The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 09, 1896, Image 5

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    e “Joun Fornadiey, Sec’y.
Houses are still at a premiam in
How many eggs did you “put away’
on Sunday?
The first soda water of the season at
| Patton Pharmacy.
A good saying:
make long friends.’’
Did yo hear the fog horn whistle on
the clay works Monday?
Harvey Lingle visited
Philipsburg over Bunday.
Rev. 3. J Berlin, of Clearfield, spent
a few days in Patton this week.
Dr. Hertz, the Patton dentist, made
| & business trip east on Saturday.
Patton Courier.
P TroN PUBLISHING oo, Proprietors.
1. Mudseribers who du Hot give express
Swati ta the contrary are considered ax wish.
7 gg to renew thelr subscription
: If imbacribers order the Alschuniinaabtee
of their perindionie, the publisher grey bore
‘tious to send the unt All RrARIARes GR
3 If pitmeribers neglect or rofuse 10 Re
their periodicals fron the pcrsrasfBos 1G which
they are Hirected, thoy are respramable nth
they have settied their Mis snd anleral em
4 Ifsubsoribers move te oiher fices with
out nfocming the publisher, and the pepo
are sent to the former addrens, thity are held
SRlhart accounts
friends in
2 The Courts fimve decided that rlawing 10
take periodicals from ibe cdfiee or Pernoving
and leaving them anealtied for, ts prima fois
evideno of intentional fraud, ; dd .
8 IH subscribers pay in asdvamoe they ae Francis Craver, of Grant, Pa. was 2
Bound 16 give noties at the end of the tirae it
wn ¥ arid Mon ¢
they do not wish fo continue mking i other guest at the Central hotel Monday.
wise the publisher is anthorized fo send it
snd the subscriber will be pospomsl fe parti an Keep vour eye open for ofr pext
exprosa notice, with mont of all grrear in order. Patton | fv Co
ages. 1s sont to the pabiisher. | hargal : ! prix ¢
TUT CHURCH NOTICES Miss Mary Zollner, of Carroiitown,
CATHOLIC - Father Marosiline, pastor. Mass Visited friends in Patton on Monday.
(i. W. Tompkins, of Wellsville, O.,
every other Sunday al end BVA mK Sun
registered at the Central hate] Batar
dny miboot at J poy and Vimpoes gt 3p. BL
Mera pin Ercan Rex. OW. Waaseaay,
Josten Herv ives wt Ura a fm. mod 90 nm. ; day.
andy school at 2pm. Epworth Lesgus |
en Jars reccting evitey Wednes | gag opened some nice patterns in
apne be LODGE NOTICES silk and woo! pinid at Patton Suppl
som 14 at aT Thome D. F. Grunawald, of Johnstown, was
BF Wise Sec th, H. Ourfipan, 8. 6G a guest at the Commercial Hotel of
Inglon Onn in in Monday Oysters, ice cream, ete, al Firemen 's
o.0 Window. Wh Honsinger, Pres. hall, Patton, Pa, on Thursiny bight,
Fimet Sovak CATHOLAC Uxpon of Patton i April 36th.
| The weather for the
yi A rae Siniks, Pre. | April was tough on poor little
Red Breast.
E. BE. Millir, a traveling salesman of
| Philadelphis, stopped at the Centrid
hotel Friday.
Wm. Barchfield, of Philipsburg, wis
QW. Ridy. Pres je guest of Harvey Lingle on Friday |
The Patton Supply company has &
pew and attractive ad in another cad-
amn this woek.
L. B. Drake, a traveling salesman of |
Elmira, was 8 guest at the Palms
house ¢n Monday.
i Chas P. Long and F. 1. Hard, of
Mall {lowes | Pittsburg. registered at the Commer
= | cial hotel on Saturday,
| Don’t forget to attend the dance 10
first few days of
of the
oe rom,
Bepubdie — Lientenant
No, 888, meets every seoond and
fourth Nat y sflernoon af 2% p m is
Googe Teall AJ Jatkeon Com
JH. H. Bell, Adjutant.
IMPENVED (JRDER OF Hower as opps. Patton
awe, No. 3K meets every second and
forth Fridays of ench month ut Ap min
££. Will Greene, Sexy,
{ud EF § don No. 4 of Paton, Cambria
meets every fist Sanday,
nih month tn operas house.
o ah Penns Fiannigan. Free
cal Time Table.
The hours of arrival and departure
of trains at the Patton Station are as
ma NR iat
oN BPM 51 ¥
Peostoffice hours from 7 A. M. 10 8 pg given by the Patton has tall clob
PX in numbers marked gn Lon Priday tight, March 17th
northbound and 8" southbound. WwW. fi. . Goodfellow, a wholesale hand
TUT pe Advertisers. : | Ware merchant of Altoons, stopped at
Hereafter all patrons who wish a { the Palmer house on Friday
display advertisement in the Parton Frank Simonsbarger, of St Boniface, :
CouriEr, or who wish to change their and F, E. Wenta, of St. Lewrence,
Had” now running, must hand their were visitors to Patton on Sunday.
copy in not later than Monday evening | J.T. Sanders, a traveling salesman
of each week. If handed in later than | of Baltimore, Md, stepped at the Corn
Montlay evening it will have to be held mercial hotel a few days this week :
over 'till the next week. Try to get
odpy in early. Patron Pus Co
Pulled Up (harivy.
faces, embroideries, hattonn, bells
; buckles, eto., at Pattem Supply Co
Ee teppid from her earriagy & vison ofl A character has been granted to the
i gowns woes a Juy to beho; eatih . West Branch Copd company, of Spang-
A Ht , hungry ana bres £8 In Geaiih, } 5 . or ad ie pas
Stine shivering here ig Lhe oid. ler, Cambria county. Capital, $1,000.
Shy pve hat a penny. her, woe la relieve, | D. I. Hunderson, of Pittsburg, and
Bul eh! It were better, | guess, :
Fad ihe spared fost a bil from her Mig balloon 3 WW. Blcom, of Williamsport, repis
1 &
ong day list week.
Gow the new arrival of white good | to remain is Patio
has scum empeoyment at
0. 8 Rice and W, Avints, of Index,
Conway county, Ark, are stopping in
Patton this week. They may possibiy
| make this their fature home.
Don’t forget the date of the foutival
to be held by the Patton Fire company
| on Thursday night, April 30th, in Fire
men’s hail. You are invited
Wher von take a rp to Eherpdar
/LOP BL the Bia
Tamed wll right
eeflont and rates moderate
ir Bone ancl Via wi Fi
Acoonnmiiationg £X-
eral cxpigees copl nthe nig hbortiond
of $200.00. from 25
to Th cents Patton
Rapply Co
{rir pabbwars ost
Take ¥ wir Ehweiie
Friday, April 14 and Friday, April
(25, are proclaimed by (Governor Plast
inge me Arbor days throughout the
Qtate the selection of either being jolt
tos the choioe of the pesopie
Alfred Dodson recently had the in
terior of his home on Lang awvinne
painted and papered. The work on
Mr Dodson’s parlor is quite ariistic
and presents a fine appearinoe.
Jol Dixon, of Beech avenue, is mak:
ing several improvements in his hom
in the way of painting and papering
LL M. Letts the popuiar painter ans
paper hanger is doing he Work
The Rochester & Pittsburgh C & 1,
company contemplates Opening 8 thew
mine this season in the vicinity of
Beechtree Junction, The lodatica will
probably be somewhere up Bovaini
The Sweeny Furniture Co will, ia
the near future, open a store in the
building next to the store of H J. Van
dusen, in this place. Their stock hes
already begun fo arrive — Hiwtings
Deputy Sheriff EF Davis wus
presented by his estimable wife with a
fine boy baby on April Ist We nave
pleased to note that both mother ard
ohild are doing well - Ebensbung
John Adams, secompanied by his sm
(itton, of Clearfield, came Lo Yalan
sn business Friday. Mr. Adams re
turned on the same day and his sm
will remain in Patton visiting friends
for a few days
“Speers (Nd Port Grape Wine from
his Oporto Grape vineyards at Passaic,
N. J, his Socialite Claret, vin. 191,
| and his lnelous Burgundy stand nar
rivalled by any wines in the world, =
pecially for invalids, :
John Parker and Eimer La Porte,
both of Philipsburg, came to Fation
Mr. Parker who
ia & hase Ball player of repute, Sxpucts
the Magee |
wi this sonuser
& Lingle boliiery.
Mr MM rain, by
her two daughters, are visiting nia
tivem in Philipstn They will re
main there until Mr. Crain secires a
suitable place for them to live in, wii
he gets his home, which was destroy
23 5
Wet fact. a cold, doctor bills and fun
ty wm
And see what vou have and what you nck.
never so Handsome or so Cheap as they are this year.
snd Patterns end Ahecks and Plaids The neat stripes that are so popuiar
{brown and gray. tod Rerpges, Twoeds, and a woore of pied
Pare Lhe pon iar utaway and the newest round NOTRE
, Agreeable Surprises are Shown by
‘Men's Business suits
at $6.75 and 8.50
Our New Spring Stock is now ready and it sees 6 ns that clothes wis
We know that never before have we seen sorb atlraeti ve Spyies
this season, stylish mixtares m
ties in light and medinm eoght cloth The style
§ thee and four bathoned Sacks
& nol
% 5
- §
5 in
Mens’ Dress Smits.’
at $10.00 to 15.00.
Ratisfy yourself by com
We Make a :
Juriscn or by any test yin wish that no sutablishment hore or
swhere else gives valoes equal 10 ours
Good Building, Next to Bank.
Spring Clothing.
Our cloth and clothing are guaranteed to to be precisely as
represented; the dollars paid for it last, because the clothing
lasts as long as cloth can last. Put three things together]
‘and vou have the secret of our success.
the market. We want you tojndge fir yourself, and invite you to ex-
for over 21 years and constantly grown amine our samples for the Spring and Summer. Read y-
in favor and popularity. Por sale at Made Suits from $6.30 dar00. Tailor-Made Suits from
h and HY OnlIe por battle by Patton £ Bi 2.00 to 3 ACs 00) :
Pharmacy, CW. Haodpkine If not caring to purchase,
: of value 10 you.
Examine our offerings ax shown hy our sales agent,
he at the PALMER HOUSE,
APRIL 9. 18306.
During the winter of 1898 FM :
Martin of Long Reach, W. Va, son.
tracted a severe cold which left him |
with a congh. In speaking of how he |
cured it he says: “Towed several kinds
of eough syrap mt found no relief an-
til I bonght a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, which relieved me al-
most instantly, and in a short time
hronght about a complete core.” When
troubled with a cough or cold pee this
reinedy and yon will not find it neces
sary to try several kinds before you
get relief. It has ben
the infhrmation of what people are wearing will be
Fast of §sclasesad Deliver. ’
Tie following letters remain in the
postaffion at Patton for the week end-
img Saturday, April 14, 189
WF Conley, J PP. Coffman, Peter
Chivdon, Patrick Calwell, Mm Katie
Debarber. Jerome Frye, Joseph Hen
arson. James Johnston, Mrs RB Kan- |
sdy. J.C Lowry, Will M. Row RF.
Smith, Miss Mary Todd, Andrew
Who will THURSDAY,
Wagoner. : Seri
Persons onlling for the above
letters will please ay they are adver.
thand, EA Mriox, P.M
It ber an agreeable surprise to
ET suliect
that prompt relief may be had by tak.
ing Chamberlain's Coll, Choders and
& :
In many instances
vis Bifione solic Io learn
DHarrhoea Remedy
the attack may be prevented by taking
ved y frst symp
tems of the disease appears. 25 and
W cent botiles for sale by Patton
WwW. Hodgkins,
description can be
ote Tine of Heavy an
this remedy 44 soon as the pl d Shelf Hardware and all kinds o
Pharmacy, €
To tanke the poor creators a dress.
To the Pedestrians.
WW hehe'sr yOu gO $0 CTO & street,
pad With Gneom RTD,
and hesitate andl turn; :
c und forth, snd twist and stew,
ride both sidex of you
& single hdr,
right they and there,
tered at the Paimer bBonwe on Matorday. i
| Pred Mellon, who has been stopp by fire last week, rebuilt.
| Fre € rho mn BGPPing lan ’ ;
! i Et FP ¥ Charlie Ward came down froan Fat- sor MR Ea aed Beda av
in Philadelphia the past twelve montis, figs ho : On Thursdiy and Friday evenings,
js spending 4 few Gays with his parents ton Satapday to pack up his hosmhold peli 10th and 17th, the cantana
bin Patton. goods, which will be shipped G3 that «Queen Estinr’’ will be produced in
aeen Esther
; place this week - New Camb rlapd, . Phapsbre Operas F focal
Your fet will feel comfortable And we ve li Tada EE id the Ebensburg Opens House by joe
: 4. W.Va, Independent. Mr Ward's alent The cantata is founded npon
your life become more pheasarable if LL eohod ts arrived in Paton on . AWE a
ou buy your foot wear from Patton i) goods arrived in Pition on geriptaral writings and is the story of
Jo ppl y 2d : Monday, He will oooupy thy D. A how daring the reign of Artaxerxes
pp . Buck honse on Fifth avenue, Mr. Back the whole nation of the jews was in
Patton will have the ‘‘erack™ buse having moved to Loretto recently. danger of perishing.
ball team of this section this summer. | Th, Cosmopolitan Magazine pricser og. Lf es
La : Other teams had better hustle Op OF oo. Jopdary 1506, 300,000 copios; for Dana's Sarsapaciia i» pot only the
Patton Pharmacy. they will not be “in jt.” Pgtruary | 1306, 310,000 cots; for best of all remedies for the
3 5 . gi : Lo : 3 2 2 ad % ig SIN 4] x & 2% oo oy = x A 31 .
Soon time for fittings. J Twenty nine orders filled at $2.50 March, 1596, 330,000 copies, wad for Le Kn Stone be une : hood;
Trailing arbutus will soon be sll the | each on Haturday by Patton Supply April 1596, 23,000 copies Bach Is | a un ne Xr
3 : i . i“ ROA sk. T sme guaraniee a
Co. How the people know a good month the Cosmopolitan has teem out ,, Dani's Pils, (x : Sy ru of
thing when they see it, and still they of print| within a week after publica pie dps OUR = pe
: Fo i : Plasters. For saleby CU. W. Hodgkins,
COME, tion, andl the returns from hens imes | oonp 14010
to date -March 28, are jess than ne tl ; 3k ; Magee Ave.
half of one per cent of the ota editions Hoel Changed Rand. : : :
printed. The American News com The Cresson Record says that the
pany has already taken and paid for Cresson Tan has changed hands. Chas
350,000 dopies of the April sae. Rutheriand and family carry with them
‘ the good wishes of a host of friends. Mr.
: : Wenderath aa the well deserved repu-
: Om last Monday marTing whie A 5 tation of an éxclent hotel man, and
idrew Smith was assisting 1) rolling his coming iv welcomed among the peo-
dogs int the river near Barnside, be gle of Cresson.
| was caught bya jog and befure any
assistanes eontld be rendered three loge
passed over him. bir Prowell, of
Haw ae
And make bm
And pever touch
ot have him shot
Or tap at
C. W. Hodgkin's
x S,
and a general line of BUILDERS MA.
TERIAL kept constantly on band. See us first before buy
It will pay you.
| Patton, Pa.
On Thursday night, April 30th-the
The Corchilonst Madi Qider ioe
je Contend Pemmaiy anti Kitiod While Raing Logs,
Burnside was sunymoned and thought
‘that Mr. Smith was not serfously in-
Trousers to Measure,
1 34-136 Clinton St.,
: jured bgt he died very shortly after the
i pecident. This secident oosired, as
| pear as the men can remember, ai the
very place where Mr Weaver met
i with hin accident bat spring. - Mahat
oh © fey Valley Wave,
do not live
date Dry eo’
inconvenierce at
which coud have
Here's exactly what t
~-If von don’t want a pair it's al
enough to go arcund, anyhow.
“Cloth--Fally a dozen (ir more nest
all- worsted wool —newist effects. well
hey are—Come in and look at them
1 right—There's not near
. Johnstown, Pa,
Would like to have sone of the Patton
Trade. Wa will bave a large three
story building of sar own Allied with
New Spring
Dry Goods,
Etc. Etc.
effects in stripes pur
Bartcstnre Miner Burt worth twice oat asking.
Dominick Shadabelt, a miter em
1 ployed at Barnesborn, was taken tb) the
: al hospital at Johstown Satur
{day affernoun, suffering with a braken
Jeg and bruises and cuts about the
body. | While at work in the mine on
Friday be was casght andera fill of
: Shadabelt ia forty years of age
"People who
“near an up-to-
rea Not many of them, and there’ll soon be less, of course.
make a
If you want the greatest value in a pair of trousers you ever
saw—now is the time to get it Lo
: from so cents to $3.
Naoko. ;
| Weare now ready 10 receive sealed TL}
bids for the erection of the Baptist
bh at Patton. Contractions are
At the
Send Si
* ‘For saa
Samples Reuel S
i you can’t come. Attorney-at-Law, |
Parton, Pa.
Clinton St. Ofice in the Good Building: {i