Spring fever i stoning. Sanday was a genuine spring day. | (On Thursday night, April 30th the | festival. subscriptions. i Dom’ forget it. herihers onder the diseontinuance | bhilsher may con Bil arrearnges are Hogi Them tae strbscrit plaglent or refuse to take | hed Heals fro on wiothos to which are direct Y Are pespionitie gn ve tatiled ies Y ills and ordered them sabeeribers move Lo other with. jing the publishers, an pe former addres oki are i sorta have decided that refusing fo or removing the office panealied So, is prima facts | Patton Pharmacy. The frogs have commenced their | | Pheautifap! music, t 'W. Hodgkins had business in Philadelphia this week. The dance, the dance, the dance on Friday night, April 17th. This kind of weather will soon bring Ww. M R Lytle, of Altoona, stopped at the Central hotel Frida Joseph Fister, of Coalport, registered os at the Central hotel Monday, Oxrovc Faiber Marceliins, pastor. Muse Martin Lewis, of Philipsburg, had a her Sunday at} stip m. busines in Patton on Monday. Mxrsonme EroOrAL Rev. Cl W. _Wamon, | Clean yor door yards before the | Hers aL 1030 a. mand n Teague * ‘Board of Health” comes around. 3 RK Davis, of Altoona, stopped at Rms pices NOTICES. the Commercial hotel on Satorday. Deterexnent OnoEn or (oD FrLIOWS. Por J. A. Walaikay, of Pittsburg, was a Sanlu 1% or Code HAT Hal I Thums | guest at the Central hotel Saturday. si Kalsomine in all colors at the Cim- iH Cottman, NG B F. Woe, Fie Omozn sows OF AMERICA an | bri Hardwapé company’s store. 20t( # i 5 tog or. meets every Mo Edward W! Brown, of Philadelphia, HO. Wipstow, Reg. Bec'y. ar bg SLOVAK Carmarre Uxios. of Patton, nika. Pres guest at the Paimer house on Tusday. John Fornadiey, Sec'y. W. W. Wallace, of Willonghby, O hal J. Juekson Com, : i A H, Rell, Adjutent Miss Besse Wolfe, of the Palmer MPROYED ONDER OF HEerasorus Potion pong ju visiting friends in Philadelphia a Hall i & W. Eady, Prov Oysters, foe cream, ete., at Firemen's JB Wil (sree, Secs ANE OF Axyy. Dall, Patton, Pa. on Thursday night, ton, a i ais ae | but now of Altoona, is stopping in town for a few days. ington 0) o. fm evening Hi i in Gods null tpl. Poon | stopped at the Palmer house on Friday. 16s mente every first Kunday aflernoon W. A. Scanlan, of Johnstown, wis a | of teh taonth at Lo Flock pr Amy of LS Lientenan! registered at the Commercial hotel on AiEniay oor Al SE pom in Batarday. vir, Nol 8 meets every second and Fridays of cach month at Kp owmodn this woek. CARCIENT ROP Hing ; a Division Re ation Cumbria | ! April 30th. : Jas. McMullen, formerly of Patton mann tv he bar of of arrival arrival and departare | F. 8. Jotien, 8 traveling salesman of : registered at the Palmer | A “good catch-line” is mors proft- | | able to an advertiser than to a fisher. ! | Memorial day, Saturday, May 30th. | tap at the Blair house and you will be used all right. Joellent and rates moderate. - 89.11. Malta will be organized at Barneshoro "enthusiastic over the possibility of wm» of the famous DeWitt remedies, and is man. Printers Ink. Neckwear, neckwear, neckwear, the | Anest line in Patton from 25 cents up. { Bae them at Wolf & Thompson's. 20tf | A. 8 Woods, a prominent merchant | {of Westover, Pa, was a visitor to Pat- | | i "The first soda water of the season ab... oy Monday and while bere made the Courier a friendly call i When von take a trip to Ebensbirg | And see w never so Ho ‘and Patterns, such an nobby Checks and Accommodations ox. are the popular ( ‘ntaway and the newest A commandery of the Knights of in the near future. A large nomber of applicants for membership are already ey 5 Inn Men § Seuff Suits W. C, Schuitse, and Jacob Schwem, At $4.75 and two prominent and enterprising busi | ness men of Reynoldsville, Pa, wire ‘in town Tuesaday looking after busines | interests. The people of Ebensburg are quite - i> Satisfy yourself by com We Make a Specialty caring the National CGraard encamp- of ment. No better place could be pro- FINE SHOES curred than Ebensburg and the citimmns and should pash the scheme for ail it in DRY GOODS. worth. Willis T. Rhodes, of Chicago, I, hat i have and whit you lack. me or so Cheap as they are this year, brown and gray, Clay worsted, Serges, Tweeds, and a 2 Onur Now Spring Stock is now mady and it seems to ax that clothes were Ve know that never before have we sen such attractive Styles Plaids, the a, stripes that are so popular this season, stylish mixtures in soore of novelties in light and mediom weslght cloth, The styles three and four bottoned Sacks round corusred A RARE TREAT. Genuine, Agreeable Surprises are Shown by Us in Mens' Dress Suits. at $10.00 to 15.00, ‘Men's Business suits at $6.75 and 8.50. rison or by any test you wish that no establishment here or swhere clse gives valnes qual to on Good Building, Next to Bank. was among the many traveling sales men who visited Patton this week. Mr. Rhodes represents E. (. DeWitz & Co., compounders and manufacturers D D | A pleasant and genial young man who makes many friends on the road. Puagilist Fitzsimmons was hissed off the stage by the “gallery gods” at the Academy of Music in Piftsbarg one night last week The rendition of the song. “The Best Man of Them All in. which Fitssimmoions was named as that person, was greeted with his and groans, intermingled with cheers. “Dave Allport came down from Hastings Tuesday and bas been put ting in the week calling on his oie | friends. Dave has had some tough oid | struggles with the Ledger press in days Now we mark everything | mean by that that of old and always comes 10 pay his J. H. Borland, a traveling salesman X of Pittaburg, was a guest al the Com. | mercial hotel on Monday. : is E New awninigs have been placed in | ‘N’' ave pont of the Corner drug store and the { office of Dr. Bwariz, dentist You can’t help but notice the aige, ' advertisement of 1. 8 Bell on the jocal page of the COURIER this week. You can now catch front, that is iad” now running, most hand their yon may if you can. The season op- copy m not later than Mondsy evening ened on Wednesday, April 15th. ench week. If handed in later than | going hata, trunks, valises, eto, till day evening it will have to be bold | oy can't rest at Wolf & Thompson's or "tll the next week. Try 10 Ket yore in Giood buliding, Patton Pa. 20 copy nearly. PATION PUB C0. 1 Oliver Chilled plows, also Hench & Her Commandments. Drathgold's riding or walking barrows gobar that 1 at thy wi > Hie for sale at the Cambria Hardware Com- i shalt not stay out Inte at ni wt, | pany”’s store. -20t lodges, friends uf cluts foviie: Dem’t forget the date of the fentival to ba held by the Patton Fire company on Thursday night, April 30th, in Fire men's hall. You are invited. Miney orders cannot be procured at leithur the Spangler or Barnesboro postoffice yet. The postmaters ought to get & ‘Jersey on” and hustle the matter up. (oo. Hoffman, representing the Pennsylvania Balding and Loan as ipochition of Altoona, is stopping in { Patton for & few days looking after the | Hereafter all aio ‘Who wish a splay advertisement in the PATTON { or who wish to change their i | interests of the association. i thou shalt obey. mercial Adverther, Bran pew canvas awnings have been placed in front of the stores of Gi. 5 Good, Mirkin & Kuasner and Wolf & Thompson on the Good building ox Magee avenue. They were furnished ‘by a Pittsburg firm and are beanties wb 3 ww i pa a i i Rlee Dat ont MLA! Lim Central Peansyivanis Ee Cipiler foamy a3 People who do not five i > near an up- -to-date Dry oo’ Goods House useally suiler great inconvenience at times by being compelied to make a journey, at consideratic expense, to supply elt bi could have been fillzd in two days wit ect satisfaction, if their order had come to us by mail, EVERYTHING THAT A MODERN DE- PARTMENT STORE SHOULD K KEEP IN ST OCK IS HERE IN GREAT T VARIETY. . Sam and tly furnished when- ever reed E ters 1 be rome ay as received. WM. F. GaBLE.& Co, ALTOONA, PA. | the western fever pretty bad and longs respects to the “prints” who are will bound fo the joggernant. David has Ve -% for the free maches of Montane. Philipsburg Leciger. COVERNWENY AWARDS ‘and never Keerlved hy the od. Soldiers in Cambiris and Nomrby Ceannties. to another. “juggle our prices. to charge you $12; The following pension oertiflentes have been imsued since the date of March 25; principles Original— Archibald 8 Barclay, Ro- gr roc. stamps for +, chester Milla, Indiana county; John A. Heilman, Tanoma, Indiana county; David Dangherty, Locust Lane, Indi ‘ana county; Richard Nagle, Spangler, Cambria county: Andrew J. Correll, Galdtzin, Cambria county; Mathias Conrath, { onkporh Indiana county, : Increase - Levi Plummer, Portage, We have three times th Cambria sonny; Henry Waiteniire, than any other clothing Kenwood, Indiana county; BernardJ. come here. Why? MoFsely, Spangler, Cambria county; . Theo. 8 Marshall, Clarksburg, Indiana Thev'té ne sort} ch more evanty : Willem MoGown, Juhinstaowi; ley te not worth much more , William Harkiey, Johmstown, Boy Original widow's. Eliza Shrom, New Big Sto] k: all fresh too Derry, Westmoreland county. [e-ismue-- Wilhiam Smith, Cleartold. Additional -Wm 8. Derby, Latnol Renewal - Anthony Ww. Ruympnd, Peale, Clearfield county. Argament List Following is the hist of canes for argu ment court, April 20th: Commonwialth ve Jobin Ward; same J. IH. Metin | jek; James Gardener va. A. A Htev. ens; Patrick Boyle vs. Fennsylyania Railroad company; John Rourke ws same: Kingsbury M. Jarvis wa John H. Veil: Catherine Finnegan et al vs stan he r ho Ww ell Men's goad Serviceable Suits—iot shod idy, but a stra ciate our T 0 appr C Peunsyivania Trust company et al Buck wx ceptions to report of viewers widening signment of John A tions to Auditors report: & Co. va Allen Boyle et al; CAqman et al; “and Carroll townships; James Noon vs Moxham B. & A. association va Trin. ity Evangelical association; W. J. Martin Campbedl; In re ex. Bedford street, Dale boroagh; In be as . Marsh vs Excep- CH Keiffor Chirton That some houses advertise w hat woul 1d you think if we just because von didn’t Now be fair to yourselves, Men a Who ever heard of Mr He has one fixed price—so have NOW vo SAY What | am Offering. Ouse Cal atfer vou have the BSSopme s' Suits—Well we have an Xtra big stock at 1 50, 2. Men's Shirts, Finest Stock ladies’ and Misses Shoes in town at S3c. Our Mens' Shoes at 2, 2 50, and Prices that they do not substantiate? thev quote $8 suits at $4.75 and so on. 1s overcharge one mun so as to be able t to come down + sold your brother a suit for $g and had the cheek try to get as down. Patton our postmge ster, wi, That pness ond MKITIERS stamps for 1c. ¥ © . GO DISILessS. snd Women of i Mellon, 30. ts the right way to ngs, Hats and Shoes wement for you to Stats, EL 4 fr 134%; wht weave, s Suits, (Of k of Men’ Boys’ Laat ii tate ch youl. MANE ¥ % i at £1 DLO, $7.00. hp re Ces. but cheap at those 3 . 1 Ed 2 AC 23, and up to 8 so. ear, Hosiery, Collars and Cufls, ete. SHOES. 1, to 3 dollars. In black and tan, all widths. walk in and see us. U rderwe % 3 dollars are vines, 3 cforts in yvour~behalt, Fu rnisher. Hammer wa Matilda Hofeoker: Fidelity B &1. association Va WwW. Wipe: SL Avgnatine congregation va W < In re report of vihiwers in Darr Now for ‘Spring PEE pIRianns adil wie in fant; vaeating and supply ing road Pater Har i 3 5 a bla broad Mrs. Mary Strittatier va. aoe Smith ve Penoasivasiia company; AY Backer, Jolin Lantay; In re sxeeptions Xi road from Vineo to Mineral Point in son township; In re exe epuans knowledpement of Sherifls des estate of Henry barker, I Ritteil, Beg; Commonweilb vs MM Mot arry Julia Harsbhibergen; Motiosigle ot al; Conrad Jacobs, Special Pntrnense DIIr aes FTG gi 1 fy PERSIANS Car load of ae 4 : Pes ot a 5 x franies Un fri023] fave 1 ¥ £5 KARE iF an £i real = i x xte ¥ mi ba Bows pd as fa Elopier vas ! Ire 5 Hin Philip o% a arge stock Mrs Brideet Canavan, ployed on thigh and left heel [stenck by an engine while injuries are of a serious natune and may yet cost him his life. Record. Ta wi » Revlon empioye al ' o (ti :h Lt Ail or iq Us Cravon Portrait will pyvery 315 purchase . Paul, tw mah taiery, T sendin EYRping thes SHLieY when his fool was ea Swen two pars thought Frank Ottermaskie, the work at Lally, read With Hb : * 1a 3} £7 ogy 7 IC Pie was ry ng $3 Eos ard badly smashed roy Bones are borat: labsarer Wits 1 “A iE Gan A bemafifnl bie given awny wills af goods, d. R. Cornelius, [lealer and [ ndertaker alien to the Altoona bospital at coon Tues day, suffering with a erush of the rt Ottermiasikie was “work. His month Fork £1 Spring and Surmmer 1 | i 312 ful i Hii? oa At ang 11 sk & a 5 7% «1 atl ur ore H mation can Feu Farming imple ements Such as-— Plows, Harrows, Fic, il MA buy 132% 7 k i ¥3 PAL ¥ $y bo 3 1 al shed ard ware and 21 thds of 11 iy yy (4 31 5K hse ~ 3 canstantiy DERS hetore ik frre t TIXXIXG AXD PLUMBIXG specialty. BRIA HARDWARI Ave. THE CAM Magee C4)
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