The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 16, 1896, Image 1
VOL, 1m ~NO. 20, PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THUR SDAY, APRIL 16, 1866. ———- PER YEAR. $1.00 SALMOND & COWDE N'S STOR ALTOONA, PA. NES HORRIBLE RECORD Murder Holl He Confesses to the of Twent y-Seven Peaple. Arehfiond of the Twentieth Con tury ~-Wiil Hang May 7 1 | Of the Holmes, or, to be absolately correct, | Herman Webster Muodgett, after count. ling the days antil May 7, when he will | be hanged, has decided that he will not waive an iota of glory properly be Jonging to the star multi-murderer of the century. and, therefore, odnfesses ix confession, as prepared by himself, is a lurid piece of literature. He is willing to admit 27 rmuirders, and is ready to fornish the details of each tragedy. How many lives were We are no in shape to serve | you with really sacrified by him will never be all the latest Ravers. Also all kinds of -t Ssinks Jncinding the wondesfal known. Legal records show that Holmes killed 11 indivaals, but as, in spite of the proverb, murders do not always tant.’ be may have donbled or even 'trebled this number. . In prefacing the confession, which is “ of Garden and Flower in Holmes’ own handwriting, giving de Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Etc, ntion, whien conjures up hosts of Opposite 8 School Building. When you are on the “hunt for a nobby snit— or coat and vest and pants single—at the lowest figures for a good thing "The han who handles the best line of Clothing, tails with 8 minnteness that iy simply at times revolting, the arch-nmutilator g with something like pathos that § floes wo Hmply that he may obtain gh money to educate his boy. olmes writes of his blood curdling ities with an abandon that simply Regret is never for n moment ex- pressed and he comes out haidly and - without compunction on his very open- ing with the statement: “I was born 5 With the devil in me.’ Even now he believes that the evil {spirit is the guiding spirit of his des ‘tiny. He believes that he is fully under the spel of the damned, and despite | the assertions to the contrary, that he ‘is receiving the attentions of a minis ‘ter of God and is gradually Iedoming [imbned with the spirit of forgiveness | and religion, be feels that he is lost hopelessiy. © He even goes further. Hs asserts thet he is gradually changing in ap i | pearance, in figare, that bin face is be coming distorted, and he sees, Whether in the distortion of his bloody imagi- engeance calling deénd, or not his face assumes the look, the eyes the leer, and the very ears the exact similitude of the pictures of Satan thimselves i] was born with the devil in me” says be in one part of Lis confession, “1 could not help the fact thst 1 was ia murderer any more than the poet can help the inspiration to sing, nor the ambition of an intellectund man to | be great. “The inclination to murder dame to me as naturally as the ipspiration to do s+ right comes to the majority of persons i Where others { with pity, mine filled with croeity, and where in others the feeling wie 12 save life, 1 reveled stroying the same. hearts were touched in the thought of de- “Not only that, 1 was not stiafled in taking it in the ordinary way. I sought devices strange, fantastical, and even It pleased my fancy. It gave me play to work tay murderous will. and 1 reveled in it with the en. | thusiasm of an aichemist, who i» hot con the trail of the philoupher's stone.’ Possibly one of the wort, most bru. tal, revolting and disgustisg crimes this arch-mutilator ever committed was one he speaks of i a chapter de- voted to his boy the son of his first and all the latest furnish- wise. ings. “19seqand e jo | 1S3133U1 IY} 0] IPTUL 192A) | S[EIP 353q AY jo auo 103 : Cm noi pre nen i Q ay x Hike an innocent with i 298 nod jeyl sts no [133 snl [pas am Jui way3j Inoge 0s piEay AY MOA [PA yoniu The only explanation he offers is that he did it simply to gratify his love of A1 1, | mutilation. “It was shortly after | was aarrivd, n he declares, “and our boy wai then but ‘a youngster. [called him in from the ‘road, where he was frolicking aboat lot of other I don't know whit it was that es me, but | took a kaife along with me. It was simply the traving of the murderer within nw that inspired me to make a subject of my little one.” With the utmost abondon and with | here and there an expressed sigh of régret, Holmes then tells how he went | through the operations of laverating ‘ his own son. Continuing, Holmes reveals all the details of a score or more murderers as ‘calmly and remorselessly as he com. mitted them. He had mardér reduced Is a science; carefully planned and ex. | £5304, Lvs noi Pu jsa0qg _ectited each strocious crime ‘with more n than the last. Men, women, | children, were all the same to him; he t a professional murderer, who od his business as much for its own sake as means of livelihood. As the remarked in Sharging the jory Pitezel case, * | than fiction, and if Mrs Pitesel's story ‘is true and it was ved to be true 18 is the most exhibition of power of man over mind I have ver seen, and stranger than any novel have ever read.’’ a REMARKABLE § TORY presidency. in stranger 194 CAMBRIA DE semocRATiC DELEGATES 2% the Convention Feld Ci Mirhday They Endorse Pattison for Presiden The Democratic county committee selected six delegates to the State con- vention Monday and decided that it was not expedient to hold the county nominating convention earlier than the date fixed by the roles of the commits tee adopted some time ago, which will be the last Monday in August. The meeting was held st the house in Ebenshurg. Chairman HA. Englehart and Thomas J. ftell acted as soorotary, names were presented for considera. tion in connection with the Bate dele gatesh ip, the first balint resulting in the selection bf five The ve Was as follows H. H. Myers, 32. Thoms T Sheridan 2% . F, Frazier, i hes 8S wmgiase 9 Pr. B CW Differsdeifor, 13 John Ot vane, 2M (Charvies (©. Wehn ip Mallon, & Al Langhei AB, 37 Son Clash, 1 John Ricketts, 17, CO. 1. Goedwin, 18 (George Paowr, 4 The five receiving 20 voles or more wore declared elected, another hailot for the selection of the sixth delegate was ordered. It follow: {, F Frager, 7 James Mellon, 2. C. A Langbein, 4 John Cosh, 5 John Ricketta, 15 CL. Goodwin, 8 There being no choles, i third ballot resulted in the selection of John Rick- atta, the vote being. Jobu Ricketts $3 John Cush, 13 C.F. Frazier, | John 8. Douglass, 1. CL Gaxiwin, 1 The delegites were nstracted to use all honorable efforts to secre the nom. ination of Robert E The foilowing resolutions were adopted: That the Democracy of Csinbria county is analtersbly op poses] to the anit rule, and it bereby instraots ite delegates 0 the Blate cone vention to nee their best forts to se Eure and andemocratic {rea shea when pessitiitend am system. Jt cannot aomrt | Thirteen N der, A Pattinon for the The LOCAL MND GENERAL NEWS (leaned Here and There bw the "Courier’ Reporter, GRANGERSAT LORETTO 1 Patrons of Povboimdss Weld moan Apail Sih an Interesting Heport of Pome Grange meeting held in the hai Apri A 1398: The meeting was called to order at 9:80 clock by Worthy Master Alex Sri After the mingtes of the previoms meting had at Loretis, Abler hows pod approved, the repniar Basins arder wan taken up and di By th aflerooon session was called ty Dimi 4f £5 time tha wan wall leg froay ail of the sesniderable dis Ww Tom ¥ Pug 14 531 with patrons ay Thro cossion on the alvaabiisty of #5 ph i Pa ris (Ent ¥ WA Grganie mg a live seek hssociation 8 this windy. The Glowing committee wus appointed by the Grange to into the matter, inquire ae Arrangetheais amd report at Lhe nial quarterly meet ing of the Pomona Grange: J FE Ben. B Kirsch Ira Bloom and John Ricketts The poasuls of the dwrpmsion on the Chautangia wits of racing, Wis simply this ha it oie high mend] By all the leading grangers who stiendod this menting, They think this cotirwe of instroction a necessary adjunct to every grange hrary, There thronghont the oounty that have embraced the charnes of getting these books, and they find in thers fnformiation that a man, 10 Le & progressive ) farmer, oan pot get along without. The essays by Ms. O A Will, Thomas I. Parrish and A 8 Kirsch were very creditable produc tions on the varios sabjects on which they treated. The crowning feature of this meeting was fhe night sessian, it being an open one that is free for everybody. The hall was filled to ita otmost capuseity. Hlustrated] address by Warren Warth Bailey, sditor of the Johnstown Daily Democrat, on Proportional Representation.” was 8 rare treat, and F have no doubt will put 8 good many people to thinking and trying (o find out just where they are at. He is cor Peston APY mECpergd Erangrs 4 condemnation of that vicious tainly master of the subject, which be presented in a clear and concise man. be coantenanced by the followers of per, so everybody could understand it, Jackson and Jeffers and #8 should find wo party.” favor in the soanidis of the Map of Cambria? 4. F. Drary, of Johnstown, spent Wednesday and Thursday of last werk HuMEY. ad 1do not hesitate to say that the gravgers of Cambri county would be glad to hear Mr. Budiey again at some folure thine The address of W. F. Hill, worthy woturer of tw Penpsyivania Grangs, was agened to with the great makin in Patton disposing of a large number og of interest throughout No one of maps of Cambria county, which be recently prepared The atias fills a long felt want, as it gives all the town- ships in different colors, besides show- ing ail the principle towne and public rosdr; abso ail the ratirosds and ther branches. If ia neatly gotten up and the cost for the same is Orly 50 cents If you have not siready procurred one send to Mr Drury at Jobostown, who will supply you on short noice. aang dom Paelcawed Samael P. Langdon, the wealthy coal operator of Philadelphia, who has been held pending the investigation into the death of Annie J Motlrath, whos body was found on March 23d in a botse in the city occupied by Langdon and the girl, was released Thursday by the police authorities Coroner Ashe bridge has abandoned the case against Langdon, became of jack of evidence Mo inery Sore for sede I wish to disposs: of my millinery store in Patton. Will sail at a reas onable figure A pood business and situated in sx splendid location. Call on or akdress Mise Alice A Ashorofy, Patton, Pa For Sele A house and lot on Magee avenue, next to the hardware store of John Yahner For term ele, inauire of or write to Mrs Francis Bongele Lo retio, Pa uf For Sale A business hlock in Pattdn containing two store rooms and tenement appart- ments. Terms reasonabic. On prom- nent street. Adidresa Ph Box 2891 Patton, Pa Lol For Sales. A Jot on Russell avenne, Matton, Pa, size IHxi4 feet. Terms reasonable. Will be sold cheap. Address or inquire John Resch, Central Hotel, Patton, Pa Store Koom and Dweilitig For Nea iw Store room and dwelling house, corner of Fifth and Kerr avenues Good dry cellar and a Na 1 building. Will be sold reasonable. W. D. LascoLn, Patton, Pa vould fall to appreciate the sentiments expressed by uch an able speaker The recitations given at different times during the day amd evening, were very well rendered, the monic farn sion by the Independent rfl Livin W An Wak also inheil at the night ses of La Fo CRA RWEST, Newly baad New athlfiugsy Peleg Frevind Aer SLA LRAL 8 erecting 8 TWD story dwesling Hx feet 0a Mes Lang avenue. WW. 1 Dunnelly & Uo, bave the contrat for RRL erscling the the hailihog of & two-story dw an West Beech avenae The finishing touches are being oat cottage on West Beech Charles Wash. O85 Lhe Dew belonging Io ank Bruno has the wall compieted Hf & new stare room Bevel avenue abave sie. The building will be two owt. The contract hua W. Il Donnelly & Ub cH Hubbard has Beet av menos the emotion of a soOrt Lime W. H. Benuett, recent chases] a ot on Beech avenue, below Fifth, has the foundation completed for the erection of a new two-story dwell Mixa feet. HR pRLCY erectivm i or ing on purchased on Fast write and will som dweinng in et wha iv pur ing. sie He expects to have it ready for hist) Raho ayn, Wl Mowe ta Apel a In ahont two weeks Mr. J. A. Wilsin and family will move to Apolio, Arm stroag county. Mr, his property on Beech avenue to Go 8 Good, which, when vacated, will be occupied by Elmer Smale. who is in Mr Good's employe. Wilson bas seid Broke Her Srua. Mrs. TW. Letts, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Finn at Ebens- burg, on last Wednesday morning fell off the steps and broke one of her | arms Dear the wrist. nr being MAY LOCANE IN PATION Ssh Farge Mo anthetar Bg | Esabiiah toent Has Tra Kye sm Oster Mies As per a rumor afloat thal inrge manafactaring plant was about to be located in Malton the COURIER representative investigated live matier to 4 pertain extent on Tossdiiy of this week arid bod the pleasure apd] privilege of reiding some data and correspond. sow ihown to him by General Manager 3 | Fags another segrotiating with and which is ontemplating looting a Ber plant at Patton will emplow a large number of skilled workmeh. Mr MeElrosh whink floss pot int wish 0 merit any paghicalars Lr jEve any hat the CHIORIER ial ool we privilege of interviewing hing as to the factu af the famorls asoerialin wind her Dawes ¥ Fai nay A Wy 4 J 4 ¢ A 3 it hud any Hmedstion or nit, and lo have fhe norte know that J as not an founded soport, Hab Bgsed fonctec § fie prossented the oorpetipondence, bn i ge ihe COURIER Bt Present rivals to pablish potbing of the 344 Pr ater Ghar than too slate oat as far as the matter had gone their are well gronnded Gots anid the Jrispects are good, snd it only requires sane Ling tiv pet oeglain properly and josted betwesn Me. MeFibvsh and the pariss combining Him. The ha rae ro of the enterprises 8 of mb which the COURIER 8 re : sented 1 aot Lo name at this writing. il wax learned from the cirrespond. prioe that Mr Mobifrosh will, moa {ow day's, meet the iiterested artless and pil matteo in a tangible saape as far se possibile ad as soon aK home other malters wre adinwted, so {be corres potidence states, the parties are then to come to Patton and sped some tigw looking aver the fold Ree wih arte fe, Fine Trisin Seryicy The traveling public should not over ook the sxowllent through train serv. iva furnished by the Beech Creek and Rewding railroads from this section of thar country. The Beech (reek pase enjger train leaving Pstion at 3:30 p my. connects al Williamsport with Pall: man sleeping car for Phileleipbia, the Open reeves PRRs BEETS on arrival of the Beech Opeek train The car regehen Philadelphia at 7.10 a : the "gina Heading Terminal station with fast brain arrive ir fn New York at 830 0. mm. Re turning, the car jelives Philadelphia at 050 pom, making close onanection with the Beech CUrdek tral at William. sport, and arriving at Patbon at 1:35 p mi. The sleeping car fire between Willinmwport aul Philadelphia bv $1.50 por berth, and this in eotection with the Litwerad age ticket sirranpement af the Beech Creek and Roading roads, sikk i and from 1s caste Cilia, 0. and connects i) Hed Tiarvwilay {On Thursday, April 9th, 1888 at 10 Jobin Holm, of Patton, aged ba Jind after a Hrief illness of pnen- Siinday his remains YEAR, meni and on were af feianda whens interment fionk place, Services werd held in the Bweeddish Betanis Lntherun chaweh at that place, Rev. J. N Alxis olficiat- The decesswd leavin 3 wife and thew children aged respectively 3, 11 and 13 years to monrn hip sad depart- are. Mr Holm wis borh in Norway, bat had resided {0 Elfiborg's Laen, Sweden, wa, He was a dascon i) the newly organized Latheran churih of Patton fr heir Spent ins Noose] The buisness of the wield is dope principally on paper acd pou will find more Wall Paper and window hiinds and lower priess at ©. MM. Letts, the leading Painter and Papur Hanger of Nothern Cambria County, second store. room from Karner drug stope, Magee avenue than any wihiere in town. Crestor Nappy aio Fie vad A grand ovster suppet and festival will be given in the Firemien's hall on for the th, Flies company. rich and Pant for: Thursday night, Aprd benefit of the Paton : young and Hid, to atteml. Everybody, poor, is invited get the date. A Emad Fadl tm Friday might, hall will be given by thd menibers of ther Patton Base Ball Cluhl, This prom. seis 1 De one of (he prasidest affairs of the Rind which hag ever been beid in Patton. Everyone is invited to attend. | Turn out and help the “hoys’ A SDOCess. samspies of Carpi. It will pay you t call and see the tine line of carpet samples at H. 8. Buck's furmiture store on Heech yvenue. They are beauties and ot very low prices. | Men and boys’ shoes of all Kinds at low prices at Wolf & Thiimpeon's. -20tf | MoF fresh form a Jap firm thar Be line the best and cheapest 10 previous fo coming $4 Amer. April (Tih, a grand make it | ALL ABOUT OUR County Superintendent. Leech Gives His Report for 1893. MARKED PROGRESS IN Many Mreoetinne During the Year Bs pocially in North Cambria, Following is a report of County Superintendent J. 'W. Leech, of Cam- bria vounty, which i= published in the Report of the Superintendent of Pab- ie Indrovtion of the Cy of Pannsvivania for 1585: “rar schools made marked improve. ment in many directions during the wear ending, June, 1885 The development of the great coal feddu of our county, which has but comiienond, has added seve rs! new dis tricts to our namber. Patton, Spang. ier, Harnesboro, Roxbury, Daisytown, Bosetlale and Cresson township are now entitled to membership among the whol distreiots of Cambria in the State has had so jarre an inerease in the number of new districts. These have all entered into the work of odocation with a spirit that is memarkable and furnishes an. Adence that whilst Cambria is takirg rank among the rich and im portant counties of the State, her oda- pational needs are keeping pace with her hostess and commercial interests. Oar enrollment 8 now 13.531 with an average attendance of S881, of whom 987 were perfect in atiendance, 91 pupils passed the required sxamine- tion before a committee and were awarded diplomas. There were LS visita by directors, and 9 444 visits by patrons. The Bible was read in 190 whools. From a careful estitnate made by our teachers, there were LOSS hoys and girls between the ages of 6 and 16 years who wee not enrolind at all There has been much improvement in school balldings and sarmandings Modern farniture is fant displacing the old. “Many districts sopplied charts, maps and dictionaries for their schools, and a number of volomes were added to their libraries. “Many sucoessiul local institotes were hed Our county institote was equil to any ever held. Our instract- sew were Dr. N.C Schaeffer, Dr. GM. Philips, Dr. M. (i. Brumbaugh, br. T. R Nowa Dr DJ Waller, Dr. 8 C Schmocker, Superintendent J M Berkey, Professors Little, Gibson and Apple. Our entertainments were given by John R Clark, Will Carleton, Ovide Muosin and Major Dane ur directors’ sssociation is in a flourishing condition and will, if it con- tinnes to live and grow in the same spirit, exert a great influence of good spon our schools “They hold two meetings & year; a ‘No eounty Ae] Bx summer seasbon, which nwets on the thind Monday of June, and a fall ses 2 ; : sions, during the county institote followed to Hastings by a large “The officers of the organization are an follows: President, T. W. Dick, Eng, Fhensburg: vice president, Job cel Portage township: secretary, G J. Jones, Cambria township: EE R. BR Davis, Ebenshorg. “We extend our sincere banks to the many friends of education in the county and elsewhere who have al ways extended as 5 helping hand. ™ Chaired Servioes. The Swedish Evangetieal Lotheran Hebron congregation will hold services in Patton on April 15th and 21st. All Are invited. J. N. ALrxis, Pastor. JAMES QUINN 134-136 Clinton St. Johnstown, Pa. Wonld like to have some of the Patton Trate. We will have a three. story building of our own #i with New Spring Dry Goods, Millinery, Capes, Ready- Made Dresses, Underwear, Etc. Ete. At the [Lowest Prices. Send For Samples can't come. QUINN Clinton St.