EmENSRURG, Pa, April 14, 1506. rs | Eid. Kittell, of Bellefonte, spent last ~~ Gonday with his brother M.D. Kittel], ; lof this place. 2 A leap year party was held at the + home of Johnny Owen on last Wednes- p | day evening. About 15 couples took i x: ; Kron ron io worn discontinued (mel all pra part. . unless at the oplion of ; he Angust Craver, : , oe at Parton ax oor, township, spent last Wednesday in town. He was the guest of His brother ‘1. A. Craver, of the Blair hose. . fhe Democratic committéemen, of Cambria connty, met in Ebensburg on Monday. Messrs. Jomed and Ruddy Mellon anf John H. Somerville, prominent | citibsens of Patton, were welpome visi. {tors to the county seat on last Friday. Four rooms of our schools closed last + Monday. Room No. 5 clos] on Mon. "day of this week, and room ! and 2 will close in one week. Miss Mary (¥ Neil, of Munster town- ship, died on Thursday last at the ad- Sand vainoed age of 80 years. The funeral took place from her late home at 1 o'flock on Saturday afternoon. In. ‘tarthent was made in the Catholic ¢om- tery at Loretto. Loh - Messrs. A. H. Burkey and I J. Ihet- i Pixon, i rick, of Patton, were in Ebensburg president, 4G, lant week. Ne for. Messrs. F. P. Richardson, of Johns ~~ Jomo np Dale, Jus. | town, Yost Hochstein, of Upper Yoder | . Swndfort. terwnship, John Somerville, of Patton, ] and Anslem Weakland, of Elder town- ship, were among the committcemen ' who were registered at the Blair hose yesterday. © Miss Floie Mills, of this place, left on ‘Satarday morning for Vintondale ' where she will visit her sister, Mes J. ‘A. Boney. | The examinations for permanent sertificates were held at the school building on Friday and Satarday. | There wera seven applicants, Misses Annie M. Jones, Anna MeGiade and i Mr. J. H. Glasgow were the examining | commitiee. in! Mrs. Thos. Peach, of this place, is visiting friends in Altoona. W. A. Chaplin, ‘sented that place at the meeting of the Democratic committeemen held here : yesterday. Ww in and fetin Just om ah | boy inme o paver, who: tunghit the ent. According to the census of | | - n Allegheny Swati ave wages paid in manu- | past winter, © tr athool yes, rand 1 age chanical industries is | terday and retarned to her home in . | this place lant evening. yo The average value of the | t in $1,965 for shel ploye. It | The ladies of the Catholic chnreh app cars {will hold a mapper at the Cambria value oe an) te {house on Wednesday evening, April in Bat d the re) 29d for the benefit of the charch in go to the employers? j thie pice. (i. L Dut of it comes every cost of . except that of labor. It i harness shop in thix place for a num. ber of years, departed yesterday morn- cost of materinls, maintenance ing with his family for Fast Iroeoeet, "10., where he will engage in the same (business. We are sorry to lose a good citizen and congratulate the people of | Bast Liverpool on having sectred wach an indnstrions and poshing man for a da neighbor. We wish him mouth success | _in his new venture. His brother Harry o " from at tos Li Frederick, of Vintondale, will have : that value in the creation of charge of the shop In this plice. A mass meeting was held at the tourt house on Batarday evening to appoint | commitiess to confer with the officers in charge of the National Guard en campment in order to secnre the eu | campment for Fbensburg sod to look imp grounds for that purpise. The | Lloyd property along the Johnstown , percentage and the pike is being considered us ux good site. h creates the value gets the | During the winter of 1863, FF. M there are fewer to divide Martin of long Reach, W Va, con at the average business | tracted a severe cold which left him good deal more than with a cough. In speaking of how he man. But that is not : cared it he says: “I need several kinds | of cough syrup but found no relied un- 1 til I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's neider. It in dead against their Cough Remedy, which relioved me al. to stir up prejudios agninet most instantly, and in a short time y find work for the people. brought about a complete care.” When troubled with a cough or old nae this remedy and you will not fiid it neces Laary to try several kinds befory you get relief. It has been in the market for over 20 years and constantly grown in favor and popularity. Flor wide ab : 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Patton he expocied, says the New Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins, X: . Then What? Spain Change In Street Namirer right by sending Campos, ber a rs : but Catnpos having fail od On account of the rearrangement of ler having failed, who will ahe Mreet numbers in Pittsburgth by the tt0 round out the series of city authorities, the office of Mr. Thon It were better to withdraw | ™ E. Watt, Passenger Agent Went. military establishment fro mh District, Pennsylvania Railroad, Cas well as the city ticket ofBoe, dorner devote hurmell assidously to AY we ed 3 SON ¥ 19 of Fifth Avenue and Smithibeld Moret, Pitteburg, wili be changed on April 15 from No. 110, present number, fo No, 360 Fifth Avenuoe. of \ or i Monty of Rept, ¥ of jut Monday of Deo. Cory ix held hetswesin the above Surveyors, Pee : : Audion - -Wiltian J Jones, Wo pre eo Apslons Was fivin tes servile, Thos T. | : Ww W. Kessler wll TT. Goald Abert Tain. Fob VR E 4 ‘ Lovo SHARE oF VALUE E. statement has been going the I, mys the Pittsburg Chronicle | to rest upon sthority of Carroll C. Wright, nited States Commissioner of Labor, $ that the average yearly EWorkman In $1,888, while | 347, 80 that the man that o k gets 17.8 per cent. of the he creates, while the employer. ‘the miscellaneous eXpunes] transactions. Whatever is for the employer must ating Puw materials into com- Did value depends, not labor put into them, bat upon | j for them. To elicit and 8 demand js the fonction of ; ability and business enter. ne of ator. Spaniards bave | a burning to learn the military strength of 8 country let them read the history war of the mbellion. We have 8 of good myn -and good men ake first-class soldiers on short notice Dana's Sarsaparilla # not only the best of all remedies for the Nerves, Liver Kidoeys, stomach, and Blood; but if no benefit, you can gel yoar mopey back. The same guaratiee ap plies to Dana's Pills, Cough Byrup and printing office i nsually considered Plasters, For saleby € W rough place, and the news. Appt litis worker a rather hard fellow. , however, do not bear out Of 3,800 convicts in the state ary of Texas there is not a ad man, while there ters, doctors, bankers, barbers, barkeepers, cooks, and o almost all professions and anida’l, be a Printer. Hodgkins, Niigiee, ba pemeive sealed ihe Baptist Cantiractans We are now ready bide. far the emmetion church at Patton. 1 WEE work, everything furnished by Come mittee. Plans and specifications will be found at the office of Me Jno. Ash The printer gets a bad name eroft, Good building, Patton, Pa, The : Committee claims the right to acvept e the nature of his business... ioct any or ail bids. 3 him detent sham, and he jgt2 BUILDING COMMITTEE Per O. J. Berlin, Pastor. of Susquehanna of Fiynton, repre. | 1. Frederick, who hss had a most enterprising of American fashion | journals, comes to ts gay in the color | of spring and early sammer, nd full Restaurant a i Mage Avenue, near, to overflowing with all that in new! and dainty in the Parisian dress makers’ TOBACCO and (R(JARS The finest Hine in Patton at The May number : G.]. Fl TZPATRICK'S of Tollotten, that depot. MPEALS AT ALL HOU BRR cart. So thoroughly accostomed are we | RL GEORGE, to finding in Toilettes everything de lightful for the season's wear, that it would seem impossible to note any farther improvement over what already weemed perfect. Bot here naturally Jooked for in a fashion magazine and evory page attests the poblishir's un ‘ceasing care to illustrate only what is really practicable and attractive besides | being new and stylish. A delightful innovation this month is a children’s page in colors, giving five full size 11 ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, GALLITZIN, PA. Qalicitor for German National B. & association. : WM DAVIS, and Counselor at Law, Baunsnvne, Pa forivek party pty Ai teruied tn Attorney Ail veal bas Cer in Armory Hall astrations of outdoor garments, and other color plates sbowing both prom. _enade and indoor costomies. The nsual | 4 page supplement, giving those pop alar special patterns, “eight pages in this issue, in anticipation Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at- Law, i enlarged to Patron, PA. ¥ ively demand for 10 cent patterns | (of a lively « i Office in the Good Building. at a ACARRON, takes dress-making at home. milinery too is profusely illnstrated in this nomber, and two entire pigs are devoted to a pictorial description of ; women’s headgear through the centaur. ies commencing with the year 550, nd ‘brought down to Toilettes presents such an exceptionally | varied and attractive table of contenta, that we advise all our fair readers to MEOUre A COPY. dealers, or $2.00 per year. trial subweriptions, at $1.00 the Pub. lishers are at 126 West 234 street, New York. | persons subject to billions colic to learn 18 when evervhody ander. Easter I wish to inform the inbabi. tants of Patton that | have opened my next to the School a with a choice selection of Teas and Coffees, China and Glassware. PREMIUM (sven with each pur chase, A share of Your patron- age respoctflly rec requisted. ALEX. HUNTER, FIFTH AVENUE date. In short 25 conte at all news. Six months It will be an agreeable surprise lo | that prompt relief may be had by tak- ing Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. the attack may be prevented by taking In many instances Ward & McKeluy this remedy as soon as the first symp- toms of the diseases appears. 50 cent bottles for sale by Patton 25 and Are HOW ont in the prepared to fit you atest style Pharmacy, (CW. Hodgkins. Rivh Dhiesveries of Croid At Cripple Creek, Colo, and -» Tailor=-lade where, are being made daily, and the production for 1896 will be the Inrgest ever known, estimated at Two Huan. dred Million Dollars. Cripple Oroek | ; alone is producing over One Million Dollars a month, and steadily inereas. ing. Mining Stocks are advancing in price more rapidly than any other Stocks, and many pay dividends of 35 to 50 per cent. portunity to make a large profit on A small investment. at prices almost as low as you can buy “Hand-me-Downs’’ that have to pe-mnde ance a week, All our work is guaranteed to give satisfaction and fit. You can- not make money faster than by fstting os furnish your They offer the best op J E Morgan & Co, #6 Broadway, New York, are financial agen for the Prodential Gold Mining company, and others in the famous Cripple Creek district. They will send yor free, in. Clothes teresting particolars of the Mining | companies they represeut also their hook on speculation in stocks, gran 8 important features. imsued by the clerk of the Orphan's C CLOW. (Chistina Sutherland, Pittsburg. even if you do pay a little more than stare.price at the time. ‘We don’t make suits like store-suits, they are only made to well, ‘we make them to wear, and if you have not been accustomed to wearing Tail- ar-Made Suits you should try US| ones, after that we leave the mat- nd cotton containing many new and Rend for these books at once if you are interested in any form of specula- tion or investments. They may prove: profitable tn you. - 14430 Marriage Liveuseon, * { The following marriage licenses wery | hack to us for all your clothes. ALMOST 1,000 ‘ourt for the week ending Thursday, | April 9, 1506: Bert Blam and Lizzie Myres, Carroll (George H. Harvey, Puritan, and William Younkins and Lilly May} Bershtedl, Gallitzin, tand, Barnesboro, William Kinsey and Mary F. Weak. | NEW SAMPLES Harry (3. Ehrnfeld and Myrtle M. Steiner, Gallitxin South Fork. I £ and Annie Clarke, convulsions Friday ounty, gality. Francia (. Pryee and Lydia B. Wicks, | Alva) in for you to select from. Prices from QI TO KRY Gates, Monarch, Fayette 315 TO 850. Pa, and Agnes Glen, Pru Peter Pojtow and Susan Cramer, ranio. Charles And should you need Shoes, Gam Boots sr Rubbers, we are making very close prices now, Come in and sed te, Ward & McKelvy Poisoned by Cameed Gools. Herman, 3 & vear-old son of Joseph af AHloana, tight, the reall, pe died in in thought, of eating canged corn and tomatoes an Sunday last members of the family were made ack and exhibited signs of poisefiing, 5 Twn abhor Merchant Tailors, fi hey have recovered Rolomon Bidz, PA TTON . PA ¥r * * : Spring Clothing. Our cloth nits clothing are prose nted: the doilirs paid Ye sts as long as cloth can last, 14x anteod 15ely an b | East, 5 ree fi {iy Pag pres CL > the tangs tore hie 1 Tit othing Put t HIGH QUALITY, requested to place a bid also on the of ¥ Who LOW PRICES, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, 1 + ¥ Tears XP % 4 - itave the se ZOU RS ee want y tO OX- R Ready rom EY Sy ores He CEPR kh ea $y 4s ¢ £3 2] RE W £23 SHE BE | Sh RA Na {Ii iC Ol Fn at 0 aring £43 pare tise, value i yan, iis pur the information of what people are wearing will be atferings as shown by r ALEX at the PALMER MAY og, 1896. WANAMAKER & BROLYX. Sar sales agent, SMITH, will be HOUSE, MONDAY, : = by calling on prised at his exceadingiy : Drug Store, Magee Ave. Wringers Repairs of all kinds, Cinder- whatever is kept in a General ter with you, expecting to see you. F avs ropen flour and — stores bel Bam’l Boyce and Willis M. | am now pre: to fornish RO all grades ¢ Flour and Feed At Prices to Buit your purse. Roller Feed and Poultry Pow- der a Specialty. Lime for Sale. ive me a call, John Gantz, Beech Avenue. Money Saved, C. M. Letts the Artistic Paper Hanger, Detorator and Painter, for anything von may need in his line. You will bo sur LOW PRICES. Second storeroom from the (iorner 1564 1404 5 - 3. 31, ‘96, Patton, Pa. I do not believe in offering ‘a certain stove or lamp or ‘other article at or below cost ‘and make you pay more for PRTTON- something else than it is worth. But reasonable do and make ask prices yi to, compare my prices wi ith any (other of same quality of goods consisting of a general line of HARDWARE, Tinware, Lamps, Glass, Haints, | Oils, Doors, Sash, Plows, Har- ‘rows, Cultivators, Shovel Plows, w ashing Machines, s, Pumps Agate.ware, ~—IN THE— Good Building. — ALL WORK— GUARANTEED. Bicycle Repairing a ial ella Stoves and Ranges, and’ Hardware Store. Hoping to receive a call from you I am Very Respectfilly Yours, All can be found at my store in quanties. I have just , retained fiom the Eastern Markets and von can now “6nd on my shelves and counters a selection that would please a Queen. Nothing so pretty as a neat plaid of LIONS, We beautiful combina- are offering them to von at , 35 & 50 CENTS PER YARD. In our staple lines of Dress Goods such as black, browns, greys and cardine] we ask your inspection. Ask to see Chameleon Mone, a new p sattern which we are selling at 15¢ er yard, well worth 25 cents. Our 5¢ noblenched muslin (iin. wide | is equal to An andiest assortment of shirt waists in stripes, checks and figures from BSc to $1.50. Wa cordially invite you to inspect Conrtesy extended toward all, Tewpectfully yours, 460, 5 or many other dealers’ To. onr stock. A Lean Purse takes on a new lease of life when it comes into. contact with the bargains we offer both in value and price, : JO sus VEN ponds and LECUI . ae value at more whether ex DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FLOUR or FEED, Tae, PATTON Truth System Our Esiablishment
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers