Sh TR aT ch a THERE 18 NO NATIONAL MOL IOAY. Saag ign ie Not Even the Laburr Tay Mot Creates Ove, | Say the Lawsers There wou ll seen to be no such thing | $n thiy conntiy us a rational hotiday. Lawyers assert that even Tator suv. which was sod apart boy ant tof ¢ Congre rE $n 1884 10 sath io halt r eonfidizg layman to supp SE TE at hea to be a national outside of Tha 1 Jess by tnt nod regen lath 3 fmdivains The an day wax appr viden that t Ba? in Brat Tromnty i He Ban Fede 23. § de by jaw p Pn p SOE Minto car le were wolfe ime ta the provisr am STINE BPO | whe crliee Bi hixdaye Sans [he act + oak ing Loiidaye of J Biviog WAY postr : riot of Coon lie These Gan clays in fhe Yao EE FLates nly us wre oats sn ba 5 varions state atari, The act of dan with Bn N, fhoes nyicd beth ARE Fo tien too the dna |/0L 5 foxy iy ip alent th 0% o> 4F : public The i and the manne the Distr BOCTERRTY to Labor 4 The misiead pg langoags of the Labor day sot has id bos prevalent statement ! that the first t Men duy of eptember ina W haliday the ghiat the United States act rent. ~~ New York Tribus PRANKS of SCOT? Ti5H FAL PIES A Firex Bellet Po the “Fatr Folk” Sui Lingefs. Thera sti de Bogie a widesiiread beliof in the north of Bootiand that the Of folk. or poveel near, as the gre enlied, still Jive in the doring the first chairs of convalescepen a wher st ba pealously puarded Jess booed oreo or Seon toni OnTae the ohitld of fa niarishment, Lad a BRAT Wa the ™ thee » 15 3 p fod . Inge ans a few mi ents wien RSE iis An Od Dilanial BiseXhouss. As Borne, N Choe was & and the Thess oolisrs styperares bu with gids HO of the wal Datel by. 0% tured @ ui ane 3 EY for sale aud 1D bo 55] pots such as 1h Governor Br ern “0 in has that this book bev Was as i633, Gay Sopig : ing of the Meoyfosiar an Dreaecrat. niin pei Adont £ Giri DE * Jone 1 Biiov New dun }, Jo's &. € hoviut. i Anas aud any day ap imted ot Toons = mended Ly the phe) deat of the United | States fin 8 Haw 4 T pub fast or ta i 3 SAILO ' supeRsTIT IONS. Row Jony Jack Tar aed i) Look Upou the Days of the Week. Superstition as to loeky and rely pliased away. grat and artive on Fr navy regied or holinfs Coty Piro NIL $rpmt "NT 3 i tran reas for saved: Priduy was, of course, the fact of the cymeifixion having taken jHace on that duy, and seotise sats of mpiwing verera tion for the day hevamer clmverted | foriing of f i ile tha (iner 87 Ar Be wae a ul poieer +f direct fg the wind ise were he wished by thie simple roethaod of tarning his cap tla point of thee ix SFR. His powers were much apprecisted antl trusted avd risa ited in his being Xnown ss wi cikp. |! Thera is pa evidensd as to he othe ER ot he condd reguinte the force of the sting as well as the dirpotion ; presuma. biy he comb, or kis daiehifnl believers romld pot have hosn 80 mbny. A Vhag ie of wind! is another common £X pression and indissted sarpething ike? gale. This has been trae] dowy tal clamsiral legend of Eoin und hiscaptive winds confined in bag tical Magazinn FIGURING ThE PROFIT. Fie BEsew When Hs Had 8 Good Thieg and How to Haid on to 16 rabtexd hia hails nother ge fully : Well, I'm winner on that Just dead, if Fs 8 $d A PE The “sv Yamidony Nan Praesens ron Hercie ies. may have in sent hie Rows Viola an dona pale attire che Doss Dope Have fied 4 their bast. 18 is hors sary 10 ponce ive A Tale popreseniniive £ fain Maphet! hothin of Jub, bat i vigverpe hn played Lion on the sl in part from The Bas Famnviors ab ri Fos xpos W hat 1 my toe Ray comid, the plavers of Shakes pes os phan Fig 6 if BY - Honey of mn tage pure, = pox? the bo worn pri stroctod by Way we hard oid mb Akos) a Conld he fied with Magazine He Was Too Realhafie. Lact winter a4 nome of lite pie indn 7, 3 snes 1 fon Paring F prodood a igi {2 ti fa Buriat, climb rs tie emit a of the which 3 bo EDIATIAIAIMNT Wis 2) wiry and enter throngh the window which was at the ragr of the improvised stage. He hurried round from the dressing poems and valiantly eotamenedd strangle np the wall whan ap grasped him by the wick, thi niing | a veritable burglar, He started to explaip, bot 4 ha minion £ tha law wonid bava pens of iL The andisnce was wondering in the mean time why the play did not proceed, and the yoong actors and sctfesses on the stage were eagerly waiting for the har. giar to enter and give them their cos, when they head shriek ku, yells, onths and threats from the garden. Rushing cot they found the master burglar thrashing wil abot tha grass, whi a brawny policeman sat on bis shoulders hamrering His neck into the mud.-— vrand Mazusine fuplieated. A real Me Malap vr wfternoe ny , sd tabard, Lares tinh man Lane seals oir ES owns Loa dip leaving goad ea Bl Iv lo hia taltiee To HUGE a fc os Bap Bay ¥ Phe SOR RS ERR Wy fe Burhan [atolls ad Ba? Tha fact that Foes welpd bits heroines LITTLE QUT AMBER NOW. & Pipe Mout Sms Fa Three Faches Long Worth From S18 to $15 wet feed rinnd mt eral ERE aE £ Hors gtd the pipe get pipe Witn a genni Jott eee HY ste Now York, mur if vim look ar will find 5 was meds sighs or hak bewat in stock. Tul i peel towtay in expensive pe si wali Be in Brier woos, * i “Phe CHeint of the ig Maddy” « Bg Moldy, abe vist,’ was be ETRY preached 14% river aheagt J froma Daesvern, Foal dom the above ta. other divine SHhtoh ete Hu bab ont triet Rowe iad pony of God For td : wl vq Daa af dire aglae? the Peis Lays cone Origin of The Term “a Card.” Hern te an pxirnet hm a jesse uf C Heal $s 3 x a fad EA sry VV oraatiiity Thirty Fhomsand Pieces i Year Turned BOTHAN 3 ELevaTiD ROADS Over btn the Lost Property partment. Fhe elevated oun Mack is a mesteuger in obe of the Ae psrin ments, hoe ag povwd reonrd ae a dedior mend for several ¥ ars bos heen a tbfal employee of SET RRE, Like many rain, he pam draw the 3 Casa pe gris Fe com cat Ina eile North Ipiiea be PAY oe Cty a ime and weheny Be recovers yorn ties piled y « f she sovory fever, ho WES IMIDUS 1 Fy * jugtion « {f eanh ear, 8 yeti { y shears along AT d sighs of Maek's rant in the Wilk with a soley faom ard Were nipping anther sic tion of A BA SS afer then os man aves gir haat (a persons follow, di | pent pero ae 1% man ai pear anes in tl shivering iad a man wes mors shave that paptivnl App heer Wak slpriar.) degree, by Mr Pcie Hick deat! 3 Banily Fact! Hero's t F Mer jad Snow why st is, tnt 1 i i Td mathey lose a day's pay thinn wi A Fans maa, and wien a smonth fae man cones | this alm vor coli To see Che Way wr d Foe RE Lisle Benrs aia 130s Taller ¢ simansiilg apy uier % apoleon at Yat and had his hea ve with: I¥d vim howe anything * warn preder 28ab in the ars When I ives Are Frighteond. i Fok pe AT 1 i om ds and ran Fmt orodd g Debus Ty in thes fur s0ine Yo Ziik CRIP ¥ dive 4 tate svg presented t on of eres ut a en Hallcons have a terrifying effect on ail bind As one pases over a farmrard there is always a rvgniar stampede if the fowls nmder cover, while duoks Staats into the ponds aud dive franticall to gvold the supposed danger. The effect of the diving iv most abannd, as seen fren shoves, for often, owing to the transparency of the water, the violent effet a of the decks to Hide themsalves are pininly visible. Wild birds, eepe- einliy game, sre glo mech perincbed at tha sipht of the balloon, pheasants crow. ing londly and running off, while paw Ages whirh have been Hushed drop Le stones nts a yoighboring bedge- row. Sheen alee stem much alarmed, bat cattle apd horsed appear to take ne ipterest in the matter ~ Macmillan 's Muagasine HOW COMEDIAN C RANE WAS SNUBBED He Gives » Young Actor Same Good Ade view About Seif Congest. A very young wan who mele a hit ¥ » SHIN RLS lied on “rate rma mornisie aud in Stn pantie romaried : arid wastiler an offer 0 000 La petnedion’s campany. The actor Him very eordially a Very Baw, § tala wus we yt eri 1GaKe an i Loe show pearly fase disco varint, Lp rst Spar nid 1 replied. =¥ bis next gue Hoting Just The tags aged me mitpule, Was We Ta iva Tass up 10 mye all the © WR my WRT ie tis earth xindiv have Lig 5 twp § ¥
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