LT Ome DOPE, ODE YeRY, In advaned, oc e BUT ONE LOGIOAL CANDIDATE. Information appearing in press dis tron Gourier.| | patches of Satarday show that Reeder, - > ¥ PATIOS PUBLISHING COL ¥ roprietars | of Bellefonte, is annoaneed ss a candi 0 THURSDAY, APRIL 9 1896. | date for congress for the Twenty. eighth , | Congressional district. This gives the | district of five counties four Republican $1.00 | eanclidates, Arnold, of Clearfield, Maf- knuwn upon ap fete, of Clarion, Nook, of Forest, amd | Reeder, of Centre. Yet thers is int | the one logical candidate, and he is Mr Arnold. It ought not to eR Lt repeat all of the reasons why it is wn, for the Republicuns of each of the five counties know them, aud they know “that it is good politics he good prbiie service to abide by ther Will they do it? No individual's ambitions TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Sr Advertising rates le plication. seo pt h diseontin ned sutii all Aree AREER are frit Yen EET Opdion of the 1 Er Entered at the Postaffics at Patton as seein 3 has Thali tuatie r TENE or HOLOING COURT, af Monday of March, | Ist Monday of Sept. 1% Monday of Jaa. (ist Munday of Ie. Argament Comite 18 Be id tetwesn the above GEFIERS, President Sudge-Hon, AV. Barker. Prothonotary semaed Tayi Register and Reoomtor- FB, Jones "interests of the party in resnrer— FL IL Barker: Sheriff. Amyvid W. Cimiter, | gressional district, Deputy * Sherif Rimmer Tavis i : strict Artornevio Hos, Murphy : Commmbedonens-- PB Dilion, 3 4 Lod, George M Werte, Commissioners’ (terk Joh YARN, County Supertatendent J. WW. Lesoh. Canty Marvoyor = GO Fatty rian, ; Cramty A dione Witham J Jones, W. { vv, Jareew Puity. SE Cxnumabeioners it. that {HITE Printers of Beal Estate Kimon Lantzy et ux. Anna M. Diet | pick. Carrolitown; consideration, i Anthony Miller to Cathars Miller, Spangler, $1. J. William William Allis et ux. to Effie Jane : Wilson, Cresson, $175. Thomas Bryne ef ax. Wo Miller, Susquehanni, $67. Charles Callahan to William OC: Uahan, Washington, $10. a Trastee of Henry Mellon to Henry | Le Cooper, Chest, Springs, #500. Assignee of Philip J. Digtrick et ux H ‘to Simon P. Lantzy, Carrolitown and Hastings. $2,145. H -, a sino ( Aunstin M. MoClain ot ux. to George aE Te | A. McClain. Spangler, $300. Dilies lon oer Aes} Hanser. ; 8B Corn et ux. to P. H. Edmiston, 3 8. B Com et ux. to P. H. Edmiston, Reade, $50. Ex. President Harrison writes on Adminstrator Forentina “The Enforcement of the Law,” in Jenniie Craver, Carrolitown April Ladies’ Home Journal, and Marrkage Lieeniia, tersely defines the power vested in the 1. following marriage licenses were President to suppress organized dis 0 by the slerk of the Orphan's order. Thie paar imines Under vou, Court for the week ending Thursday, sideration = April il, 1896. She rafironders strikes at Chicago and John Jones, Cambria township, and other points in the West, and subwe- May Bell James, Ebenshurg. guest Hots by organised mobs, and Sylvester B (‘arney. Penn Rus, In Sy le hed tt —_— dina county, Pa, snd Katie J. Stots ° ‘man, Johnstown cars, but of such other cars as were usaally drawn with the postal cars in |; Juniah Stein aml Margaret W. Fi, the sume train: Sal the raises Com : Intnes panies no required to ran mall care, when prevented by violerse |Jobmaiows. ry _ from hauling with them other coaches Cool, Johnstown. assigned to the train; and that any (egley E Boyle _eatting out of cars from a mail train | | comb, Johnstown. was an interference with the trans 0 0g portath on of the United States mails Dale. waa beid that the stoppagy of | trains trains freight or passenger eanning from one State into another pn, that is conducting inter-state commerce spe Thaeslk «or the tearing up of or obstructing the yb wn tracks over which such inter-state com- Daniel W. Brown and Resanna M merce wns carried was an offance +. srppy. Jackson township Salus the pease of the United States. an ce may be enjoined by the . courts, and the army of the United States need by the President to restore orders without waiting for any call ) ; from the State Legislature or the John Lamadue, Br., was firm in White Governor for assistance. It is not township February 23 1825, and was ‘domestic violence,’ in the sense of married the 250 day of May, 1850 to Section 4, Article 4, of the Con. Mary Fllen Krise, when they stitution, bat an attack upon the White township and lived on powers of the National Goverroent, father's farm for five years, and then and neither the request nor the consent moved to her Father's homstead and of the State 1s needed to give the Pres. built a seaall log house and cleared the ident a right to use the means placed farm where be died. He was the father in his hands by the Constitution to of eleven children and is survived by preserve the peace of the U Tnited States, biz wife and eight children, namely and to see that the mails and inter: (ile, of Bakers’ Mines: Jennie, wife State commerce are not stopped nor ‘8M. Watt, of Youngstown, 0.; Wil impeded by violence. A strike of vi. lam, of Bt. Angustine; Annie, olence affecting a street railway in aR Shoff. of Pragality, and Frank, city, or & shop, or a factory, or 8 © oul John, Alice nnd Mary, who lived at mine, or other local interest, or a riot home. He waa a kind husband and raised for the lynching of a prisoner loving father, His reTHAINR Were add charged with an offense against the to rest in the Catholic cemetery ab St State-—all these must be dealt with by Angastine after i solemn High moss by the State authorities, save that, ns has Rev. Father Lod dear been seen, the President may be called “May His Sonl Rest in Peace. upon for aid by the Legisiatare or Governor.” A naiern Wonkiand | CXarvarpar a yd 8, Livingston. Priowsr [rrectors- Farrow Seoereevitie, Thos, T Fos atid James More, BOROUGH OFFICERS. Bu SW) Donnelly, Ceontneii- Ay Juan ary, BF Wise PoP 2 ¥ Cornelio, Dalat x TT. Cui on Board Tn “Crowe, president; G. A ereiary: CH Sandford hone = Tale, HF. Barton, CC Boyer tier of the Penoe — Jesse F. Duie, Maton. rms rer-- WH Sandford. Cher EW {hone ovr Jas: Mellon, A wwosmrsr Tow, H Ricker r Smale, HO Winslow, Beck to Caroline Beck, prosigdent; 8 a warn, Haiph Lainch, | Jamon. Joe Taxon, Wiihiam ENFORCEMENT or THE LAW. Huber to , $575. Fateh and lether Loss, and Maggie B Mo and I. Ftta Clay. Geimel and Othilis Wild, Thomas H. Weraming and L. Ollie | Buterbaagh, Cook port, Indiana county, and Mary JInrasck, (Hh taary. : LOMADCE ~Dhied at bis home in C bos field township, Cambria county, Pa, on Supday evening, March 29, 1886 his The Drathis of Township Suditors The law requires, under penalty, the CAE publication of the annual settiemanta FLOODS AND FORERTS of Township Auditors with Road Saper. The recent. bank-full rivers and visors in the connty papers that erveks should serve as reminders that have the SF BEAR. Arbor Day is approaching, says the est to the township, ami also bs pomters, Pittsburg chronicle telegraph, and that written or printed, in seven copspien there Ia need in Pennsylvania of the ous places within the township. adoption of a systematic forestry gv Auditors content themselves wit tem. The woods of this State have been iatter part af the PEON ERO, 5551 agining 80 generally converted into amber that they thenshy thin that little protection is afforded to the bounds of the jaw, and Tomiie small streams which feed the rivent. | Probably ome reason of this Is that some The snow which used to lie on the fallen papers charge for three insertions, leaves in the forest. melting gradually whereas the law requires but one, arsed and soakihg into the ground, 8 pow the Auditors often deen the publication open to the rays of the sun and the in the paper Looe Xprnalve and gnne- breath of the south wind. Tt melts all | cessary at once, rushes down the bare hillsides, fills the rivers, does a great deal of dam- . ; : dd We call on readers tlention Ws Lhe 1 y isgone. Then comes Lie Jorg following testimonial from undout 3 11%] SL ILA 3 hE {4 § with parched fields and Belen i the excellence and parity 5 is ¥ 4 * Hig en ¥ 5 $355 é dwindling streams, with peopl: and f Booer's Climax Bran te DET» Ax Abily cattle and crope suffering from a Bt b4 soareity of water, A rH ¢ unsoaght testimonial as : : A recel SHAR pat TYLER BR La Tow Prof. Rothrock, head of the Pennsyl- : : . wr RR : J sarity of your brandy. Lady Duffus vania Foresty Commission, is trying to Herds £ Landor ot ma A os i E 0 MIRO Re, AR interest the people in the adoption and old t 4 f mit 3 testing ot ance of mine, on testing carry out of a foresty policy for the scenaniano Sites he the bottle of brandy we brought from state. [tis an work in which evrybady Pi tiately asked me ot % = Ey A 3 3 should be concerted. The planting of RESALE, IRA : lope a like one for her. which T did The trees is a most important duty, both know. tale in the city and the country, and its no 1nle value should be urged upon every citizen. A —— SN IA , Lagi iargest realatio in Kip the Pave Brady. Mi Sperex: 1 congratulate you ou Engl English aristocrats, you brandy ~1 remain, Yours truly. PrExTICE MULFoRE, Editor Graphic For fine neglegee lnundried shirts go to Mirkin & Kusner. - 1681 Spring suits, honest value at £5.00 at Mirkin & Kusner's. 164 pest] ing suid payments of every charieter, and re and of clerks design: steel hy them gteiotly enforond should be allowed to set aside the best Powered to a pr sppatomer, fruit services, streot, Philadelphia, Pa went oo wife of and female, are prety good judges of IMPOTANY TO PENSIONERS. Fay minis of Eirry Character Ahoiinbied. Captain George W. Skinner, pension agent at Pittsbug, has seat out the fol lowing pireniar: “By an act of congrss approved March 23, 1508, section No. 47TH R. 5, 1.5. The act re section abolishes persons Jo rami d has been repexied nis four viskes the anthority of pension age the purpose, to administer oaths in the exeontion of any jp pain) vouchers, gither at the agency is Operative immudiately, and will 4 pension shock cans ay oe i a he re it Fag penritanees, be Fee except by mail “The justive of the peace and aldermen who execute the peision vouchers mast have n certificate o f their official char artir on file at the pension agency, and the notaries public fanst nse their off} cial seal on the vonchers they execute Attention is called to the fact that the pension certifieate past in every in stance be exhibited to the officiating magistrate not. ander any of Priges for Dar Beaders The Da of the ladies’ Every Saturday will give $70 0a in gold be widen gold oy silver tea sels wiver wWiter pite Thera, wilver fern dishes, silver coffee caps and sancers, silver knives and forks, all of goed plate, aiso genuine diamond rings, mnsic boxes, bondoir clocks china sets, sewing mechines, chafing ‘ dishes, ete, in order of merit, to those sending the largest number of words made from the letters contained in the tw words, Ladies’ Every Saturday ia an ap-to date. illustrated weekly for women and girls with over 40,000 circulation. The publishers are actoally giving away thousands of dollars ty introduce their charming sixteen phage journal into new homes, and will offer one of © above rewards to any person sending a list of not less than fifty words Threw wiecent stamps most be en- closed with name and address, for sample number, containing full partic. alars and names owl addresses of handreds who have Already received calnable rewards Stamps refunded to any one having canss for complaint. Write aril address Ladies Every “Ne 92 Walnot Philadelphia Daily Call says, “Ladies’ Every Bator wm vivacious and captivating.” Philadelphia Evening Star says, “The prosperity of the Ladies’ Every Ratur. day is not to be wondered at.” The Philadelphia Daily Novewn says, “Ladies Every Saturday bs firmly intrenched in the favor of the fair sx, especially in Philadelphia’ The Philadelphia Fab fi laviger says, Pha pditor of the Fvery Sabirday gives full fir the at Saturday, EAs day Ladies fHeetre exuslb.t? Record says, hide fair to beoons Ladies & most weloome 4 wewikiy visitor, Rich Prisenveides of Gold At Uripple Creek, fF and olse- and the production for 1598 will bw the tar gest : ever known, estimated at Two Hon wheres, are being mide daily, dred Million Dollars, Cripple Oreck alose is producing over One Million Doliars a month, and steadily increas ing. Mining Stocks are advancing in price more rapidly than aay other Qeocka and many pay dividends of 35 tr 50 per cent. Thay offer the best op- portanity to make & large profit on a gmail investment J. E Morgan & Uo, # Broadway, New York, are financial agents for the Prudential Gold Mining eoompany, and others in the famous Cripple Creek district. They will send you free, teresting particulars of the aig companies thay represent also their speciation gran and cotton containing pew and important featres, Send Yor these books at are interested in any form of specuia- They LM in stocks, many book of ones if voR thon or IVesRtIenta, nagy prove pri hylan 1 you Ld prime hase of Mirkin & Rus Hefire maging your VOGT Sprit it ner IB sist wisi A bewituilie ly Save fig AEP Speers {infernupinited tarape Juice is w 4 ££ al 7 5 v4 51% ermeniing $i Vestas dis tern § SOR er Rg 5 fap i « Diy eerily and fare srating, wirked ated Bait a bade use ried gu § aid VR Eon : " ALG pa e 3 PEEATE 0 250A EY i will keep (Or maths, bovis fo comme in conte! with Kir A warn tepipernian il the fermenting genom ma i will met Kis ¥ popoodd, bat will ferment and southtiy mice how dry Sanaa Zanisg [ee Mirkin & Kusner for clothing sit ovat Market Bepors rs the Un RIER narket bh oweek from Geo . £3 wn 8 al Po special be ne fit of the farms La af Paton WADILY % #% FEY kad yg as wires Th CodborwWi ng Towa Poort, IESE] eu aid Te EXOTE PSY pe in » = desans 3 gga “lra-d-i-e8 Weekly.” Philadelphia Every Saturday Solomon Bl'd'g, R. I. GEORGE, ATTORNEY - AT GALLITZIN, PA, Qaticitor for German National B & 1. a=ssowiation. Wt PFANVIN LAW, E aENERtTG, Pa the inhbabi. that | have inform Pat ten wih To 41 Free New Store next to the Rohan! Building with a oholoe se fenton of » 2 ot [eas AN Coftee by x Ch: na 11d (;lassw: a1€, A PREMIUM (iven with ssch pur hase. A share of your patron. age respectfully reqoested. ALEX. HUNTER, - 15¢f FIFTH AVENUE. tanta Now for Spring = Special preparations and imme ne prarch gees have been made in our store for Spring Trade. Have just received a Car load of of all kinda of Bed Room Suits, ouches and And window shades, All ( lors, womiet Ho ompar cl consisting of a general line of | Onls Plows Repairs of all kinds, Cinder. ‘whatever 1s kept in a General rou A large stock | [ HU nges : ' Flour and Feed. I have recently pun purchased the two flour and feed stores WINDOW BLINDS. avert. Momev S : all grades o Floor and Feed At Prices to Sait your purse. Roller Feed and Poultry Pow- der a Specialty. ime for Sale, ive oe a call, John Gantz, nS TOR. ~THE— .PRTTON- by calling on C.M. Letts the Artistic Paper Hanger, and Painter, for anvining you may peed in his line. You will be sur. prised at his excoadingly 1.OW PRICES Recond storsroom from the Corner Drug Store, Magee Ave, 1514 Decorator Pa. [ do not believe in offering a certain stove or lamp or article at or below cost make you pay more for hing else than it ‘gb, Patton, Iv 3h, ther £31 and 15 Wi wrth. But I Ra mabe do make prices and ask yom to, prices with any i other of Ni an ne gual ty of goods. - HARDWARE, Tinware, Lamps, (lads, P Paints. . Doors, Sash, Plows, Har- Cultivator Shovel Washing Machines, Wri ingers, Pumps, Agate-ware, —IN THE— Good Building. —ALL WORK~— GUARANTEED. Bicycle Repairing a Specialty. rows. ella Stoves and Ranges, and | Store. Hoping to call from yon [am Hardware “eive A Very Respectfully Yours, A. M. Thomas. . Nashmeres, = ilks A beantiful Crayon Portrait will P be given away with every $16 purchase of goods Cornelius, Dealer and Undertaker & McKeluy are now prepared to ft you aut in the latest style Tailor-T1ade at prices almost as low as you oan | “Hand -me- Downs’ that have buy to re-miade ones a week. give satisfaction and fit. You can- not makes money jetting us furnish your : Clothes even if you do than stare-price We don’t pay a little more at Lhe he time. make sits like storesiits, they are civ mune Lo We make then ty Wear. and 3 have not Dewi accustomed to wearing good Tail: ar Made Sita shold ry {= ores. afer that we leave the mal. ter with vil, eXDesriingy Lay as YORE TAEREL P ve har asl Carry clot how sari, iy 33 Yod ha hack eds ALMOST 1,000 NEW SAMPLES abreidy in lot fpon Priuws iroan S15 TO S50). Ard sho tid ARE 1 Roots or Rubbers, we an very Chie prio os THEW and see as, Ward & Mckeh Tay LEA Come Merchant Tailors, PATTON. PA. | y on All our work is guaranteed to faster than by Al can be found at my store in guanties. I have just fetupned from the Eastern Markets and ran now hnd on shelves and counters a selection that would p pleast a { Queer Noth tion =, iy % $: plaid combina- at 50 CEXTS PER YARD. ress {yeu Mas 3sk your 35 & ur staple lines of grevs and cardimel Chameleon More, a pattern wiatll 23 cents. 1 pl I ¥ ard, well wide is squad to many other dealorw’ To Our Se nnblesched muslin An endlewt assortment of shirt waists in stripes, checks and figures from Ale to $1.50 We cordially invite yon to inspect our stock, Respectinliy yours, Geo. S. Good, GOOD BUILDING, Patton, Pa. / TRE CORNER 25, ; 35 such as. blac k. browns, inspection. Ask see which we are selling at 15¢ Wwe to on new Courtesy axtended toward all, Variety Lean Purse iife when nt ov afd 5 1 > r SOEs Into 3 % oth JO S2UOIS wise Hee RETO Wee TO DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FLOUR or FEED, & “ 5 » These are Truth System i |Our Establishment | 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers