee
Gleumes Here and There by
in aid of the widows and orphans of
e “Courier” Reporter.
A in
the Berwind White shat, in Sandy
township, Clearfield ovanty, Pepn's,
respectfully solicit your sid anid as
distance in behalf of the following roe The Pepmeyivania Ralirosd Cebrbrates We
Gaiden Jabiive.
That great corporition, the Penneyl-
slotions, believing yon to be interested
in all charitable work, sssuring! yoo
‘that your kind sdstande in this whrthy | vania Railromd company, which osle-
of attorneys and Judge
cane will ever be remimberad bY the brated the
widows and crphaos
Apporgy the mew nredientative
50th anniversary of ite
The compittes origin in Philadelphia on the 20th inst,
tr distribute this fond wre is justly privad of the distinction which
press of 1 has achieved of being the greatest
istitating se | corporation of its kind in the world
tertod bo recive all funds the TioBois The exarcies were presented apon
Deposit National Bank. is one of the an snosoal seade of magnificence and
strongest of its kind ia the State, To everything transpired to mark the day
this end we request ¥ tay ily wid ae one of surpassing iolerest to the
Lo in bringing this worthy appeal be fire : | peneral piabli aH well an all B44 snbers
your people of ritiroed circles
Rist VED. That we deeply diplore Hondreds of representative men of
the swd calamity whieh oocurnsd 08 of ceofesh
the fooraing of March nd, 1896, a2 jm] "or fing: und from = world of
the Berwind White hat in Raney | travie rm present at the reception
townshin, { eurfield OWES. a Biven by President Roberts and other
whereby thirteen pwn ost {ele lives officials in the company’s building at
while flowing: their penal yooifions, Broad and Market streets, many of
jemying 12 widews and 37 orphan with. Naa H ss
pA whom had contributed in some meas
cme suddenly while they were work- | ure to the suconss of the road sad all
ing to earn a livelibood fr theniesives who had unbounded respect for the
ancl families Wo haliave Lei Pots prospesity by whinh it in sorroanded.
npon this community a maral philga. ia ight conee of . the
jon to help maintain these Homes snd © ii conception magni
Hewne infloences for the fatare deelifnre tade of the Pennsylvania Railroad
of these Lite ones so suddenly de company may be learned when it i»
privad of a Sxther $ ome To Huns snd ksown thit it owns and controls 356
we the fooal press, and the |
| corporations, which by consolidation
weed, To sewiet ns jin extending this and merger, are today represented by
appeal to the public. 138% distinct companies. It controls
ERED, That wy) make this appeal | 9.000 miles of railroad, with an im
toy the public at Inrge and invite every.
ome to render all powsitie fAnaniial as manne Aggregate capital of $34,000,000.
Requirements of Trade,
©. W. Hodgkine, Patton’s enterpris-
Reso ven, That adl Someibated for |
shia tr pose bn recived by DuBois
The ps ational Rank of DuBdis Pa, ing droggist, in about to erent an ad-
ame hat the names off (Be i Jl | dition to his drug store on Fifth ave-
the amounts contribo he ac nue The growth of Mr. H
Cpe TT Bn ee te pod
y £
Bu «J. J Daley, John Ditobbara, | mxtent that the capacity of his present
JP; Wm Owbard. 1. B. quarters is insufficient to accommodate
tis rapidly increasing business. The
annex will be 8x28 feet two
stories in height Bioom & Spencer
Herbert A. Moore, A. contractors.
Jobn Peter
Dunn, George Betis, William Menzie,
af ands oollgoted |
Freak of the Flamin
During the storm which swept this
section on Monday night, Thos Fits
| patrick, a farmer who resides near Pat
ton, had the misfortune to have his barn
Rowers MEDLAD, ‘blown down. A valuable cow was
RowenT REAY. | killed by the filing timbers and other
Address all contribaiions to ML | damage done, which will necessitate
Mad right, aashier, TmBoin | Despont | abhor and expense ww repair.
Natic pal Bank, Dufiois, Pa
Josie NopsoN,| Sec
J. th. SotoMoN,
T 0), CLARK,
i Awither New Building.
Bloom & Spencer have secured the
A Nammber of Prope: Aine Ender Hie Wwe
ar ax Elna contract for the erection of the new
Se ; | dwelling of Hiram Wilkins on West
The following properties wene offered |
showing pan Mages avenue. The buliding will bea
at sheriff's sale af the count House, |
| : : two-story frame stricture in sie 16x28
Plhasehsre Monday afte af and db
wire, Monday afternoon @ Ho | and od will add an
pemect of in the manner indica bed:
x 54 : : other neat renidence those now being
All the right, tte, and inher of | built. : la
Andrew T. Anderson in a lot uf ground |
im the township of Elder, takan in exe |
cation st the soit of the Hauitable
Body Found.
On last Wednesday the body of Jobs
Rorabangh, who was drowned more
toons, Pa. sald to he plaintiff fir 850 | than two weeks ago at Mahaffey, Wan
The plaintiff bonght for $50 411 the find about 4 o'clock in & bole pear the
right, title, and intrest of John Byrne oid Mahaffey mill dam, joes than
and Matida M Byrne in a plese of L quarter of a mile from where he was
ground in Carrolitown bhoroujth, taken washed off the raft.
at fhe suit of the Equitable Loan &!
Building association, of Altouna, Pa. |
he interest of John Pearsin in two |
Jota ving in the township of Eider,
taken in execution st the wait of the |
Equitable Loan & Building ausociation, |
was bought by saul ssnciation for $100. ok ant for Mirkin & Kasner's big
The planti@ also paid $10) for the 4 sagt week. A
interest of G. W. Swank in a two-story 1 A M ES QUI N N,
frayne Se hae in tha Bsrough |
NY oo
1 14-136 Clinton St.
of Pa 1 taken in execution at the
Mit HEY I Addleman sod T. J
Bloom, trading as Addleman & Bloom,
Would like to have some of the Panton
Trade We will have a
“Jward O'Brien paid F290 for the in.
of Ramus! YSmeltser in a building |
located on a lot of ground in Washing-
tan township, containing (ne a0Pe,
taken in exeention at the hil of the |
Enterprise Lumber company. lange ree.
The interest of William (lass ina story building of our own with
certain tracy of land situsbed in the | Now Spring
township of Munster, conbuimng one Dry Goods,
andred meres, tien In epeeution at Millinery,
Etc. Etc.,
Supper at 3 P. »~N.
The sapper to be given by the fire-
men on Thursday night, April 30, will
commence at 5 p.m. sharp. Every-
body welcome.
the anit of the German National Build-
ing & Loan association, of Pittaburg, |
Pa. was soid to Joba C. Sharp lor =e. |
All the right, title, and inlerost of J.
¥ Trexier and Celestine Trexier, ex- |
seutors of Joseph J. Trexien, deceased,
iy a piece of land in Cleartleid town.
ship, having thereon erected a two- |
story plank dwelling house and a log At the
barn, taken in exeention at the suit of; Lowest
; Prices.
The sale of the property of John,
Alston, in Barnesbore, adjourned from |
Saturday, was stayed. }
The sale of the property of M. CQ. | .
Weakiand, also ndjourned rned from Satur- if you can't come.
day, was adjourned antil dune |
Clinton St.
a nm AL ag aT
Look out for Mirkin & Kuuner's big
ad next week. -1t