LE CHAD MC CURRENCY THAT SOMETIME QUIRES AN AMMONIA BATA ou Pair Yom g New York Cashier's Pisa, Which Incindes ar Increase of Salary. she Experience of a Young Actor and Mis Briiliant Wife. EY TO WASH. The fair metropolitan cashier has add. ‘od & mew fact to her grow gion which will nok prove go desire wile in the eyes of her emp Joyer as tl honesty and efficiency w hich have wo for - her almost a monopoly in the busi. mess. It is the resoit of the microbe ‘craze, and is nothing lesa than washing all the money she handhes and cl Barging Dor 1,000 fat a her employer tvertinie too. The discoverer of this pew way to en. | hance her nséfulnesy and cost is Annis ¢ kaker of a Big down Nesmyth serves at ‘Weemyth, the inoney sown hotel Mies night mostly, and, while loss meney. comes in tiem than in the duy, she is generally kept busy enough. The me ney 4s often very dirty vepulsive to handle a trained nurse “eeating’’ from her =z. So professional labors, After a sick sl] from handling the soilsd currency | conclnded ta resign. Nhe was pe guaded not to by an increase and permissiin tor wash the migiey gvery night wes a goup plate . gnohia water at her elbow, | sach note, as it arrives, is d | m plece of flannel to dry as temderiy as if | #t were her best ploce of jewelry. The water has to be changed two or thres _ times in a night. The casbijer recently bad an offer of mother similar job. Beiog asked w hit she wanted, she mentioned her | } figure, with the proviso that it ast be #0 isch mere if there's money | aE “Momey to wash?’ said the aston fshed would be employer. Why, 1 . havent epupgh far my hides he ia a Jeather and tallow dealer), mach less to rh “You gee,’ sha said ealmly, yom business is dirty, and it's likely the money will be. I won't wash at other | fellows mopey in nmmonia Ww ater—it's bad for the hands and head-—without a popsideratiin in my salury. 1 Beran if 2 it were my money!’ She says she's “ tise tip along,’ and soon ail s in a business that calls for mn tl fortitnds in the oltactory mod tive perves will bave to yay extra salaries if they with to ret ain | steady and efficient help. | A woney washing episode wh Wich pon verted Chatlie Bigelow, the sector, and! his wife to a belief in banks is wor ho pecording. By dun of great saving and denial the your couple got together | $800 in the first year of their marrings Whe money was kept in a chamois bag which the wife strung around her wais smder ber corset, and as the food was a peat secret whizh both tried bard to so that the well known borrow. proprasities of | their profession | p pot be excited, it was pever| | or even jocked at for montis a run of bad lock fully drove th folks to draw on the chains when to their intense dismay i | was found the uoney had bectane por feotly illegible One by one the wight S100 bills were Juid un the bed, all in the samo © nition of greasy, uniforss | Black grean no goto. Hosbsnd and wif took tur rying to restore the Bl tmetive glennne inn of the filthy Juere, but | in vain. Akin 3 > Then together they i : ¢ which Lad given 1 the bills The : penned 10 perv the money, © fndorsem int pak thes esiliier © Bis mind Tle aanager then took a $11 Bill off their bunds for friends ‘and got 8 mans rise, trusting to their promine En the notes. That was doing » § § for thie FOUBK 4 sikH, Whoo nas mitted to being ealled stingy time to gather tim faind together, The artor then fi Lis wits of weeping over the rim : Pe went down on the § on plates ut 50 conte Lox the But the wife wax "no wlouch’ at 0 dents. As soon ax be wax gone sui dried ber teary and Gielared to the girl m8 the miGhe § Was Lo good soy wa would diate puis vent with it Fhe % #1 mistron took some wast hing # soaked snd soaped subd w ashied Th bilis - Industeionsly Lats is LX | Lyf Tia aa i id doors Fyegular Saadierchiot Bild K yA wash a fourth story room of a hotel ard "was fc x “laundiy wizk iu the roous’’ bidden. Patience wus rewarded RE~ ” FOR vaina- and tothe last Segre | Now, the cashier 18 © ef wxlary : Sa i kno a quick bath and is thon Jaid ont on i] refinn ipdeaci a CA ASA AMUN a Cn, VO TE UNEXPLORED EME Traits Krikt Awaiting thn rweonrrer. atl ar giiiiare ta rae Ey a Sha D5 { river and Jaren [ini CREE BIeS (ERE Fie od Bd pnknown The He ibs hills, bal isa Bry, £a¥N A snrve Ye reified 2 ¥ ri wh OnHiRs O80 heto Bowing porth from this bany 1s the HORE TI art 455 males long sud pay seascry of Bigh water in x ithe hort slopes sonth Land, in Which a merits of Ne Radiwrrey, thers windare, | ing NOTLH Tamang o The Hinthrins we ¥ Muoeh Yajuable timber Aegtroyed by firce that swan ® the Waters Flue, eprom, po inr and cedar ire varst 4 FI & 153 ie of the Hel 13 wl ® Nine aes Serr iton'y & in tne reg 4 | existing in abundance south nt the § sory bay slope. pe Loa, (re minerals. but the trea sree hdd Tes TON ¥ ‘ thee BOg hist | Meanw hie free] ambation pot pew cinpinies tu { fer land will reward the sage & apd when he hase thansted f 13 fatrador, New h sind territory mrp reg eins rayerhe, Frea Pre THE FACH To the Trained Eye 3: Qaieniy Shows . Patient a Condition, The face io 8 pied index WO the of one's phys symp he deta ia BE EWare wlar with Louver a 5 WG baad Hinges iF SET Yipee x TOLL wife wept the sav. : 4a oi Manager Baker's ' phasis ¥ howeser PINKIE gid of 1. thelr slimy coating, the half doen Bills at Jost shone feehly out in 8 wan sat of | touched up with brown, | Rive Rrechinoss, Ou as if under the rays of a dying sunset They poked like autumn leaves after a big gules Whe i her busband the pews that be had exo home with cents ‘on ihe dollar, and would throw | the othr two in for fear the specuiator ‘an’ actor frivial, wonid be bitten ton | badly, she said radiantly, "Guess nos, “and led him to the table where the six | | faded, wishy washy governmental pu ses lay still damp. He rushed out and Bot thi others from his copsolers and “submitied them to the same restorative : ss. The bank took the whole sight | ‘asthe young couple's first deposit, — New | York Times. A Fellow Peeling. University Extension Lecturer {ta manager of Chicago bureau Jr Thie se ond lecture of my course on Henry V 1 has been olijected to by eastern audiences | as rather too sulogistio. Perbaps, there fore, | had better change it before de- Hvering it here Chicago Manager—My doar sir, let it | alone! It's just the thing we want Why, the president of our a orced. five times Fri fem Now dour bills at 30 circlet has i mB is 14 pa wei | witnesses call apparently bo { simost as yaoi as Mr bothered Mz, Serjeant LIOInEDOOnA Wrniamis as doo Dyan compe lied to she cour his as weil as the things hie knew t facts, the following litte diado pgrred : © Them 1 must geve wy Hies LY Yes the state attorney pil wy ideas? Then 1 4d remember what toy Seas were. don Globe Lt nhRr, Protos § ’ 3 Arius ne AERA wd a or LT Se “3 Bein rere Sk I Boe ¥ peo i NS ns Wa i Hanian San toss. The king «f Benin, onl lof Africa, believes in the Cpa sacrifions Phe kills a large number of in seasons © 13¥ args nun “and in bath aq Rh x «hos t the g The heli trope takes its name Lawo Greek words signifying to toward the = sun.’ There towers af Pre day WORTEE of tha sun, SHY dhe Baran en 1 Ro Ho veomtedd the wr pine’ fron gree udsas a ry tha west Coa rev of bie When tines are good, slaves, if calamity bop kills an equals bet of these nufortunates, cases to apesse the gods. iwho are supposid to he equally aogry at ant ii i farsane of mortals. are several tw family, which, duriog twin their faces ta follow the ada ANA ES. a mA RE ER (653 JA EL SANA ov A TIP Tuk wr FRR of Narthweaatern Territory in MEFING § pe mt LE TOR henner Foo An She Pew Theifty Yard mb ovis fer maa Wi fob Lip thy Gan a Fu Faggian, and the oof thraneh the tar Earle wad gr ok in the milrroe A pew glass won be f the pleas ote pany ciokd and : en et of ght : mineh, Amarian, & £1 aH SIE ee By ¥ ¥ Pia Xa wh Po 3 mth of ts vaarack, xa ms they Ware 1 y paning ha gue 18 18 FAH VireaR ing £44 grat; fet gwd In tues hind beled Beinn Up the a hart 134 paid for ressating dT nel fir the tenant i Fou es 3 ww Faery #34 3 fee. Ba het i popaacing the gies | ehina Yo y Rave i FA 9 h id i | for many times Man x3 6 i Fra whys $onF VE y {hes wen psd we RRL £5 Farid f ha cel *® ER i prepit soll Fein sonTen grate un that Fos nn After a 1 2% ; Rita Lan par Ian throm Lp ni @t CERNE ANG + 4 i BG foun ia aml Aftar a Yo L& ler uly Friemds “Mamena, | asked the li Ye heoras ohiy FUR ii {55 kn el LK » 5 wii w ard i Lao *Phuln’s oe ard The Fish She Wanted. A lady enters a wut Ah oend 8 ket and asked for tea pon gcke She meant hgl habe, ponpesd the word wrong While there she said that the Exh Wn this sonupiry contained wore tugies than tiyoee tn the {dd SOuRiry This may be & spstdersd a leh story, bat at sn ge Now Bed- ford Jourual Bib Mal nad 5 of bpd she pro- hag ait. from ten A — T—— rr RAE So RT AO HER B10 Ferors ade Hira Pagrl Perhmps Brass hd 2 dR wp etnet Pris roid TF emreed i REITER Ben 2 55s Fomine Si afta Frat the wi a Laser Ripguiar Adventures tentt Wil an every nig! rival. £1 yd LHRE wat 3 wie regarded yi And 1 lavished very at i ar ter th shia then her and She thought he had more than you’ sr ben wan sure of 10 but have after [too R&R her | every night xt on kdl Lv fe Washing tun Star. TORTI Heconldn't ee tha } vey Id ko winged fog. git the Most Corious of His Many | I aYBrY friore Yh seven hinrs a day. YEE 0 opera my nur i | Ax Ran | : hep ed Am Oenligh Tells how thw Saphir of Several Pereons Wis {resp plryed. wt of then Af eer pr 5 $4 #3 oh Caen FFE dC TR ESET ER oh ty & Te wervation all was starud finetor’s ship parol ated coi tw te the Chita and sk oye Pye the Wy. Yofy a le ayy. im, peeling fig a v itnnews i an Euterpe sfrest a hve pov id Jee f alot wire | Gap fw nee! SRRTARL DER ap here > fs take nl dd repatring | shat dis min who was oo | : ir sed ¥ thes NeXt HOD wn sro of a Dit of Fin | wire : atbier and low up. “ri bay try The re andd blinding ber wm one of $i edry was mil art her til matted an in r go wine's facil, the INR A py ler amp Asivy aris 5 rhy spor that Bal) Lad with sek ishurm i” th 2 Be & *ie ly THA hing in eng own and cng The Big $ALE OWS A PRS ara astra Phat ae hangs Sex, £0 dar Lit Lain $ Bp Od Steg ta Hin. pais ith Lie Bn ah RELATE, Li the spooess of There ws'y standin end finiieil a sour vid Ddidn's lor Cinergnatt angi ne 3 five Lar Hd £5 g rian sstsiie. |G RL Fh Lark satd Li to the motorman. — Litarsity Tom. “They say vant tow anthors pow much sinmbwr they peote ! —Chioago Ras: “Hus think furnish otler iret. Usa vour gifts faithfully, and they shall be onlarged, Practios what Kaw, and vou shall attain to higher know edge — Armd. Thare is 8 LIE JD SVATY DANS sdnoa tion When be arrives at the convict that entry is ignoranos — Emerson. &y k- tha i King | rae sed her pf wou | ne Lawes the silane experiems sleen £2 3 4 INNER gn A PENNY Fork Maen Whe Xinkes 8 Profit on ‘Wery Cheap Viefuais wypd diners Aiseae en in this care find i vend a ory nirely Arner Pet a si EE at thst along vo dispe off HITanEe | pat i 1% with 1g Bones 10 dindng room wer in oa corner si wns Marines’ . hb blek away ; wjuAre, Where sroains of phi tony dorners of town Hole pore 1B 8 (i fee mg and Jere with a Bitlis sddnion tark- Gel served as A Kitchen wowenver, it feeds an i weonle in a day, 20 be {ny pedorss the donne 5 scans Aays ss DIECY BE stvny haere At and pen whe have faljen bey will never get up ip spate, come dally, sanatimes a day, with the ast copper 14 Arink sof t {hw pom af fare of (Yr of cating houses jtis mn spegation truiy that one See AYE Te aE ie af least ore hero WY ere a fir 1 pent ig Fenet Bat Ti CRE Tr i; ty = it is * iw EE ul irate 1k shy oy Fires hey have in * hele few kets, Wh i bread and senstitnte the Hi * the snedh 5 Hat vi pgowt oy # LE 2% TER sar fry walls of faes stomped with vies and of patched amd rusty gar anwashed caticle Women thi peniny $11 sid Ra vo Ew 3 rath gation SAY a | pets 10 othe proprietor doesn '$ sto, they do pot anuny hat oan a DOhpET i as it may seem in sxpenditorm, at this tiny re { oan, ah fone slices of bread, A bow] of oof bread, the slive cut cate bot acent For a cent, targe bowl of soap is served, with Af nroad. A cent more will ¢ toes midditiinal pleces « of bread The sy 55 full quart, the bowl a man Wanix 10 eat mare than vine.” the litle oprietor ponkt be a gintton © At all vagrant shod stares with cent dizners snugly 5s beneath Wis wotaal Hinen sen son rich, the poles (8 cheap, good as ope flods In many pes ores dining prans bers, and the bead ix %) palatable that the pr rier rent eating hones Gye years, and hundreds of meals nigel Pittebgrg Dis: threw :} i rant a bow] of gd mei¥an gel a or RIT0H Sg a saps la ¢ Loanne ir satis 1 bommeedf, This i haa Leen ronning forover B daring sine pas fed ye months { the 30.160 T 3 nat Then CONGER Fhe Now Juvention That Saves Women Fra Hones at the orewitna iors’, A ol New York spake has AW crdead of a com vee thing WERT es vn Wie hedng capsten” of igtiey whats priioan ders pan of agnm tim wall ¥ dugle, inl Peel pais ee hentia ¥v With the a 8 TORREY aetab! sad Bi wk «3 Ge $4 Sw eR Dua PV r SF rhe Boss oro endrit 30 Te WE adr ver Br wrirpiont * * Had a ? wu EEE her DHL Wie head Duele La (ae ped sna wWaisl bs + % 3 BX, «is HE Hate 11 Wa ust as vind was (he real Sprrion Monthly ey WI the sxc Be wind, if a8 % Spay of tr ar TE sons Mil Ee at 8 tar 3 Dismyppolntinent, a: I says £ that a young ity met a gentle Yom are pot frau te s aaid doabifaiy a i% . Ey ave jiveed there al RY 06 raed vou | nil 10 “wa I ve road and 11 seeIns 0 gotten something.” call to mioel thar’ and war wid SOTLS nistol wi E15 fhe X10 Ties, HE “ay ook ! bad that 1% fone those things “heey my idol is shatter third act the ARAL big headdress sed in her seat and sg oth yosseddiately beliind her ‘if vou will chunge i chewing gem, UH make I'm getting tired of that fragrances. —Chicago Tribe YORUR Wi Fag vey ont ty tReet id arom Live wali, -—
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